Example #1
    def execute(self, source, dest, obj, child, clearkeys):
        if source is None:
            if self.issecondary is False:
                source = obj
            elif self.issecondary is True:
                source = child
        if clearkeys or source is None:
            value = None
            clearkeys = True
            value = self.source_mapper.get_attr_by_column(
                source, self.source_column)
        if isinstance(dest, dict):
            dest[self.dest_column.key] = value
            if clearkeys and self.dest_primary_key():
                raise exceptions.AssertionError(
                    "Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column '%s' on instance '%s'"
                    % (str(self.dest_column), mapperutil.instance_str(dest)))

            if logging.is_debug_enabled(self.logger):
                    "execute() instances: %s(%s)->%s(%s) ('%s')" %
                    (mapperutil.instance_str(source), str(self.source_column),
                     mapperutil.instance_str(dest), str(
                         self.dest_column), value))
            self.dest_mapper.set_attr_by_column(dest, self.dest_column, value)
 def _update_impl(self, instance, **kwargs):
     if instance in self and instance not in self.deleted:
     if not hasattr(instance, "_instance_key"):
         raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError("Instance '%s' is not persisted" % mapperutil.instance_str(instance))
     elif self.identity_map.get(instance._instance_key, instance) is not instance:
         raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError(
             "Could not update instance '%s', identity key %s; a different instance with the same identity key already exists in this session."
             % (mapperutil.instance_str(instance), instance._instance_key)
    def refresh(self, instance, attribute_names=None):
        """Refresh the attributes on the given instance.

        When called, a query will be issued
        to the database which will refresh all attributes with their
        current value.

        Lazy-loaded relational attributes will remain lazily loaded, so that
        the instance-wide refresh operation will be followed
        immediately by the lazy load of that attribute.

        Eagerly-loaded relational attributes will eagerly load within the
        single refresh operation.

        The ``attribute_names`` argument is an iterable collection
        of attribute names indicating a subset of attributes to be


        if (
                instance._instance_key, refresh_instance=instance._state, only_load_props=attribute_names
            is None
            raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError("Could not refresh instance '%s'" % mapperutil.instance_str(instance))
Example #4
 def _repr_task_element(self, te, attribute=None, process=False):
     if te.obj is None:
         objid = "(placeholder)"
         if attribute is not None:
             objid = "%s.%s" % (mapperutil.instance_str(te.obj), attribute)
             objid = mapperutil.instance_str(te.obj)
     if self.verbose:
         return "%s (UOWTaskElement(%s, %s))" % (objid, hex(
             id(te)), (te.listonly and 'listonly' or
                       (te.isdelete and 'delete' or 'save')))
     elif process:
         return "Process %s" % (objid)
         return "%s %s" % ((te.isdelete and "Delete" or "Save"), objid)
 def _delete_impl(self, instance, ignore_transient=False):
     if instance in self and instance in self.deleted:
     if not hasattr(instance, "_instance_key"):
         if ignore_transient:
             raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError(
                 "Instance '%s' is not persisted" % mapperutil.instance_str(instance)
     if self.identity_map.get(instance._instance_key, instance) is not instance:
         raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError(
             "Instance '%s' is with key %s already persisted with a different identity"
             % (mapperutil.instance_str(instance), instance._instance_key)
Example #6
        def lazyload():
            if self._should_log_debug:
                    "lazy load attribute %s on instance %s" %
                    (self.key, mapperutil.instance_str(instance)))

            if not mapper.has_identity(instance):
                return None

            session = sessionlib.object_session(instance)
            if session is None:
                    session = mapper.object_mapper(instance).get_session()
                except exceptions.InvalidRequestError:
                    raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError(
                        "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no contextual session is established; lazy load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed"
                        % (instance.__class__, self.key))

            # if we have a simple straight-primary key load, use mapper.get()
            # to possibly save a DB round trip
            q = session.query(self.mapper).autoflush(False)
            if self.use_get:
                params = {}
                for col, bind in self.lazybinds.iteritems():
                    params[bind.key] = self.parent.get_attr_by_column(
                        instance, col)
                ident = []
                nonnulls = False
                for primary_key in self.select_mapper.primary_key:
                    bind = self.lazyreverse[primary_key]
                    v = params[bind.key]
                    if v is not None:
                        nonnulls = True
                if not nonnulls:
                    return None
                if options:
                    q = q.options(*options)
                return q.get(ident)
            elif self.order_by is not False:
                q = q.order_by(self.order_by)
            elif self.secondary is not None and self.secondary.default_order_by(
            ) is not None:
                q = q.order_by(self.secondary.default_order_by())

            if options:
                q = q.options(*options)
            q = q.filter(self.lazy_clause(instance))

