def wifi(): cmds = [] dir = os.getcwd() cmd = '' cmdpre = 'cd /root && /root/scripts/action config "' cmdsuf = '" && cd %s' % (dir) opt = '' if 'essid' in form: essid = form['essid'].value #cmds.append('cd /root && /root/scripts/action config WIFI_SSID=%s && cd %s'%(essid,dir)) cmd = '%s%sWIFI_SSID=%s' % (cmd, opt, essid) opt = '&' currenc = gen.currval('WIFI_SEC').replace('"', '') if ('newenc' in form): newenc = form['newenc'].value if newenc != currenc: cmd = '%s%sWIFI_SEC=%s' % (cmd, opt, newenc.upper()) opt = '&' if 'pass' in form: if 'newenc' in form: enc = form['newenc'].value else: enc = gen.currval('WIFI_SEC') passph = form['pass'].value cmd = '%s%sWIFI_PASS=%s' % (cmd, opt, passph) if cmd != '': cmd = '%s%s%s' % (cmdpre, cmd, cmdsuf) sql.insert('cmd', 'cmd', [0, cmd]) else: print "<p>Nothing to update" return exec_cmd('Wireless Settings ')
def loadgeomtopgsql(file, filename, noaaid, orderNumber): reader = ogr.Open(file) layer = reader.GetLayer(0) try: epsg = layer.GetSpatialRef().GetAuthorityCode("GEOGCS") except: print('Cannot find EPSG code') epsg = 0 if not epsg == 0: for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): feature = layer.GetFeature(i) # print(feature.ExportToJson()) geom = feature.geometry() SQL = "INSERT INTO {table}(file_name, noaaid, orderNumber, footprint) SELECT '{fn}', {ni}, {on}, ST_GeomFromText('{geom}',{epsg})".format( table='imagedata', fn=filename, ni=noaaid, on=orderNumber, geom=str(geom), epsg=str(epsg)) data = ('', ) try: sql.insert(SQL, data) except Exception as e: raise else: pass finally: pass
def save_sample_plant(sample_id, plant_id, date): if add_plant(plant_id): progress('Plant %d added' % plant_id) if not sql.exists('samples', sample_id): sample = { 'id': sample_id, 'created': date, } if sql.insert('samples', sample): progress('Sample %d added' % sample['id']) sample_plants = { 'sample_id': sample_id, 'plant_id': plant_id } if sql.insert('sample_plants', sample_plants): progress('Sample_plants (%d, %d) added' % (sample_id, plant_id)) else: # check if there is already a link between sample and plant samples = sql.fetch_all('sample_plants', { 'sample_id': sample_id, 'plant_id': plant_id }) if samples: for sample in samples: if sample['plant_id'] == 1: if sql.update('sample_plants', { 'sample_id': sample_id }, { 'plant_id': plant_id }): progress('Updated %d sample plant_id from %d to %d' % (sql.lastrowid(), 1, plant_id)) else: sample_plants = { 'sample_id': sample_id, 'plant_id': plant_id } if sql.insert('sample_plants', sample_plants): progress('Sample_plants (%d, %d) added' % (sample_id, plant_id))
def loadgeomtopgsql(file, filename, noaaid, orderNumber): reader = ogr.Open(file) layer = reader.GetLayer(0) try: epsg = layer.GetSpatialRef().GetAuthorityCode("GEOGCS") except: print('Cannot find EPSG code') for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): feature = layer.GetFeature(i) # print(feature.ExportToJson()) geom = feature.geometry() SQL = "INSERT INTO {table}(file_name, noaaid, orderNumber, footprint) SELECT '{fn}', {ni}, {on}, ST_GeomFromText('{geom}',{epsg})".format( table='imagedata', fn=filename, ni=noaaid, on=orderNumber, geom=str(geom), epsg=str(epsg) ) data = ('',) try: sql.insert(SQL,data) except Exception as e: raise else: pass finally: pass # INSERT INTO imagedata(footprint) SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((47.8986402364685 -19.9761359737374,77.2019166143206 -24.5331415521829,75.348830485111 -44.4051468911004,38.8567335982238 -38.6872585624496,47.8986402364685 -19.9761359737374))',4326)
def process_feed(args): try: # Attempt to enrich the URL. res = enrich_url(args) # Check for any error code. if not (res.status_code >= 200 and res.status_code < 300): log.error('Error enriching {}'.format(args[0])) log.error(res.json()) log.error('Failed on HTTP code {}: {}'.format(res.status_code, args[1])) return 'error' # Normalize the document to set correct field types. res = normalize.main(res.json()) # Add the label field. res['label'] = args[7] # Write to file. write(res, args[2]) # Insert to elasticsearch. #_ = es.insert(args[5], args[3], args[4], res, args[2]) # Add to dedup database. sql.insert(args[6], today(), args[0]) return res except: return False
def data_file(): try: dt = {} with open('www_access_20140823.log') as f: while True: line = f.readline().split() if line: ip,status = line[0],line[8] dt[(ip,status)] = dt.get((ip,status),0)+1 else:break new_dt = {} for key,val in dt.items(): new_dt.setdefault(val,[]) new_dt[val].append(key) arr = new_dt.keys() count = 0 sql.truncate() while count < 100: tmp = max(arr) ip_tmp, status_tmp, count_tmp = new_dt[tmp][0][0],new_dt[tmp][0][1],tmp sql.insert(ip_tmp,status_tmp,count_tmp) count +=1 arr.remove(tmp) except: return "File not found."
