def headers2har(request_or_reply): """ Return HAR-encoded request or reply headers """ return [ { "name": qt_to_bytes(name).decode('latin1'), "value": qt_to_bytes(value).decode('latin1'), } for name, value in qt_header_items(request_or_reply) ]
def cookie2har(cookie): """ Convert QNetworkCookie to a Python dict (in HAR format) """ cookie = { "name": qt_to_bytes('utf8', 'replace'), "value": qt_to_bytes(cookie.value()).decode('utf8', 'replace'), "path": six.text_type(cookie.path()), "domain": six.text_type(cookie.domain()), "expires": six.text_type(cookie.expirationDate().toString(Qt.ISODate)), "httpOnly": cookie.isHttpOnly(), "secure": cookie.isSecure(), } if not cookie["expires"]: del cookie["expires"] return cookie
def cookie2har(cookie): """ Convert QNetworkCookie to a Python dict (in HAR format) """ cookie = { "name": qt_to_bytes('utf8', 'replace'), "value": qt_to_bytes(cookie.value()).decode('utf8', 'replace'), "path": str(cookie.path()), "domain": str(cookie.domain()), "expires": str(cookie.expirationDate().toString(Qt.ISODate)), "httpOnly": cookie.isHttpOnly(), "secure": cookie.isSecure(), } if not cookie["expires"]: del cookie["expires"] return cookie
def reply2har(reply, content=None): """ Serialize QNetworkReply to HAR. If ``content`` (a bytes object) is not None, 'content' field is filled. This function doesn't read reply to get the content because QNetworkReply content can be read only once. """ res = { "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1", # XXX: how to get HTTP version? "cookies": reply_cookies2har(reply), "headers": headers2har(reply), "content": { "size": 0, "mimeType": "", }, "headersSize": headers_size(reply), # non-standard but useful "ok": not reply.error(), # non-standard, useful because reply url may not equal request url # in case of redirect "url": reply.url().toString() } content_type = reply.header(QNetworkRequest.ContentTypeHeader) if content_type is not None: res["content"]["mimeType"] = six.text_type(content_type) content_length = reply.header(QNetworkRequest.ContentLengthHeader) if content_length is not None: # this is not a correct way to get the size! res["content"]["size"] = content_length status = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) if status is not None: res["status"] = int(status) else: res["status"] = 0 status_text = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpReasonPhraseAttribute) if status_text is not None: if not isinstance(status_text, six.text_type): status_text = qt_to_bytes(status_text).decode('latin1') res['statusText'] = status_text else: res["statusText"] = REQUEST_ERRORS_SHORT.get(reply.error(), "?") redirect_url = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.RedirectionTargetAttribute) if redirect_url is not None: res["redirectURL"] = six.text_type(redirect_url.toString()) else: res["redirectURL"] = "" if content is not None: res["content"]["size"] = len(content) res["content"]["text"] = base64.b64encode(content).decode('latin1') res["content"]["encoding"] = 'base64' return res
def reply2har(reply, content=None): """ Serialize QNetworkReply to HAR. If ``content`` (a bytes object) is not None, 'content' field is filled. This function doesn't read reply to get the content because QNetworkReply content can be read only once. """ res = { "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1", # XXX: how to get HTTP version? "cookies": reply_cookies2har(reply), "headers": headers2har(reply), "content": { "size": 0, "mimeType": "", }, "headersSize": headers_size(reply), # non-standard but useful "ok": not reply.error(), # non-standard, useful because reply url may not equal request url # in case of redirect "url": reply.url().toString() } content_type = reply.header(QNetworkRequest.ContentTypeHeader) if content_type is not None: res["content"]["mimeType"] = str(content_type) content_length = reply.header(QNetworkRequest.ContentLengthHeader) if content_length is not None: # this is not a correct way to get the size! res["content"]["size"] = content_length status = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) if status is not None: res["status"] = int(status) else: res["status"] = 0 status_text = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpReasonPhraseAttribute) if status_text is not None: if not isinstance(status_text, str): status_text = qt_to_bytes(status_text).decode('latin1') res['statusText'] = status_text else: res["statusText"] = REQUEST_ERRORS_SHORT.get(reply.error(), "?") redirect_url = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.RedirectionTargetAttribute) if redirect_url is not None: res["redirectURL"] = str(redirect_url.toString()) else: res["redirectURL"] = "" if content is not None: res["content"]["size"] = len(content) res["content"]["text"] = base64.b64encode(content).decode('latin1') res["content"]["encoding"] = 'base64' return res
def headers2har(request_or_reply): """ Return HAR-encoded request or reply headers """ return [{ "name": qt_to_bytes(name).decode('latin1'), "value": qt_to_bytes(value).decode('latin1'), } for name, value in qt_header_items(request_or_reply)]