Example #1
    def refine_osc(cls, w, coeff_field, a=1):
        Cadelta = 1.0
        mesh_maxh = w.basis.basis.mesh.hmax()
        coeff_min_val, coeff_max_grad = 1e10, 0.0
        suppLambda = supp(w.active_indices())
        if len(suppLambda) > 0:
#                 a0_f = coeff_field.mean_func
#                print "suppLambda", suppLambda
                for m in suppLambda:
                    coeff, _ = coeff_field[m]
                    min_val, max_grad = abs(coeff.min_val), abs(coeff.max_grad)
                    coeff_min_val, coeff_max_grad = min(coeff_min_val, min_val), max(coeff_max_grad, max_grad)
                    print "DDDD", m, min_val, max_grad, coeff_min_val, coeff_max_grad
                    logger.debug("\tm: %s %s %s %s %s" % (m, min_val, max_grad, coeff_min_val, coeff_max_grad))
                # determine (4.14) c_{a,\delta}
                Cadelta = mesh_maxh * coeff_max_grad / coeff_min_val
                logger.error("coefficient does not provide max_val and max_grad. OSC refinement not supported for this case...")
            # determine maximal mesh size to resolve coefficient oscillations
            logger.debug("OSC marking maxh {0} and Cadelta {1} with scaling factor {2}".format(mesh_maxh, Cadelta, a))
            print "OSC marking maxh {0} and Cadelta {1} with scaling factor {2}".format(mesh_maxh, Cadelta, a)
            maxh = a * mesh_maxh / Cadelta
            # create appropriate mesh by refinement and project current solution
            new_w = w.refine_maxh(maxh)
            return new_w, maxh, Cadelta
            logger.info("SKIP OSC refinement since only active mi is deterministic.")
            return w, 1.0, Cadelta
Example #2
 def LambdaBoundary(Lambda):
     suppLambda = supp(Lambda)
     for mu in Lambda:
         for m in suppLambda:
             mu1 = mu.inc(m)
             if mu1 not in Lambda:
                 yield mu1
             mu2 = mu.dec(m)
             if mu2 not in Lambda and mu2 is not None:
                 yield mu2
Example #3
    def evaluateUpperTailBound(cls, w, coeff_field, pde, maxh=1 / 10, add_maxm=10):
        """Estimate upper tail bounds according to Section 3.2."""
        def get_ainfty(m, V):
            a0_f = coeff_field.mean_func
            if isinstance(a0_f, tuple):
                a0_f = a0_f[0]
            # determine min \overline{a} on D (approximately)
            f = FEniCSVector.from_basis(V, sub_spaces=0)
            min_a0 = f.min_val
            am_f, _ = coeff_field[m]
            if isinstance(am_f, tuple):
                am_f = am_f[0]
            # determine ||a_m/\overline{a}||_{L\infty(D)} (approximately)
                # use exact bounds if defined
                max_am = am_f.max_val
                # otherwise interpolate
                max_am = f.max_val
            ainftym = max_am / min_a0
            assert isinstance(ainftym, float)
            return ainftym
        def prepare_norm_w(energynorm, w):
            normw = {}
            for mu in w.active_indices():
                normw[mu] = energynorm(w[mu]._fefunc)        
            return normw
        def LambdaBoundary(Lambda):
            suppLambda = supp(Lambda)
            for mu in Lambda:
                for m in suppLambda:
                    mu1 = mu.inc(m)
                    if mu1 not in Lambda:
                        yield mu1
                    mu2 = mu.dec(m)
                    if mu2 not in Lambda and mu2 is not None:
                        yield mu2

