class NetworkToolsConfig(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents the network_tools.conf custom conf file.

    resource = '/admin/network_tools'
    index = Field()
class ClusterMasterGeneration(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a master's generation info

    resource = '/cluster/master/generation'

    generation_id = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    generation_peers = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    last_complete_generation_id = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    multisite_error = Field(is_mutable=False)
    pending_generation_id = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    pending_last_attempt = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    pending_last_reason = Field(is_mutable=False)
    replication_factor_met = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    search_factor_met = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    was_forced = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
Example #3
class Input(SplunkRESTModel):

    resource = 'data/inputs'
    disabled = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    host = Field()
    index = Field()
    queue = Field()
    rcvbuf = IntField(api_name='_rcvbuf', is_mutable=False)
    source = Field()
    sourcetype = Field()

    def _reload(self):
        path = '/'.join(['/', 1)[0], '_reload'])
        response, content = rest.simpleRequest(path, method='POST')
        if response.status == 200:
            return True
        return False
Example #4
class Input(SplunkAppObjModel):

    resource = 'data/inputs'
    disabled = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    host = Field()
    index = Field()
    sourcetype = Field()

    def _reload(self):
        path = '/'.join(['/', 1)[0], '_reload'])
        response, content = rest.simpleRequest(path, method='POST')
        if response.status == 200:
            return True
        return False

    def enable(self):
        if not self.action_links:
            return True
        for item in self.action_links:
            if 'enable' in item:
                response, content = rest.simpleRequest(item[1], method='POST')
                if response.status == 200:
                    return True
        return False

    def disable(self):
        if not self.action_links:
            return True
        for item in self.action_links:
            if 'disable' in item:
                response, content = rest.simpleRequest(item[1], method='POST')
                if response.status == 200:
                    return True
        return False

    def delete(self):
        if not self.action_links:
            return False
        for item in self.action_links:
            if 'remove' in item:
                response, content = rest.simpleRequest(item[1],
                if response.status == 200:
                    return True
        return False
Example #5
class CookedTCPInput(SocketInput):

    resource = 'data/inputs/tcp/cooked'
    compressed = BoolField()
    enable_s2s_heartbeat = BoolField()
    input_shutdown_timeout = IntField()
    # TODO: cast to RouteField()
    route = Field()
    s2s_heartbeat_timeout = IntField()
Example #6
class App(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a Splunk app

    resource = 'apps/local'
    is_disabled = BoolField('disabled')
    is_configured = BoolField('configured')
    label = Field()
class ClusterMasterBucket(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a master's cluster bucket state

    resource = 'cluster/master/buckets'

    bucket_size = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    constrain_to_origin_site = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    force_roll = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    frozen = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    index = Field(is_mutable=False)
    origin_site = Field(is_mutable=False)
    peers = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    primaries_by_site = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    rep_count_by_site = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    search_count_by_site = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    service_after_time = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    standalone = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
class FiredAlert(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a Splunk fired/triggered alert

    resource = 'alerts/fired_alerts/-'

    actions          = ListField()
    alert_type       = Field()
    savedsearch_name = Field()
    sid              = Field()
    severity         = IntField()
    trigger_time     = EpochField()
    # these are rendered time string in the current user's timezone
    trigger_time_rendered = Field()
    expiration_time_rendered  = Field()
    digest_mode      = BoolField()
    triggered_alerts = IntField()

    def get_savedsearch(self):
        from splunk.models.saved_search import SavedSearch
        return SavedSearch.get(self.entity.getLink('savedsearch'))       

    def get_job(self):
      job_id = self.entity.getLink('job')
      #TODO: return a search job object
      return None

    def get_alerts(cls, alerts_id):
        Returns a SplunkQuerySet that can be used to access the alerts fired by the given id.
        The SplunkQuerySet can be modified to include a search, custom ordering etc..

