def install_setup(self, force=False): """ Install the template """ already_present = os.path.isfile(join(self.location, '')) if already_present and not force: log.warning(' already present, it will not be replaced') log.warning('Run spvm install to force replacement') return if already_present: log.fine('Creating') ioutils.copy(join(self.location, ''), join(self.location, '')) log.success('Copying from template') ioutils.copy(join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'res', ''), join(self.location, ''))
def __call__(self, **kwargs): """ Run the pipeline """ splogger.fine(f'Starting pipeline {}') warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") c = kfp.Client("") self.res = c.create_run_from_pipeline_func( self.func if self.func != None else self._generic_pipeline(), kwargs, self.run_name,, namespace=self.namepsace) splogger.success(f'Pipeline started', strong=True) splogger.success( f'Pipeline URL:{self.res.run_id}' ) return self
def _release_git(self, credentials = None): if os.path.isfile('.git-credentials'): os.remove('.git-credentials') log.success('Removed dangling credential file') # Commit version commit_message = self.meta['project_vcs']['release']['commit_template'].replace('%s', self.meta['project_vcs']['version']).replace('"', '\\"').strip() log.debug('Commit message: ' + commit_message) ioutils.call_git('add .') key = self.meta['project_vcs']['release']['git_signing_key'] if key != '': log.success(Fore.GREEN + config.PADLOCK + 'Commit will be signed with ' + key) ioutils.call_commit(commit_message, key=key) # Tag version tag = self.meta['project_vcs']['release']['tag_template'].replace('%s', self.meta['project_vcs']['version']) ioutils.call_git('tag ' + ('' if key == '' else '-u ' + key + ' ') + '-m ' + tag + ' ' + tag) log.success('Tagged: ' + tag) try: # Login if credentials != None: log.fine('Setting git credentials to temporary file') u = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.meta['project_vcs']['code_repository']) with open('.git-credentials', 'w+') as fh: fh.write(u.scheme+'://'+credentials['login']+':'+credentials['password']+'@'+u.hostname+'\n') ioutils.call_git(['config', 'credential.helper', 'store --file .git-credentials', '--replace-all']) log.success('Credentials are set') # Push repo = self.meta['project_vcs']['code_repository'] log.success('Pushing to ' + repo) ioutils.call_git('push ' + repo + ' --signed=if-asked') log.success('Pushing tags') ioutils.call_git('push ' + repo + ' --tags --signed=if-asked') finally: if credentials != None: os.remove('.git-credentials') log.success('Removed temporary credential file')
def up_version(self, kind): # FIXME other to 0 """ Increase the version in the project meta base on the 'kind' instruction: kind can be a str or a number if a number, it is treated like an index for the version increment if a string, it can be major, minor or patch """ log.fine('Increasing version (' + str(kind) + ')') v = self.meta['project_vcs']['version'] v_ = [int(i) for i in v.split('.')] while len(v_) < 3: v_.insert(0, '0') log.debug("Current version comphrension: " + str(v_)) if kind.isdigit(): kind = int(kind) if kind < 0 or kind >= len(v_): log.error('Unrecognized version changer: ' + str(kind)) v_[int(kind)] += 1 else: kind = kind.lower() if kind == 'patch': index = len(v_) - 1 elif kind == 'major': index = 0 elif kind == 'minor': index = len(v_) - 2 elif kind == 'pass': log.success('Version not changed') return else: log.error('Unrecognized version changer: ' + str(kind)) exit(1) v_[index] += 1 v_ = [v_[i] if i <= index else 0 for i in range(len(v_))] self.meta['project_vcs']['version'] = '.'.join([str(i) for i in v_]) self.save_project_info() log.success(v + ' -> ' + self.get_version())
def release(self, kind='pass'): """ Starts a release pipeline """ if self.get_project_status() != config.STATUS_PROJECT_INITIALIZED: log.error('The project is not initialized') log.error('Run spvm init first') exit(1) pipeline = [] log.fine('Calculating release pipeline') pipeline.append(self.clear_build) if config.config['update']: pipeline.append(self.update_dependencies) if config.config['repair']: pipeline.append( pipeline.append(self.check_project) if config.config['test']: pipeline.append(self.run_test) pipeline.append(self.up_version) pipeline.append(self.populate_init) pipeline.append(self.install_setup) pipeline.append(self.publish) NO = Fore.RED + 'NO' + Fore.RESET MOCK = ( '' if not config.config['mock'] else ' ' + Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + '(MOCK)' + Fore.RESET) YES = Fore.GREEN + 'YES' + Fore.RESET + MOCK publish_context = self.detect_publish_context() pipeline.append(Fore.CYAN + " - Git Publish:\t\t" + (YES if publish_context[0] else NO)) pipeline.append(Fore.CYAN + " - PyPi Publish:\t\t" + (YES if publish_context[1] else NO)) pipeline.append(Fore.CYAN + " - Docker Publish:\t" + (YES if publish_context[2] else NO)) log.success('Release pipeline is: ') for f in pipeline: if isinstance(f, str): log.success(f) continue log.success(" -> " + f.__name__) if not config.config['mock']: log.warning( Fore.YELLOW + 'The mock mode is not activated, this is for real !' + Fore.RESET) if config.config['ask']: input('Press Enter to continue') for f in pipeline: if isinstance(f, str) or f.__name__ == 'wrapper': continue log.success('> ' + f.__name__) if f.__name__ == 'up_version': # the only one to give parameters to f(kind) else: f.__call__()
def check_packages(base_url=''): log.fine('Checking packages in: ' + piptmp) unchecked = 0 for f in os.listdir(piptmp): try: log.set_additional_info(f) f_ = piptmp + os.sep + f if not os.path.isfile(f_): continue splited = f.split('-') log.debug('Checking ' + splited[0]) package_info = query_get(base_url + splited[0] + '/' + splited[1] + '/json') for f_info in package_info['releases'][splited[1]]: if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(piptmp, f_info['filename'])): continue if md5(f_) != f_info['md5_digest']: log.error('Hash do not match') exit(1) # log.success(Fore.GREEN+'Hash checked for '+f) if not f_info['has_sig']: log.debug(Fore.YELLOW + 'No signature provided for ' + f_info['filename']) # FIXME throw? unchecked += 1 continue sig = query_get(f_info['url'] + '.asc', False) log.debug('File: ' + f_info['filename'] + ' has signature:\n ' + sig.decode()) # Check q = '' if log.get_verbose() else ' --quiet' try: call_gpg('--no-default-keyring --keyring tmp.gpg' + q + ' --auto-key-retrieve --verify - ' + f_, inp=sig) # FIXME Only use known keys? except CalledProcessError as er: if er.returncode == 1: log.error(Fore.RED + config.OPEN_PADLOCK + ' Invalid signature for ' + f) exit(1) log.error('Could not check signature for ' + f + ' (' + repr(er) + ')') unchecked += 1 continue log.success(Fore.GREEN + config.PADLOCK + ' File ' + f + ' is verified') except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(2) except SystemExit as e: raise e except BaseException as be: log.error(Fore.RED + config.OPEN_PADLOCK + ' Failed to check ' + f + Fore.RESET) log.error(repr(be)) log.warning(Fore.YELLOW + str(unchecked) + ' file(s) could not be verified')
def __enter__(self): splogger.fine("Building pipeline") DVICPipelineWrapper.current_pipeline = self return self