        # evaluate (3.15)
        def eval_zeta_bar(mu, suppLambda, coeff_field, normw, V, M):
            assert mu in normw.keys()
            zz = 0
#            print "====zeta bar Z1", mu, M
            for m in range(M):
                if m in suppLambda:
                _, am_rv = coeff_field[m]
                beta = am_rv.orth_polys.get_beta(mu[m])
                ainfty = get_ainfty(m, V)
                zz += (beta[1] * ainfty) ** 2
            return normw[mu] * sqrt(zz)
        # evaluate (3.11)
        def eval_zeta(mu, Lambda, coeff_field, normw, V, M=None, this_m=None):
            z = 0
            if this_m is None:
                for m in range(M):
                    _, am_rv = coeff_field[m]
                    beta = am_rv.orth_polys.get_beta(mu[m])
                    ainfty = get_ainfty(m, V)
                    mu1 = mu.inc(m)
                    if mu1 in Lambda:
#                        print "====zeta Z1", ainfty, beta[1], normw[mu1], " == ", ainfty * beta[1] * normw[mu1]
                        z += ainfty * beta[1] * normw[mu1]
                    mu2 = mu.dec(m)
                    if mu2 in Lambda:
#                        print "====zeta Z2", ainfty, beta[-1], normw[mu2], " == ", ainfty * beta[-1] * normw[mu2]
                        z += ainfty * beta[-1] * normw[mu2]
                return z
                m = this_m
                _, am_rv = coeff_field[m]
                beta = am_rv.orth_polys.get_beta(mu[m])
                ainfty = get_ainfty(m, V)
#                print "====zeta Z3", m, ainfty, beta[1], normw[mu], " == ", ainfty * beta[1] * normw[mu]
                return ainfty * beta[1] * normw[mu]
        # prepare some variables
        energynorm = pde.energy_norm
        Lambda = w.active_indices()
        suppLambda = supp(w.active_indices())
#        M = min(w.max_order + add_maxm, len(coeff_field))
        M = w.max_order + add_maxm
        normw = prepare_norm_w(energynorm, w)
        # retrieve (sufficiently fine) function space for maximum norm evaluation
        V = w[Multiindex()].basis.refine_maxh(maxh)[0]
        # evaluate estimator contributions of (3.16)
        from collections import defaultdict
        # === (a) zeta ===
        zeta = defaultdict(int)
        # iterate multiindex extensions
#        print "===A1 Lambda", Lambda
        for nu in LambdaBoundary(Lambda):
            assert nu not in Lambda
#            print "===A2 boundary nu", nu
            zeta[nu] += eval_zeta(nu, Lambda, coeff_field, normw, V, M)
        # === (b) zeta_bar ===
        zeta_bar = {}
        # iterate over active indices
        for mu in Lambda:
            zeta_bar[mu] = eval_zeta_bar(mu, suppLambda, coeff_field, normw, V, M)

