Example #1
class ShapeFlow(flows.Flow):
    pos: np.ndarray = flows.np_zero_field(3)
    rot: np.ndarray = flows.np_zero_field(3)
    priority: int = flows.constant_field(default=0)
    material: str = flows.constant_field(default=None)
Example #2
 class NewFlow(flows.Flow):
     pos: np.ndarray = flows.np_zero_field(3)
     priority: int = flows.constant_field(default=0)
Example #3
class PixelatedContShapeFlow(ShapeFlow, goos.NumericFlow):
    """Represents a shape with continuous permittivity distribution.

    A pixelated continuous shape flow splits up a rectangular block into pixels
    with size given by `pixel_size`. Each pixel has a given value as given by
    `array`. The centers of the pixels relative to the center of the shape
    can be computed by calling `get_relative_cell_coords`.

        material2: The "upper" material. This material permittivity is used
            when the value is equal to 1 (`material` defined in `ShapeFlow`
            is used when the value is equal to 0).
        array: List of values corresponding to the normalized permittivity,
            usually between 0 and 1.
        extents: Extents of space that the shape occupies. The extruded
            direction is along z-axis.
        pixel_size: List of 3 values indicating size of the pixels along x, y,
            and z axes.
    material2: str = flows.constant_field(default=None)
    extents: np.ndarray = flows.np_zero_field(3)
    pixel_size: np.ndarray = flows.constant_field(
        default_factory=lambda: np.zeros(3))

    def get_relative_cell_coords(cls, extents: np.ndarray,
                                 pixel_size: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        """Returns coordinates of the cell relative to the shape center.

            extents: Extents of the shape.
            pixel_size: Size of each pixel.

            List `(x_coords, y_coords, z_coords)` where `x_coords` is a list of
            the x-coordinate centers and so forth.
        edge_coords = cls.get_relative_edge_coords(extents, pixel_size)
        return [(coord[:-1] + coord[1:]) / 2 for coord in edge_coords]
        coords = []
        for i in range(len(extents)):
            coord = pixel_size[i] * np.arange(
                int(extents[i] / pixel_size[i]) + 1)
            if coord[-1] >= extents[i]:
        return [coord - np.mean(coord) for coord in coords]

    def get_cell_coords(self) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        """Returns the absolute coordinates of the cells."""
        rel_cell_coords = PixelatedContShapeFlow.get_relative_cell_coords(
            self.extents, self.pixel_size)
        return [coords + p for coords, p in zip(rel_cell_coords, self.pos)]

    def get_relative_edge_coords(cls, extents: np.ndarray,
                                 pixel_size: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        """Returns coordinates of the cell edges relative to the shape center.

            extents: Extents of the shape.
            pixel_size: Size of each pixel.

            List `(x_coords, y_coords, z_coords)` where `x_coords` is a list of
            the x-coordinate edges and so forth.
        # Compute edge coordinates assuming that each pixel is `pixel_size`
        # large.
        edge_coords = []
        for i in range(len(extents)):
            num_pixels = np.ceil(extents[i] / pixel_size[i])
            if num_pixels * pixel_size[i] < extents[i]:
                num_pixels += 1
            coord = pixel_size[i] * np.arange(0, num_pixels + 1)
            edge_coords.append(coord - (coord[0] + coord[-1]) / 2)

        # The edges could have smaller pixel sizes because they are cut off.
        # Account for this difference.
        for i in range(len(extents)):
            edge_coords[i][0] = -extents[i] / 2
            edge_coords[i][-1] = extents[i] / 2
        return edge_coords

    def get_edge_coords(self) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        """Returns the absolute coordinates of the cell edges."""
        rel_edge_coords = PixelatedContShapeFlow.get_relative_edge_coords(
            self.extents, self.pixel_size)
        return [coords + p for coords, p in zip(rel_edge_coords, self.pos)]

    def get_shape(cls, extents: np.ndarray,
                  pixel_size: np.ndarray) -> List[int]:
        """Returns shape of the values array.

            extents: Extents of the shape.
            pixel_size: Size of each pixel.

            List of the shape of the values array.
        shape = []
        for i in range(3):
            size = int(extents[i] / pixel_size[i]) + 1
            if pixel_size[i] * (size - 1) >= extents[i]:
                size -= 1
        return shape
Example #4
 class NewFlow(flows.Flow):
     pos: int = 0
     rot: float = 0
     priority: int = flows.constant_field(default=0)