        example alerts_id:
           absolute: https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/aalerts/fired_alerts/AlertTest1
           relative: /servicesNS/nobody/search/alerts/fired_alerts/AlertTest1 

        k      = SplunkQuerySet(FiredAlert.manager(), 30)
        k._uri = alerts_id
        return k 
Example #9
class HydraCacheStanza(SOLNAppObjModel):
    Provides object mapping for the hydra cache stanzas
    This can be used as an example when making your own cache models
    The conf file should NEVER be managed manually, it is a datastore for the shared session objects
    Field Meanings:
        string_data - This is a string representing some string data
        python_data - This is the serialized python object representing some serialized python data
        worker - This is a pointer to the worker that is currently editing the cache,
            workers will use this field to 'lock' this session to avoid collisions

    resource = 'configs/conf-hydra_cache'

    use_model_as_spec = True

    string_data = Field()
    python_data = PythonObjectField()
    worker = Field()
    last_lock_time = ISODateTimeField()
class SelfConfig(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a Splunk license tracker (master) server

    resource = 'licenser/localslave'
    resource_default = 'licenser/localslave/license'

    connection_timeout = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    features = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    last_master_contact_attempt_time = EpochField(is_mutable=False)
    last_master_contact_success_time = EpochField(is_mutable=False)
    last_trackerdb_service_time = EpochField(is_mutable=False)
    license_keys = ListField(is_mutable=False)
    master_guid = Field(is_mutable=False)
    master_uri = Field()
    receive_timeout = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    send_timeout = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    slave_name = Field(api_name='slave_id', is_mutable=False)
    slave_label = Field(is_mutable=False)
    squash_threshold = IntField(is_mutable=False)
Example #11
class Slave(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a Splunk license slave server

    resource = 'licenser/slaves'

    added_usage_parsing_warnings = BoolField()
    pool_names = ListField(api_name='pool_ids', is_mutable=False)
    stack_names = ListField(api_name='stack_ids', is_mutable=False)
    warning_count = IntField()
    label = Field()
Example #12
class SplunkLookupTableFile(SplunkAppObjModel):
    '''Class for Splunk lookup table files.
    Note that on save(), the "path" is actually
    the file that will be copied into place to replace the existing lookup

    resource = '/data/lookup-table-files'
    name = Field()
    path = Field(api_name="eai:data")
    def reload( session_key=None ):
        path = SplunkLookupTableFile.resource + "/" + '_reload'
        response, content = rest.simpleRequest(path, method='GET', sessionKey=session_key)
        if response.status == 200:
            return True
        return False
class ClusterMasterPeer(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a master's cluster peer state

    resource = 'cluster/master/peers'

    active_bundle_id = Field(is_mutable=False)
    apply_bundle_status = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    base_generation_id = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    bucket_count = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    bucket_count_by_index = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    delayed_buckets_to_discard = ListField(is_mutable=False)
    fixup_set = ListField(is_mutable=False)
    host_port_pair = Field(is_mutable=False)
    is_searchable = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    label = Field(is_mutable=False)
    last_heartbeat = EpochField(is_mutable=False)
    latest_bundle_id = Field(is_mutable=False)
    pending_job_count = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    primary_count = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    primary_count_remote = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    replication_count = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    replication_port = IntField(is_mutable=False)
    replication_use_ssl = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    search_state_counter = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    site = Field(is_mutable=False)
    status = Field(is_mutable=False)
    status_counter = DictField(is_mutable=False)
class App(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a Splunk app.
    resource = 'apps/local'
    check_for_updates   = BoolField()
    is_configured       = BoolField(api_name='configured')
    is_disabled         = BoolField('disabled')
    is_visible          = BoolField(api_name='visible')
    label               = Field()
    requires_restart    = BoolField(api_name='state_change_requires_restart')
Example #15
class TAVMwareVCenterForwarderStanza(SOLNAppObjModel):
	Provides object mapping for the vcenter forwarder stanzas
	The conf file is for storing information on accessing splunk forwarders.
	Note that by convention the name of these stanzas must match the vc stanza in ta_vmware_collection.conf
	Field Meanings:
		host - The routable address of the virtual center splunk forwarder management, e.g.
		user - The user to use when administering the forwarder
		credential_validation - boolean indicating the credentials have been validated 
		addon_validation - boolean indicating the addon (TA-vcenter) has been validated as installed

    resource = 'configs/conf-vcenter_forwarder'

    use_model_as_spec = True

    host = Field()
    user = Field()
    #The field stores the state of VC log collection
    vc_collect_logs = BoolField()
    credential_validation = BoolField()
    addon_validation = BoolField()
Example #16
class DispatchField(StructuredField):
    Represents the splunk search dispatch parameters

