Example #1
 def test_sync_from_rhic_serve_blocking(self):
     self.assertEqual(len(identity.JOBS), 0)
     rhics = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
     self.assertEquals(len(rhics), 0)
     rhics = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
     self.assertEquals(len(rhics), 3)
     expected_rhics = ["fb647f68-aa01-4171-b62b-35c2984a5328",
     for r in rhics:
         self.assertIn(str(r.uuid), expected_rhics)
Example #2
 def test_update_consumer_that_has_been_marked_as_deleted(self):
     item = {}
     item["uuid"] = "734ed55f-c3fb-4249-ac4c-52e440cd9304"
     item["engineering_ids"] = ["1", "2"]
     rhics = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
     self.assertEquals(len(rhics), 1)
     self.assertEquals(str(rhics[0].uuid), item["uuid"])
     self.assertEquals(rhics[0].engineering_ids, item["engineering_ids"])
     item["deleted"] = True
     rhics = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
     self.assertEquals(len(rhics), 1)
     self.assertEquals(str(rhics[0].uuid), item["uuid"])
Example #3
 def test_sync_from_rhic_serve_threaded(self):
     self.assertEqual(len(identity.JOBS), 0)
     rhics = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
     self.assertEquals(len(rhics), 0)
     sync_thread = sync_from_rhic_serve()
     for index in range(0,120):
         if not sync_thread.finished:
     rhics = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
     self.assertEquals(len(rhics), 3)
     expected_rhics = ["fb647f68-aa01-4171-b62b-35c2984a5328",
     for r in rhics:
         self.assertIn(str(r.uuid), expected_rhics)
Example #4
def process_data(data):
    Imports data into mongo, will update documents that have changed, and remove those which have been deleted
    @param data from rhic_serve
    start = time.time()
    _LOG.info("Fetched %s rhics from rhic_serve" % (len(data)))
    consumer_ids = [x["uuid"] for x in data if x.has_key("uuid")]
    # Determine which of these IDs already exist in DB and which are new

    existing_objects = ConsumerIdentity.objects(uuid__in=consumer_ids).only("uuid")
    existing_ids = [str(x.uuid) for x in existing_objects]
    new_consumer_ids = set(consumer_ids).difference(set(existing_ids))
    existing_consumers = [x for x in data if x.has_key("uuid") and x["uuid"] in existing_ids]
    new_consumers = [x for x in data if x.has_key("uuid") and x["uuid"] in new_consumer_ids]
    end_determine_new_and_existing = time.time()
    _LOG.info("%s RHICs from parent consist of %s new and %s updates, %s seconds to determine this" % \
              (len(data), len(new_consumers), len(existing_consumers), end_determine_new_and_existing-start))
    # Perform a bulk insert for all new_consumers
    if new_consumers:
        objectids = bulk_insert(new_consumers)
        if len(objectids) != len(new_consumer_ids):
            _LOG.warning("Some RHICs were not created in database: %s new RHICs were intended only %s were created" % \
                         (len(new_consumers), len(objectids)))
    end_bulk_insert_new_items = time.time()
    # Update existing consumer IDs serially
    if existing_consumers:
        for item in existing_consumers:
    end_update_existing_items = time.time()
    _LOG.info("%s seconds to process %s RHICs, %s new (in %s seconds) and %s updated (in %s seconds)" % \
                (end_update_existing_items-start, len(data), len(new_consumers),
                len(existing_consumers), end_update_existing_items-end_bulk_insert_new_items))
    return consumer_ids
Example #5
 def test_create_new_consumer_identity(self):
     item = {}
     item["uuid"] = "734ed55f-c3fb-4249-ac4c-52e440cd9304"
     item["engineering_ids"] = ["1", "2"]
     rhics = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
     self.assertEquals(len(rhics), 1)
     self.assertEquals(str(rhics[0].uuid), item["uuid"])
     self.assertEquals(rhics[0].engineering_ids, item["engineering_ids"])
Example #6
def create_or_update_consumer_identity(item):
    Creates a new consumer identity or updates existing to match passed in item data
    @param item: dict containing needed info to construct a ConsumerIdentity object
                    required keys: 'uuid', 'engineering_ids'
    @type item: dict
    @return: True on success, False on failure
    @rtype: bool
    if not item.has_key("uuid"):
        raise Exception("Missing required parameter: 'uuid'")
    if not item.has_key("engineering_ids"):
        raise Exception("Missing required parameter: 'engineering_ids'")
    consumer_id = item["uuid"]
    engineering_ids = item["engineering_ids"]

    created_date = datetime.now(tzutc())
    modified_date = datetime.now(tzutc())
    deleted = False
    deleted_date = None
    if item.has_key("created_date"):
        created_date = convert_to_datetime(item["created_date"])
    if item.has_key("modified_date"):
        modified_date = convert_to_datetime(item["modified_date"])
    if item.has_key("deleted"):
        deleted = item["deleted"]
    if item.has_key("deleted_date"):
        deleted_date = convert_to_datetime(item["deleted_date"])
    if deleted and not deleted_date:
        deleted_date = datetime.now(tzutc())

