def __init__(self, task_table, batch_record_table, task_state, date_format, task_condition=""): self._mysqldb = MysqlDB() # mysqldb self._task_table = task_table # mysql中的任务表 self._batch_record_table = batch_record_table # mysql 中的批次记录表 self._task_state = task_state # mysql中任务表的state字段名 self._date_format = date_format # 批次日期格式 self._task_condition_prefix_and = task_condition and " and {}".format( task_condition) self._task_condition_prefix_where = task_condition and " where {}".format( task_condition)
def batch_date(self): """ @summary: 获取批次时间 --------- --------- @result: """ batch_date = os.environ.get("batch_date") if not batch_date: sql = 'select date_format(batch_date, "{date_format}") from {batch_record_table} order by id desc limit 1'.format( date_format=self._date_format.replace(":%M", ":%i"), batch_record_table=self._batch_record_table, ) batch_info = MysqlDB().find(sql) # (('2018-08-19'),) if batch_info: os.environ["batch_date"] = batch_date = batch_info[0][0] else: log.error("需先运行 start_monitor_task()") os._exit(137) # 使退出码为35072 方便爬虫管理器重启 return batch_date
def __init__(self): self._db = MysqlDB() self._create_init = CreateInit()
class CreateItem: def __init__(self): self._db = MysqlDB() self._create_init = CreateInit() def select_columns(self, table_name): # sql = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' + table_name sql = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_TYPE, IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_DEFAULT, EXTRA, COLUMN_KEY, COLUMN_COMMENT FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE table_name = '{}'".format( table_name ) columns = self._db.find(sql) return columns def select_tables_name(self, tables_name): """ @summary: --------- @param tables_name: 一类tables 如 qidian* --------- @result: """ sql = ( "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name like '%s'" % tables_name ) tables_name = self._db.find(sql) return tables_name def convert_table_name_to_hump(self, table_name): """ @summary: 格式化表明为驼峰格式 --------- @param table: --------- @result: """ table_hump_format = "" words = table_name.split("_") for word in words: table_hump_format += word.capitalize() # 首字母大写 return table_hump_format def get_item_template(self): templete_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(__file__, "../../templates/item_template.tmpl") ) with open(templete_path, "r") as file: item_template = return item_template def create_item(self, item_template, columns, table_name_hump_format, support_dict): # 组装 类名 item_template = item_template.replace("${table_name}", table_name_hump_format) # 组装 属性 propertys = "" for column in columns: column_name = column[0] column_type = column[1] is_nullable = column[2] column_default = column[3] column_extra = column[4] column_key = column[5] column_comment = column[6] try: value = ( "kwargs.get('{column_name}')".format(column_name=column_name) if support_dict else ( column_default != "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" and column_default or None ) and eval(column_default) ) except: value = ( "kwargs.get('{column_name}')".format(column_name=column_name) if support_dict else ( column_default != "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" and column_default or None ) and column_default ) if column_extra == "auto_increment" or column_default is not None: propertys += ( "# self.{column_name} = {value} # type : {column_type} | allow_null : {is_nullable} | key : {column_key} | default_value : {column_default} | extra : {column_extra} | column_comment : {column_comment}".format( column_name=column_name, value=value, column_type=column_type, is_nullable=is_nullable, column_key=column_key, column_default=column_default, column_extra=column_extra, column_comment=column_comment, ) + "\n" + " " * 8 ) else: if value is None or isinstance(value, (float, int)) or support_dict: propertys += ( "self.{column_name} = {value} # type : {column_type} | allow_null : {is_nullable} | key : {column_key} | default_value : {column_default} | extra : {column_extra}| column_comment : {column_comment}".format( column_name=column_name, value=value, column_type=column_type, is_nullable=is_nullable, column_key=column_key, column_default=column_default, column_extra=column_extra, column_comment=column_comment, ) + "\n" + " " * 8 ) else: propertys += ( "self.{column_name} = '{value}' # type : {column_type} | allow_null : {is_nullable} | key : {column_key} | default_value : {column_default} | extra : {column_extra}| column_comment : {column_comment}".format( column_name=column_name, value=value, column_type=column_type, is_nullable=is_nullable, column_key=column_key, column_default=column_default, column_extra=column_extra, column_comment=column_comment, ) + "\n" + " " * 8 ) item_template = item_template.replace("${propertys}", propertys.strip()) item_template = deal_file_info(item_template) return item_template def save_template_to_file(self, item_template, table_name, table_name_hump_format): item_file = table_name + "" if os.path.exists(item_file): confirm = input("%s 文件已存在 是否覆盖 (y/n). " % item_file) if confirm != "y": print("取消覆盖 退出") return with open(item_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(item_template) print("\n%s 生成成功" % table_name_hump_format) self._create_init.create() def create(self, tables_name, support_dict): input_tables_name = tables_name tables_name = self.select_tables_name(tables_name) if not tables_name: print(tables_name) tip = "mysql数据库中无 %s 表 " % input_tables_name raise KeyError(tip) for table_name in tables_name: table_name = table_name[0] table_name_hump_format = self.convert_table_name_to_hump(table_name) columns = self.select_columns(table_name) item_template = self.get_item_template() item_template = self.create_item( item_template, columns, table_name_hump_format, support_dict ) self.save_template_to_file( item_template, table_name, table_name_hump_format )
