def install_rpm(vmi, rpm): """Install RPM package on a VM. Parameters ---------- rpm : str Path to RPM to be installed. It could be path to .rpm file, or RPM name or URL. """, "Install RPM : %s.", rpm) pkg = rpm if rpm.endswith(".rpm"): pkg = os.path.split(rpm)[1] pkg = pkg[:-4] cmd = utils.Cmd("rpm", "-q", pkg) status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi, cmd) if status == 0:, "RPM %s is already installed.", pkg) return if utils.url_regex.match(rpm):, "Download RPM: %s.", rpm) cmd = utils.Cmd("curl", "-s", "-O", rpm), cmd, admin=True, timeout=500) rpm = os.path.split(rpm)[1], "yes | yum -y install %s" % rpm, admin=True, timeout=500)
def run(vt_test, test_params, env): """Inspects Xorg logs for QLX presence. Parameters ---------- vt_test : avocado.core.plugins.vt.VirtTest QEMU test object. test_params : virttest.utils_params.Params Dictionary with the test parameters. env : virttest.utils_env.Env Dictionary with test environment. Raises ------ TestFail Test fails for some reason. """ test = stest.GuestTest(vt_test, test_params, env) cfg = test.cfg act.x_active(test.vmi) cmd = utils.Cmd("grep", "-i", "qxl", cfg.qxl_log) exit_code, output = act.rstatus(test.vmi, cmd) assert exit_code == 0, "Mention about qxl: %s." % output)
def deploy_epel_repo(vmi): """Deploy epel repository to RHEL VM. """ # Check existence of epel repository cmd = utils.Cmd("test", "-f", "/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo") status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi, cmd) if status: arch = vmi.ssn.cmd("arch") if "i686" in arch: arch = "i386" else: arch = arch[:-1] if "release 5" in vmi.ssn.cmd("cat /etc/redhat-release"): cmd = ( "yum -y localinstall" "pub/epel/5/%s/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm 2>&1" % arch ), "Installing EPEL repository.") vmi.ssn.cmd(cmd) elif "release 6" in vmi.ssn.cmd("cat /etc/redhat-release"): cmd = ( "yum -y localinstall" "pub/epel/6/%s/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 2>&1" % arch ), "Installing EPEL repository.") vmi.ssn.cmd(cmd) else: raise Exception("Unsupported RHEL guest")
def firefox_auto_open_vv(vmi): """Automatically open remote-viewer for proposed .vv file. Doesn't work as expected. See: See content type at: ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile_name>/mimeTypes.rdf application/x-virt-viewer """ pdir = vmi.firefox_profile_dir if not pdir: vmi.vm.error("Firefox profile dir is not defined") return user_js = os.path.join(pdir, "user.js") opts = [] opts.append("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk") opts.append("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile") cmd = utils.Cmd("test", "-e", user_js) status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi, cmd) if status == 0: for o in opts:, "Remove old value %s from Firefox profile: %s", o, user_js) cmd = utils.Cmd("sed", "-i", "-e", "/%s/d" % o, user_js), cmd) line = 'user_pref("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile",' '"application/x-virt-viewer");' cmd1 = utils.Cmd("echo", line) cmd2 = utils.Cmd(user_js) cmd = utils.combine(cmd1, ">>", cmd2), "Add new line %s to Firefox profile: %s", line, user_js), cmd)
def run(vt_test, test_params, env): """Inspects Xorg logs for QLX presence. Parameters ---------- vt_test : avocado.core.plugins.vt.VirtTest QEMU test object. test_params : virttest.utils_params.Params Dictionary with the test parameters. env : virttest.utils_env.Env Dictionary with test environment. Raises ------ TestFail Test fails for some reason. """ test = stest.GuestTest(vt_test, test_params, env) cfg = test.cfg act.x_active(test.vmi) cmd = utils.Cmd("grep", "-i", "qxl", cfg.qxl_log) exit_code, output = act.rstatus(test.vmi, cmd, admin=True) assert exit_code == 0, "Mention about qxl: %s." % output)
def chk_deps(vmi, fname, dst_dir=None): if not dst_dir: dst_dir = act.dst_dir(vmi) dst_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, fname) cmd = utils.Cmd("test", "-e", dst_path) status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi, cmd) if status != 0: act.cp_deps(vmi, fname, dst_path) return dst_path
def x_active(vmi): """Test if X session is active. Do nothing is X active. Othrerwise throw exception. """ cmd = utils.Cmd("gnome-terminal", "-e", "/bin/true") status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi, cmd) if status: raise utils.SpiceUtilsError("X session is not present."), "X session is present.")