            result = q.all()
            if self.uselist:
                return result
                if result:
                    return result[0]
                    return None
Example #7
 def _do_check(self, state, value, oldvalue, initiator):
     if value is not None:
         hasparent = initiator.hasparent(attributes.instance_state(value))
         if hasparent and oldvalue is not value: 
             raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("Instance %s is already associated with an instance "
                 "of %s via its %s attribute, and is only allowed a single parent." % 
                 (mapperutil.instance_str(value), state.class_, self.prop)
     return value
 def _repr_task_element(self, te, attribute=None, process=False):
     if te.obj is None:
         objid = "(placeholder)"
         if attribute is not None:
             objid = "%s.%s" % (mapperutil.instance_str(te.obj), attribute)
             objid = mapperutil.instance_str(te.obj)
     if self.verbose:
         return "%s (UOWTaskElement(%s, %s))" % (
             (te.listonly and "listonly" or (te.isdelete and "delete" or "save")),
     elif process:
         return "Process %s" % (objid)
         return "%s %s" % ((te.isdelete and "Delete" or "Save"), objid)
    def _validate_persistent(self, instance):
        """Validate that the given instance is persistent within this

        if instance not in self:
            raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError(
                "Instance '%s' is not persistent within this Session" % mapperutil.instance_str(instance)
Example #10
 def _do_check(self, state, value, oldvalue, initiator):
     if value is not None:
         hasparent = initiator.hasparent(attributes.instance_state(value))
         if hasparent and oldvalue is not value:
             raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
                 "Instance %s is already associated with an instance "
                 "of %s via its %s attribute, and is only allowed a single parent."
                 (mapperutil.instance_str(value), state.class_, self.prop))
     return value
Example #11
 def _save_impl(self, instance, **kwargs):
     if hasattr(instance, "_instance_key"):
         raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError(
             "Instance '%s' is already persistent" % mapperutil.instance_str(instance)
         # TODO: consolidate the steps here
         instance._entity_name = kwargs.get("entity_name", None)
Example #12
File: session.py Project: serah/HR
    def _attach(self, instance):
        old_id = getattr(instance, '_sa_session_id', None)
        if old_id != self.hash_key:
            if old_id is not None and old_id in _sessions and instance in _sessions[old_id]:
                raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError("Object '%s' is already attached "
                                                     "to session '%s' (this is '%s')" %
                                                     (mapperutil.instance_str(instance), old_id, id(self)))

            key = getattr(instance, '_instance_key', None)
            if key is not None:
                self.identity_map[key] = instance
            instance._sa_session_id = self.hash_key
Example #13
        def lazyload():
            self.logger.debug("lazy load attribute %s on instance %s" % (self.key, mapperutil.instance_str(instance)))
            params = {}
            allparams = True
            # if the instance wasnt loaded from the database, then it cannot lazy load
            # child items.  one reason for this is that a bi-directional relationship
            # will not update properly, since bi-directional uses lazy loading functions
            # in both directions, and this instance will not be present in the lazily-loaded
            # results of the other objects since its not in the database
            if not mapper.has_identity(instance):
                return None
            #print "setting up loader, lazywhere", str(self.lazywhere), "binds", self.lazybinds
            for col, bind in self.lazybinds.iteritems():
                params[bind.key] = self.parent.get_attr_by_column(instance, col)
                if params[bind.key] is None:
                    allparams = False

            if not allparams:
                return None

            session = sessionlib.object_session(instance)
            if session is None:
                    session = mapper.object_mapper(instance).get_session()
                except exceptions.InvalidRequestError:
                    raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError("Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no contextual session is established; lazy load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed" % (instance.__class__, self.key))

            # if we have a simple straight-primary key load, use mapper.get()
            # to possibly save a DB round trip
            if self.use_get:
                ident = []
                for primary_key in self.select_mapper.pks_by_table[self.select_mapper.mapped_table]:
                    bind = self.lazyreverse[primary_key]
                return session.query(self.mapper).get(ident)
            elif self.order_by is not False:
                order_by = self.order_by
            elif self.secondary is not None and self.secondary.default_order_by() is not None:
                order_by = self.secondary.default_order_by()
                order_by = False
            result = session.query(self.mapper, with_options=options).select_whereclause(self.lazywhere, order_by=order_by, params=params)

            if self.uselist:
                return result
                if len(result):
                    return result[0]
                    return None
Example #14
    def register_object(self,
        """Add an object to this ``UOWTransaction`` to be updated in the database.

        This operation has the combined effect of locating/creating an appropriate
        ``UOWTask`` object, and calling its ``append()`` method which then locates/creates
        an appropriate ``UOWTaskElement`` object.

