def test_HtmlSH_unclosed_commend():
    txt = '-->'
    doc = QTextDocument(txt)
    sh = HtmlSH(doc, color_scheme='Spyder')
    res = [(0, 3, 'normal')]
    compare_formats(doc.firstBlock().layout().additionalFormats(), res, sh)
def test_HtmlSH_unclosed_commend():
    txt = '-->'
    doc = QTextDocument(txt)
    sh = HtmlSH(doc, color_scheme='Spyder')
    res = [(0, 3, 'normal')]
    compare_formats(doc.firstBlock().layout().additionalFormats(), res, sh)
def test_HtmlSH_basic():
    txt = '<p style="color:red;">Foo <!--comment--> bar.</p>'
    doc = QTextDocument(txt)
    sh = HtmlSH(doc, color_scheme='Spyder')

    # Expected result as list of tuples (begin, length, format)
    res = [(0, 2, 'builtin'),    # |<p|
           (2, 6, 'keyword'),    # | style|
           (8, 1, 'normal'),     # | |
           (9, 12, 'string'),    # |"color:red;"|
           (21, 1, 'builtin'),   # |>|
           (22, 4, 'normal'),    # |Foo |
           (26, 14, 'comment'),  # |<!--comment-->|
           (40, 5, 'normal'),    # | bar.|
           (45, 4, 'builtin')]   # |</p>|
    compare_formats(doc.firstBlock().layout().additionalFormats(), res, sh)
def test_HtmlSH_basic():
    txt = '<p style="color:red;">Foo <!--comment--> bar.</p>'
    doc = QTextDocument(txt)
    sh = HtmlSH(doc, color_scheme='Spyder')

    # Expected result as list of tuples (begin, length, format)
    res = [(0, 2, 'builtin'),    # |<p|
           (2, 6, 'keyword'),    # | style|
           (8, 1, 'normal'),     # | |
           (9, 12, 'string'),    # |"color:red;"|
           (21, 1, 'builtin'),   # |>|
           (22, 4, 'normal'),    # |Foo |
           (26, 14, 'comment'),  # |<!--comment-->|
           (40, 5, 'normal'),    # | bar.|
           (45, 4, 'builtin')]   # |</p>|
    compare_formats(doc.firstBlock().layout().additionalFormats(), res, sh)