Example #1
 def test_spiral_even(self):
         [1, 2, 3, 4],
         [12, 13, 14, 5],
         [11, 16, 15, 6],
         [10, 9, 8, 7]
     ], spiral(4))
Example #2
def test_spiral():
    gen = spiral()
    assert next(gen) == (0, 0)
    assert next(gen) == (1, 0)
    assert next(gen) == (1, -1)
    assert next(gen) == (0, -1)
    assert next(gen) == (-1, -1)
    assert next(gen) == (-1, 0)
Example #3
def generate_spiral(gridsize, aperture, r_max, r_min, splits, settings):
    split_odd = splits[0]
    split_even = splits[1]
    first = settings[0]
    second = settings[1]
    third = settings[2]
    fourth = settings[3]

    sampling = aperture / (gridsize // 2)
    wfarr = np.zeros([gridsize, gridsize], dtype=np.complex128)
    c = gridsize // 2
    for i in range(gridsize):
        for j in range(gridsize):
            x = i - c
            y = j - c
            phi = math.atan2(y, x)
            r = sampling * math.hypot(x, y)
            wfarr[i][j] = spiral(r, phi, aperture, r_max, r_min, split_odd,
                                 split_even, first, second, third, fourth)
    return wfarr
Example #4
	group2.add_argument('-s', '--solvable', action='store_true', help='Generate only solvable puzzle')
	group2.add_argument('-u', '--unsolvable', action='store_false', help='Generate only unsolvable puzzle')
	parser.add_argument('-a', '--anim', action='store_true' , help='Launch an animation of the resolution of the puzzle')
	return parser.parse_args(arg)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	arg = parse_argument(sys.argv[1:])

	if (arg.file):
			fd = open(arg.file, "r")
			parsing = Parsing(fd)
			sys.exit("Error - Openning error")
		start = parsing.puzzle
		goal = printspiral(spiral(int(sqrt(len(start)))))
		if (my_resolvable(parsing, start, goal) == 1):

		if arg.length < 71 and arg.length > 2:
			goal = printspiral(spiral(arg.length))
			solvable = None
			if (arg.solvable == True):
				solvable = True
			elif (arg.unsolvable == False):
				solvable = False
			start = get_puzzle(arg.length, goal, solvable)
			sys.exit('Wrong size')
def create_dataset(N, data_type, noise,
                    sm=0.1, d=1, angle=3*np.pi,
                    ndist=1, means=np.array([[-0.25, 0.0],[0.25, 0.0]]), sigmas=np.array([0.1, 0.1]),
                    ml=1, b=0.2, sl=0.05,
                    sspi=1, wrappings = 4,  mspi=0.5):
    #Sample a dataset from different distributions
    #   X, Y = create_dataset(N, type, noise)
    #   INPUT 
    #       N          Number of samples
    #       data_type  Type of distribution used. It must be one from 
    #                  'Moons' 'Gaussian' 'Linear' 'Sinusoidal' 'Spiral'
    #       noise      probability to have a wrong label in the dataset.
    #       'Moons' parameters:
    #           1- sm: standard deviation of the gaussian noise. Default is 0.1
    #           2- d: 1X2 translation vector between the two classes. With d = 0
    #                 the classes are placed on a circle. Default is 1.
    #           3- angle: rotation angle of the moons in (radians). Default is 3*np.pi.
    #       'Gaussian' parameters:
    #           1- ndist: number of gaussians for each class. Default is 1.    
    #           2- means: vector of size(2*ndist X 2) with the means of each gaussian. 
    #              Default is np.array([[-0.25, 0.0],[0.25, 0.0]]).
    #           3- sigmas: A sequence of covariance matrices of size (2*ndist, 2). 
    #              Default is np.array([0.1, 0.1]).
    #       'Linear' parameters:
    #           1- ml: slope of the separating line. Default is 1.    
    #           2- b: bias of the line. Default is 0.2.
    #           3- sl: standard deviation of the gaussian noise. Default is 0.05.
    #       'Sinusoidal' parameters:
    #           1- ssin: standard deviation of the gaussian noise. Default is 0.02.
    #       'Spiral' parameters:
    #           1- sspi: standard deviation of the gaussian noise. Default is 1.
    #           2- wrappings: wrappings number of wrappings of each spiral. Default is 4.
    #           3- mspi: multiplier m of x * sin(m * x) for the second spiral. Default is 0.5.
    #  OUTPUT
    #   X data matrix with a sample for each row 
    #   Y vector with the labels
    #   EXAMPLE:
    #       X, Y = create_dataset(100, 'SPIRAL', 0.01)
    #       X, Y = create_dataset(100, 'SPIRAL', 0, sspi=0.1, wrappings=2, m=2);
    NN = [int(math.floor(float(N) / 2.0)), int(math.ceil(float(N) / 2.0))]
    if data_type=='Moons':
        X, Y = moons(NN, sm, angle, d)
    elif data_type=='Gaussian':
        X, Y = gaussian(NN, ndist, means, sigmas)
    elif data_type=='Linear':
        X, Y = linear_data(NN, ml, b, sl)
    elif data_type=='Sinusoidal':
        X, Y = sinusoidal(NN, ssin)
    elif data_type=='Spiral':
        X, Y = spiral(NN, sspi, wrappings, mspi)
        print 'Specified dataset type is not correct. It must be one of "Moons", "Gaussian", "Linear", "Sinusoidal", "Spiral"'
    swap=np.random.random((np.size(Y, axis=0), np.size(Y, axis=1)))<=noise
    return X, Y
Example #6
from spiral import spiral
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

s = spiral(0, 1)
x1, y1 = s.out()
z1 = np.zeros(*x1.shape)
d1 = np.vstack((x1, y1, z1))
np.save('s1.npy', d1)

x2, y2 = -x1, -y1
z2 = np.ones(*x2.shape)
d2 = np.vstack((x2, y2, z2))
np.save('s2.npy', d2)

plt.plot(x1, y1, 'bo')
plt.plot(x2, y2, 'ro')
            + str(objectPrint.position) + '}')

    def changePosition(positionBox, positionChange):
        positionBox.position = positionChange

fin = open('base.pov')
sdl = fin.read()

#regular expression for camera
findStr = r"camera\s*{\s*location\s*<\s*\-*\d+,\-*\d+,\-*\d+\s*>"
listForCam = range(0, 10)

#lists for x, y, and z cordinates
listOfX, listOfY = spiral.spiral()
listOfZ = range(0, 50)
num = 1
#in this for loop we change the camera a bit
for i in range(0, 10):
    #finding and changing in sdl the camera line
    if i % 2 == 0:
        sdl = re.sub(
            findStr, "camera{location < " + str(0) + ' , ' +
            str(listForCam[num]) + ' , ' + str(-7) + " >", sdl)
        num = num + 1

    outfile = 'temp.pov'
    fout = open(outfile, 'w')
Example #8
def test_spiral_stop():
    assert len(list(spiral(10))) == 10
Example #9
 def test_spiral_odd(self):
         [1, 2, 3],
         [8, 9, 4],
         [7, 6, 5]
     ], spiral(3))
Example #10
 def test_spiral_one(self):
     self.assertListEqual([[1]], spiral(1))
Example #11
 def test_spiral_5(self):
     result = spiral.diagonalSum(spiral.spiral(5))
     self.assertEqual(result, 101)
Example #12
 def test_spiral_1001(self):
     result = spiral.diagonalSum(spiral.spiral(1001))
     self.assertEqual(result, 669171001)
     print("Result: {0}".format(result))