def __init__(self): self._db = MysqlDB()
class CreateTable: def __init__(self): self._db = MysqlDB() def is_vaild_date(self, date): try: if ":" in date: time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") return True except: return False def get_key_type(self, value): try: value = eval(value) except: value = value key_type = "varchar(255)" if isinstance(value, int): key_type = "int" elif isinstance(value, float): key_type = "double" elif isinstance(value, str): if self.is_vaild_date(value): if ":" in value: key_type = "datetime" else: key_type = "date" elif len(value) > 255: key_type = "text" else: key_type = "varchar(255)" return key_type def get_data(self): """ @summary: 从控制台读取多行 --------- --------- @result: """ data = "" while True: line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() data += line if line == "}": break return tools.get_json(data) def create(self, table_name): # 输入表字段 print('请输入表数据 json格式 如 {"name":"张三"}\n等待输入:\n') data = self.get_data() if not isinstance(data, dict): raise Exception("表数据格式不正确") # 拼接表结构 sql = """ CREATE TABLE `{db}`.`{table_name}` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id 自动递增', {other_key} `gtime` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '抓取时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), {unique} ) COMMENT=''; """ print("请设置注释 回车跳过") other_key = "" for key, value in data.items(): key = key2underline(key) key_type = self.get_key_type(value) comment = input("%s : %s -> comment:" % (key, key_type)) other_key += "`{key}` {key_type} COMMENT '{comment}',\n ".format( key=key, key_type=key_type, comment=comment ) print("\n") while True: is_need_batch_date = input("是否添加batch_date 字段 (y/n):") if is_need_batch_date == "y": other_key += "`{key}` {key_type} COMMENT '{comment}',\n ".format( key="batch_date", key_type="date", comment="批次时间" ) break elif is_need_batch_date == "n": break print("\n") while True: unique = input("请设置唯一索引, 多个逗号间隔\n等待输入:\n").replace(",", ",") if unique: break unique = "UNIQUE `idx` USING BTREE (`%s`) comment ''" % "`,`".join( unique.split(",") ) sql = sql.format( db=setting.MYSQL_DB, table_name=table_name, other_key=other_key, unique=unique, ) print(sql) self._db.execute(sql) print("\n%s 创建成功" % table_name)
def __init__(self, task_table, batch_record_table, batch_name, batch_interval, task_keys, task_state="state", min_task_count=10000, check_task_interval=5, task_limit=10000, related_table_folder=None, related_batch_record=None, task_condition="", task_order_by="", table_folder=None, parser_count=None, begin_callback=None, end_callback=None, delete_tabs=(), process_num=None, auto_stop_when_spider_done=None, send_run_time=False, *parser_args, **parser_kwargs): """ @summary: 批次爬虫 必要条件 1、需有任务表 任务表中必须有id 及 任务状态字段 如 state。如指定parser_name字段,则任务会自动下发到对应的parser下, 否则会下发到所有的parser下。其他字段可根据爬虫需要的参数自行扩充 参考建表语句如下: CREATE TABLE `table_name` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `param` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '爬虫需要的抓取数据需要的参数', `state` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '任务状态', `parser_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '任务解析器的脚本类名', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `nui` (`param`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 2、需有批次记录表 不存在自动创建 此表节结构固定,参考建表语句如下: CREATE TABLE `xxx_batch_record` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `batch_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `done_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `total_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; --------- @param task_table: mysql中的任务表 @param batch_record_table: mysql 中的批次记录表 @param batch_name: 批次采集程序名称 @param batch_interval: 批次间隔 天为单位。 如想一小时一批次,可写成1/24 @param task_keys: 需要获取的任务字段 列表 [] 如需指定解析的parser,则需将parser_name字段取出来。 @param task_state: mysql中任务表的state字段名 @param min_task_count: redis 中最少任务数, 少于这个数量会从mysql的任务表取任务 @param check_task_interval: 检查是否还有任务的时间间隔; @param task_limit: 数据库中取任务的数量 @param table_folder: 爬虫request及item存放reis中的文件夹 @param parser_count: 线程数,默认为配置文件中的线程数 @param begin_callback: 爬虫开始回调函数 @param end_callback: 爬虫结束回调函数 @param delete_tabs: 爬虫启动时删除的表,元组类型。 支持正则 @param process_num: 进程数 @param auto_stop_when_spider_done: 爬虫抓取完毕后是否自动结束或等待任务,默认自动结束 @param send_run_time: 发送运行时间 @param related_table_folder: 有关联的其他爬虫任务表(redis) @param related_batch_record: 有关联的其他爬虫批次表(mysql)注意:要避免环路 如 A -> B & B -> A 。 环路可用related_table_folder指定 related_table_folder 与 related_batch_record 选其一配置即可。 若相关连的爬虫为批次爬虫,推荐以related_batch_record配置, 若相关连的爬虫为普通爬虫,无批次表,可以以related_table_folder配置 @param task_condition: 任务条件 用于从一个大任务表中挑选出数据自己爬虫的任务,及where后的条件语句 @param task_order_by: 取任务时的排序条件 如 id desc @param *parser_args: 传给parser下start_requests的参数, tuple() @param **parser_kwargs: 传给parser下start_requests的参数, dict() --------- @result: """ Scheduler.