def change_cdma_addr(): get_succ,get_result=OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_get('SELECT * from global_gsm where city like "%省" ') if not get_succ: print("err") # print get_result #打印表中的多少数据 for var in get_result: address =var['area'].replace(' ', '') province,city,district = place_cut(address) update_sql = ''' UPDATE global_gsm SET province="'''+province+'''" , city="'''+city+'''" , district="'''+district+'''" WHERE cid = "'''+str(var["cid"])+'''" and lac = "'''+str(var["lac"])+'''" and mcc = "'''+str(var["mcc"])+'''" and mnc = "'''+str(var["mnc"])+'''" ''' update_succ,update_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_update(update_sql)
def change_ip_addr(): get_succ,get_result=OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_get('select * from global_ip_addr where province="贵省"') if not get_succ: print("err") # print get_result #打印表中的多少数据 for var in get_result: address =var['area'].replace(' ', '') province,city,district = place_cut(address) update_sql = ''' UPDATE global_ip_addr SET province="'''+province+'''" , city="'''+city+'''" , district="'''+district+'''" WHERE start_ip = "'''+str(var["start_ip"])+'''" ''' update_succ,update_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_update(update_sql)
def ip_cell_get(ip): print('use IP get cell address') province = "" city = "" district = "" area = "" num_ip=ip2int(str(ip)) print num_ip sql=''' SELECT area,province,city,district FROM global_ip_addr WHERE start_num<="''' + str(num_ip)+'''" AND end_num>="''' + str(num_ip)+'''" ''' search_succ,search_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_get(sql) if not search_succ: print('ip search err') return "","","","","" print(search_result) if search_result: print search_result country = '中国' area = search_result[0]["area"].replace(' ','') province,city,district = place_cut(area) # province = search_result[0]["province"] # city = search_result[0]["city"] # district = search_result[0]["district"] if area == "局域网": province = "上海市" city = "上海市" district = "浦东新区" if city is None: city="" if province is None: province = "" if district is None: district = "" print(area,province,city,district) return country,area,province,city,district
def change_address(): get_succ, get_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_get( 'select * from first_active where province="宁夏" limit 100') if not get_succ: print("err") print(get_result) #打印表中的多少数据 for var in get_result: province = "" city = "" district = "" address = var.get('area', '') print address province, city, district = place_cut(str(address)) out = '%s|%s|%s' % (province.decode('utf8'), city.decode('utf8'), district.decode('utf8')) print out # print province,city,district update_sql = ''' UPDATE first_active SET location_state=1,province="''' + province + '''" , city="''' + city + '''" , district="''' + district + '''" WHERE id = "''' + str( var["id"]) + '''" ''' update_succ, update_result = OperateSQL( "bs_rom_data_server").query_update(update_sql)
def handle_first_data_controller(): get_succ,get_result=OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_get('select * from handle_first_active where city not like "%市" and LENGTH(city)>=4 and LENGTH(city)<=9 and city not like "%州" ') if not get_succ: print("err") # print get_result #打印表中的多少数据 for var in get_result: get_succ = False is_gsm = True mcc = None mnc = None cid = None lac = None imsi = None result = None province = None city = None district = None area = None mcc = var['mcc'] cid = var['cid'] mnc = var['mnc'] lac = var['lac'] if cid=='-1': is_gsm = False if len(var['cdmasid'])>0: mnc = var['cdmasid'] lac = var['cdmanid'] cid = var['cdmabid'] sql = 'select * from global_cdma where sid='+mnc+' and nid='+lac+' and bid='+cid+' ' print(sql) get_succ,result=OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_get(sql) if not get_succ: result=None print("select cmda err") else: sql = 'select * from global_gsm where mnc='+mnc+' and lac='+lac+' and cid='+cid+' and mcc='+mcc+' ' print(sql) get_succ,result=OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_get(sql) # print(get_succ,result) if not get_succ: result=None print("select gsm err") if result is None or len(result)==0: if var['imsi0']!='0': imsi=var['imsi0'] else: imsi = var['imsi1'] gaode_rep = gaode_cell_get(mcc,mnc,lac,cid,var['imei0'],imsi,is_gsm) print(gaode_rep) if gaode_rep and gaode_rep['result']['type']!='0' and 'desc' in gaode_rep['result'].keys(): address = gaode_rep['result']['desc'].replace(' ', '') _,_,district = place_cut(address) print(address,district) province = gaode_rep['result'].get('province','') city = gaode_rep['result'].get('city','') country = gaode_rep['result'].get('country','') update_sql = ''' UPDATE handle_first_active SET location_state=1,country="'''+country+'''" ,province="'''+province+'''" , city="'''+city+'''" , district="'''+district+'''",area="'''+gaode_rep['result']['desc']+'''" WHERE id = "'''+str(var["id"])+'''" ''' update_succ,update_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_update(update_sql) if update_succ: print(update_succ) insert_jizhan(is_gsm,mnc,mcc,cid,lac,province,city,district,gaode_rep['result']['desc'],country) else: update_sql = ''' UPDATE handle_first_active SET location_state=2 WHERE id = "'''+str(var["id"])+'''" ''' update_succ,update_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_update(update_sql) update_succ = False elif var['gps'] is not None and var['gps']!='': gps_rep=gps_cell_get(var['gps']) if gps_rep: address=gps_rep['regeocode']['formatted_address'].replace(' ', '') province,city,district = place_cut(address) country = gps_rep['regeocode']['addressComponent']['country'] update_sql = ''' UPDATE handle_first_active SET location_state=1,country="'''+country+'''" ,province="'''+province+'''" , city="'''+city+'''" , district="'''+district+'''",area="'''+address+'''" WHERE id = "'''+str(var["id"])+'''" ''' update_succ,update_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_update(update_sql) if not update_succ: print('update by GPS err') else: country,area,province,city,district=ip_cell_get(var['ip']) update_sql = ''' UPDATE handle_first_active SET location_state=1,country="'''+country+'''" ,province="'''+province+'''" , city="'''+city+'''" , district="'''+district+'''",area="'''+area+'''" WHERE id = "'''+str(var["id"])+'''" ''' update_succ,update_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_update(update_sql) if not update_succ: print('update by IP err') else: country,area,province,city,district=ip_cell_get(var['ip']) update_sql = ''' UPDATE handle_first_active SET location_state=1,country="'''+country+'''" ,province="'''+province+'''" , city="'''+city+'''" , district="'''+district+'''",area="'''+area+'''" WHERE id = "'''+str(var["id"])+'''" ''' update_succ,update_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_update(update_sql) if not update_succ: print('update by IP err') else: if len(result)>0: address = result[0]['area'].replace(' ', '') province,city,district = place_cut(address) print "test" print city # district = result[0]['district'] # province = result[0]['province'] # city = result[0]['city'] country = result[0]['country'] update_sql = ''' UPDATE handle_first_active SET location_state=1,country="'''+country+'''" ,province="'''+province+'''" , city="'''+city+'''" , district="'''+district+'''",area="'''+address+'''" WHERE id = "'''+str(var["id"])+'''" ''' update_succ,update_result = OperateSQL("bs_rom_data_server").query_update(update_sql)