Example #1
File: wsgi.py Project: nareni/spyne
def _parse_qs(qs):
    pairs = (s2 for s1 in qs.split('&') for s2 in s1.split(';'))
    retval = odict()

    for name_value in pairs:
        if name_value is None or len(name_value) == 0:
        nv = name_value.split('=', 1)

        if len(nv) != 2:
            # Handle case of a control-name with no equal sign

        name = unquote(nv[0].replace('+', ' '))

        value = None
        if nv[1] is not None:
            value = unquote(nv[1].replace('+', ' '))

        l = retval.get(name, None)
        if l is None:
            l = retval[name] = []

    return retval
Example #2
File: wsgi.py Project: plq/spyne
def _parse_qs(qs):
    pairs = (s2 for s1 in qs.split('&') for s2 in s1.split(';'))
    retval = odict()

    for name_value in pairs:
        if name_value is None or len(name_value) == 0:
        nv = name_value.split('=', 1)

        if len(nv) != 2:
            # Handle case of a control-name with no equal sign

        name = unquote(nv[0].replace('+', ' '))

        value = None
        if nv[1] is not None:
            value = unquote(nv[1].replace('+', ' '))

        l = retval.get(name, None)
        if l is None:
            l = retval[name] = []

    return retval
Example #3
File: mime.py Project: 1-bit/spyne
def _join_attachment(href_id, envelope, payload, prefix=True):
    """Places the data from an attachment back into a SOAP message, replacing
    its xop:Include element or href.

    Returns a tuple of length 2 with the new message and the number of
    replacements made

    :param  id:       content-id or content-location of attachment
    :param  prefix:   Set this to true if id is content-id or false if it is
                      content-location.  It prefixes a "cid:" to the href value.
    :param  envelope: soap envelope string to be operated on
    :param  payload:  attachment data

    def replacing(parent, node, payload_, numreplaces_):
        if node.tag == '{%s}Include' % _ns_xop:
            attr = node.attrib.get('href')
            if not attr is None:
                if unquote(attr) == href_id:
                    parent.text = payload_
                    numreplaces_ += 1
            for c in node:
                numreplaces_ = replacing(node, c, payload_, numreplaces_)

        return numreplaces_

    # grab the XML element of the message in the SOAP body
    soaptree = etree.fromstring(envelope)
    soapbody = soaptree.find("{%s}Body" % _ns_soap_env)

    message = None
    for child in list(soapbody):
        if child.tag != "{%s}Fault" % _ns_soap_env:
            message = child

    numreplaces = 0
    idprefix = ''

    if prefix:
        idprefix = "cid:"
    href_id = "%s%s" % (idprefix, href_id, )

    # Make replacement.
    for param in message:
        # Look for Include subelement.
        for sub in param:
            numreplaces = replacing(param, sub, payload, numreplaces)

        if numreplaces < 1:
            attrib = param.attrib.get('href')
            if not attrib is None:
                if unquote(attrib) == href_id:
                    del param.attrib['href']
                    param.text = payload
                    numreplaces += 1

    return etree.tostring(soaptree), numreplaces
Example #4
    def decompose_incoming_envelope(self, prot, ctx, message):
        """This function is only called by the HttpRpc protocol to have the
        twisted web's Request object is parsed into ``ctx.in_body_doc`` and

        request = ctx.in_document
        assert isinstance(request, Request)

        ctx.in_header_doc = dict(request.requestHeaders.getAllRawHeaders())
        fi = ctx.transport.file_info
        if fi is not None and len(request.args) == 1:
            key, = request.args.keys()
            if fi.field_name == key and fi.file_name is not None:
                ctx.in_body_doc = {key: [File.Value(name=fi.file_name,
                                    type=fi.file_type, data=request.args[key])]}

                ctx.in_body_doc = request.args
            ctx.in_body_doc = request.args

        # this is a huge hack because twisted seems to take the slashes in urls
        # too seriously.
        postpath = getattr(request, 'realpostpath', None)
        if postpath is None:
            postpath = request.path