__init__( self, table_folder=table_folder, parser_count=parser_count, begin_callback=begin_callback, end_callback=end_callback, delete_tabs=delete_tabs, process_num=process_num, auto_stop_when_spider_done=auto_stop_when_spider_done, auto_start_requests=False, send_run_time=send_run_time, batch_interval=batch_interval, *parser_args, **parser_kwargs) self._redisdb = RedisDB() self._mysqldb = MysqlDB() self._request_buffer = RequestBuffer(self._table_folder) self._task_table = task_table # mysql中的任务表 self._batch_record_table = batch_record_table # mysql 中的批次记录表 self._batch_name = batch_name # 批次采集程序名称 self._task_keys = task_keys # 需要获取的任务字段 self._task_state = task_state # mysql中任务表的state字段名 self._min_task_count = min_task_count # redis 中最少任务数 self._check_task_interval = check_task_interval self._task_limit = task_limit # mysql中一次取的任务数量 self._related_task_tables = [ setting.TAB_REQUSETS.format(table_folder=table_folder) ] # 自己的task表也需要检查是否有任务 if related_table_folder: self._related_task_tables.append( setting.TAB_REQUSETS.format(table_folder=related_table_folder)) self._related_batch_record = related_batch_record self._task_condition_prefix_and = task_condition and " and {}".format( task_condition) self._task_condition_prefix_where = task_condition and " where {}".format( task_condition) self._task_order_by = task_order_by and " order by {}".format( task_order_by) self._batch_date_cache = None if self._batch_interval >= 1: self._date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" elif self._batch_interval < 1 and self._batch_interval >= 1 / 24: self._date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H" else: self._date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" # 报警相关 self._send_msg_interval = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) # 每隔1小时发送一次报警 self._last_send_msg_time = None self._spider_last_done_time = None # 爬虫最近已做任务数量时间 self._spider_last_done_count = 0 # 爬虫最近已做任务数量 self._spider_deal_speed_cached = None self._is_more_parsers = True # 多模版类爬虫
class BatchSpider(BatchParser, Scheduler): def __init__(self, task_table, batch_record_table, batch_name, batch_interval, task_keys, task_state="state", min_task_count=10000, check_task_interval=5, task_limit=10000, related_table_folder=None, related_batch_record=None, task_condition="", task_order_by="", table_folder=None, parser_count=None, begin_callback=None, end_callback=None, delete_tabs=(), process_num=None, auto_stop_when_spider_done=None, send_run_time=False, *parser_args, **parser_kwargs): """ @summary: 批次爬虫 必要条件 1、需有任务表 任务表中必须有id 及 任务状态字段 如 state。如指定parser_name字段,则任务会自动下发到对应的parser下, 否则会下发到所有的parser下。其他字段可根据爬虫需要的参数自行扩充 参考建表语句如下: CREATE TABLE `table_name` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `param` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '爬虫需要的抓取数据需要的参数', `state` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '任务状态', `parser_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '任务解析器的脚本类名', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `nui` (`param`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 2、需有批次记录表 不存在自动创建 此表节结构固定,参考建表语句如下: CREATE TABLE `xxx_batch_record` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `batch_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `done_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `total_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; --------- @param task_table: mysql中的任务表 @param batch_record_table: mysql 中的批次记录表 @param batch_name: 批次采集程序名称 @param batch_interval: 批次间隔 天为单位。 如想一小时一批次,可写成1/24 @param task_keys: 需要获取的任务字段 列表 [] 如需指定解析的parser,则需将parser_name字段取出来。 @param task_state: mysql中任务表的state字段名 @param min_task_count: redis 中最少任务数, 少于这个数量会从mysql的任务表取任务 @param check_task_interval: 检查是否还有任务的时间间隔; @param task_limit: 数据库中取任务的数量 @param table_folder: 爬虫request及item存放reis中的文件夹 @param parser_count: 线程数,默认为配置文件中的线程数 @param begin_callback: 爬虫开始回调函数 @param end_callback: 爬虫结束回调函数 @param delete_tabs: 爬虫启动时删除的表,元组类型。 支持正则 @param process_num: 进程数 @param auto_stop_when_spider_done: 爬虫抓取完毕后是否自动结束或等待任务,默认自动结束 @param send_run_time: 发送运行时间 @param related_table_folder: 有关联的其他爬虫任务表(redis) @param related_batch_record: 有关联的其他爬虫批次表(mysql)注意:要避免环路 如 A -> B & B -> A 。 环路可用related_table_folder指定 related_table_folder 与 related_batch_record 选其一配置即可。 若相关连的爬虫为批次爬虫,推荐以related_batch_record配置, 若相关连的爬虫为普通爬虫,无批次表,可以以related_table_folder配置 @param task_condition: 任务条件 用于从一个大任务表中挑选出数据自己爬虫的任务,及where后的条件语句 @param task_order_by: 取任务时的排序条件 如 id desc @param *parser_args: 传给parser下start_requests的参数, tuple() @param **parser_kwargs: 传给parser下start_requests的参数, dict() --------- @result: """ Scheduler.