Example #1
def test_cert_block_invalid():
    cb = CertBlockV2()
    cb.RKH_SIZE = 77777
    with pytest.raises(SPSDKError, match="Invalid length of data"):
    with pytest.raises(SPSDKError, match="Invalid image length"):
        cb.image_length = -2
    with pytest.raises(SPSDKError, match="Invalid alignment"):
        cb.alignment = -2
    cb = CertBlockV2()
    with pytest.raises(SPSDKError, match="Invalid index of root key hash in the table"):
        cb.set_root_key_hash(5, bytes(32))
    with pytest.raises(SPSDKError, match="Invalid length of key hash"):
        cb.set_root_key_hash(3, bytes(5))
Example #2
def certificate_block(data_dir, der_file_names, index=0, chain_der_file_names=None) -> CertBlockV2:
    :param data_dir: absolute path of data dir where the test keys are located
    :param der_file_names: list of filenames of the DER certificate
    :param index: of the root certificate (index to der_file_names list)
    :param chain_der_file_names: list of filenames of der certificates in chain (applied for `index`)
    :return: certificate block for testing
    # read public certificate
    cert_data_list = list()
    for der_file_name in der_file_names:
        if der_file_name:
            with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "keys_and_certs", der_file_name), "rb") as f:

    # create certification block
    cert_block = CertBlockV2(build_number=1)
    if chain_der_file_names:
        for der_file_name in chain_der_file_names:
            with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "keys_and_certs", der_file_name), "rb") as f:

    # add hashes
    for root_key_index, cert_data in enumerate(cert_data_list):
        if cert_data:
            cert_block.set_root_key_hash(root_key_index, Certificate(cert_data))

    cert_block.export()  # check export works
    cert_block.info()  # check info works

    return cert_block
Example #3
def test_cert_block(data_dir):
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'selfsign_2048_v3.der.crt'), 'rb') as f:
        cert_data = f.read()

    cert_obj = Certificate(cert_data)

    cb = CertBlockV2()
    cb.set_root_key_hash(0, cert_obj.public_key_hash)
    assert cb.rkh_index == 0

    # test RKHT
    assert cb.rkht.hex(
    ) == 'db31d46c717711a8231cbc38b1de8a6e8657e1f733e04c2ee4b62fcea59149fa'
    fuses = cb.rkht_fuses
    assert len(fuses) == 8
    assert fuses[0] == 1825845723

    # test exception if child certificate in chain is not signed by parent certificate
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'ca0_v3.der.crt'), 'rb') as f:
        ca0_cert_data = f.read()
    ca0_cert = Certificate(ca0_cert_data)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # test exception if no certificate specified
    cb = CertBlockV2()
    cb.set_root_key_hash(0, cert_obj.public_key_hash)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # test exception last certificate is set as CA
    cb = CertBlockV2()
    cb.set_root_key_hash(0, ca0_cert.public_key_hash)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # test exception if hash does not match any certificate
    cb = CertBlockV2()
    cb.set_root_key_hash(0, ca0_cert.public_key_hash)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #4
def _create_cert_block_v2(data_dir: str) -> CertBlockV2:
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'selfsign_v3.der.crt'), 'rb') as f:
        cert_data = f.read()

    cb = CertBlockV2()
    cert_obj = Certificate(cert_data)
    cb.set_root_key_hash(0, cert_obj.public_key_hash)
    return cb
Example #5
def gen_cert_block() -> CertBlockV2:
    """Generate a Certification Block."""
    with open(f"{DATA_DIR}/selfsign_v3.der.crt", "rb") as cert_file:
        cert_data = cert_file.read()