def wifi(): cmds = [] dir = os.getcwd() cmd = '' cmdpre = 'cd /root && /root/scripts/action config "' cmdsuf = '" && cd %s'%(dir) opt = '' if 'essid' in form: essid = form['essid'].value #cmds.append('cd /root && /root/scripts/action config WIFI_SSID=%s && cd %s'%(essid,dir)) cmd = '%s%sWIFI_SSID=%s'%(cmd,opt,essid) opt = '&' currenc = gen.currval('WIFI_SEC').replace('"','') if ('newenc' in form): newenc = form['newenc'].value if newenc != currenc: cmd='%s%sWIFI_SEC=%s'%(cmd,opt,newenc.upper()) opt = '&' if 'pass' in form: if 'newenc' in form: enc = form['newenc'].value else: enc = gen.currval('WIFI_SEC') passph = form['pass'].value cmd = '%s%sWIFI_PASS=%s'%(cmd,opt,passph) if cmd != '': cmd = '%s%s%s'%(cmdpre,cmd,cmdsuf) sql.insert('cmd','cmd',[0,cmd]) else: print "<p>Nothing to update" return exec_cmd('Wireless Settings ')
def loadxml(xmlfile, orderNumber): print('INFO: Loading XML Manifest file', str(xmlfile), 'into table images') tree = ET.parse(xmlfile) root = tree.getroot() comment = root.find('comment').text total_files = int(root.find('total_files').text) for lineitem in root.findall('./line_item'): try: noaaid = lineitem.get('id') file_name = lineitem.find('item/file_name').text file_size = lineitem.find('item/file_size').text creation_date = lineitem.find('item/creation_date').text creation_date = datetime.strptime(creation_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") expiration_date = lineitem.find('item/expiration_date').text expiration_date = datetime.strptime(expiration_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") except: print('ERROR: Cannot read all values in Manifest', str(xmlfile)) try: checksum = lineitem.find('item/checksum').text except: print('ERROR: Manifest at', str(xmlfile), 'does not include checksum') checksum = None print( 'INFO: Loading data to database table images:\ ', noaaid, file_name, file_size, creation_date, expiration_date, checksum) SQL = "INSERT INTO images (manifest,file_name,checksum,ordernumber,ordercreated,orderexpiration,status,file_size,noaaid) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,TIMESTAMP %s,TIMESTAMP %s,%s,%s,%s);" # Note: no quotes data = (os.path.basename(xmlfile), file_name, checksum, orderNumber, creation_date, expiration_date, 'NEW', file_size, noaaid) try: sql.insert(SQL, data) print('insert') except: print( 'ERROR: Information for this image and order already present?' ) SQL = "UPDATE orders set notice = %s, manifesttotal = %s WHERE ordernumber = %s" data = (comment, total_files, orderNumber) try: sql.insert(SQL, data) except: print('ERROR: Cannot insert in database') SQL = "SELECT COUNT(ordernumber) FROM images WHERE ordernumber = %s" data = (orderNumber, ) count =, data) if total_files == count[0][ 0]: # get the only element that the query returns return 1 else: return 0
def login_refresh(): ctime = int(time.time()) res ='val','login:%s'%(os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'])) if res[0][0] == None: sql.insert('val','login:%s'%(os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']),ctime) else: sql.modify('val','login:%s'%(os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']),ctime) return
def login_refresh(): ctime = int(time.time()) res ='val', 'login:%s' % (os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'])) if res[0][0] == None: sql.insert('val', 'login:%s' % (os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']), ctime) else: sql.modify('val', 'login:%s' % (os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']), ctime) return
def buy(self, row, place, session_id, user): print(user) self.update_btns(session_id) if self.btns_flg[(row, place)] == None: sql.insert("update билет set логин_пользователя='" + user + "' where num=" + str(self.ticket_id[(row, place)]) + ";") self.update_btns(session_id)
def login_check(): res ='val','login:%s'%(os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'])) if res[0][0] == None: sql.insert('val','login:%s'%(os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']),0) res = [(0,0)] lastmtime = res[0][0] ctime = int(time.time()) if (ctime - lastmtime) > (5*60): return False return True
def login_check(): res ='val', 'login:%s' % (os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'])) if res[0][0] == None: sql.insert('val', 'login:%s' % (os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']), 0) res = [(0, 0)] lastmtime = res[0][0] ctime = int(time.time()) if (ctime - lastmtime) > (5 * 60): return False return True
def add_record(self): values = [] for line in self.add_values: values.append(line.text()) try: sql.insert(self.table, values) self.add_window.close() self.change_table(self.table) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: self.add_error.setText("<font color='red'>Was errors!</font>")
def add_session(self, film_cb, date_ent, price_ent, ImaxCheck, ThreeDCheck): film = film_cb.get() if film[0] == '{': film = film[1:] if film[-1] == '}': film = film[:-1] hall = self.hall_lb.get(tk.ANCHOR) date = date_ent.get() imax = ImaxCheck.get() threed = ThreeDCheck.get() price = price_ent.get() film_imax, film_threed = sql.query_with_fetchall( "select imax_flg, 3d_flg from фильм where название='" + film + "';")[0] hall_imax, hall_threed = sql.query_with_fetchall( "select imax_flg, 3d_flg from зал where zal_id=" + str(hall) + ";")[0] success = True if imax == 1 and film_imax == 0: success = False if threed == 1 and film_threed == 0: success = False if imax == 1 and hall_imax == 0: success = False if threed == 1 and hall_threed == 0: success = False if success == False: self.success_lbl["text"] = "Ошибка" return query = "insert into сеанс(название_фильма, zal_id, дата_сеанса, imax_flg, 3d_flg, цена) values ('"\ + film + "', " + str(hall) + ", '" + date + "', " + str(imax) + ", " + str(threed) \ + ", " + str(price) + ");" print(query) session_id = sql.insert(query) query = "select колличество_рядов, колличество_мест_в_ряде from зал where zal_id=" + str( hall) + ";" print(query) num_rows, num_places = sql.query_with_fetchall(query)[0] for row in range(1, num_rows + 1): for place in range(1, num_places + 1): ticket_id = sql.insert( "insert into билет(seans_id, ряд, место, цена) values (" + str(session_id) + ", " + str(row) + ", " + str(place) + ", " + str(price) + ");") if success == True: self.success_lbl["text"] = "Успех!"