def x_turn_on(vmi): ssn = act.new_admin_ssn(vmi) runner = remote.RemoteRunner(session=ssn) srv_mng = service.Factory.create_service( srv_mng.set_target("") # pylint: disable=no-member cmd1 = utils.Cmd("ss", "-x", "src", "*X11-unix*") cmd2 = utils.Cmd("grep", "-q", "-s", "X11") cmd = utils.combine(cmd1, "|", cmd2) status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi, cmd) assert status == 0, "X is: off. But it should not." # TODO, "X is: on.")
def check_usb_policy(vmi): """Check USB policy in polkit file. Returns ------- bool Status of grep command. If pattern is found 0 is returned. 0 in python is False so negative of grep is returned. .. todo: Move USB_POLICY_FILE to cfg. """ cmd = utils.Cmd("grep", "<allow_any>yes", USB_POLICY_FILE) # TODO status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi, cmd), "USB policy is: %s.", status) return not status
def rv_chk_con(vmi): """Tests if connection is active. .. todo:: rewrte to test per session. Parameters ---------- test : SpiceTest Spice test object. Raises ------ RVSessionConnect RV session is not establised. Or established in unexpected way. RVSessionError Something goes wrong. """ test = vmi.test cfg = test.cfg proxy_port = None if vmi.cfg.ssltype == "invalid_implicit_hs" or \ "explicit" in vmi.cfg.ssltype: hostname = socket.gethostname() # See rv_url() function remote_ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) elif cfg.spice_proxy: proxy_port = "3128" if "http" in cfg.spice_proxy: split = cfg.spice_proxy.split('//')[1].split(':') else: split = cfg.spice_proxy.split(':') remote_ip = split[0] if len(split) > 1: proxy_port = split[1]"Proxy port to inspect: %s", proxy_port) else: remote_ip = utils.get_host_ip(test) rv_binary = os.path.basename(cfg.rv_binary) cmd1 = utils.Cmd("netstat", "-p", "-n") grep_regex = "^tcp.*:.*%s.*ESTABLISHED.*%s.*" % (remote_ip, rv_binary) cmd2 = utils.Cmd("grep", "-e", grep_regex) cmd = utils.combine(cmd1, "|", cmd2) time.sleep(5) # Wait all RV Spice links raise up. status, netstat_out = act.rstatus(vmi, cmd, admin=True) if status: raise utils.SpiceUtilsError("No active RV connections.") proxy_port_count = 0 if cfg.spice_proxy: proxy_port_count = netstat_out.count(proxy_port)"Active proxy ports %s: %s", proxy_port, proxy_port_count) port = test.kvm_g.spice_port tls_port = test.kvm_g.spice_tls_port port_count = netstat_out.count(port)"Active ports %s: %s", port, port_count) tls_port_count = 0 if tls_port: tls_port_count = netstat_out.count(tls_port)"Active TLS ports %s: %s", tls_port, tls_port_count) opened_ports = port_count + tls_port_count + proxy_port_count if opened_ports < 4: raise RVSessionConnect(test, "Total links per session is less then 4 (%s)." % opened_ports) if cfg.spice_secure_channels: tls_port_expected = len(cfg.spice_secure_channels.split(',')) if tls_port_count < tls_port_expected: msg = "Secure links per session is less then expected. %s (%s)" % ( tls_port_count, tls_port_expected) raise RVSessionConnect(test, msg) for line in netstat_out.split('\n'): for p in port, tls_port, proxy_port: if p and p in line and "ESTABLISHED" not in line: raise RVSessionConnect(test, "Missing active link at port %s", p) output = test.vm_g.monitor.cmd("info spice") # Check to see if ipv6 address is reported back from qemu monitor if cfg.spice_info == "ipv6": # Remove brackets from ipv6 host ip host_ip = utils.get_host_ip(test) if host_ip[1:len(host_ip) - 1] in output: "Reported ipv6 address found in output from 'info spice'") else: raise RVSessionConnect("ipv6 address not found from qemu monitor" " command: 'info spice'") logger.debug("RV connection checking pass")