        # evaluate summed estimator (3.16)
        global_zeta = sqrt(sum([v ** 2 for v in zeta.values()]) + sum([v ** 2 for v in zeta_bar.values()]))
        # also return zeta evaluation for single m (needed for refinement algorithm)
        eval_zeta_m = lambda mu, m: eval_zeta(mu=mu, Lambda=Lambda, coeff_field=coeff_field, normw=normw, V=V, M=M, this_m=m)
        logger.debug("=== ZETA  %s --- %s --- %s", global_zeta, zeta, zeta_bar)
        return global_zeta, zeta, zeta_bar, eval_zeta_m
Example #4
    def mark_y(cls, Lambda, zeta_, eval_zeta_m, theta_y, max_new_mi=100, type=1):
        """Carry out Doerfler marking by activation of new indices."""
        zeta = zeta_
        global_zeta = np.sqrt(sum([z ** 2 for z in zeta_.values()]))
        suppLambda = supp(Lambda)
        maxm = max(suppLambda)
        logger.debug("---- SUPPORT Lambda %s   maxm %s   Lambda %s ", suppLambda, maxm, Lambda)
        # A modified paper marking
        # ========================
        if type == 0:
            new_mi = []
            marked_zeta = 0.0
            while True:
                # break if sufficiently many new mi are selected
                if theta_y * global_zeta <= marked_zeta or len(new_mi) >= max_new_mi or len(zeta) == 0:
                    if len(new_mi) >= max_new_mi:
                        logger.warn("max new_mi reached (%i) WITHOUT sufficient share of global zeta!" % len(new_mi))
                    if len(zeta) == 0:
                        logger.warn("NO MORE MI TO MARK!")
                sorted_zeta = sorted(zeta.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
                logger.debug("SORTED ZETA %s", sorted_zeta)
                new_zeta = sorted_zeta[-1]
                mu = new_zeta[0]
                logger.debug("ADDING %s to new_mi %s", mu, new_mi)
                assert mu not in Lambda
                marked_zeta = np.sqrt(marked_zeta ** 2 + new_zeta[1] ** 2)
                # extend set of inactive potential indices if necessary (see section 5.7)
#                mu2 = mu.dec(maxm)
                # NOTE: the following is a slight extension of the algorithm in the paper since it executed the extension on all active multiindices (and not only with the latest activated)
    #            if mu2 in Lambda:
                possible_new_mu = []
                minm = min(set(range(1, maxm + 2)).difference(set(suppLambda))) # find min(N\setminus supp\Lambda)
                for mu2 in Lambda:
                    new_mu = mu2.inc(minm)
    #                assert new_mu not in Lambda
#                    if new_mu not in Lambda and new_mu not in zeta.keys():
                    if new_mu not in zeta.keys():
#                        logger.debug("extending multiindex candidates by %s since %s is at the boundary of Lambda (reachable from %s), minm: %s", new_mu, mu, mu2, minm)
                        logger.debug("extending multiindex candidates by %s since it is at the boundary of Lambda (reachable from %s), minm: %s", new_mu, mu2, minm)
                        possible_new_mu += [new_mu]
                        zeta[new_mu] = eval_zeta_m(mu2, minm)
                        # update global zeta
                        global_zeta = np.sqrt(global_zeta ** 2 + zeta[new_mu] ** 2)
                        logger.debug("new global_zeta is %f", global_zeta)
                    logger.debug("no further extension of multiindex candidates required")
                    if len(new_mi) >= max_new_mi:
                        logger.debug("maximal number new mi reached!")
                    elif len(zeta) == 0:
                        logger.debug("no more new indices available!")
                logger.info("possible new mu considered %s" % possible_new_mu)
        # B minimal y-dimension marking
        # =============================
            assert type == 1

            # === EVALUATE EXTENSION ===
            # ==========================
            # determine possible new mi
            new_y = {}
            minm = min(set(range(1, maxm + 2)).difference(set(suppLambda))) # find min(N\setminus supp\Lambda)
            for mu2 in Lambda:
                new_mu = mu2.inc(minm)
                if new_mu not in Lambda and new_mu not in zeta.keys() and new_mu not in new_y.keys():
                # if new_mu not in zeta.keys() and new_mu not in new_y.keys():
                    logger.debug("extending multiindex candidates by %s since it is at the boundary of Lambda (reachable from %s), minm: %s", new_mu, mu2, minm)
                    new_val = eval_zeta_m(mu2, minm)
                    # update global zeta
                    global_zeta = np.sqrt(global_zeta ** 2 + new_val ** 2)
                    logger.debug("new global_zeta is %f", global_zeta)
                    # test for new y dimension
                    if len(set(supp([new_mu])).difference(set(suppLambda))) > 0:
                        assert new_mu not in new_y.keys()
                        new_y[new_mu] = new_val
                        assert new_mu not in zeta.keys()
                        zeta[new_mu] = new_val                         
                    logger.debug("no further extension of multiindex candidates required")
            # === DETERMINE NEW Y DIMENSIONS ===
            # ==================================
            # determine how many new y dimensions are needed
            new_mi = []
            sorted_new_y = sorted(new_y.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
            sum_zeta_val = np.sqrt(sum([z ** 2 for z in zeta.values()]))
            # add new dimension y while sum_zeta_val is smaller than required marking value
            while sum_zeta_val < theta_y*global_zeta and len(sorted_new_y) > 0:
                # add new largest y
                new_zeta = sorted_new_y[-1]
                mu = new_zeta[0]
                logger.debug("ADDING NEW Y %s to new_mi %s while target_zeta is %s", mu, new_mi, theta_y*global_zeta)
                assert mu not in Lambda
                global_zeta = np.sqrt(global_zeta ** 2 - new_zeta[1] ** 2)
            if len(sorted_new_y) == 0 and zeta_val < theta_y*global_zeta:
                logger.warn("UNABLE to mark sufficiently many NEW MI!") 