__init__( self, table_folder=table_folder, parser_count=parser_count, begin_callback=begin_callback, end_callback=end_callback, delete_tabs=delete_tabs, process_num=process_num, auto_stop_when_spider_done=auto_stop_when_spider_done, auto_start_requests=False, send_run_time=send_run_time, batch_interval=batch_interval, *parser_args, **parser_kwargs) self._redisdb = RedisDB() self._mysqldb = MysqlDB() self._request_buffer = RequestBuffer(self._table_folder) self._task_table = task_table # mysql中的任务表 self._batch_record_table = batch_record_table # mysql 中的批次记录表 self._batch_name = batch_name # 批次采集程序名称 self._task_keys = task_keys # 需要获取的任务字段 self._task_state = task_state # mysql中任务表的state字段名 self._min_task_count = min_task_count # redis 中最少任务数 self._check_task_interval = check_task_interval self._task_limit = task_limit # mysql中一次取的任务数量 self._related_task_tables = [ setting.TAB_REQUSETS.format(table_folder=table_folder) ] # 自己的task表也需要检查是否有任务 if related_table_folder: self._related_task_tables.append( setting.TAB_REQUSETS.format(table_folder=related_table_folder)) self._related_batch_record = related_batch_record self._task_condition_prefix_and = task_condition and " and {}".format( task_condition) self._task_condition_prefix_where = task_condition and " where {}".format( task_condition) self._task_order_by = task_order_by and " order by {}".format( task_order_by) self._batch_date_cache = None if self._batch_interval >= 1: self._date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" elif self._batch_interval < 1 and self._batch_interval >= 1 / 24: self._date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H" else: self._date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" # 报警相关 self._send_msg_interval = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) # 每隔1小时发送一次报警 self._last_send_msg_time = None self._spider_last_done_time = None # 爬虫最近已做任务数量时间 self._spider_last_done_count = 0 # 爬虫最近已做任务数量 self._spider_deal_speed_cached = None self._is_more_parsers = True # 多模版类爬虫 def init_property(self): """ 每个批次开始时需要重置的属性 @return: """ self._last_send_msg_time = None self._spider_last_done_time = None self._spider_last_done_count = 0 # 爬虫刚开始启动时已做任务数量 def add_parser(self, parser): parser = parser( self._task_table, self._batch_record_table, self._task_state, self._date_format, ) # parser 实例化 self._parsers.append(parser) def start_monitor_task(self): """ @summary: 监控任务状态 --------- --------- @result: """ if not self._parsers: # 不是多模版模式, 将自己注入到parsers,自己为模版 self._is_more_parsers = False self._parsers.append(self) elif len(self._parsers) <= 1: self._is_more_parsers = False self.create_batch_record_table() # 添加任务 for parser in self._parsers: parser.add_task() is_first_check = True while True: try: if self.check_batch(is_first_check): # 该批次已经做完 if not self._auto_stop_when_spider_done: is_first_check = True"爬虫所有任务已做完,不自动结束,等待新任务...") time.sleep(self._check_task_interval) continue else: break is_first_check = False # 检查redis中是否有任务 任务小于_min_task_count 则从mysql中取 tab_requests = setting.TAB_REQUSETS.format( table_folder=self._table_folder) todo_task_count = self._redisdb.zget_count(tab_requests) tasks = [] if todo_task_count < self._min_task_count: # 从mysql中取任务 # 更新batch表的任务状态数量 self.update_task_done_count()"redis 中剩余任务%s 数量过小 从mysql中取任务追加" % todo_task_count) tasks = self.get_todo_task_from_mysql() if not tasks: # 状态为0的任务已经做完,需要检查状态为2的任务是否丢失 if (todo_task_count == 0 ): # redis 中无待做任务,此时mysql中状态为2的任务为丢失任务。需重新做 lose_task_count = self.get_lose_task_count() if not lose_task_count: time.sleep(self._check_task_interval) continue elif ( lose_task_count > self._task_limit * 5 ): # 丢失任务太多,直接重置,否则每次等redis任务消耗完再取下一批丢失任务,速度过慢"正在重置丢失任务为待做 共 {} 条".format( lose_task_count)) # 重置正在做的任务为待做 if self.reset_lose_task_from_mysql():"重置丢失任务成功") else:"重置丢失任务失败") continue else: # 丢失任务少,直接取"正在取丢失任务 共 {} 条, 取 {} 条".format( lose_task_count, self._task_limit if self._task_limit <= lose_task_count else lose_task_count, )) tasks = self.get_doing_task_from_mysql() else:"mysql 中取到待做任务 %s 条" % len(tasks)) else:"redis 中尚有%s条积压任务,暂时不派发新任务" % todo_task_count) if not tasks: if todo_task_count >= self._min_task_count: #'任务正在进行 redis中剩余任务 %s' % todo_task_count) pass else:"mysql 中无待做任务 redis中剩余任务 %s" % todo_task_count) else: # make start requests self.distribute_task(tasks)"添加任务到redis成功") except Exception as e: log.exception(e) time.sleep(self._check_task_interval) def create_batch_record_table(self): sql = ( "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name like '%s'" % self._batch_record_table) tables_name = self._mysqldb.find(sql) if not tables_name: sql = """ CREATE TABLE `{table_name}` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `batch_date` {batch_date} DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '批次时间', `done_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '完成数 (1,-1)', `total_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '任务总数', `fail_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '失败任务数 (-1)', `interval` float(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '批次间隔', `interval_unit` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '批次间隔单位 day, hour', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '批次开始时间', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '本条记录更新时间', `is_done` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '批次是否完成 0 未完成 1 完成', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; """.format( table_name=self._batch_record_table, batch_date="date" if self._date_format == "%Y-%m-%d" else "datetime", ) self._mysqldb.execute(sql) def distribute_task(self, tasks): """ @summary: 分发任务 --------- @param tasks: --------- @result: """ if self._is_more_parsers: # 为多模版类爬虫,需要下发指定的parser for task in tasks: for parser in self._parsers: # 寻找task对应的parser if in task: requests = parser.start_requests(task) if requests and not isinstance(requests, Iterable): raise Exception("%s.