Example #1
 def update_search_letters(self, text):
     """Update search letters with text input in search box."""
     self.letters = text
     names = [shortcut.name for shortcut in self.shortcuts]
     results = get_search_scores(text, names, template='<b>{0}</b>')
     self.normal_text, self.rich_text, self.scores = zip(*results)
Example #2
    def setup_file_list(self, filter_text, current_path):
        """Setup list widget content for file list display."""
        short_paths = shorten_paths(self.paths, self.save_status)
        paths = self.paths
        results = []
        trying_for_line_number = ':' in filter_text

        # Get optional line number
        if trying_for_line_number:
            filter_text, line_number = filter_text.split(':')
            line_number = None

        # Get all available filenames and get the scores for "fuzzy" matching
        scores = get_search_scores(filter_text, self.filenames,

        # Build the text that will appear on the list widget
        for index, score in enumerate(scores):
            text, rich_text, score_value = score
            if score_value != -1:
                text_item = '<big>' + rich_text + '</big>'
                if trying_for_line_number:
                    text_item += " [{0:} {1:}]".format(self.line_count[index],
                text_item += "<br><i>{0:}</i>".format(

                results.append((score_value, index, text_item))

        # Sort the obtained scores and populate the list widget
        self.filtered_path = []
        for result in sorted(results):
            index = result[1]
            text = result[-1]
            path = paths[index]
            item = QListWidgetItem(self.tabs.tabIcon(index), text)
            item.setSizeHint(QSize(0, 25))

        # Move selected item in list accordingly and update list size
        if current_path in self.filtered_path:
        elif self.filtered_path:

        # If a line number is searched look for it
        self.line_number = line_number
Example #3
    def setup_symbol_list(self, filter_text, current_path):
        """Setup list widget content for symbol list display."""
        # Get optional symbol name
        filter_text, symbol_text = filter_text.split('@')

        # Fetch the Outline explorer data, get the icons and values
        oedata = self.get_symbol_list()
        icons = get_python_symbol_icons(oedata)

        symbol_list = process_python_symbol_data(oedata)
        line_fold_token = [(item[0], item[2], item[3]) for item in symbol_list]
        choices = [item[1] for item in symbol_list]
        scores = get_search_scores(symbol_text, choices, template="<b>{0}</b>")

        # Build the text that will appear on the list widget
        results = []
        lines = []
        self.filtered_symbol_lines = []
        for index, score in enumerate(scores):
            text, rich_text, score_value = score
            line, fold_level, token = line_fold_token[index]
            if score_value != -1:
                results.append((score_value, line, text, rich_text,
                                fold_level, icons[index], token))

        template_1 = '<code>{0}<big>{1} {2}</big></code>'
        template_2 = '<br><code>{0}</code><i>[Line {1}]</i>'

        for (score, line, text, rich_text, fold_level, icon,
             token) in sorted(results):
            fold_space = '&nbsp;'*(fold_level)
            line_number = line + 1
            textline = template_1.format(fold_space, token, rich_text)
            textline += template_2.format(fold_space, line_number)
            item = QListWidgetItem(icon, textline)
            item.setSizeHint(QSize(0, 16))

        # Move selected item in list accordingly
        # NOTE: Doing this is causing two problems:
        # 1. It makes the cursor to auto-jump to the last selected
        #    symbol after opening or closing a different file
        # 2. It moves the cursor to the first symbol by default,
        #    which is very distracting.
        # That's why this line is commented!
        # self.set_current_row(0)

        # Update list size
        self.fix_size(lines, extra=125)