Example #1
def testAdHoc4():
  tilObj = fm.TilMaker()
  tilSets = tilObj.getTilSets()
  print 'tilObj.getTilSets()', tilSets
  concurso = sl.getConcursoObjByN()
  print 'concurso', concurso
  print 'concurso.getTilN()', concurso.getTilN(), concurso.getDezenas()
Example #2
def testAdHoc6():
  tilPatterns = []
  for nDoConcurso in range(1000, 1334):
    concurso = sl.getConcursoObjByN(nDoConcurso)
    tilPattern = concurso.getTilN()
    print concurso.getDezenas(), tilPattern
  print tilPatterns  
Example #3
 def getDozensLastOccurrencePerConcurso(self, nDoConc=None):
   nTotalDeConcursos = sl.getNTotalDeConcursos()
   if nDoConc == None:
     nDoConc = nTotalDeConcursos
   if nDoConc < 1 or nDoConc > nTotalDeConcursos:
     return None
   concurso = sl.getConcursoObjByN(nDoConc)
   dezenas = concurso.getDezenas(); lastDepthPerDozenDict = {}
   for dezena in dezenas:
     lastDepthPerDozenDict[dezena] = lookUpDozenLastOccurDepth(dezena, nDoConc)
   return lastDepthPerDozenDict
Example #4
def lookUpDozenLastOccurDepth(dezena, nDoConcWhereDezenaIs):
  this method may be considered 'static'
  for nDoConc in range(nDoConcWhereDezenaIs - 1, 0, -1):
    concObj = sl.getConcursoObjByN(nDoConc)
    dezenas = concObj.getDezenas()
    if dezena in dezenas:
      depth = nDoConcWhereDezenaIs - nDoConc
      return depth  
  return None
Example #5
def lookUpDozenLastOccurrenceNDoConc(dezena):
  this method may be considered 'static'
  it considers the last concurso and call lookUpDozenDepth(dezena, nDoConcWhereDezenaIs)
  However, one care is taken: if dezena happened in the last concurso. 0 (zero) should be returned
  concurso = sl.getConcursoObjByN() # this picks up the last concurso
  if concurso.isDezenaInConcurso(dezena):
    # if true, depth is 0, ie, dezena happened at the last concurso 
    return 0
  nTotalDeConcursos =  sl.getNTotalDeConcursos() # the same thing: = concurso['nDoConcurso']
  return lookUpDozenLastOccurDepth(dezena, nTotalDeConcursos)
Example #6
 def stats_lastDepthPerDozenForAllConcursos(self, printCallBack=None):
   if self.dozensLastOccurrenceForAllConcursos == None:
   nTotalDeConcursos = sl.getNTotalDeConcursos()
   self.minDepth = 100; self.maxDepth = 0; depthHistogram = {}
   # sweep all concursos
   for nDoConc in range(1, nTotalDeConcursos+1):
     lastDepthPerDozenDict = self.dozensLastOccurrenceForAllConcursos[nDoConc - 1]
     tilIndices = self.processDezenasFor_stats_lastDepthPerDozenForAllConcursos(lastDepthPerDozenDict, depthHistogram)
     tilStats = fForFreqs.Stats1(tilIndices)
     #params = nDoConc, tilIndices, tilStats #.getHistogram()
     concurso = sl.getConcursoObjByN(nDoConc)
     print nDoConc, concurso.getDezenasPrintable(), tilStats #.getHistogram()tilIndices,
   print 'minDepth', self.minDepth, 'maxDepth', self.maxDepth
Example #7
def produceDozensDepthRow(dezena):
  each dezena has an array that corresponds to the number of concursos it last occurred from occurrence to occurrence 
  Ex. depthRow of dozen 15 = [3, 5, 1, ..., 12]
      This means, starting backwards, from its last occurrence, it occurred 3 concursos before the last, than 5 from the one before last and so on
  allDezenasDepthRow = []
  # nTotalDeConcursos =  sl.getNTotalDeConcursos()
  lastOccurrence = lookUpDozenLastOccurrenceNDoConc(dezena); currentDepth = 0  
  for nDoConc in range(lastOccurrence - 1, 0, -1):
    currentDepth += 1
    concurso = sl.getConcursoObjByN(nDoConc)
    dezenas = concurso.getDezenas()
    if dezena in dezenas:
      currentDepth = 0
  return allDezenasDepthRow