    buckets = Field()
    earliest_time = Field()
    latest_time = Field()
    lookups = BoolField()
    max_count = Field()
    max_time = Field()
    reduce_freq = Field()
    spawn_process = BoolField()
    time_format = Field()
    ttl = Field()
Example #17
class MonitorInput(Input):

    resource = 'data/inputs/monitor'
    blacklist = Field()
    check_index = BoolField(api_name='check-index')
    check_path = BoolField(api_name='check-path')
    crc_salt = Field(api_name='crc-salt')
    follow_tail = BoolField(api_name='followTail')
    host_regex = Field()
    host_segment = Field()
    ignore_older_than = Field(api_name='ignore-older-than')
    recursive = BoolField()
    rename_source = Field(api_name='rename-source')
    whitelist = Field()
Example #18
class Dashboard(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a simple XML dashboard.  This is a wrapper model class for the
    view objects previously defined in /models/legacy_views.

    resource = 'data/ui/views'

    # properties

    data = Field('eai:data')

    def get_label(self):
        return self._obj.label

    def set_label(self, label):
        self._obj.label = label

    label = property(get_label, set_label)

    # constructor
    def __init__(self, namespace, owner, name, entity=None, **kwargs):
        super(Dashboard, self).__init__(namespace,
        self._obj = dashboard.SimpleDashboard()

    # internal adapters

    def from_entity(self, entity):
        super(Dashboard, self).from_entity(entity)
        data = entity['eai:data']
        if data:
            root = et.fromstring(unicode(data).encode('utf-8'))
            self._obj = dashboard.SimpleDashboard()
            except Exception, e:
                logger.warn('Could not load xml %s' % e)
Example #19
class AutoSummarizeField(StructuredField):
    Represents the auto-summarrize related parameters
    enabled = BoolField('auto_summarize')
    can_summarize = Field(is_mutable=False)
    is_good_summarization_candidate = Field(is_mutable=False)
    cron_schedule = Field()
    earliest_time = Field('auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time')
    latest_time = Field('auto_summarize.dispatch.latest_time')
    timespan = Field(is_mutable=False)
Example #20
class AlertOverlay(SplunkAppObjModel):
    resource              = 'unix/alert_overlay'
    description           = Field()
    business_impact       = Field()
    remediation           = Field()
    escalation            = Field()
    threshold_max         = IntField()
    threshold_min         = IntField()
    threshold_type        = Field()
    threshold_unit        = Field()
Example #21
class TAVMwareCacheStanza(SOLNAppObjModel):
	Provides object mapping for the TA-vmware cache stanzas
	The conf file should NEVER be managed manually, it is a datastore for the shared objects

    resource = 'configs/conf-ta_vmware_cache'

    use_model_as_spec = True

    #This is the serialized python object representing inv_data
    inv_data = PythonObjectField()
    inv_time = ISODateTimeField()
    #This is a pointer to the worker that is currently editing the cache,
    #workers will use this field to 'lock' this session to avoid collisions
    worker = Field()
    last_lock_time = ISODateTimeField()
class ClusterMasterInfo(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a master node's state

    resource = 'cluster/master/info'

    active_bundle = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    apply_bundle_status = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    indexing_ready_flag = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    initialized_flag = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    label = Field(is_mutable=False)
    latest_bundle = DictField(is_mutable=False)
    maintenance_mode = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    multisite = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    rolling_restart_flag = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    service_ready_flag = BoolField(is_mutable=False)
    start_time = IntField(is_mutable=False)
Example #23
class TAVMwareSyslogForwarderStanza(SOLNAppObjModel):
	Provides object mapping for the syslog forwarder stanzas
	The conf file is for storing configuration information related to syslog forwarding.
	Note that by convention the name of stanzas must match the vc stanza in ta_vmware_collection.conf
	Field Meanings:
		status - boolean on/off switch for data collection
		validation_status - boolean indicating if validation has passed
		syslog_uri - csv list of target ssylog forwarders

    resource = 'configs/conf-ta_vmware_syslog_forwarder'

    use_model_as_spec = True
    status = BoolField()
    validation_status = BoolField()
    uri = CSVField()
    config_status_msg = Field()
Example #24
class MonitorInput(Input):