            # ==================================================

            # add mi corresponding to already active y dimensions
            sorted_zeta = sorted(zeta.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
            logger.debug("SORTED ZETA %s", sorted_zeta)
            marked_zeta = 0
            while marked_zeta < theta_y*global_zeta and len(sorted_zeta) > 0:
                new_zeta = sorted_zeta.pop(-1)
                mu = new_zeta[0]
                logger.debug("ADDING EXTENSION OF EXISTING MI %s to new_mi %s while marked_zeta is %s", mu, new_mi, marked_zeta)
                assert mu not in Lambda
                marked_zeta = np.sqrt(marked_zeta ** 2 + new_zeta[1] ** 2)
            zeta = sorted_zeta
            logger.info("possible new mu considered %s and %s" % (new_y.keys(), new_mi) )

        if len(zeta) == 0:
            if theta_y*global_zeta > marked_zeta:
                logger.warning("list of mi candidates is empty and reduction goal NOT REACHED, %f > %f!", theta_y * global_zeta, marked_zeta)

        if len(new_mi) > 0:
            logger.info("SELECTED NEW MULTIINDICES %s", new_mi)
            logger.info("NO NEW MULTIINDICES SELECTED")
        return new_mi
Example #5
    if len(sim_stats) > 0:
        print sim_stats[0].keys()
        for k in sim_stats[0].keys():
#            print "DATA", k
            if k not in ["CONF", "OPTS"]:
                D[k] = [s[k] for s in sim_stats]
        # evaluate additional data
        D["NUM-MI"] = [len(m) for m in D["MI"]]
            D["EFFICIENCY"] = [est / err for est, err in zip(D["ERROR-EST"], D["MC-ERROR-H1A"])]
            D["WITH-MC"] = True
            D["WITH-MC"] = False
            print "WARNING: No MC data found!"
        # ...from w_history
        D["NUM-Y"] = [len(supp(w.active_indices())) + 1 for w in w_history]
        D["MESH-CELLS"] = [w.basis.basis.mesh.num_cells() for w in w_history]
        D["MESH-HMIN"] = [w.basis.basis.mesh.hmin() for w in w_history]
        D["MESH-HMAX"] = [w.basis.basis.mesh.hmax() for w in w_history]
        D["MESH-HMINinv"] = [1 / h ** 2 for h in D["MESH-HMIN"]]
        D["MESH-HMAXinv"] = [1 / h ** 2 for h in D["MESH-HMAX"]]
        # meshes
        if options.withMesh:
            if options.meshDofs > 0:
                for i, dofs in enumerate(D["DOFS"]):
                    if dofs >= options.meshDofs or i == len(D["DOFS"]) - 1:
                        D["MESH"] = w_history[i].basis.basis.mesh
                D["MESH"] = w_history[-1].basis.basis.mesh
Example #6
        sim_stats = pickle.load(fin)
    print "sim_stats has %s iterations" % len(sim_stats)
    # prepare data
    D = {}
    if len(sim_stats) > 0:
        print sim_stats[0].keys()
        for k in sim_stats[0].keys():
#            print "DATA", k
            if k not in ["CONF", "OPTS", "PROJ-INACTIVE-ZETA"]:
                D[k] = [s[k] for s in sim_stats]
        # evaluate additional data
        D["NUM-MI"] = [len(m) for m in D["MI"]]
            if options.singleP:
                D["DIM-Y"] = [len(supp([i[0] for i in ami])) + 1 for ami in D["MI"]]
                # WARNING: EGSZ1 writes out the squared estimator!!!
                D["EST"] = [sqrt(est) for est in D["EST"]]
                D["EFFICIENCY"] = [est / err for est, err in zip(D["EST"], D["MC-H1ERR"])]
                D["DIM-Y"] = [len(supp(ami)) + 1 for ami in D["MI"]]
                D["EFFICIENCY"] = [est / err for est, err in zip(D["ERROR-EST"], D["MC-ERROR-H1A"])]
            D["WITH-MC"] = True
            D["WITH-MC"] = False
            print "WARNING: No MC data found!"
        # store data for plotting
        SIM_STATS[P] = D
        print "SKIPPING P{0} data since it is empty!".format(P)