def run(vt_test, test_params, env): """GUI tests for remote-viewer. Parameters ---------- vt_test : avocado.core.plugins.vt.VirtTest QEMU test object. test_params : virttest.utils_params.Params Dictionary with the test parameters. env : virttest.utils_env.Env Dictionary with test environment. Raises ------ TestFail Test fails for expected behaviour. """ test = stest.ClientGuestTest(vt_test, test_params, env) cfg = test.cfg vmi_c = test.vmi_c vmi_g = test.vmi_g vm_c = test.vm_c # Screen lock is now disabled in kickstart file for source QCOW images of # SPICE-QE team ( # act.lock_scr_off(vmi_c) act.turn_accessibility(vmi_c) act.x_active(vmi_c) act.x_active(vmi_g) if utils.vm_is_rhel8(vm_c): act.set_alt_python(vmi_c, "/usr/bin/python3") else: act.install_rpm(vmi_c, test.cfg_c.epel_rpm) act.install_rpm(vmi_c, test.cfg_c.dogtail_rpm) act.install_rpm(vmi_c, "xdotool") if utils.vm_is_rhel6(vm_c): # Activate accessibility for rhel6 act.reset_gui(vmi_c) # Copy tests to client VM. # Some tests could require established RV session, some of them, don't. is_connected = False if cfg.make_rv_connect: ssn = act.new_ssn(vmi_c, dogtail_ssn=vmi_c.vm.is_rhel8()) act.rv_connect(vmi_c, ssn) if not cfg.negative: act.rv_chk_con(vmi_c) is_connected = True logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) tdir = act.cp2vm(vmi_c, cfg.client_tests) tpath = os.path.join(tdir, cfg.script) cmd = utils.Cmd('python', *tpath.split()) try: status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi_c, cmd, dogtail_ssn=vmi_c.vm.is_rhel8()) except Exception as e: a = traceback.format_exc()"Exception: %s: %s.", repr(e), a) if cfg.make_rv_connect: out = ssn.read_nonblocking()"RV log: %s.", str(out)) if status: raise utils.SpiceTestFail(test, "Test failed.")
def rv_chk_con(vmi): """Tests if connection is active. .. todo:: rewrte to test per session. Parameters ---------- test : SpiceTest Spice test object. Raises ------ RVSessionConnect RV session is not establised. Or established in unexpected way. RVSessionError Something goes wrong. """ test = vmi.test cfg = test.cfg proxy_port = None if vmi.cfg.ssltype == "invalid_implicit_hs" or \ "explicit" in vmi.cfg.ssltype: hostname = socket.gethostname() # See rv_url() function remote_ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) elif cfg.spice_proxy: remote_ip, proxy_port = utils.URL_parse(cfg.spice_proxy, cfg.http_proxy_port)"Proxy port to inspect: %s, proxy IP: %s", proxy_port, remote_ip) else: remote_ip = utils.get_host_ip(test) rv_binary = os.path.basename(cfg.rv_binary) cmd1 = utils.Cmd("ss", "-n", "-p", "-t", "state", "all") grep_regex = "%s.*%s" % (remote_ip, rv_binary) cmd2 = utils.Cmd("grep", "-e", grep_regex) cmd3 = utils.Cmd("grep", "-v", "CLOSE-WAIT") cmd = utils.combine(cmd1, "|", cmd2, "|", cmd3) status, ss_out = act.rstatus(vmi, cmd, admin=True) if status:"ss output: %s", ss_out) raise utils.SpiceUtilsError("No active RV connections.") proxy_port_count = 0 if cfg.spice_proxy: proxy_port_count = ss_out.count(proxy_port)"Active proxy ports %s: %s", proxy_port, proxy_port_count) port = test.kvm_g.spice_port tls_port = test.kvm_g.spice_tls_port if port == 'no': port_count = 0 else: port_count = ss_out.count(port)"Active ports %s: %s", port, port_count) tls_port_count = 0 if tls_port: tls_port_count = ss_out.count(tls_port)"Active TLS ports %s: %s", tls_port, tls_port_count) opened_ports = port_count + tls_port_count + proxy_port_count if opened_ports < 4: raise RVSessionConnect( test, "Total links per session is less then 4 (%s)." % opened_ports) if cfg.spice_secure_channels: tls_port_expected = len(cfg.spice_secure_channels.split(',')) if tls_port_count < tls_port_expected: msg = "Secure links per session is less then expected. %s (%s)" % ( tls_port_count, tls_port_expected) raise RVSessionConnect(test, msg) if cfg.spice_plaintext_channels: plaintext_port_expected = len(cfg.spice_plaintext_channels.split(',')) if port_count < plaintext_port_expected: msg = ( "Plaintext links per session is less then expected. %s (%s)" % (port_count, plaintext_port_expected)) raise RVSessionConnect(test, msg) for line in ss_out.split('\n'): for p in port, tls_port, proxy_port: if p and p in line and "ESTAB" not in line: raise RVSessionConnect(test, "Missing active link at port %s", p) output ="spice") # Check to see if ipv6 address is reported back from qemu monitor if cfg.spice_info == "ipv6": # Remove brackets from ipv6 host ip host_ip = utils.get_host_ip(test)'host ip = %s', host_ip) if host_ip[1:len(host_ip) - 1] in str(output): "Reported ipv6 address found in output from 'info spice'") else: raise RVSessionConnect("ipv6 address not found from qemu monitor" " command: 'info spice'") logger.debug("RV connection checking pass")
def run(vt_test, test_params, env): """Run remote-viewer at client VM. Parameters ---------- vt_test : avocado.core.plugins.vt.VirtTest QEMU test object. test_params : virttest.utils_params.Params Dictionary with the test parameters. env : virttest.utils_env.Env Dictionary with test environment. """ test = stest.ClientGuestTest(vt_test, test_params, env) cfg = test.cfg vmi_c = test.vmi_c vmi_g = test.vmi_g homedir_g = act.home_dir(vmi_g) success = False act.turn_accessibility(vmi_c) if utils.vm_is_rhel6(test.vm_c): # Activate accessibility for rhel6, BZ#1340160 for rhel7 act.reset_gui(vmi_c) act.x_active(vmi_c) act.x_active(vmi_g) ssn = act.new_ssn(vmi_c) act.rv_connect(vmi_c, ssn) # Nautilus cannot be docked to side when default resolution act.set_resolution(vmi_c, "1280x1024") if not utils.vm_is_rhel8(test.vm_c): act.install_rpm(vmi_c, vmi_c.cfg.dogtail_rpm) dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi_c, cfg.helper_c) if cfg.locked: # enable screen lock cmd = utils.Cmd('rm', '-I', '/etc/dconf/db/local.d/screensaver'), cmd, admin=True) cmd = utils.Cmd('dconf', 'update'), cmd, admin=True) cmd = utils.Cmd('loginctl', 'lock-sessions'), cmd, admin=True)'Locking gnome session on guest') if 'generate' in cfg.test_xfer_file: if cfg.copy_img: test_xfer_file = 'test.png' act.imggen(vmi_c, test_xfer_file, cfg.test_image_size) else: test_xfer_file = 'test.txt' act.gen_rnd_file(vmi_c, test_xfer_file, cfg.xfer_kbytes) elif 'http' in cfg.test_xfer_file: cmd = utils.Cmd('wget', cfg.test_xfer_file), cmd) test_xfer_file = os.path.basename(cfg.test_xfer_file)'Downloading %s', test_xfer_file), "nautilus 2>/dev/null &") if cfg.xfer_args: cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, cfg.xfer_args, test_xfer_file) else: cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, test_xfer_file)'Sending command to client: %s', cmd) try:, cmd) except aexpect.exceptions.ShellCmdError:'Cannot transfer a file.') utils.SpiceTestFail(test, "Test failed.") md5src = act.md5sum(vmi_c, test_xfer_file) try: md5dst = act.md5sum( vmi_g, os.path.join(homedir_g, 'Downloads', test_xfer_file)) except aexpect.exceptions.ShellCmdError:'File is not transferred.') md5dst = None if md5src == md5dst:'%s transferred to guest VM', test_xfer_file) cmd1 = utils.Cmd('lsof') cmd2 = utils.Cmd('grep', '-q', '-s', test_xfer_file) cmd = utils.combine(cmd1, '|', cmd2) status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi_g, cmd) if status:'Transferred file %s is closed.', test_xfer_file) success = True elif cfg.xfer_args == '--negative':'File %s was not transferred.', test_xfer_file) success = True if not success: raise utils.SpiceTestFail(test, "Test failed.")