%s返回值必须可迭代" % (, "start_requests")) result_type = 1 for request in requests or []: if isinstance(request, Request): request.parser_name = request.parser_name or self._request_buffer.put_request(request) result_type = 1 elif isinstance(request, Item): self._item_buffer.put_item(request) result_type = 2 if (self._item_buffer.get_items_count() >= MAX_ITEM_COUNT): self._item_buffer.flush() elif callable( request): # callbale的request可能是更新数据库操作的函数 if result_type == 1: self._request_buffer.put_request(request) else: self._item_buffer.put_item(request) if (self._item_buffer.get_items_count() >= MAX_ITEM_COUNT): self._item_buffer.flush() else: raise TypeError( "start_requests yield result type error, expect Request、Item、callback func, bug get type: {}" .format(type(requests))) break else: # task没对应的parser 则将task下发到所有的parser for task in tasks: for parser in self._parsers: requests = parser.start_requests(task) if requests and not isinstance(requests, Iterable): raise Exception("%s.%s返回值必须可迭代" % (, "start_requests")) result_type = 1 for request in requests or []: if isinstance(request, Request): request.parser_name = request.parser_name or self._request_buffer.put_request(request) result_type = 1 elif isinstance(request, Item): self._item_buffer.put_item(request) result_type = 2 if self._item_buffer.get_items_count( ) >= MAX_ITEM_COUNT: self._item_buffer.flush() elif callable( request): # callbale的request可能是更新数据库操作的函数 if result_type == 1: self._request_buffer.put_request(request) else: self._item_buffer.put_item(request) if (self._item_buffer.get_items_count() >= MAX_ITEM_COUNT): self._item_buffer.flush() self._request_buffer.flush() self._item_buffer.flush() def __get_task_state_count(self): sql = "select {state}, count(1) from {task_table}{task_condition} group by {state}".format( state=self._task_state, task_table=self._task_table, task_condition=self._task_condition_prefix_where, ) task_state_count = self._mysqldb.find(sql) task_state = { "total_count": sum(count for state, count in task_state_count), "done_count": sum(count for state, count in task_state_count if state in (1, -1)), "failed_count": sum(count for state, count in task_state_count if state == -1), } return task_state def update_task_done_count(self): """ @summary: 更新批次表中的任务状态 --------- --------- @result: """ task_count = self.__get_task_state_count() #'《%s》 批次进度 %s/%s' % (self._batch_name, done_task_count, total_task_count)) # 更新批次表 sql = "update {} set done_count = {}, total_count = {}, fail_count = {}, update_time = CURRENT_TIME, is_done=0, `interval` = {}, interval_unit = '{}' where batch_date = '{}'".format( self._batch_record_table, task_count.get("done_count"), task_count.get("total_count"), task_count.get("failed_count"), self._batch_interval if self._batch_interval >= 1 else self._batch_interval * 24, "day" if self._batch_interval >= 1 else "hour", self.batch_date, ) self._mysqldb.update(sql) def update_is_done(self): sql = "update {} set is_done = 1, update_time = CURRENT_TIME where batch_date = '{}' and is_done = 0".format( self._batch_record_table, self.batch_date) self._mysqldb.update(sql) def get_todo_task_from_mysql(self): """ @summary: 取待做的任务 --------- --------- @result: """ # TODO 分批取数据 每批最大取 1000000个,防止内存占用过大 # 查询任务 sql = "select %s from %s where %s = 0%s%s limit %s" % ( ", ".join(self._task_keys), self._task_table, self._task_state, self._task_condition_prefix_and, self._task_order_by, self._task_limit, ) tasks = self._mysqldb.find(sql) if tasks: # 更新任务状态 for i in range(0, len(tasks), 10000): # 10000 一批量更新 task_ids = str(tuple([task[0] for task in tasks[i:i + 10000] ])).replace(",)", ")") sql = "update %s set %s = 2 where id in %s" % ( self._task_table, self._task_state, task_ids, ) self._mysqldb.update(sql) return tasks def get_doing_task_from_mysql(self): """ @summary: 取正在做的任务 --------- --------- @result: """ # 查询任务 sql = "select %s from %s where %s = 2%s%s limit %s" % ( ", ".join(self._task_keys), self._task_table, self._task_state, self._task_condition_prefix_and, self._task_order_by, self._task_limit, ) tasks = self._mysqldb.find(sql) return tasks def get_lose_task_count(self): sql = 'select date_format(batch_date, "{date_format}"), total_count, done_count from {batch_record_table} order by id desc limit 1'.format( date_format=self._date_format.replace(":%M", ":%i"), batch_record_table=self._batch_record_table, ) batch_info = self._mysqldb.find(sql) # (('2018-08-19', 49686, 0),) batch_date, total_count, done_count = batch_info[0] return total_count - done_count def reset_lose_task_from_mysql(self): """ @summary: 重置丢失任务为待做 --------- --------- @result: """ sql = "update {table} set {state} = 0 where {state} = 2{task_condition}".format( table=self._task_table, state=self._task_state, task_condition=self._task_condition_prefix_and, ) return self._mysqldb.update(sql) def get_deal_speed(self, total_count, done_count, last_batch_date): """ 获取处理速度 @param total_count: 总数量 @param done_count: 做完数量 @param last_batch_date: 批次时间 datetime @return: deal_speed (条/小时), need_time (秒), overflow_time(秒) ( overflow_time < 0 时表示提前多少秒完成 ) 或 None """ if not self._spider_last_done_count: now_date = self._spider_last_done_count = done_count self._spider_last_done_time = now_date if done_count > self._spider_last_done_count: now_date = time_interval = (now_date - self._spider_last_done_time).total_seconds() deal_speed = (done_count - self._spider_last_done_count) / time_interval # 条/秒 need_time = (total_count - done_count) / deal_speed # 单位秒 overflow_time = ( (now_date - last_batch_date).total_seconds() + need_time - datetime.timedelta(days=self._batch_interval).total_seconds() ) # 溢出时间 秒 calculate_speed_time = now_date.