def add(key, long): if key != '': ngx.wr(key, key) return key else: x = 0 for i in key: x = x + ord(i) res = short_url.encode_url(x) sql.insert(res, long, 0) ngx.wr(key, long) return res
def crawl(root, regex=r'^.*$', level=1, quiet=False): cursor = db.cursor() RootPageID = select_or_insert(db, 'Webpage', url=root, quiet=quiet)[0]['WID'] CrawlID = insert1(db, 'Crawl', rootwid=RootPageID, nLevels=level)[0]['CID'] soup = mine(root, cid=CrawlID, wid=RootPageID, quiet=quiet, regex=regex) discovered = get_links(soup, root) discovered = filter(lambda link: re.match(regex, link), discovered) discovered_wids = set([]) for url in discovered: curl = clean(url) discovered_wids.add( select_or_insert(db, 'Webpage', url=str(curl))[0]['WID']) discovered_wids = list(discovered_wids) discovered_wids.sort() discovered_wids = [str(wid) for wid in discovered_wids] if len(discovered_wids): query = 'UPDATE Webpage SET newCID={cid} WHERE wid IN ({wids});'.format( cid=CrawlID, wids=','.join(discovered_wids)) if not quiet: print query cursor.execute(query) else: print '-- No links' insert(db, 'Link', [{ 'fromWID': RootPageID, 'toWID': url } for url in discovered_wids]) while level > 0: query = 'SELECT wid, url FROM Webpage WHERE newCID = {cid} AND mined=False;'.format( cid=CrawlID) if not quiet: print query cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query) for wid, url in cursor: # print url mine(url, cid=CrawlID, wid=wid, quiet=quiet, regex=regex) # crawl(url,level-1,CrawlID,quiet=quiet) level -= 1 print '-- Level:', level query = 'UPDATE Crawl SET endtime="{now}" WHERE cid = {cid};'.format( cid=CrawlID, if not quiet: print query cursor.execute(query) db.close()
def save(self, afields = None): if afields: fields = afields else: fields = self.table.fields key = self.keyfield tab = exists = and self.db.fetchval(sql.get_fval(key, tab, key), []) db = self.db.self() try: # UPDATE if exists: self.mode = MOD_UPD q = sql.update(fields, tab, key) vals = map(lambda field: self.get(field, None), fields) + [] # INSERT else: self.mode = MOD_INS self.newid(db) q = sql.insert(fields, tab) vals = map(lambda field: self.get(field, None), fields) db.execute(q, vals, commit = True) finally: pass
def img_addcrc(db, param, id): crc = getcrc(param) q = sql.get_fval('crc', 'mem_image_crc', 'crc') if not db.fetchval(q, [crc]): q = sql.insert(['crc', 'id_image'], 'mem_image_crc') db.execute(q, [crc, id])
async def ow_add(ctx, battle_tag, member : discord.Member = None): """Add an Overwatch player to the database (e.g. !ow_add JeffKaplan#420 @JeffKaplan)""" if member is None: member = log.debug(type(member)) log.debug(discord.Member) await bot.send_typing( # print(type(member)) # print(discord.Member) if type(member) is not discord.Member: await ctx.send("ERROR: @mention the user instead of just typing it") return # See if the battle_tag is already in the db query =, column_names=['BattleTag', 'DiscordName'], condition={'BattleTag':battle_tag}) if len((c.execute(query)).fetchall()) is not 0: await ctx.send("Account " + battle_tag + " already in list!") return sr = await owh.get_sr(battle_tag) if sr == None: await ctx.send("Account " + battle_tag + " doesn't exist!") return query = sql.insert(overwatch_table, [battle_tag, sr, str(member)]) #query = "INSERT INTO " + overwatch_table + " VALUES('" + battle_tag + "', '" + str(member) + "')" #print(query) c.execute(query) await ctx.send("Added " + battle_tag + " with discord member @" + str(member)) conn.commit()
async def rps(ctx, player_choice): """Play rock, paper, scissors against Botboy (eg. !rps r)""" # See if player is already in database. If not, create their entry. member = str( query =, condition={"DiscordName":member}) # Store all results from query in a list of tuples results = c.execute(query).fetchall() if len(results) == 0: # Create entry default_values = [member,0,0,0] c.execute(sql.insert(rps_table, default_values)) # Result matrix - columns: player's choice / rows: bot's choice result_matrix = [['draw','user','bot'],['bot','draw','user'],['user','bot','draw']] choices = ['rock','paper','scissors'] alt_choices = ['r','p','s'] # Bot makes a choice bot_choice_index = random.randint(0,2) log.debug("rps - player input: {0}".format(player_choice)) log.debug("rps - bot's random number: {0}".format(bot_choice_index)) # Try getting index from players choice try: player_choice_index = choices.index(player_choice) except: try: player_choice_index = alt_choices.index(player_choice) except: await ctx.send("ERROR: must enter 'rock' (or r), 'paper' (or p), 'scissors' (or s)") return # Determine result from matrix result = result_matrix[bot_choice_index][player_choice_index] column_update = {} if result == "user": winner = "You win!" column_update = {"Wins":"Wins+1"} elif result == "draw": winner = "It's a draw ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" column_update = {"Draws":"Draws+1"} elif result == "bot": winner = "Better luck next time!" column_update = {"Losses":"Losses+1"} # Update database c.execute(sql.update(rps_table, column_update, {"DiscordName":member})) # Create response response = "You chose: {0} \nBotBoy chose: {1} \n{2}".format(choices[player_choice_index], choices[bot_choice_index], winner) query =, condition={"DiscordName":member}) results = c.execute(query).fetchone() wins = results[1] draws = results[2] losses = results[3] win_percentage = (wins/(wins+draws+losses))*100 response += "\nWins: " + str(wins) + "\nDraws: " + str(draws) + "\nLosses: " + str(losses) + "\nWin %: " + str(win_percentage) + "%" # Say it await ctx.send(response) conn.commit()