        #print "REGISTER", repr(obj), repr(getattr(obj, '_instance_key', None)), str(isdelete), str(listonly)

        # if object is not in the overall session, do nothing
        if not self.uow._is_valid(obj):
            if self._should_log_debug:
                    "object %s not part of session, not registering for flush"
                    % (mapperutil.instance_str(obj)))

        if self._should_log_debug:
                "register object for flush: %s isdelete=%s listonly=%s postupdate=%s"
                (mapperutil.instance_str(obj), isdelete, listonly, postupdate))

        mapper = object_mapper(obj)
        task = self.get_task_by_mapper(mapper)
        if postupdate:
            task.append_postupdate(obj, post_update_cols)

        task.append(obj, listonly, isdelete=isdelete, **kwargs)
Example #15
    def _clone(self, sess=None):
        # note we're returning an entirely new Query class instance here
        # without any assignment capabilities;
        # the class of this query is determined by the session.
        instance = self.instance
        if sess is None:
            sess = object_session(instance)
            if sess is None:
                    sess = object_mapper(instance).get_session()
                except exceptions.InvalidRequestError:
                    raise exceptions.UnboundExecutionError(
                        "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no contextual session is established; lazy load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed"
                        % (mapperutil.instance_str(instance), self.attr.key))

        return sess.query(self.attr.target_mapper).with_parent(
            instance, self.attr.key)
Example #16
    def merge(self, object, entity_name=None, _recursive=None):
        """Copy the state of the given `object` onto the persistent
        object with the same identifier.

        If there is no persistent instance currently associated with
        the session, it will be loaded.  Return the persistent
        instance. If the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and
        return it as a newly persistent instance. The given instance
        does not become associated with the session.

        This operation cascades to associated instances if the
        association is mapped with ``cascade="merge"``.

        if _recursive is None:
            _recursive = util.Set()
        if entity_name is not None:
            mapper = _class_mapper(object.__class__, entity_name=entity_name)
            mapper = _object_mapper(object)
        if mapper in _recursive or object in _recursive:
            return None
            key = getattr(object, '_instance_key', None)
            if key is None:
                merged = attribute_manager.new_instance(mapper.class_)
                if key in self.identity_map:
                    merged = self.identity_map[key]
                    merged = self.get(mapper.class_, key[1])
                    if merged is None:
                        raise exceptions.AssertionError(
                            "Instance %s has an instance key but is not persisted"
                            % mapperutil.instance_str(object))
            for prop in mapper.iterate_properties:
                prop.merge(self, object, merged, _recursive)
            if key is None:
                self.save(merged, entity_name=mapper.entity_name)
            return merged
Example #17
    def execute(self, source, dest, obj, child, clearkeys):
        if source is None:
            if self.issecondary is False:
                source = obj
            elif self.issecondary is True:
                source = child
        if clearkeys or source is None:
            value = None
            clearkeys = True
            value = self.source_mapper.get_attr_by_column(source, self.source_column)
        if isinstance(dest, dict):
            dest[self.dest_column.key] = value
            if clearkeys and self.dest_primary_key():
                raise exceptions.AssertionError("Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column '%s' on instance '%s'" % (str(self.dest_column), mapperutil.instance_str(dest)))

            if logging.is_debug_enabled(self.logger):
                self.logger.debug("execute() instances: %s(%s)->%s(%s) ('%s')" % (mapperutil.instance_str(source), str(self.source_column), mapperutil.instance_str(dest), str(self.dest_column), value))
            self.dest_mapper.set_attr_by_column(dest, self.dest_column, value)
Example #18
    def _clone(self, sess=None):
        # note we're returning an entirely new Query class instance
        # here without any assignment capabilities; the class of this
        # query is determined by the session.
        instance = self.instance
        if sess is None:
            sess = object_session(instance)
            if sess is None:
                raise sa_exc.UnboundExecutionError(
                    "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no "
                    "contextual session is established; lazy load operation "
                    "of attribute '%s' cannot proceed" % (
                        mapperutil.instance_str(instance), self.attr.key))

        if self.query_class:
            query = self.query_class(self.attr.target_mapper, session=sess)
            query = sess.query(self.attr.target_mapper)
        query._criterion = self._criterion
        query._order_by = self._order_by
        return query
Example #19
    def _clone(self, sess=None):
        # note we're returning an entirely new Query class instance
        # here without any assignment capabilities; the class of this
        # query is determined by the session.
        instance = self.instance
        if sess is None:
            sess = object_session(instance)
            if sess is None:
                raise sa_exc.UnboundExecutionError(
                    "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no "
                    "contextual session is established; lazy load operation "
                    "of attribute '%s' cannot proceed" % (
                        mapperutil.instance_str(instance), self.attr.key))

        if self.query_class:
            query = self.query_class(self.attr.target_mapper, session=sess)
            query = sess.query(self.attr.target_mapper)
        query = query.with_parent(instance, self.attr.key)

        if self.attr.order_by:
            query = query.order_by(self.attr.order_by)
        return query
Example #20
    def merge(self, object, entity_name=None, _recursive=None):
        """Copy the state of the given `object` onto the persistent
        object with the same identifier.

