Example #1
def validate(table=None, column=None):
    Attempt to fix invalid geometries.

    Either a table or a column must be specified. If a table is specified,
    the geom column will be validated.

    table : sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.DeclarativeMeta, optional
        Table ORM class containing geom column to validate.
    column : sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute, optional
        Column ORM object to validate.


    # Get Table and Column objects.
    if column:
        geom = column.property.columns[0]
        t = geom.table
        t = table.__table__
        geom = t.c.geom

    # Get column data and geometry type.
    data_type = geom.type
    geom_type = data_type.geometry_type
    if "point" in geom_type.lower():
        geom_type_num = 1
    elif "linestring" in geom_type.lower():
        geom_type_num = 2
    elif "polygon" in geom_type.lower():
        geom_type_num = 3
        geom_type_num = None

    with db.session() as sess:
        # Fix geometries using ST_MakeValid. If geometry type is
        # point/linestring/polygon, only extract elements of those types,
        # to prevent invalid data type errors.
        if geom_type_num:
            valid_geom = func.ST_CollectionExtract(
            valid_geom = func.ST_MakeValid(geom)
            {geom: valid_geom}, synchronize_session=False
Example #2
def pg_geometry(feature):
    geom = dumps(feature["geometry"])
    _ = func.ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(geom)
    return func.ST_SetSRID(func.ST_MakeValid(func.ST_Multi(_)), 4326)
Example #3
    def add_airspace(self, country_code, airspace_class, name, base, top, geom_str):
            geom = loads(geom_str)
        except ReadingError:
            print name + "(" + airspace_class + ") is not a polygon (maybe not enough points?)"
            return False

        # orient polygon clockwise
        geom = polygon.orient(geom, sign=-1)

        if not airspace_class:
            print name + " has no airspace class"
            return False

        base = self.normalise_height(base, name)
        top = self.normalise_height(top, name)

        flightlevel_re = re.compile(r'^FL (\d+)$')
        match = flightlevel_re.match(base)
        if match and int(match.group(1)) >= 200:
            print name + " has it's base above FL 200 and is therefore disregarded"
            return False

        airspace = Airspace()
        airspace.country_code = country_code
        airspace.airspace_class = airspace_class
        airspace.name = name
        airspace.base = base
        airspace.top = top

        # Check geometry type, disregard everything except POLYGON
        if geom.geom_type != 'Polygon':
            print name + " is not a polygon (it's a " + geom.geom_type + ")"
            return False

        wkb = from_shape(geom, srid=4326)

        # Try to fix invalid (self-intersecting) geometries
        valid_dump = (func.ST_Dump(func.ST_MakeValid(wkb))).geom
        valid_query = db.session.query(func.ST_SetSRID(valid_dump, 4326)).order_by(func.ST_Area(valid_dump).desc()).first()

        if not valid_query:
            print 'Error importing ' + name
            print 'Could not validate geometry'
            return False
            wkb = valid_query[0]

        geom_type = db.session.query(func.ST_GeometryType(wkb)).first()[0]

        if geom_type != 'ST_Polygon':
            print name + " got some errors makeing it valid..."
            return False

        tolerance = 0.0000001
        simplify = lambda x: func.ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(x, tolerance)

        airspace.the_geom = case(
                (func.ST_IsValid(wkb), wkb),
                (func.ST_IsValid(simplify(wkb)), simplify(wkb)),


        return True
Example #4
def processActivitiesPublic(recordID):
    Processes Strava activity by simplifying geometry and removing private areas. This prepares the activity to be
    shared publicly on a Leaflet map. These functions greatly reduce the number of vertices, reducing JSON file size,
    and process the data to be topoJSON friendly, preventing geometries from failing to be converted.