    identity = ConsumerIdentity.objects(uuid=UUID(consumer_id)).first()
    if not identity:
        _LOG.info("Creating new ConsumerIdentity for: %s" % (consumer_id))
        identity = ConsumerIdentity(uuid=UUID(consumer_id))

    identity.engineering_ids = engineering_ids
    identity.created_date = created_date
    identity.modified_date = modified_date
    identity.deleted = deleted
    identity.deleted_date = deleted_date
        _LOG.debug("Updating ConsumerIdentity: %s" % (identity))
        return True
    except Exception, e:
        return False
Example #7
def bulk_insert(data):
    # Form model objects out of dictionary data items
    objects = []
    for d in data:
    if objects:
        # Perform bulk insert
        q = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
        return q.insert(objects, load_bulk=False, safe=False)
    return []
Example #8
    def test_check_access_unallowed(self):
        identity = ConsumerIdentity.objects(uuid=self.valid_identity_uuid).first()
        allowed_products, unallowed_products = self.checkin.check_access(identity, ["100", "101"])
        self.assertTrue("100" in unallowed_products)
        self.assertTrue("101" in unallowed_products)
        self.assertEquals(len(allowed_products), 0)

        allowed_products, unallowed_products = self.checkin.check_access(identity, [self.valid_products[0], "101"])
        self.assertTrue(self.valid_products[0] in allowed_products)
        self.assertTrue("101" in unallowed_products)
        self.assertEquals(len(allowed_products), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(unallowed_products), 1)
Example #9
 def test_sync_where_existing_rhics_product_mapping_changes(self):
     self.assertEqual(len(identity.JOBS), 0)
     # Create a RHIC with products that will change after sync
     item = {}
     item["uuid"] = "fb647f68-aa01-4171-b62b-35c2984a5328"
     item["engineering_ids"] = ["1", "2"]
     rhics = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
     self.assertEquals(len(rhics), 1)
     rhics = ConsumerIdentity.objects()
     self.assertEquals(len(rhics), 3)
     expected_rhics = ["fb647f68-aa01-4171-b62b-35c2984a5328",
     for r in rhics:
         self.assertIn(str(r.uuid), expected_rhics)
         # Ensure that the products have been updated
     rhic_under_test = ConsumerIdentity.objects(uuid=item["uuid"]).first()
     expected_products = ["183", "83", "69"]
     for ep in expected_products:
         self.assertTrue(ep in rhic_under_test.engineering_ids)
Example #10
 def get_identity_object(self, consumer_uuid):
     _LOG.info("Found ID from identity certificate is '%s' " % (consumer_uuid))
     identity = ConsumerIdentity.objects(uuid=UUID(consumer_uuid)).first()
     if not identity:
         # Lookup if we have a cached response for this uuid
         cached_status_code = identity_lookup.get_cached_status_code(consumer_uuid)
         if cached_status_code:
             _LOG.info("Found cached lookup for '%s' with status_code '%s'" % (consumer_uuid, cached_status_code))
             if cached_status_code == 404:
                 raise NotFoundConsumerIdentity(consumer_uuid)
                 raise UnexpectedStatusCodeException(consumer_uuid, cached_status_code)
         # If not, create a new lookup and query parent
         _LOG.info("Couldn't find RHIC with ID '%s', will query parent" % (consumer_uuid))
         raise UnknownConsumerIdentity(consumer_uuid)
     return identity
Example #11
def convert_dict_to_consumer_identity(item):
    Converts a dictionary to a ConsumerIdentity
    @param item: dict containing needed info to construct a ConsumerIdentity object
                    required keys: 'uuid', 'engineering_ids'
    @type item: dict
    @return: instance of a consumer identity, note this instance has not yet been saved
    @rtype: splice.common.models.ConsumerIdentity
    if not item.has_key("uuid"):
        raise Exception("Missing required parameter: 'uuid'")
    if not item.has_key("engineering_ids"):
        raise Exception("Missing required parameter: 'engineering_ids'")
    consumer_id = item["uuid"]
    engineering_ids = item["engineering_ids"]

    created_date = datetime.now(tzutc())
    modified_date = datetime.now(tzutc())
    deleted = False
    deleted_date = None
    if item.has_key("created_date"):
        created_date = convert_to_datetime(item["created_date"])
    if item.has_key("modified_date"):
        modified_date = convert_to_datetime(item["modified_date"])
    if item.has_key("deleted"):
        deleted = item["deleted"]
    if item.has_key("deleted_date"):
        deleted_date = convert_to_datetime(item["deleted_date"])
    if deleted and not deleted_date:
        deleted_date = datetime.now(tzutc())

    identity = ConsumerIdentity(uuid=UUID(consumer_id))
    identity.engineering_ids = engineering_ids
    identity.created_date = created_date
    identity.modified_date = modified_date
    identity.deleted = deleted
    identity.deleted_date = deleted_date
    return identity
Example #12
 def test_check_access_allowed(self):
     identity = ConsumerIdentity.objects(uuid=self.valid_identity_uuid).first()
     allowed_products, unallowed_products = self.checkin.check_access(identity, self.valid_products)
     for p in self.valid_products:
         self.assertTrue(p in allowed_products)
     self.assertEquals(len(unallowed_products), 0)