def refresh(targets): for link in targets: print(link) flights = get_posts(link) for flight in flights: if flight.get('details')[0] != None: r = insert("posts", flight) print(r)
def add_plant(plant_id): if not sql.exists('plants', plant_id): ora_sql.set_formatting(False) plant = ora_sql.get_plant_information(plant_id) ora_sql.set_formatting(True) if plant == None: # fcuk! not found in LIMS, add a dummy :/ plant = { 'id': plant_id, 'culture_id': DUMMY_CULTURE_ID, 'subspecies_id': DUMMY_SUBSPECIES_ID } # culture_id 1 is the dummy culture else: # prepare the plant plant = dict( (k.lower(), v) for k,v in plant.iteritems() ) plant['subspecies_id'] = plant['u_subspecies_id'] plant['lineid'] = plant['line_id'] plant['id'] = plant['aliquot_id'] plant['culture_id'] = plant['u_culture'] del(plant['u_subspecies_id']) del(plant['line_id']) del(plant['aliquot_id']) del(plant['u_culture']) del(plant['location_id']) # add the culture if not exists if plant != None: if not sql.exists('cultures', plant['culture_id']): ora_sql.set_formatting(False) culture = ora_sql.get_culture_information(plant['culture_id']) ora_sql.set_formatting(True) if culture: # prepare the culture culture = dict( (k.lower(), v) for k,v in culture.iteritems() ) culture['experiment_id'] = 1 culture['id'] = culture['study_id'] del(culture['study_id']) else: # prepare dummy culture = { 'id': DUMMY_CULTURE_ID, 'name': 'placeholder' } if sql.insert('cultures', culture): progress('Culture %d added' % culture['id']) # add the subspecies if not exists if plant['subspecies_id'] == None: plant['subspecies_id'] = DUMMY_SUBSPECIES_ID if not sql.exists('subspecies', plant['subspecies_id']): subspecies = { 'species_id': SPECIES_ID, 'id': plant['subspecies_id'] } if sql.insert('subspecies', subspecies): progress('Subspecies %d added' % subspecies['id']) return sql.insert('plants', plant)
def insert(self, data, returning='*'): if isinstance(data, dict): d = dict([(k,data[k]) for k in self.fields if k in data]) else: d = dict([(k,getattr(data,k)) for k in self.fields if hasattr(data,k)]) pk = if self.pk_seq and d.get(pk,None) is None: d[pk] = self.next_id() return self.db.query_one(sql.insert(self.table, d, returning))
def add_credits(self, film_cb, person_lb, credits_ent): film = film_cb.get() person = person_lb.get(tk.ANCHOR) credits = credits_ent.get() id = person[0] query = "insert into кинодиетели_в_фильме(название_фильма, kinodeyatel_id, функция_в_фильме) values ('" + film + "' ," query = query + str(id) + ", '" + credits + "');" credits_id = sql.insert(query)
def privacy(): try: dur = int(form['dur'].value) ctime = int(time.time()) ntime = ctime + dur*60 res ='val','privend') if res[0][0] == None: sql.insert('val','privend',ntime) else: sql.modify('val','privend',ntime) cmd = 'pgrep tie && killall tie' sql.insert('cmd','cmd',[0,cmd]) ret = exec_cmd('Privacy Settings ') if ret: print "<p>Private mode enabled for %s minutes"%(dur) else: pass except: print "<p>Private mode not enabled"
def privacy(): try: dur = int(form['dur'].value) ctime = int(time.time()) ntime = ctime + dur * 60 res ='val', 'privend') if res[0][0] == None: sql.insert('val', 'privend', ntime) else: sql.modify('val', 'privend', ntime) cmd = 'pgrep tie && killall tie' sql.insert('cmd', 'cmd', [0, cmd]) ret = exec_cmd('Privacy Settings ') if ret: print "<p>Private mode enabled for %s minutes" % (dur) else: pass except: print "<p>Private mode not enabled"
def processLgJob(): page = 1 config_file = "../../conf/sys.conf" dictConfig = sql.readConfig( config_file ) db = sql.connSql( dictConfig ) max_date = get_last_date( db ) url = getUrl("深圳") is_update = True; while 1: if( is_update != True ): break if page == 1: post_data = {'first':'true','pn':'1'} else: post_data = {'first':'false','pn': page} page = page + 1 job_list = getJobList(url,post_data) time.sleep(5) #print job_list; #job_list = readJobs() if job_list: job_data = processJobList( job_list ) for index in xrange(len(job_data)): if( job_data[index]["create_date"] < max_date ): is_update = False break job_sql = getSql( job_data[index] ) #print job_sql sql.insert( job_sql , db ) else: break sql.close(db)
def parse(): path_to_file = "../enwiki-20150515-pages-articles.xml" context = etree.iterparse(path_to_file, events=("start", "end")) namespace = "" dicts = {} stack = [] for event, element in context: tagname = etree.QName(element.tag).localname if event == "start": if tagname == "page": dicts = {} dicts["page"] = {} dicts["revision"] = {} stack.append("page") elif tagname == "revision": stack.append("revision") elif tagname == "contributor": stack.append("contributor") elif event == "end": if tagname == "revision": stack.pop() elif tagname == "contributor": stack.pop() elif tagname == "page": stack.pop() # At this point one row each for page and revision # complete. Send to DB (use UTF-8 and capture errors) insert(dicts) elif len(stack) != 0 and stack[-1] in ["page", "revision"]: # This is where the actual properties get added # We are only interested in properties who are children of page/revision if element.text: dicts[stack[-1]][tagname] = element.text.encode("UTF-8") else: dicts[stack[-1]][tagname] = None # This node is parsed. Clear memory for the next one # More info here: # element.clear() while element.getprevious() is not None: del element.getparent()[0]
