Example #1
def current_url_path(include_qs=True):
    Return the current url path, optionally with the query string
    encoded so it's safe to include anywhere in an HTML page 
    # path_info is fully decoded, so we need to encode it
    # query_string is encoded from the browser, but it may contain raw single quotes, etc
    # so we run the encoder over it again to pick up any stray dangerous characters
    if include_qs and cherrypy.request.query_string:
        return cherrypy.request.script_name+safeURLQuote(cherrypy.request.path_info)+'?'+safeURLQuote(cherrypy.request.query_string, '&%=+#')
        return cherrypy.request.script_name+safeURLQuote(cherrypy.request.path_info)
 def send_email(self, group_ids, emailto, subject, message):
     search_cmd = 'search index="itsi_grouped_alerts" itsi_group_id IN %s | sendemail "email" content_type="html" ' \
                  'to="%s" subject="%s" server="localhost" message="%s" sendresults=true' \
                  % (str(tuple(group_ids)).replace('\'', '"'), emailto, subject, message)
     data = {
         'earliestTime': '-24h',
         'latestTime': 'now',
         'search': search_cmd,
         'exec_mode': 'oneshot',
         'output_mode': 'json'
     logger.info('Running search command: %s to send email' % search_cmd)
     response, content = splunk_rest.simpleRequest(
         safeURLQuote('/servicesNS/nobody/%s/search/jobs/' %
     if 200 <= response.status < 300:
         logger.info('sendemail command run successfully.')
         return True
         logger.error('Failed to run sendemail')
     return False
Example #3
def make_url(target, _qs=None, translate=True, relative=False, __app_cache=None):
    Build a url from a relative or absolute url with optional query string

    Set translate to false if you don't want /splunk (or whatever root_path in the config is set to)
    prefixed to the url - Usually you want this on though.
    Can also add a query string by passing a list of tuples or a dict as _qs:
    self.url('/search/jobs', job_id=1234, action=delete, _qs=[('q', 'search val to quote')])
    self.url('/search/jobs', job_id=1234, action=delete, _qs=dict(q='search val to quote'))
    dict values can be strings or lists of strings 
    Static paths are constructed with a cache defeater segement embedded:
    This results in static paths like:
    Static assets for apps have an additional cache defeater number correlating to the app's
    build number as defined in app.conf:


    The URL handler in root.py strips out any requests with this schema
    import i18n
    from splunk.appserver.mrsparkle.lib import module
        __app_cache = cherrypy.config['app_build_cache'] if __app_cache is None else __app_cache
    except KeyError:
        __app_cache = cherrypy.config['app_build_cache'] = {}

    if isinstance(target, list):
        target = '/'.join([safeURLQuote(x) for x in target])
        if not relative:
            target = '/' + target
        if not '?' in target:
            target = splunk.util.safeURLQuote(target)
    if not url_has_valid_charset(target):
        raise InvalidURLException("Illegal characters in URL")
    if _qs:
        if isinstance(_qs, dict):
            # translate {'v1':'k1', 'v2':['v2-1','v2-2']} to [('v1','k1'), ('v2','v2-1'), ('v2','v2-2')]
            # nexted list comprehensions ftw
            qargs = []
            [ qargs.extend([(k, e) for e in v]) for k,v in [ (k, v if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else (v,) ) for k, v in _qs.iteritems() ] ] 
            _qs = qargs
        qargs = '?' + '&'.join([ '%s=%s' % (safeURLQuote(unicode(k), safe=''), safeURLQuote(unicode(v), safe='')) for k, v in _qs])
        qargs = ''

    if translate and target[0]=='/':
        segments = target.split('/')
        target_segment = target.split('/', 2)[1] if target!='/' else ''

        if segments[1] in ('static', 'modules'):
            suffix = '.%s' % push_version() if push_version() else ''
            app_name = segments[3] if len(segments)>4 and segments[2]=='app' else None
            if segments[1] == 'modules' and len(segments) > 2:
                moduleList = module.moduleMapper.getInstalledModules()
                if moduleList.has_key('Splunk.Module.' + segments[2]):
                    app_name = moduleList.get('Splunk.Module.' + segments[2])['appName']

            if app_name:
                if app_name not in __app_cache:
                    # XXX Temporary hack to cache app config data until getConf() handles caching itself.
                        rawConfig = splunk.bundle.getConf('app', namespace=app_name)
                        app_version = ':%d' % int(rawConfig['install'].get('build', 0))
                    except (splunk.ResourceNotFound, ValueError, TypeError):
                        app_version = ':0'
                    __app_cache[app_name] = app_version
                    app_version = __app_cache[app_name]
                app_version = ''

            target = target.replace('/%s/' % (target_segment,), '/%s/@%s%s%s/' % (target_segment, cherrypy.config['build_number'], suffix, app_version))
        return i18n.make_i18n_url(target+qargs)
    return target+qargs