class SomeService(Service): @rpc(Unicode(sub_name="fileName"), ByteArray(sub_name='binaryData'), ByteArray(sub_name="hash"), _returns=Unicode) def documentRequest(ctx, file_name, file_data, data_hash): assert file_name == FILE_NAME assert file_data == (PAYLOAD, ) return file_name
class DaemonConfig(ComplexModel): SECTION_NAME = 'basic' daemonize = Boolean(default=False) """Fork the process to the background.""" log_file = AbsolutePath """Log file.""" pid_file = AbsolutePath """File that will contain the pid of the daemon process.""" config_file = AbsolutePath """Alternative configuration file..""" uid = SystemUser """Daemon will drop privileges and switch to this uid when specified""" gid = SystemGroup """Daemon will drop privileges and switch to this gid when specified""" log_level = Unicode(values=['DEBUG', 'INFO'], default='DEBUG') """Logging level""" show_rpc = Boolean(default=False) """Log raw request and response data.""" secret = ByteArray(default_factory=lambda: [os.urandom(64)], no_cmdline=True) """Cookie encryption key. Keep secret.""" thread_min = UnsignedInteger(default=3) """Min number of threads in the thread pool""" thread_max = UnsignedInteger(default=10) """Max number of threads in the thread pool""" listeners = Array(ListenerConfig)
class Certificate(ComplexModel): __namespace__ = '' ID = Integer.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) GUID = Unicode(128, pattern='[^@]+@[^@]+') SendDateTime = DateTime.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) Number = String(max_len=100).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) Date = DateTime.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) Blanc = String(max_len=100).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) DepartureCountry = String(max_len=100).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) DepartureCountryCode = String(max_len=2).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) DestinationCountry = String(max_len=100).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) DestinationCountryCode = String(max_len=2).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) EntryCheckpoint = String(max_len=255).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) EntryCheckpointCode = Integer.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) consignor = Consignor consignee = Consignee transport = Transport disinfection = Disinfection productdescription = ProductDescription GeneralMarking = String(max_len=512).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) GeneralQuarantineCondition = String(max_len=512).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) GeneralBaseDocument = String(max_len=512).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) GeneralAdditionalDeclaration = String(max_len=512).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) GeneralMandatoryActions = String(max_len=512).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) AdditionalInfo = String(max_len=2000).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) Inspector = String(max_len=255).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) AnnexDoc = String(max_len=100000).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) AnnexText = String(max_len=100000).customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0) PDF = ByteArray.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0)
class Daemon(ComplexModel): """A couple of neurons.""" LOGGING_DEVEL_FORMAT = "%(module)-15s | %(message)s" LOGGING_PROD_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s | %(module)-8s | %(message)s" _type_info = [ ('uuid', Uuid(no_cli=True, help="Daemon uuid. Regenerated every time a new " "config file is written. It could come in handy.")), ('secret', ByteArray(no_cli=True, help="Secret key for signing cookies " "and other stuff.")), ('daemonize', Boolean(default=False, help="Daemonizes before everything else.")), ('uid', Unicode(help="The daemon user. You need to start the server as" " a priviledged user for this to work.")), ('gid', Unicode(help="The daemon group. You need to start the server as" " a priviledged user for this to work.")), ('pid_file', String(help="The path to a text file that contains the pid" "of the daemonized process.")), ('logger_dest', String( help="The path to the log file. The server won't" " daemonize without this. Converted to an absolute path if not.") ), ('log_rpc', Boolean(help="Log raw rpc data.")), ('log_queries', Boolean(help="Log sql queries.")), ('log_results', Boolean(help="Log query results in addition to queries" "themselves.")), ('main_store', Unicode(help="The name of the store for binding " "neurons.TableModel's metadata to.")), ('bootstrap', Boolean(help="Bootstrap the application. Create schema, " "insert initial data, etc.", no_config=True)), ('_services', Array(Service, sub_name='services')), ('_stores', Array(StorageInfo, sub_name='stores')), ('_loggers', Array(Logger, sub_name='loggers')), ] # FIXME: we need this atrocity with custom constructor and properties # because spyne doesn't support custom containers def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Daemon, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) services = kwargs.get('services', None) if services is not None: = services if not hasattr(self, 'services') or is None: = _Twrdict('name')() stores = kwargs.get('stores', None) if stores is not None: self.stores = stores if not hasattr(self, 'stores') or self.stores is None: self.stores = _wdict() loggers = kwargs.get('loggers', None) if loggers is not None: self.loggers = loggers if not hasattr(self, 'loggers') or self.loggers is None: self.loggers = _wdict() @property def _services(self): if is not None: for k, v in = k return = _Twrdict('name')() return [] @_services.setter