def authorized(): # Checks if the state has been changed from the login and redirects back to the index page if request.args.get('state') != session.get("state"): return redirect( url_for("index", error="Login failed", error_description="Login has failed, please try again")) # Error in the authentication/authorization (such as cancelling approval of allowing permissions) and redirect back with error if "error" in request.args: return redirect(url_for("index", **request.args)) # If login was somewhat successfuly if request.args.get('code'): # Gets cached data cache = _load_cache() # Gets token of user result = _build_msal_app( cache=cache).acquire_token_by_authorization_code( request.args['code'], scopes=app_config.SCOPE, redirect_uri=url_for("authorized", _external=True, _scheme=protocolScheme)) # Checks if token is invalid and redirects back to index with error if "error" in result: return redirect(url_for("index", **request.args)) # Saves token into session and cache session["user"] = result.get("id_token_claims") _save_cache(cache) # Inserts user information into SQL database sql.insert( _get_token_from_cache(app_config.SCOPE)['refresh_token'], session["user"]["preferred_username"]) # Redirects user back to index return redirect(url_for("index"))
def set(self, key, value, paramno = 1): field = 'val' + str(paramno) d = self.__data if key in d: q = sql.update([field], 'param', filter = ['name = %s', 'id_prop = %s']) db.execute(q, [value, key, self.idp], commit = True) else: q = sql.insert(['id_prop', 'name', field], 'param') db.execute(q, [self.idp, key, value], commit = True) d[key] = [None] * 4 d[key] = list(d[key]) d[key][paramno - 1] = value
def fill_proxypool(): page = get_webpage() # 爬取西刺代理网站,注意频度保持在15分钟以上 # page ='西刺代理.html', 'utf-8') # 测试所用,读取本地网页,避免频繁爬取被封杀 counter = 1 for item in parse_page(page): print('正在更新:{0:^2} - {1:<16}'.format(counter, item[0]), end='\t') if sql.insert(item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3], item[4]): counter += 1 else: print('重复插入') sql.commit() print('\n此次共更新 %d 条代理IP\n' % (counter - 1))
def login(): res ='val','webpass') if res[0][1] == None: sql.insert('val','webpass',gen.default_pass) res = [(0,gen.default_pass)] pwd = res[0][1] if pwd == form['pwd'].value: gen.login_refresh() latency = 0 dest = 'main' msg = '' else: latency = 4 dest = 'login' msg = '<p>Wrong Password! Going back to login page...' print "Content-Type: text/html" print print '<html>\ <body>\ <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="%s;">\n\ %s\ </html>\ '%(latency,dest,msg)
def login(): res ='val', 'webpass') if res[0][1] == None: sql.insert('val', 'webpass', gen.default_pass) res = [(0, gen.default_pass)] pwd = res[0][1] if pwd == form['pwd'].value: gen.login_refresh() latency = 0 dest = 'main' msg = '' else: latency = 4 dest = 'login' msg = '<p>Wrong Password! Going back to login page...' print "Content-Type: text/html" print print '<html>\ <body>\ <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="%s;">\n\ %s\ </html>\ ' % (latency, dest, msg)
def parse_text(text, oid): words = [stem(word) for word in re.split(r'\s+', text)] words = filter(lambda word: word, words) words = enumerate(words) words = filter(lambda word: word[1] not in default, words) words = [str(word) for word in words] words = [(word[0], select_or_insert(db, 'Stem', stem=word[1])[0]['stem']) for word in words] words = [{ 'stem': word[1], 'oid': oid, 'pos': word[0], } for word in words] return insert(db, 'Word', words)
def crawl_url(url, run_headless=False): while (1): try: url = correct_url(url) chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument("--headless") chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options) browser.get(url) #time.sleep(1) curr_time = str( print(str(curr_time)) content = browser.page_source soup = BeautifulSoup(content) locations = soup.findAll('tr') location_infos = [] for location in locations: infos = location.findAll("td") if (infos != []): station, weather, visibility, \ cloud, temp, wind_dir, wind_speed, \ hum, _, air_pressure = infos # INSERT to db insert(infos) browser.quit() time.sleep(60) # Get data one minute / time except: traceback.print_exc()
def img_addcrclist(db, alist): if not alist: return lst = {} for (param, id) in alist: lst[getcrc(param)] = id crclist = lst.keys() q = sql.get_f('crc', 'mem_image_crc', sql.fin('crc', crclist, True)) crclist = db.fetchvals(q, crclist) for crc in crclist: if crc in lst: del lst[crc] q = sql.insert(['crc', 'id_image'], 'mem_image_crc') for (crc, id) in lst.iteritems(): db.execute(q, [crc, id])