    cert_obj = Certificate(cert_data)
    root_key = cert_obj.public_key_hash

    cert_block = CertBlockV2()
    cert_block.set_root_key_hash(0, root_key)
    return cert_block
Example #6
def test_add_invalid_cert_in_cert_block(data_dir):
    cb = CertBlockV2()
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "selfsign_2048_v3.der.crt"), "rb") as f:
        cert_data = f.read()
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "ca0_v3.der.crt"), "rb") as f:
        ca0_cert_data = f.read()
    with pytest.raises(SPSDKError):
    with pytest.raises(
        SPSDKError, match="Chain certificate cannot be verified using parent public key"
Example #7
def test_cert_block_export_invalid(data_dir):
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "selfsign_2048_v3.der.crt"), "rb") as f:
        cert_data = f.read()
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "ca0_v3.der.crt"), "rb") as f:
        ca0_cert_data = f.read()
    cert_obj = Certificate(cert_data)
    cb = CertBlockV2()
    cb.set_root_key_hash(0, cert_obj.public_key_hash)
    assert cb.rkh_index == 0
    with pytest.raises(
        SPSDKError, match="All certificates except the last chain certificate must be CA"
Example #8
def test_cert_block_basic():
    cb = CertBlockV2()
    # test default values
    assert cb.image_length == 0
    assert cb.alignment == 16
    assert cb.rkh_index is None
    # test setters
    cb.image_length = 1
    cb.alignment = 1
    assert cb.alignment == 1
    assert cb.image_length == 1
    assert cb.header.image_length == 1
    # invalid root key index
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        cb.set_root_key_hash(4, bytes([0] * 32))
    # invalid root key size
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        cb.set_root_key_hash(0, bytes())
Example #9
def generate_secure_binary_21(
    bd_file_path: click.Path,
    output_file_path: click.Path,
    key_file_path: click.Path,
    private_key_file_path: click.Path,
    signing_certificate_file_paths: List[click.Path],
    root_key_certificate_paths: List[click.Path],
    hoh_out_path: click.Path,
    external_files: List[click.Path],
) -> None:
    """Generate SecureBinary image from BD command file.

    :param bd_file_path: path to BD file.
    :param output_file_path: output path to generated secure binary file.
    :param key_file_path: path to key file.
    :param private_key_file_path: path to private key file for signing. This key
    relates to last certificate from signing certificate chain.
    :param signing_certificate_file_paths: signing certificate chain.
    :param root_key_certificate_paths: paths to root key certificate(s) for
    verifying other certificates. Only 4 root key certificates are allowed,
    others are ignored. One of the certificates must match the first certificate
    passed in signing_certificate_file_paths.
    :param hoh_out_path: output path to hash of hashes of root keys. If set to
    None, 'hash.bin' is created under working directory.
    :param external_files: external files referenced from BD file.

    :raises SPSDKError: If incorrect bf file is provided
    # Create lexer and parser, load the BD file content and parse it for
    # further execution - the parsed BD file is a dictionary in JSON format
    with open(str(bd_file_path)) as bd_file:
        bd_file_content = bd_file.read()

    parser = bd_parser.BDParser()

    parsed_bd_file = parser.parse(text=bd_file_content, extern=external_files)
    if parsed_bd_file is None:
        raise SPSDKError(
            "Invalid bd file, secure binary file generation terminated")

    # The dictionary contains following content:
    # {
    #   options: {
    #       opt1: value,...
    #   },
    #   sections: [
    #       {section_id: value, options: {}, commands: {}},
    #       {section_id: value, options: {}, commands: {}}
    #   ]
    # }
    # TODO check, that section_ids differ in sections???

