Example #1
def test_lisa_cluster():
    df = _test_data_columbus()
    moran_loc = _test_calc_moran_loc(df)

    fig, _ = lisa_cluster(moran_loc, df)

    # test LineStrings
    df_line = _test_LineString()
    moran_loc = _test_calc_moran_loc(df_line, var="Length")

    fig, _ = lisa_cluster(moran_loc, df_line)
Example #2
def moran_inverse(file):
    # Read in shapefile
    df = file
    # df = gpd.read_file("C:\zoovision\data\Region1.shp")
    # print(df.dtypes)

    y = df['ind_100t']
    # Calculate weight
    # First calculate minimum threshold distance to nearest neightbor
    thresh = ps.min_threshold_dist_from_shapefile(
    # thresh = 1.1
    # weight based on fixed distance,(0 if not in threshold)
    w = ps.weights.DistanceBand.from_shapefile("C:\zoovision\data\Region1.shp",
    # weight based on non fixed distance,(0 if not in threshold)
    # w = ps.weights.DistanceBand.from_shapefile("C:\zoovision\data\Region1.shp", binary=False)

    # transform r= standardize
    moran_loc = ps.Moran_Local(y, w, transformation="r", permutations=999)
    fig, ax = lisa_cluster(moran_loc, df, p=0.05, figsize=(15, 10))

        "Local Indicators of Spatial Association ",
        fontsize=35)  # plot_moran(moran_loc, zstandard=True, figsize=(10, 4))
Example #3
def test_lisa_cluster():
    link = examples.get_path('columbus.shp')
    df = gpd.read_file(link)

    y = df['HOVAL'].values
    w = Queen.from_dataframe(df)
    w.transform = 'r'

    moran_loc = Moran_Local(y, w)

    fig, _ = lisa_cluster(moran_loc, df)
Example #4
    # Global spatial autocorrelation
    y = sa_df[week]
    moran = Moran(y, w)
    # Local spatial autocorrelation
    m_local = Moran_Local(y, w)
    lisa = m_local.Is
    # set CRS
    sa_df = sa_df.to_crs("EPSG:3857")

    #Plot map
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,9))
    lisa_cluster(m_local, sa_df, p=0.05, figsize = (9,9),ax=ax)
    description = 'Weekly Covid-19 Spatial Autocorrelation'
    info_text = 'Hot- and coldspots indicates clusters of high and low infection rates. \nDonuts are regions with low infection-rates sorrounded by areas with high infection-rates. \nDiamonds are regions with high infection-rates sorrounded by regions with low infection-rates'
    ax.set_title(str(week_name), fontdict={'fontsize': 22}, loc='left')
    ax.annotate(description, xy=(0.325, 0.140), size=14, xycoords='figure fraction')
    ax.annotate(info_text, xy=(0.325, 0.090), size=8, xycoords='figure fraction')

    #Legend items
    item1 = mlines.Line2D(range(1), range(1), color="white", marker='o', markerfacecolor="red", markersize=12)
    item2 = mlines.Line2D(range(1), range(1), color="white", marker='o', markerfacecolor="orange", markersize=12)
    item3 = mlines.Line2D(range(1), range(1), color="white", marker='o', markerfacecolor="lightblue", markersize=12)
    item4 = mlines.Line2D(range(1), range(1), color="white", marker='o', markerfacecolor="blue", markersize=12)
    plt.legend((item1, item2, item3, item4), ('Hotspot', 'Diamonds','Donuts','Coldspot')).set_bbox_to_anchor((0.240, 0.086)) #(x,y)
    plt.savefig(filepath, dpi=150)
Example #5
def moran_gen(file):
    # Read in shapefile
    df = file
    # df = gpd.read_file(file)
    # print(df.dtypes)
    y = df['ind_100t']
    # Calculate weight
    # First calculate minimum threshold distance to nearest neightbor
    thresh = ps.min_threshold_dist_from_shapefile(
    # thresh = 1
    # print(thresh)
    # weight based on fixed distance, for binary(0 or 1 if within threshold)
    # arcgis_swm = ps.open('C:\zoovision\data\weightfiles\week1test.swm', 'r')
    # w = arcgis_swm.read()
    # arcgis_swm.close()
    # e = open('C:\zoovision\data\Region1_count.txt')
    # x = e.readlines()
    # print(x.head())
    # gwt = ps.open('C:\zoovision\weights.gwt', 'r')
    # w = gwt.read()
    # gwt.close()
    # w = ps.open('C:\zoovision\data\Region1_count.txt', 'r', 'Region1_count').read()
    testfile = ps.open('C:\zoovision\data\Region1_count.txt', 'r',
    testfile = ps.open('C:\zoovision\data\Region1_count.txt', 'r',
    w = testfile.read()
    # testfile = ps.open('C:\zoovision\data\weightfiles\Region1_genweights.swm', 'r')
    # w = testfile.read()

    # f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.txt')
    # fname = f.name
    # f.close()
    # o = ps.open(fname, 'w', 'Region1_count')
    # o.write(w)
    # o.close()
    # wnew = ps.open(fname, 'r', 'Region1_count').read()
    # wnew.pct_nonzero == w.pct_nonzero
    # os.remove(fname)
    # arcgis_txt.close()
    # w = ps.queen_from_shapefile("C:\zoovision\data\Region1.shp")
    # w = ps.weights.DistanceBand.from_shapefile("C:\zoovision\data\Region1.shp",  threshold=thresh, binary=False)
    # print(tuple(w1))
    # f = ps.open(ps.examples.get_path("stl_hom.txt"))
    # y = np.array(f.by_col['HR8893'])
    # w = ps.open(ps.examples.get_path("stl.gal")).read()
    # np.random.seed(12345)
    # moran_loc = ps.Moran_Local(y, w)
    # print(tuple(w))
    # w2 = ps.lat2W(6, 4)
    # w = ps.w_union(w1, w2)
    # w = w1.multiply(w2)

    moran_loc = Moran_Local(y, w, transformation='r', permutations=999)

    # moran_loc = ps.Moran_Local(y, w, permutations=999)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10))

    fig, ax = lisa_cluster(moran_loc, df, p=0.05, figsize=(15, 10))

        "Local Indicators of Spatial Association ",
        fontsize=35)  # plot_moran(moran_loc, zstandard=True, figsize=(10, 4))
Example #6
def moran_map(moran, dataset):
    chart = lisa_cluster(moran, dataset, p=0.05, figsize=(9,9))
    fig = chart[0]