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--standortid', type=int) parser.add_argument('--pages', type=int, default=1) args = parser.parse_args(argv) for full_fn in args.files: fn = ntpath.basename(full_fn) # look up the file id file_id = sql.fetch('ufiles', fn, id_key='name') if not file_id: print "File '%s' not found in DB, skipping" % fn else: data = [] headers = [] for page in xrange(args.pages): data, headers = p_xls.read_xls_data(full_fn, page) lines = 0 # administration: number of succesfully inserted lines for row in data: standortid = -1 if hasattr(row, 'StandortID'): standortid = getattr(row, 'StandortID') elif args.standortid != None: standortid = args.standortid else: sys.stderr.write('No StandortID found!') exit() rs = sql.fetch_all('temps', { 'datum': getattr(row, 'Datum'), 'location_id': standortid }) if rs != False:# and len(rs) == 1: for i in xrange(len(rs)): if (sql.insert('ufiletemps', { 'ufile_id': file_id['id'], 'temp_id': rs[i]['id'] })): lines += 1 else: print "%d,%d" % (file_id['id'], rs[i]['id']) print "Inserted %d/%d of page %d" % (lines, len(data), page) sql.commit() # after each file return None
def register_process(user, identity): # user password 加密 user.password = sha256_crypt.hash(user.password) try: # 打开数据库连接 db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "wujiahao.", "flaskTest") # 使用cursor()方法获取操作游标 cursor = db.cursor() key = ["id"] condition = {"username": user.username} query =,key,condition,0) if cursor.execute(query): return "该用户名已经存在", False key = ["id"] condition = {"number": user.number} query =, key, condition, 0) if cursor.execute(query): return "该手机号已经存在", False # 生成SQL语句 query = sql.insert(identity, utility.class_2_dict(user)) try: # 使用execute方法执行SQL语句 cursor.execute(query) # 提交操作到db db.commit() except: # 操作失败回滚 db.rollback() db.close() return "注册失败", False # 关闭数据库连接 db.close() return "注册成功", True except: return "Unable to connect to DB", False
def enter_spec(name, commodityId, detail, url): try: # 打开数据库连接 db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "wujiahao.", "flaskTest", charset='utf8') # 使用cursor()方法获取操作游标 cursor = db.cursor() company_name = vendor_name2company_name(name) # 查询条件 condition = dict() condition['company'] = company_name condition['commodity_id'] = commodityId # 生成SQL语句 query = sql.delete("provide", condition) # 使用execute方法执行SQL语句 try: cursor.execute(query) db.commit() for obj in detail: condition = dict() condition["spec"] = obj["spec"] condition["price"] = obj["price"] condition["commodity_id"] = commodityId condition["pdf_path"] = url condition["company"] = company_name query = sql.insert("provide", condition) cursor.execute(query) db.commit() except: db.rollback() return False, "录入商品支数和价格失败", "null" db.close() return True, "录入商品支数和价格成功", "null" except: return False, "无法连接数据库" , "null"
def get_proxies(): curTime = TIME(UnixTime=TIME().NowUnix) # 获得当前时间 sql.start() if sql.insert(ip='', port='8888', addr='爬取时间', time=curTime.normal()): fill_proxypool() # 第一次爬取代理网站 else: time_info = sql.get(ip='')[6] lastTime = TIME(NormalTime=time_info) diffTime = (curTime.unix() - lastTime.unix()) / 60 # 相差多少分钟 # 距上次爬取超过30分钟,则更新代理池 if diffTime > 30: print('代理池需要更新,请稍后...') fill_proxypool() sql.update('', 'TIME', curTime.normal()) else: print('代理池无需更新') proxy = select_proxy() sql.close() return proxy
#!/usr/bin/env python import cgi import cgitb import gen import sql import os cgitb.enable() res ="val", "login:%s" % (os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) if res[0][0] == None: sql.insert("val", "login:%s" % (os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]), 0) else: sql.modify("val", "login:%s" % (os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]), 0) gen.print_header() print "\ Logged out successfully\ <p><a>Log back in</a>\ </html>\ "
def insert(self, table_name, table_fields, tuples): db_cursor = self.db_conn.cursor() insert_statement = sql.insert(table_name, table_fields) for tup in tuples: db_cursor.execute(insert_statement, tup) self.db_conn.commit()
keys = ['GameID', 'Genre', 'Review', 'StarRating', 'ClassificationRating', 'PlatformNotes', 'PromotionLink', 'Cost', 'GameName'] ignore = ['Genre', 'Review', 'StarRating', 'ClassificationRating', 'PlatformNotes', 'PromotionLink', 'Cost', 'GameName'] exact_keys = ['GameID', 'StarRating', 'Cost'] pk = ['GameID'] fields = dict.fromkeys(keys) row = None message = "" for key in fields: fields[key] = form.getvalue(key) ######## If INSERT button is pressed then ... ########################################################################### if form.getvalue("submit") == "Insert": message = sql.insert(db, cursor, table, fields, keys) ######## If DELETE button is pressed then ... ########################################################################### if form.getvalue("submit") == "Delete": message = sql.delete(db, cursor, table, fields, pk) ######## If UPDATE button is pressed then ... ############################################################################ if form.getvalue("submit") == "Update": message = sql.update(db, cursor, table, fields, keys, pk) ######## LOAD RESULT ... ############################################################################ if(fields['GameID'] != None): result =, cursor, table, fields, keys, exact_keys, ignore=ignore, limit=10, fetch_one=True) row = result[0]; else:
def insert(): print(request.method) table_to_class = { "patient_records": i_forms.AddPatient(), "billed_medicine": i_forms.AddBilledMedicine(), "billed_service": i_forms.AddBilledService(), "doctors": i_forms.AddDoctors(), "departments": i_forms.AddDepartments(), "worksfor": i_forms.AddWorksFor(), "treatedby": i_forms.AddTreatedBy(), "service": i_forms.AddService(), "medicine": i_forms.AddMedicine(), "rooms": i_forms.AddRooms(), "stays_in": i_forms.AddStaysIn(), } # list of tables that need to provide id's when creating a new row. # for the remaining tables, id's are auto-generated table_with_id = ["billed_medicine", "billed_service", "rooms", "stays_in"] error = request.args.get('error') # main select table select = request.args.get('select') # query data from the selected table data = sql.get_query(select) existing_ids = sql.get_ids(select) # get insert form form = table_to_class[select] # get update form form_update = i_forms.Update() # get delete form form_delete = i_forms.Delete() # print("form", form.validate_on_submit()) # print("update",, form_update.validate_on_submit()) # print("delete",, form_delete.validate_on_submit()) # print("\n\n\n\n") header = sql.get_header(select) # get columns columns = table_to_properties[select] need_id = select in table_with_id #if table need an accompanying table if need_id: second_table = accomp_table[select] data_acc = sql.get_query(second_table) header_acc = sql.get_header(second_table) else: second_table, data_acc, header_acc = None, None, None if form.validate_on_submit(): params = {} for prop in table_to_properties[select]: value = getattr(form, prop).data if isinstance(value, value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') params[prop] = value error = sql.insert(params, select, table_with_id) # Display updated table data = sql.get_query(select) return render_template('insert.html', title='insert', form=form, data=data, header=header, select=select, need_id=need_id, columns=columns, form_update=form_update, form_delete=form_delete, second_table=second_table, data_acc=data_acc, header_acc=header_acc, error=error) if and form_delete.validate_on_submit(): if in existing_ids: return redirect( url_for('delete',, select=select)) else: error = "ID does not exist in " + select return redirect(url_for('insert', select=select, error=error)) if and form_update.validate_on_submit(): if in existing_ids: return redirect( url_for('update',, select=select)) else: error = "ID does not exist in " + select return redirect(url_for('insert', select=select, error=error)) return render_template('insert.html', title='insert', form=form, data=data, header=header, select=select, need_id=need_id, columns=columns, form_update=form_update, form_delete=form_delete, second_table=second_table, data_acc=data_acc, header_acc=header_acc, error=error)
api = tweepy.API(auth) import sql as s c = s.connect_db() for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(, q="ebola OR isis OR world series", count=100, result_type="recent", include_entities=True, lang="en").items(): if(tweet.geo): coords = tweet.geo['coordinates'] s.insert(c,tweet.created_at, tweet.text.strip().encode('ascii','ignore'), str(coords)) #print ("%s,%s,%s") % (tweet.created_at, tweet.text.encode('utf-8').strip(), coords) else: s.insert(c,tweet.created_at, tweet.text.strip().encode('ascii','ignore'), "None") #print ("%s,%s,%s") % (tweet.created_at, tweet.text.encode('utf-8').strip(), tweet.geo) #print tweet._json #print "\n" ''' Attributes of tweet: ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_api', '_json', 'author', 'contributors', 'coordinates', 'created_at', 'destroy', 'entities', 'favorite', 'favorite_count', 'favorited', 'geo', 'id',
</div> <div class="textbox"> <label for="PostalArea">Postal Area:</label> <input name="PostalArea" id="PostalArea" type="text"/> </div> <div class="textbox"> <label for="Country">Country:</label> <input name="Country" id="Country" type="text"/> </div> </fieldset> <div id="buttons" class="button_select"> <input type="reset" value="Reset" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Insert" /> </div> </form> </div> """.format(table, id) ######## If INSERT button is pressed then ... ########################################################################### if form.getvalue("submit") == "Insert": print sql.insert(db, cursor, "Address", fields, keys) if(fields['AddressID'] == None): fields['AddressID'] = cursor.lastrowid print sql.insert(db, cursor, "{}Address".format(table), fields, keys_a)
def main(argv): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') argparser.add_argument('files', nargs='+') args = argparser.parse_args(argv) for fn in args.files: if isdir(fn): continue # read in file print 'opening %s' % fn f = open(fn, 'r') lines_raw = f.readlines() raw_id = None if sql.insert('raws', { 'data': ''.join(lines_raw), 'filename': basename(fn) }): raw_id = sql.lastrowid() progress("Added %d to raws" % raw_id) # preprocess lines = [] try: line_nr = 0 for line in lines_raw: line_nr += 1 line = line.rstrip('\r\n') line = re.split(r'\t|;', line) line = preprocess_line(line) lines.append(line) except: print "%d: %s" % (line_nr, line) raise # add a dummy plant/culture/subspecies, just in case samples can't be connected just yet. if not sql.exists('cultures', 1): sql.insert('cultures', {'id': DUMMY_CULTURE_ID, 'name': 'placeholder' }) if not sql.exists('plants' , 1): sql.insert('plants' , {'id': DUMMY_PLANT_ID, 'name': 'placeholder', 'culture_id': DUMMY_CULTURE_ID }) if not sql.exists('subspecies' , 1): sql.insert('subspecies' , {'id': DUMMY_SUBSPECIES_ID, 'species_id': SPECIES_ID }) # some