def _services(self, what): = what if what is not None: = _Twrdict('name')([(, s) for s in what]) @property def _stores(self): if self.stores is not None: for k, v in self.stores.items(): = k return self.stores.values() self.stores = _wdict() return [] @_stores.setter def _stores(self, what): self.stores = what if what is not None: self.stores = _wdict([(, s) for s in what]) @property def _loggers(self): if self.loggers is not None: for k, v in self.loggers.items(): = k return self.loggers.values() self.loggers = _wdict() return [] @_loggers.setter def _loggers(self, what): self.loggers = what if what is not None: self.loggers = _wdict([(s.path, s) for s in what]) @classmethod def get_default(cls, daemon_name): return cls( uuid=uuid1(), secret=os.urandom(64), _stores=[ Relational( name="sql_main", backend="sqlalchemy", pool_size=10, pool_recycle=3600, pool_timeout=30, max_overflow=3, conn_str='postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/%s_%s' % (daemon_name, getpass.getuser()), sync_pool=True, async_pool=True, ), ], main_store='sql_main', _loggers=[ Logger(path='.', level='DEBUG', format=cls.LOGGING_DEVEL_FORMAT), ], ) def apply_logging(self): # We're using twisted logging only for IO. from twisted.python.logger import FileLogObserver from twisted.python.logger import Logger, LogLevel, globalLogPublisher LOGLEVEL_TWISTED_MAP = { logging.DEBUG: LogLevel.debug, logging.INFO:, logging.WARN: LogLevel.warn, logging.ERROR: LogLevel.error, logging.CRITICAL: LogLevel.critical, } class TwistedHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): assert isinstance(record, logging.LogRecord) Logger([record.levelno], log_text=self.format(record)) if self.logger_dest is not None: from twisted.python.logfile import DailyLogFile self.logger_dest = abspath(self.logger_dest) if access(dirname(self.logger_dest), os.R_OK | os.W_OK): log_dest = DailyLogFile.fromFullPath(self.logger_dest) else: Logger().warn("%r is not accessible. We need rwx on it to " "rotate logs." % dirname(self.logger_dest)) log_dest = open(self.logger_dest, 'wb+') formatter = logging.Formatter(self.LOGGING_PROD_FORMAT) else: formatter = logging.Formatter(self.LOGGING_DEVEL_FORMAT) log_dest = open('/dev/stdout', 'wb+') try: import colorama colorama.init() logger.debug("colorama loaded.") except Exception as e: logger.debug("coloarama not loaded: %r" % e) def record_as_string(record): if 'log_text' in record: return record['log_text'] + "\n" if 'message' in record: return record['message'] + "\n" if 'log_failure' in record: failure = record['log_failure'] return "%s: %s" % (failure.type, pformat(vars(failure.value))) return pformat(record) observer = FileLogObserver(log_dest, record_as_string) globalLogPublisher.addObserver(observer) handler = TwistedHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler) for l in self._loggers or []: l.apply() if self.log_rpc or self.log_queries or self.log_results: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if self.log_rpc: logging.getLogger('spyne.protocol').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('spyne.protocol.xml').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('spyne.protocol.dictdoc').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if self.log_queries: logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy').setLevel(logging.INFO) if self.log_results: logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def sanitize(self): if self.logger_dest is not None: self.logger_dest = abspath(self.logger_dest) if self.pid_file is not None: self.pid_file = abspath(self.pid_file) def apply(self, for_testing=False): """Daemonizes the process if requested, then sets up logging and data stores. """ # FIXME: apply_storage could return a deferred due to txpool init. # Daemonization won't work if twisted is imported before fork(). # It's best to know this in advance or you'll have to deal with daemons # that work perfectly well in development environments but won't boot # in production ones, solely because of fork()ingw. assert for_testing or not ('twisted' in sys.modules), \ "Twisted is already imported!" self.sanitize() if self.daemonize: assert self.logger_dest, "Refusing to start without any log output." daemonize() self.apply_logging() if self.pid_file is not None: pid = os.getpid() with open(self.pid_file, 'w') as f: f.write(str(pid)) logger.debug("Pid file is at: %r", self.pid_file) self.apply_storage() def apply_storage(self): for store in self._stores or []: try: store.apply() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise if self.main_store == engine = store.itself.engine import neurons neurons.TableModel.Attributes.sqla_metadata.bind = engine @classmethod def parse_config(cls, daemon_name, argv=None): _apply_custom_attributes(cls) retval = cls.get_default(daemon_name) file_name = abspath('%s.yaml' % daemon_name) argv_parser = spyne_to_argparse(cls) cli = {} if argv is not None and len(argv) > 1: cli = dict(argv_parser.parse_args(argv[1:]).__dict__.items()) if cli['config_file'] is not None: file_name = abspath(cli['config_file']) del cli['config_file'] exists = isfile(file_name) and os.access(file_name, os.R_OK) if exists: retval = yaml_loads(open(file_name).read(), cls, validator='soft', polymorphic=True) else: if not access(dirname(file_name), os.R_OK | os.W_OK): raise Exception("File %r can't be created in %r" % (file_name, dirname(file_name))) for k, v in cli.items(): if not v in (None, False): setattr(retval, k, v) retval.config_file = file_name return retval def write_config(self): open(self.config_file, 'wb').write( get_object_as_yaml(self, self.__class__, polymorphic=True))
class TaskQueue(TableModel): __tablename__ = 'task_queue' id = Integer32(primary_key=True) data = ByteArray(nullable=False)