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # 统计速度时间 deal_speed = int(deal_speed * 3600) # 条/小时 # 更新最近已做任务数及时间 self._spider_last_done_count = done_count self._spider_last_done_time = now_date self._spider_deal_speed_cached = ( deal_speed, need_time, overflow_time, calculate_speed_time, ) return self._spider_deal_speed_cached def check_batch(self, is_first_check=False): """ @summary: 检查批次是否完成 --------- @param: is_first_check 是否为首次检查,若首次检查,且检查结果为批次已完成,则不发送批次完成消息。因为之前发送过了 --------- @result: 完成返回True 否则False """ sql = 'select date_format(batch_date, "{date_format}"), total_count, done_count from {batch_record_table} order by id desc limit 1'.format( date_format=self._date_format.replace(":%M", ":%i"), batch_record_table=self._batch_record_table, ) batch_info = self._mysqldb.find(sql) # (('2018-08-19', 49686, 0),) if batch_info: batch_date, total_count, done_count = batch_info[0] now_date = last_batch_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( batch_date, self._date_format) time_difference = now_date - last_batch_date if total_count == done_count and time_difference < datetime.timedelta( days=self._batch_interval): # 若在本批次内,再次检查任务表是否有新增任务 # # 改成查询任务表 看是否真的没任务了,因为batch_record表里边的数量可能没来得及更新 task_count = self.__get_task_state_count() total_count = task_count.get("total_count") done_count = task_count.get("done_count") if total_count == done_count: # 检查相关联的爬虫是否完成 releated_spider_is_done = self.related_spider_is_done() if releated_spider_is_done == False: msg = "《{}》本批次未完成, 正在等待依赖爬虫 {} 结束. 批次时间 {} 批次进度 {}/{}".format( self._batch_name, self._related_batch_record or self._related_task_tables, batch_date, done_count, total_count, ) # 检查是否超时 超时发出报警 if time_difference >= datetime.timedelta( days=self._batch_interval): # 已经超时 if (not self._last_send_msg_time or now_date - self._last_send_msg_time >= self._send_msg_interval): self._last_send_msg_time = now_date self.send_msg(msg, level="error") return False elif releated_spider_is_done == True: # 更新is_done 状态 self.update_is_done() else: self.update_is_done() msg = "《{}》本批次完成 批次时间 {} 共处理 {} 条任务".format( self._batch_name, batch_date, done_count) if not is_first_check: self.send_msg(msg) # 判断下一批次是否到 if time_difference >= datetime.timedelta( days=self._batch_interval): msg = "《{}》下一批次开始".format(self._batch_name) self.send_msg(msg) # 初始化任务表状态 if self.init_task() != False: # 更新失败返回False 其他返回True/None # 初始化属性 self.init_property() is_success = ( self.record_batch() ) # 有可能插入不成功,但是任务表已经重置了,不过由于当前时间为下一批次的时间,检查批次是否结束时不会检查任务表,所以下次执行时仍然会重置 if is_success: "插入新批次记录成功 1分钟后开始下发任务") # 防止work批次时间没来得及更新 tools.delay_time(60) return False # 下一批次开始 else: return True # 下一批次不开始。先不派发任务,因为批次表新批次插入失败了,需要插入成功后再派发任务 else:"《{}》下次批次时间未到".format(self._batch_name)) if not is_first_check: self.send_msg("《{}》下次批次时间未到".format(self._batch_name)) return True else: if time_difference >= datetime.timedelta( days=self._batch_interval): # 已经超时 time_out = time_difference - datetime.timedelta( days=self._batch_interval) time_out_pretty = tools.format_seconds( time_out.total_seconds()) msg = "《{}》本批次已超时{} 批次时间 {}, 批次进度 {}/{}".format( self._batch_name, time_out_pretty, batch_date, done_count, total_count, ) if self._batch_interval >= 1: msg += ", 期望时间{}天".format(self._batch_interval) else: msg += ", 期望时间{}小时".format(self._batch_interval * 24) result = self.get_deal_speed( total_count=total_count, done_count=done_count, last_batch_date=last_batch_date, ) if result: deal_speed, need_time, overflow_time, calculate_speed_time = ( result) msg += ", 任务处理速度于{}统计, 约 {}条/小时, 预计还需 {}".format( calculate_speed_time, deal_speed, tools.format_seconds(need_time), ) if overflow_time > 0: msg += ", 该批次预计总超时 {}, 请及时处理".format( tools.format_seconds(overflow_time)) if (not self._last_send_msg_time or now_date - self._last_send_msg_time >= self._send_msg_interval): self._last_send_msg_time = now_date self.send_msg(msg, level="error") else: # 未超时 remaining_time = ( datetime.timedelta(days=self._batch_interval) - time_difference) remaining_time_pretty = tools.format_seconds( remaining_time.total_seconds()) if self._batch_interval >= 1: msg = "《{}》本批次正在进行, 批次时间 {}, 批次进度 {}/{}, 期望时间{}天, 剩余{}".format( self._batch_name, batch_date, done_count, total_count, self._batch_interval, remaining_time_pretty, ) else: msg = "《{}》本批次正在进行, 批次时间 {}, 批次进度 {}/{}, 期望时间{}小时, 剩余{}".format( self._batch_name, batch_date, done_count, total_count, self._batch_interval * 24, remaining_time_pretty, ) result = self.get_deal_speed( total_count=total_count, done_count=done_count, last_batch_date=last_batch_date, ) if result: deal_speed, need_time, overflow_time, calculate_speed_time = ( result) msg += ", 任务处理速度于{}统计, 约 {}条/小时, 预计还需 {}".format( calculate_speed_time, deal_speed, tools.format_seconds(need_time), ) if overflow_time > 0: msg += ", 该批次可能会超时 {}, 请及时处理".format( tools.format_seconds(overflow_time)) # 发送警报 if (not self._last_send_msg_time or now_date - self._last_send_msg_time >= self._send_msg_interval): self._last_send_msg_time = now_date