lines need to be sent back to LIMS, this is where we store them lims_lines = [] # save! line_nr = 0 try: for line in lines: line_nr += 1 program_id = get_program_id(line) if is_sample_plant(line): line[8] = int(line[8]) # plant_id is still str #save_sample_plant(sample_id=line[7], plant_id=line[8], date=date) # skipped because made redundant when preloading all samples/plants lims_lines.append("\t".join([ str(item) for item in line ])) #elif program_id == 1 and is_freshweight_between(line): # lims_lines.append("\t".join([ str(item) for item in line ])) else: phenotype = format_line(line) # create a readable program # add the actual phenotype phenotype_id = None if sql.insert('phenotypes', { 'version': phenotype['version'], 'object' : phenotype['object'], 'program_id': phenotype['program_id'], 'date': phenotype['date'], 'time': phenotype['time'], 'entity_id': phenotype['entity_id'], 'value_id': phenotype['value_id'], 'number': phenotype['number'] }): phenotype_id = sql.lastrowid() progress('Added %d to phenotype' % phenotype_id) # if plant, add it to plants, otherwise to samples if ora_sql.is_plant(phenotype['sample_id']) or ora_sql.was_plant(phenotype['sample_id']): sql.insert('phenotype_plants', { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'plant_id': phenotype['sample_id'] }) elif ora_sql.is_sample(phenotype['sample_id']): sql.insert('phenotype_samples', { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'sample_id': phenotype['sample_id'] }) elif ora_sql.is_aliquot(phenotype['sample_id']): sql.insert('phenotype_aliquots', { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'aliquot_id': phenotype['sample_id'] }) else: print "%s NOT found!!" % phenotype['sample_id'] sql.insert('phenotype_raws' , { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'raw_id': raw_id, 'line_nr': line_nr }) if program_id > 1: sql.insert('phenotype_bbches', { 'phenotype_id': phenotype_id, 'bbch_id': phenotype['bbch_id']}) except: progress("%d: %s" % (line_nr, line)) raise # save the current saved lines for LIMS write_lims_lines(lims_lines, fn) sql.commit()
db = MySQLdb.connect("", "info20003g29", "enigma29", "info20003g29", 3306) cursor = db.cursor() table = "Achievement" keys = ['AchievementID', 'InstanceRunID', 'WhenAchieved', 'AchievementName', 'RewardBody'] exact_keys = ['AchievementID', 'InstanceRunID', 'WhenAchieved'] pk = ['AchievementID'] fields = dict.fromkeys(keys) for key in fields: fields[key] = form.getvalue(key) ######## If INSERT button is pressed then ... ########################################################################### if form.getvalue("submit") == "Insert": print sql.insert(db, cursor, table, fields, keys) ######## If DELETE button is pressed then ... ########################################################################### if form.getvalue("submit") == "Delete": print sql.delete(db, cursor, table, fields, pk) ######## If UPDATE button is pressed then ... ############################################################################ if form.getvalue("submit") == "Update": print sql.update(db, cursor, table, fields, keys, pk) ####### GENERATE AND EXECUTE SEARCH QUERY ################################################################################ result =, cursor, table, fields, keys, exact_keys, limit=10) rows = result[0]; print result[1];
# Provider if bool(location and lng and lat): # Remove white spaces in location name location = location.strip() # Check if location already exists in Geocoder DB c.execute(sql.exists(), (provider, location)) if not c.fetchone(): # Select your provider for geocoding if provider == 'Bing': g = elif provider == 'Google': g = # Geocode must be correct if g.ok: # Calculate Distance c.execute(sql.distance(lat, lng,, g.lng)) distance = c.fetchone()['distance'] # Insert Into Rows fieldnames = ['location', 'data', 'provider', 'distance', 'geom'] c.execute(sql.insert(fieldnames, lat, lng), (location, json.dumps(g.json), provider, distance)) # Print Statement if distance > 500: print distance, '-', location conn.commit()
######## If UPDATE button is pressed then ... ############################################################################ ignore_update = []; message2 = "" if form.getvalue("submit") == "Update": fields['Salt'] = uuid.uuid4().hex if fields["HashedPassword"] != None: fields["HashedPassword"] = hashlib.sha512(fields['HashedPassword'] + fields['Salt']).hexdigest() else: ignore_update = ['HashedPassword', 'Salt'] error = 0 if(fields['ViewerType'] != fields['ViewerTypeOld']): #insert more tables if applicable if viewer type is changed if(fields['ViewerType'] == 'B' or fields['ViewerType'] == 'C'): if(fields['ViewerTypeOld'] == 'N' or fields['ViewerTypeOld'] == 'P'): message = sql.insert(db, cursor, 'CrowdFundingViewer', fields, keys_c) print "insert" if 'Error' in message: print message error = 1 if(fields['ViewerType'] == 'B' or fields['ViewerType'] == 'P'): if(fields['ViewerTypeOld'] == 'N' or fields['ViewerTypeOld'] == 'C'): message = sql.insert(db, cursor, 'PremiumViewer', fields, keys_p) print "insert" if 'Error' in message: print message error = 1 if error == 1: #delete tables if there are any error if(fields['ViewerTypeOld'] == 'N' or fields['ViewerTypeOld'] == 'P'): sql.delete(db, cursor, 'CrowdFundingViewer', fields, ['ViewerID'])