    resource = 'data/inputs/monitor'
    always_open_file = BoolField()
    blacklist = Field()
    crc_salt = Field(api_name='crcSalt')
    file_count = IntField(api_name='filecount', is_mutable=False)
    follow_symlink = BoolField(api_name='followSymlink')
    follow_tail = BoolField()
    host_regex = Field()
    host_segment = Field()
    # TODO : cast to TimeField()
    ignore_older_than = Field()
    move_policy = Field()
    recursive = BoolField()
    time_before_close = IntField()
    whitelist = Field()
class Message(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represnts a licenser message

    resource = 'licenser/messages'

    category = Field(is_mutable=False)
    create_time = EpochField()
    description = Field()
    pool_name = Field(api_name='pool_id')
    severity = Field(default_value='ERROR')
    slave_name = Field(api_name='slave_id')
    stack_name = Field(api_name='stack_id')
Example #26
    class EmailActionField(StructuredField):
        Represents the email alert action configuration

        enabled = BoolField('')
        format = Field()
        inline = BoolField()
        sendresults = BoolField()
        to = Field()
        subject = Field()

        pdfview = Field()

        #TODO: use splunk.models.server_config.PDFConfig.is_enabled instead
        sendpdf = BoolField()
        papersize = Field()
        paperorientation = Field()
class ClusterConfig(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents the current node
    resource = 'cluster/config'

    cxn_timeout = IntField()
    disabled = BoolField()
    forwarderdata_rcv_port = IntField()
    forwarderdata_use_ssl = BoolField()
    heartbeat_period = IntField()
    heartbeat_timeout = IntField()
    master_uri = Field()
    max_peer_build_load = IntField()
    max_peer_rep_load = IntField()
    mode = Field()
    multisite = BoolField()
    percent_peers_to_restart = IntField()
    ping_flag = BoolField()
    quiet_period = IntField()
    rcv_timeout = IntField()
    register_forwarder_address = Field()
    register_replication_address = Field()
    register_search_address = Field()
    rep_cxn_timeout = IntField()
    rep_max_rcv_timeout = IntField()
    rep_max_send_timeout = IntField()
    rep_rcv_timeout = IntField()
    rep_send_timeout = IntField()
    replication_factor = IntField()
    replication_port = IntField()
    replication_use_ssl = BoolField()
    restart_timeout = IntField()
    search_factor = IntField()
    search_files_retry_timeout = IntField()
    secret = Field()
    send_timeout = IntField()
    site = Field()
class License(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a single license object

    resource = 'licenser/licenses'

    creation_time = EpochField()
    expiration_time = EpochField()
    features = ListField()
    hash = Field(api_name='license_hash')
    label = Field()
    max_violations = IntField()
    payload = Field()
    quota_bytes = FloatField(api_name='quota')
    sourcetypes = ListField()
    stack_name = Field(api_name='stack_id')
    status = Field()
    type = Field()
    window_period = IntField()
class User(SplunkAppObjModel):
    Represents a Splunk user object.

    resource = 'authentication/users'

    default_app = Field('defaultApp')
    default_app_is_user_override = BoolField('defaultAppIsUserOverride',
    default_app_source_role = Field('defaultAppSourceRole', is_mutable=False)
    email = Field()
    password = Field()
    realname = Field()
    create_role = Field('createrole', is_mutable=False)
    roles = ListField(is_mutable=False)
    type = Field(is_mutable=False)

    def get(self, uname):
        Overriden function lets retrieving user objects by user name instead of id
        return super(User, self).get('%s/%s' % (self.resource, uname))
Example #30
class AlertField(StructuredField):
    Represents the saved search alerting configuration
    class SuppressAlertField(StructuredField):
        Represents the suppression configuration for saved search alerting
        enabled = BoolField('alert.suppress')
        period = Field()
        fieldlist = Field('alert.suppress.fields')

    type = Field('alert_type')
    comparator = Field('alert_comparator')
    threshold = Field('alert_threshold')
    condition = Field('alert_condition')
    suppress = SuppressAlertField()
    digest_mode = BoolField()
    expires = Field()
    severity = Field()
    fired_count = IntField('triggered_alert_count')
    track = BoolField()