    SQLAlchemy and GeoAlchemy2 ORM queries are used to do the following:

    1.  Create a common table expression(CTE) to select privacy zones geometry. This expression selects AOI polygons
        flagged as privacy zones, combines them into a single multi-part polygon contained inside a geometry.
        collection(ST_Collect), extracts the multi-polygon from the collection(ST_CollectionExtract), and transforms
        (ST_transform) the geometry to the projected coordinate system geometricProj. This CTE is used to create a
        single multi-part polygon containing all privacy zones. This ensures that ST_Difference only calculates the
        difference between each activity and the privacy zones only once. If the privacy zones are not combined, then
        the difference between each privacy zone record and the activity would be calculated, resulting in duplicated

        Using a projected coordinate allows for faster geometric calculations and allows for meters to be used in
        PostGIS function parameters which use the geometry's units.
    2. Select strava_activities activity linestring geometry based on Record ID and transform(ST_Transform) to
    3. Snap activity linestrings to a 0.0001m grid (ST_SnapToGrid, variant 3). This solves a non-node intersection error
        when running ST_Difference. See this thread: https://gis.stackexchange.com/q/50399 for explanation for this
        problem and solution.
    4. Calculate difference(ST_Difference) between activity linestring and privacy zone CTE result. ST_Difference
        subtracts geometry B from A, removing the vertices from A that are within B and segments that touch B.
    5. Snap activity linestring vertices to a 5m grid(ST_SnapToGrid, variant 3). This removes some messy areas by
        combining and removing excess vertices while also reducing resulting geometry memory/file size. This also solves
        geometric errors when exporting data to a topoJSON format. However, resulting linestring geometries have a
        step-shaped appearance resembling the grid.
    6. Simplify activity linestring with a 15m tolerance(ST_Simplify). This further removes messy areas and bends in
        the linestring by removing vertices to create longer straight line segments. This provides large reductions in
        resulting geometry memory/file sizes and mitigates the step-shaped results created by ST_SnapToGrid.
    7. Convert linestrings to multi-linestrings(ST_Multi). Geometries in the strava_activities table are stored as
        linestrings since activity data provided by Strava are contiguous and don't need to be stored in a multi-part
        format. However, ST_Difference may create multi-linestrings that must be stored as such, so all geometries
        are converted to this format.
    8. Fix any invalid activity linestring geometries(ST_MakeValid) that were generated during prior processing.
    9. Transform activity linestring geometry(ST_Transform) back into WGS 1984, SRID 4326. WGS 1984 is best for database
        storage and required for display in Leaflet.
    10. Convert linestring geometry representation to Extended Well Known Binary(ST_AsEWKB). This ensures that data can
        be be easily inserted into the strava_activities_masked table.
    11. Query Activity ID of strava_activities record. Will be inserted as a foreign in strava_activities_masked table.

    recordID. Int. Strava activity record ID.

    Nothing. Data are processed and committed to PostgresSQL/PostGIS database.
    session = Session()
    # Simplification tolerance in geometry's units, which is meters here. Higher values more aggressively simplify
    # geometries
    simplifyFactor = 15
    # Projected coordinate system SRID to transform geometries into. WGS84 UTM 10N is used since most
    # activities are in within its zone in California.
    geometricProj = 32610
    # SRID of final data product, WGS 1984, to be used in Leaflet
    webSRID = 4326
    # Grid snapping grid size geometry's units, which is meters here. Larger values mean larger cells and greater
    # vertex snapping
    gridSnap = 5
    # See https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/90271, fixes non-noded intersection error
    nonNodedSnap = 0.0001
    # Extract polygons from geometry collection
    collectionExtract = 3
    # Create CTE to query privacy zone polygons, combine them, extract polygons, and transform to geometricProj
    privacy_cte = session.query(
                AOI.privacy == "Yes").cte("privacy_aoi")

    if recordID == "All":
        privacyClipQuery = session.query(
                                                geometricProj), nonNodedSnap),
                                        privacy_cte.c.priv_aoi), gridSnap),
                                simplifyFactor), )), webSRID)))
        privacyClipQuery = session.query(strava_activities.actID, sqlfunc.ST_AsEWKB(
                                    sqlfunc.ST_SnapToGrid(sqlfunc.ST_Transform(strava_activities.geom, geometricProj),
                                                          nonNodedSnap), privacy_cte.c.priv_aoi)
                                , gridSnap),
                    )), webSRID))) \
            .filter(strava_activities.actID == recordID)
    # Iterate over query to process data, add data to strava_activities_masked instance, and add instance to session
    for i in privacyClipQuery:
        session.add(strava_activities_masked(actID=i[0], geom=i[1]))