    # we need to encrypt and sign the image, let's check, whether we have
    # everything we need
    # It appears, that flags option in BD file are irrelevant for 2.1 secure
    # binary images regarding encryption/signing - SB 2.1 must be encrypted
    # and signed.
    # However, bit 15 represents, whether the final SB 2.1 must include a
    # SHA-256 of the botable section.
    flags = parsed_bd_file["options"].get(
        "flags", BootImageV21.FLAGS_SHA_PRESENT_BIT
    if (private_key_file_path is None or signing_certificate_file_paths is None
            or root_key_certificate_paths is None):
            "error: Signed image requires private key with -s option, "
            "one or more certificate(s) using -S option and one or more root key "
            "certificates using -R option")

    # Versions and build number are up to the user. If he doesn't provide any,
    # we set these to following values.
    product_version = parsed_bd_file["options"].get("productVersion", "")
    component_version = parsed_bd_file["options"].get("componentVersion", "")
    build_number = parsed_bd_file["options"].get("buildNumber", -1)

    if not product_version:
        product_version = "1.0.0"
            "warning: production version not defined, defaults to '1.0.0'")

    if not component_version:
        component_version = "1.0.0"
            "warning: component version not defined, defaults to '1.0.0'")

    if build_number == -1:
        build_number = 1
        click.echo("warning: build number not defined, defaults to '1.0.0'")

    if key_file_path is None:
        # Legacy elf2sb doesn't report no key provided, but this should
        # be definitely reported to tell the user, what kind of key is being
        # used
        click.echo("warning: no KEK key provided, using a zero KEK key")
        sb_kek = bytes.fromhex("0" * 64)
        with open(str(key_file_path)) as kek_key_file:
            # TODO maybe we should validate the key length and content, to make
            # sure the key provided in the file is valid??
            sb_kek = bytes.fromhex(kek_key_file.readline())

    # validate keyblobs and perform appropriate actions
    keyblobs = parsed_bd_file.get("keyblobs", [])

    # Based on content of parsed BD file, create a BootSectionV2 and assign
    # commands to them.
    # The content of section looks like this:
    # sections: [
    #   {
    #       section_id: <number>,
    #       options: {}, this is left empty for now...
    #       commands: [
    #           {<cmd1>: {<param1>: value, ...}},
    #           {<cmd2>: {<param1>: value, ...}},
    #           ...
    #       ]
    #   },
    #   {
    #       section_id: <number>,
    #       ...
    #   }
    # ]
    sb_sections = []
    bd_sections = parsed_bd_file["sections"]
    for bd_section in bd_sections:
        section_id = bd_section["section_id"]
        commands = []
        for cmd in bd_section["commands"]:
            for key, value in cmd.items():
                # we use a helper function, based on the key ('load', 'erase'
                # etc.) to create a command object. The helper function knows
                # how to handle the parameters of each command.
                # TODO Only load, fill, erase and enable commands are supported
                # for now. But there are few more to be supported...
                cmd_fce = elf2sb_helper21.get_command(key)
                if key in ("keywrap", "encrypt"):
                    keyblob = {"keyblobs": keyblobs}
                cmd = cmd_fce(value)

        sb_sections.append(BootSectionV2(section_id, *commands))

    # We have a list of sections and their respective commands, lets create
    # a boot image v2.1 object
    secure_binary = BootImageV21(

    # create certificate block
    cert_block = CertBlockV2(build_number=build_number)
    for cert_path in signing_certificate_file_paths:
        cert_data = load_certificate_as_bytes(str(cert_path))
    for cert_idx, cert_path in enumerate(root_key_certificate_paths):
        cert_data = load_certificate_as_bytes(str(cert_path))
        cert_block.set_root_key_hash(cert_idx, Certificate(cert_data))

    # We have our secure binary, now we attach to it the certificate block and
    # the private key content
    # TODO legacy elf2sb doesn't require you to use certificates and private key,
    # so maybe we should make sure this is not necessary???
    # The -s/-R/-S are mandatory, 2.0 format not supported!!!
    secure_binary.cert_block = cert_block
    secure_binary.private_key_pem_data = load_binary(

    if hoh_out_path is None:
        hoh_out_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "hash.bin")

    with open(str(hoh_out_path), "wb") as rkht_file:

    with open(str(output_file_path), "wb") as sb_file_output:

    click.echo(f"Success. (Secure binary 2.1: {output_file_path} created.)")