self.send_msg(msg, level="error") elif overflow_time < 0: msg += ", 该批次预计提前 {} 完成".format( tools.format_seconds(-overflow_time)) else: # 插入batch_date self.record_batch() # 初始化任务表状态 可能有产生任务的代码 self.init_task() return False def related_spider_is_done(self): """ 相关连的爬虫是否跑完 @return: True / False / None 表示无相关的爬虫 可由自身的total_count 和 done_count 来判断 """ for related_redis_task_table in self._related_task_tables: if self._redisdb.exists_key(related_redis_task_table): return False if self._related_batch_record: sql = "select is_done from {} order by id desc limit 1".format( self._related_batch_record) is_done = self._mysqldb.find(sql) is_done = is_done[0][0] if is_done else None if is_done is None: log.warning("相关联的批次表不存在或无批次信息") return None if not is_done: return False return True def record_batch(self): """ @summary: 记录批次信息(初始化) --------- --------- @result: """ # 查询总任务数 sql = "select count(1) from %s%s" % ( self._task_table, self._task_condition_prefix_where, ) total_task_count = self._mysqldb.find(sql)[0][0] batch_date = tools.get_current_date(self._date_format) sql = ( "insert into %s (batch_date, done_count, total_count, `interval`, interval_unit, create_time) values ('%s', %s, %s, %s, '%s', CURRENT_TIME)" % ( self._batch_record_table, batch_date, 0, total_task_count, self._batch_interval if self._batch_interval >= 1 else self._batch_interval * 24, "day" if self._batch_interval >= 1 else "hour", )) affect_count = self._mysqldb.add(sql) # None / 0 / 1 (1 为成功) if affect_count: # 重置批次日期 self._batch_date_cache = batch_date # 重新刷下self.batch_date 中的 os.environ.get('batch_date') 否则日期还停留在上一个批次 os.environ["batch_date"] = self._batch_date_cache # 爬虫开始 self.spider_begin() self.record_spider_state( spider_type=2, state=0, batch_date=batch_date, spider_start_time=tools.get_current_date(), batch_interval=self._batch_interval, ) else: log.error("插入新批次失败") return affect_count # -------- 批次结束逻辑 ------------ def task_is_done(self): """ @summary: 检查任务状态 是否做完 同时更新批次时间 (不能挂 挂了批次时间就不更新了) --------- --------- @result: True / False (做完 / 未做完) """ is_done = False # 查看批次记录表任务状态 sql = 'select date_format(batch_date, "{date_format}"), total_count, done_count, is_done from {batch_record_table} order by id desc limit 1'.format( date_format=self._date_format.replace(":%M", ":%i"), batch_record_table=self._batch_record_table, ) batch_info = self._mysqldb.find(sql) if batch_info is None: raise Exception("查询批次信息失败") if batch_info: self._batch_date_cache, total_count, done_count, is_done = batch_info[ 0] # 更新self._batch_date_cache, 防止新批次已经开始了,但self._batch_date_cache还是原来的批次时间"《%s》 批次时间%s 批次进度 %s/%s 完成状态 %d" % ( self._batch_name, self._batch_date_cache, done_count, total_count, is_done, )) os.environ[ "batch_date"] = self._batch_date_cache # 更新BatchParser里边的批次时间 if is_done: # 检查任务表中是否有没做的任务 若有则is_done 为 False # 比较耗时 加锁防止多进程同时查询 with RedisLock( key=self._spider_name, timeout=3600, wait_timeout=0, redis_uri="redis://:{password}@{host_post}/{db}".format( password=setting.REDISDB_USER_PASS, host_post=setting.REDISDB_IP_PORTS, db=setting.REDISDB_DB, ), ) as lock: if lock.locked:"批次表标记已完成,正在检查任务表是否有未完成的任务") sql = "select 1 from %s where (%s = 0 or %s=2)%s limit 1" % ( self._task_table, self._task_state, self._task_state, self._task_condition_prefix_and, ) tasks = self._mysqldb.find(sql) # [(1,)] / [] if tasks:"检测到任务表中有未完成任务,等待任务下发") is_done = False # 更新batch_record 表的is_done 状态,减少查询任务表的次数 sql = 'update {batch_record_table} set is_done = 0 where batch_date = "{batch_date}"'.format( batch_record_table=self._batch_record_table, batch_date=self._batch_date_cache, ) self._mysqldb.update(sql) else:"任务表中任务均已完成,爬虫结束") else:"批次表标记已完成,其他爬虫进程正在检查任务表是否有未完成的任务,本进程跳过检查,继续等待") is_done = False return is_done def run(self): """ @summary: 重写run方法 检查mysql中的任务是否做完, 做完停止 --------- --------- @result: """ try: self.create_batch_record_table() if not self._parsers: # 不是add_parser 模式 self._parsers.append(self) self._start() while True: if ( self.task_is_done() and self.all_thread_is_done() ): # redis全部的任务已经做完 并且mysql中的任务已经做完(检查各个线程all_thread_is_done,防止任务没做完,就更新任务状态,导致程序结束的情况) if not self._is_notify_end: self.spider_end() self.record_spider_state( spider_type=2, state=1, batch_date=self._batch_date_cache, spider_end_time=tools.get_current_date(), batch_interval=self._batch_interval, ) self._is_notify_end = True if self._auto_stop_when_spider_done: self._stop_all_thread() break else: self._is_notify_end = False self.check_task_status() tools.delay_time(10) # 10秒钟检查一次爬虫状态 except Exception as e: msg = "《%s》主线程异常 爬虫结束 exception: %s" % (self._batch_name, e) log.error(msg) self.send_msg(msg) os._exit(137) # 使退出码为35072 方便爬虫管理器重启 @classmethod def to_DebugBatchSpider(cls, *args, **kwargs): # DebugBatchSpider 继承 cls DebugBatchSpider.__bases__ = (cls, ) DebugBatchSpider.__name__ = cls.__name__ return DebugBatchSpider(*args, **kwargs)