        params = self.match_pattern(ctx, request.method, postpath,

        if ctx.method_request_string is None: # no pattern match
            ctx.method_request_string = '{%s}%s' % (self.app.interface.get_tns(),
                                                request.path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])

        logger.debug("%sMethod name: %r%s" % (LIGHT_GREEN,
                                          ctx.method_request_string, END_COLOR))

        for k, v in params.items():
            val = ctx.in_body_doc.get(k, [])
            ctx.in_body_doc[k] = val

        r = {}
        for k,v in ctx.in_body_doc.items():
            l = []
            for v2 in v:
                if isinstance(v2, string_types):
            r[k] = l
        ctx.in_body_doc = r

        # This is consistent with what server.wsgi does.
        if request.method in ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'):
            for k, v in ctx.in_body_doc.items():
                if v == ['']:
                    ctx.in_body_doc[k] = [None]
Example #5
    def replacing(parent, node, payload_, numreplaces_):
        if node.tag == '{%s}Include' % _ns_xop:
            attr = node.attrib.get('href')
            if not attr is None:
                if unquote(attr) == href_id:
                    parent.text = payload_
                    numreplaces_ += 1
            for c in node:
                numreplaces_ = replacing(node, c, payload_, numreplaces_)

        return numreplaces_
Example #6
File: mime.py Project: 1-bit/spyne
    def replacing(parent, node, payload_, numreplaces_):
        if node.tag == '{%s}Include' % _ns_xop:
            attr = node.attrib.get('href')
            if not attr is None:
                if unquote(attr) == href_id:
                    parent.text = payload_
                    numreplaces_ += 1
            for c in node:
                numreplaces_ = replacing(node, c, payload_, numreplaces_)

        return numreplaces_
Example #7
def _join_attachment(href_id, envelope, payload, prefix=True):
    """Places the data from an attachment back into a SOAP message, replacing
    its xop:Include element or href.

    Returns a tuple of length 2 with the new message and the number of
    replacements made

    :param  id:       content-id or content-location of attachment
    :param  prefix:   Set this to true if id is content-id or false if it is
                      content-location.  It prefixes a "cid:" to the href value.
    :param  envelope: soap envelope string to be operated on
    :param  payload:  attachment data
    def replacing(parent, node, payload_, numreplaces_):
        if node.tag == '{%s}Include' % _ns_xop:
            attr = node.attrib.get('href')
            if not attr is None:
                if unquote(attr) == href_id:
                    parent.text = payload_
                    numreplaces_ += 1
            for c in node:
                numreplaces_ = replacing(node, c, payload_, numreplaces_)

        return numreplaces_

    # grab the XML element of the message in the SOAP body
    soaptree = etree.fromstring(envelope)
    soapbody = soaptree.find("{%s}Body" % _ns_soap_env)

    message = None
    for child in list(soapbody):
        if child.tag != "{%s}Fault" % _ns_soap_env:
            message = child

    numreplaces = 0
    idprefix = ''

    if prefix:
        idprefix = "cid:"
    href_id = "%s%s" % (

    # Make replacement.
    for param in message:
        # Look for Include subelement.
        for sub in param:
            numreplaces = replacing(param, sub, payload, numreplaces)

        if numreplaces < 1:
            attrib = param.attrib.get('href')
            if not attrib is None:
                if unquote(attrib) == href_id:
                    del param.attrib['href']
                    param.text = payload
                    numreplaces += 1

    return etree.tostring(soaptree), numreplaces
Example #8
def _decode_path(fragment):
    if six.PY2:
        return unquote(fragment).decode('utf8')

    return unquote_to_bytes(fragment).decode('utf8')
Example #9
File: http.py Project: plq/spyne
def _decode_path(fragment):
    if six.PY2:
        return unquote(fragment).decode('utf8')

    return unquote_to_bytes(fragment).decode('utf8')