Example #1
    def _get_spike_send_buffer(self, vertex_slice):
        spikeArray is a list with one entry per 'neuron'. The entry for
        one neuron is a list of times (in ms) when the neuron fires.
        We need to transpose this 'matrix' and get a list of firing neuron
        indices for each time tick:
        List can come in two formats (both now supported):
        1) Official PyNN format - single list that is used for all neurons
        2) SpiNNaker format - list of lists, one per neuron
        send_buffer = None
        key = (vertex_slice.lo_atom, vertex_slice.hi_atom)
        if key not in self._send_buffers:
            send_buffer = BufferedSendingRegion()
            if isinstance(self._spike_times[0], list):

                # This is in SpiNNaker 'list of lists' format:
                for neuron in range(vertex_slice.lo_atom,
                                    vertex_slice.hi_atom + 1):
                    for timeStamp in sorted(self._spike_times[neuron]):
                        time_stamp_in_ticks = int(
                            math.ceil((timeStamp * 1000.0) /
                                            neuron - vertex_slice.lo_atom)

                # This is in official PyNN format, all neurons use the
                # same list:
                neuron_list = range(vertex_slice.n_atoms)
                for timeStamp in sorted(self._spike_times):
                    time_stamp_in_ticks = int(
                            (timeStamp * 1000.0) / self._machine_time_step))

                    # add to send_buffer collection
                    send_buffer.add_keys(time_stamp_in_ticks, neuron_list)

            # Update the size
            total_size = 0
            for timestamp in send_buffer.timestamps:
                n_keys = send_buffer.get_n_keys(timestamp)
                total_size += BufferManager.get_n_bytes(n_keys)
            total_size += EventStopRequest.get_min_packet_length()
            if total_size > self._max_on_chip_memory_usage_for_spikes:
                total_size = self._max_on_chip_memory_usage_for_spikes
            send_buffer.buffer_size = total_size
            self._send_buffers[key] = send_buffer
            send_buffer = self._send_buffers[key]
        return send_buffer
    def __init__(self, label, region_files_tuples):
        :param label: The label of the vertex
        :param region_files_dict: A dictionary of region id -> file name
        self._label = label

        self._send_buffers = dict()
        for (region_id, filename, max_size_of_buffer) in region_files_tuples:
            send_buffer = BufferedSendingRegion(max_size_of_buffer)
            reader = open(filename, "r")
            line = reader.readline()
            while line != "":
                bits = line.split(":")
                send_buffer.add_key(int(bits[0]), int(bits[1]))
                line = reader.readline()
            self._send_buffers[region_id] = send_buffer
        SendsBuffersFromHostPreBufferedImpl.__init__(self, self._send_buffers)
    def __init__(
            self, n_keys, resources_required, machine_time_step,
            timescale_factor, label, constraints=None,

            # General input and output parameters

            # Live input parameters

            # Key parameters
            virtual_key=None, prefix=None,
            prefix_type=None, check_keys=False,

            # Send buffer parameters

        :param n_keys: The number of keys to be sent via this multicast source
        :param resources_required: The resources required by the vertex
        :param machine_time_step: The time step to be used on the machine
        :param timescale_factor: The time scaling to be used in the simulation
        :param label: The label of this vertex
        :param constraints: Any initial constraints to this vertex
        :param board_address: The IP address of the board on which to place\
                this vertex if receiving data, either buffered or live (by\
                default, any board is chosen)
        :param receive_port: The port on the board that will listen for\
                incoming event packets (default is to disable this feature;\
                set a value to enable it)
        :param receive_sdp_port: The SDP port to listen on for incoming event\
                packets (defaults to 1)
        :param receive_tag: The IP tag to use for receiving live events\
                (uses any by default)
        :param virtual_key: The base multicast key to send received events\
                with (assigned automatically by default)
        :param prefix: The prefix to "or" with generated multicast keys\
                (default is no prefix)
        :param prefix_type: Whether the prefix should apply to the upper or\
                lower half of the multicast keys (default is upper half)
        :param check_keys: True if the keys of received events should be\
                verified before sending (default False)
        :param send_buffer_times: An array of arrays of times at which keys\
                should be sent (one array for each key, default disabled)
        :param send_buffer_max_space: The maximum amount of space to use of\
                the SDRAM on the machine (default is 1MB)
        :param send_buffer_space_before_notify: The amount of space free in\
                the sending buffer before the machine will ask the host for\
                more data (default setting is optimised for most cases)
        :param send_buffer_notification_ip_address: The IP address of the host\
                that will send new buffers (must be specified if a send buffer\
                is specified)
        :param send_buffer_notification_port: The port that the host that will\
                send new buffers is listening on (must be specified if a\
                send buffer is specified)
        :param send_buffer_notification_tag: The IP tag to use to notify the\
                host about space in the buffer (default is to use any tag)

        # Set up super types
            self, resources_required, label, constraints)
            self, machine_time_step, timescale_factor)
            self, self._REGIONS.PROVENANCE_REGION.value, 0)

        # Set up for receiving live packets
        if receive_port is not None:
                receive_port, receive_sdp_port, board_address, receive_tag))

        # Work out if buffers are being sent
        self._first_machine_time_step = 0
        self._send_buffer = None
        if send_buffer_times is None:
            self._send_buffer_times = None
                self, None)
            self._send_buffer = BufferedSendingRegion(send_buffer_max_space)
            self._send_buffer_times = send_buffer_times

                send_buffer_notification_port, True, board_address,
                self, {self._REGIONS.SEND_BUFFER.value: self._send_buffer})

        # buffered out parameters
        self._send_buffer_space_before_notify = send_buffer_space_before_notify
        self._send_buffer_notification_ip_address = \
        self._send_buffer_notification_port = send_buffer_notification_port
        self._send_buffer_notification_tag = send_buffer_notification_tag
        if self._send_buffer_space_before_notify > send_buffer_max_space:
            self._send_buffer_space_before_notify = send_buffer_max_space

        # Set up for recording (if requested)
        self._record_buffer_size = 0
        self._buffer_size_before_receive = 0

        # set flag for checking if in injection mode
        self._in_injection_mode = receive_port is not None

        # Sort out the keys to be used
        self._n_keys = n_keys
        self._virtual_key = virtual_key
        self._mask = None
        self._prefix = prefix
        self._prefix_type = prefix_type
        self._check_keys = check_keys

        # Work out the prefix details
        if self._prefix is not None:
            if self._prefix_type is None:
                self._prefix_type = EIEIOPrefix.UPPER_HALF_WORD
            if self._prefix_type == EIEIOPrefix.UPPER_HALF_WORD:
                self._prefix = prefix << 16

        # If the user has specified a virtual key
        if self._virtual_key is not None:

            # check that virtual key is valid
            if self._virtual_key < 0:
                raise ConfigurationException(
                    "Virtual keys must be positive")

            # Get a mask and maximum number of keys for the number of keys
            # requested
            self._mask, max_key = self._calculate_mask(n_keys)

            # Check that the number of keys and the virtual key don't interfere
            if n_keys > max_key:
                raise ConfigurationException(
                    "The mask calculated from the number of keys will "
                    "not work with the virtual key specified")

            if self._prefix is not None:

                # Check that the prefix doesn't change the virtual key in the
                # masked area
                masked_key = (self._virtual_key | self._prefix) & self._mask
                if self._virtual_key != masked_key:
                    raise ConfigurationException(
                        "The number of keys, virtual key and key prefix"
                        " settings don't work together")

                # If no prefix was generated, generate one
                self._prefix_type = EIEIOPrefix.UPPER_HALF_WORD
                self._prefix = self._virtual_key