class BatchParser(BaseParse): """ @summary: 批次爬虫模版 --------- """ def __init__(self, task_table, batch_record_table, task_state, date_format, task_condition=""): self._mysqldb = MysqlDB() # mysqldb self._task_table = task_table # mysql中的任务表 self._batch_record_table = batch_record_table # mysql 中的批次记录表 self._task_state = task_state # mysql中任务表的state字段名 self._date_format = date_format # 批次日期格式 self._task_condition_prefix_and = task_condition and " and {}".format( task_condition) self._task_condition_prefix_where = task_condition and " where {}".format( task_condition) def add_task(self): """ @summary: 添加任务, 每次启动start_monitor 都会调用,且在init_task之前调用 --------- --------- @result: """ def start_requests(self, task): """ @summary: --------- @param task: 任务信息 list --------- @result: """ def init_task(self): """ @summary: 初始化任务表中的任务, 新一个批次开始时调用。 可能会重写 --------- --------- @result: """ sql = "update {task_table} set {state} = 0 where {state} != -1{task_condition}".format( task_table=self._task_table, state=self._task_state, task_condition=self._task_condition_prefix_and, ) return self._mysqldb.update(sql) def update_task_state(self, task_id, state=1, **kwargs): """ @summary: 更新任务表中任务状态,做完每个任务时代码逻辑中要主动调用。可能会重写 调用方法为 yield lambda : self.update_task_state(task_id, state) --------- @param task_id: @param state: --------- @result: """ kwargs["id"] = task_id kwargs[self._task_state] = state sql = tools.make_update_sql( self._task_table, kwargs, condition="id = {task_id}".format(task_id=task_id)) if self._mysqldb.update(sql): log.debug("置任务%s状态成功" % task_id) else: log.error("置任务%s状态失败 sql=%s" % (task_id, sql)) def update_task_batch(self, task_id, state=1, **kwargs): """ 批量更新任务 多处调用,更新的字段必须一致 注意:需要 写成 yield update_task_batch(...) 否则不会更新 @param task_id: @param state: @param kwargs: @return: """ kwargs["id"] = task_id kwargs[self._task_state] = state update_item = UpdateItem(**kwargs) update_item.table_name = self._task_table update_item.name_underline = self._task_table + "_item" return update_item @property def batch_date(self): """ @summary: 获取批次时间 --------- --------- @result: """ batch_date = os.environ.get("batch_date") if not batch_date: sql = 'select date_format(batch_date, "{date_format}") from {batch_record_table} order by id desc limit 1'.format( date_format=self._date_format.replace(":%M", ":%i"), batch_record_table=self._batch_record_table, ) batch_info = MysqlDB().find(sql) # (('2018-08-19'),) if batch_info: os.environ["batch_date"] = batch_date = batch_info[0][0] else: log.error("需先运行 start_monitor_task()") os._exit(137) # 使退出码为35072 方便爬虫管理器重启 return batch_date
def __init__(self): self._redisdb = RedisDB() self._to_db = MysqlDB()
class ExportData(object): def __init__(self): self._redisdb = RedisDB() self._to_db = MysqlDB() def export(self, from_table, to_table, auto_update=False, batch_count=100): """ @summary: 用于从redis的item中导出数据到关系型数据库,如mysql/oracle from_table与to_table表结构必须一致 --------- @param from_table: @param to_table: @param auto_update: 当数据存在时是否自动更新 默认否 --------- @result: """ total_count = 0 while True: datas = [] try: datas = self._redisdb.sget(from_table, count=batch_count, is_pop=False) if not datas:""" \r%s -> %s 共导出 %s 条数据""" % (from_table, to_table, total_count)) break json_datas = [eval(data) for data in datas] sql, json_datas = tools.make_batch_sql(to_table, json_datas, auto_update) if self._to_db.add_batch(sql, json_datas): total_count += len(json_datas) self._redisdb.srem(from_table, datas) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) log.error(datas) def export_all( self, tables, auto_update=False, batch_count=100, every_table_per_export_callback=None, ): """ @summary: 导出所有item --------- @param tables: 如qidian 则导出起点下面所有的items 数据库中的表格式必须有规律 如导出 qidian:comment:s_qidian_book_comment_dynamic_item 对应导入 qidian_book_comment_dynamic @param auto_update: 是否自动更新 @param batch_count: 每批次导出的数量 @every_table_per_export_callback: 导出前的回调函数, 用来修改特定表的参数 to_table, auto_update, batch_count 如: def every_table_per_export_callback(to_table, auto_update, batch_count): if to_table == 'xxx': auto_update = True return to_table, auto_update, batch_count --------- @result: """ tables = (self._redisdb.getkeys(tables + "*_item") if not isinstance(tables, list) else tables) if not tables:"无表数据") for table in tables: from_table = table to_table = tools.get_info(str(from_table), ":s_(.*?)_item", fetch_one=True) if callable(every_table_per_export_callback): to_table, auto_update, batch_count = every_table_per_export_callback( to_table, auto_update, batch_count)""" \r正在导出 %s -> %s""" % (from_table, to_table)) self.export(from_table, to_table, auto_update, batch_count) def export_items(self, tab_item, items_data): """ @summary: --------- @param tab_item: redis中items的表名 @param items_data: [item.to_dict] 数据 --------- @result: """ to_table = tools.get_info(tab_item, ":s_(.*?)_item", fetch_one=True) sql, datas = tools.make_batch_sql(to_table, items_data) add_count = self._to_db.add_batch(sql, datas) datas_size = len(datas) if add_count is None: log.error("导出数据到表 %s 失败" % (to_table)) else:"共导出 %s 条数据 到 %s, 重复 %s 条" % (datas_size, to_table, datas_size - add_count)) return add_count != None def update_items(self, tab_item, items_data, update_keys=()): """ @summary: --------- @param tab_item: redis中items的表名 @param items_data: [item.to_dict] 数据 @param update_keys: 更新的字段 --------- @result: """ to_table = tools.get_info(tab_item, ":s_(.*?)_item", fetch_one=True) sql, datas = tools.make_batch_sql( to_table, items_data, update_columns=update_keys or list(items_data[0].keys()), ) update_count = self._to_db.add_batch(sql, datas) if update_count is None: log.error("更新表 %s 数据失败" % (to_table)) else: msg = "共更新 %s 条数据 到 %s" % (update_count // 2, to_table) if update_keys: msg += " 更新字段为 {}".format(update_keys) return update_count != None