        If there is no persistent instance currently associated with
        the session, it will be loaded.  Return the persistent
        instance. If the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and
        return it as a newly persistent instance. The given instance
        does not become associated with the session.

        This operation cascades to associated instances if the
        association is mapped with ``cascade="merge"``.

        if _recursive is None:
            _recursive = util.Set()
        if entity_name is not None:
            mapper = _class_mapper(object.__class__, entity_name=entity_name)
            mapper = _object_mapper(object)
        if mapper in _recursive or object in _recursive:
            return None
            key = getattr(object, '_instance_key', None)
            if key is None:
                merged = mapper._create_instance(self)
                if key in self.identity_map:
                    merged = self.identity_map[key]
                    merged = self.get(mapper.class_, key[1])
                    if merged is None:
                        raise exceptions.AssertionError("Instance %s has an instance key but is not persisted" % mapperutil.instance_str(object))
            for prop in mapper.props.values():
                prop.merge(self, object, merged, _recursive)
            if key is None:
                self.save(merged, entity_name=mapper.entity_name)
            return merged
Example #21
    def get(self, obj, passive=False, raiseerr=True):
        """Retrieve a value from the given object.

        If a callable is assembled on this object's attribute, and
        passive is False, the callable will be executed and the
        resulting value will be set as the new value for this

            return obj.__dict__[self.key]
        except KeyError:
            state = obj._state
            # if an instance-wide "trigger" was set, call that
            # and start again
            if state.has_key('trigger'):
                trig = state['trigger']
                del state['trigger']
                return self.get(obj, passive=passive, raiseerr=raiseerr)

            if self.uselist:
                callable_ = self._get_callable(obj)
                if callable_ is not None:
                    if passive:
                        return InstrumentedAttribute.PASSIVE_NORESULT
                    self.logger.debug("Executing lazy callable on %s.%s" % (orm_util.instance_str(obj), self.key))
                    values = callable_()
                    l = InstrumentedList(self, obj, self._adapt_list(values), init=False)

                    # if a callable was executed, then its part of the "committed state"
                    # if any, so commit the newly loaded data
                    orig = state.get('original', None)
                    if orig is not None:
                        orig.commit_attribute(self, obj, l)

                    # note that we arent raising AttributeErrors, just creating a new
                    # blank list and setting it.
                    # this might be a good thing to be changeable by options.
                    l = InstrumentedList(self, obj, self._blank_list(), init=False)
                obj.__dict__[self.key] = l
                return l
                callable_ = self._get_callable(obj)
                if callable_ is not None:
                    if passive:
                        return InstrumentedAttribute.PASSIVE_NORESULT
                    self.logger.debug("Executing lazy callable on %s.%s" % (orm_util.instance_str(obj), self.key))
                    value = callable_()
                    obj.__dict__[self.key] = value

                    # if a callable was executed, then its part of the "committed state"
                    # if any, so commit the newly loaded data
                    orig = state.get('original', None)
                    if orig is not None:
                        orig.commit_attribute(self, obj)
                    return value
                    # note that we arent raising AttributeErrors, just returning None.
                    # this might be a good thing to be changeable by options.
                    return None
Example #22
    def get(self, obj, passive=False, raiseerr=True):
        """Retrieve a value from the given object.

        If a callable is assembled on this object's attribute, and
        passive is False, the callable will be executed and the
        resulting value will be set as the new value for this

            return obj.__dict__[self.key]
        except KeyError:
            state = obj._state
            # if an instance-wide "trigger" was set, call that
            # and start again
            if state.has_key('trigger'):
                trig = state['trigger']
                del state['trigger']
                return self.get(obj, passive=passive, raiseerr=raiseerr)

            if self.uselist:
                callable_ = self._get_callable(obj)
                if callable_ is not None:
                    if passive:
                        return InstrumentedAttribute.PASSIVE_NORESULT
                    self.logger.debug("Executing lazy callable on %s.%s" %
                                      (orm_util.instance_str(obj), self.key))
                    values = callable_()
                    l = InstrumentedList(self,

                    # if a callable was executed, then its part of the "committed state"
                    # if any, so commit the newly loaded data
                    orig = state.get('original', None)
                    if orig is not None:
                        orig.commit_attribute(self, obj, l)

                    # note that we arent raising AttributeErrors, just creating a new
                    # blank list and setting it.
                    # this might be a good thing to be changeable by options.
                    l = InstrumentedList(self,
                obj.__dict__[self.key] = l
                return l
                callable_ = self._get_callable(obj)
                if callable_ is not None:
                    if passive:
                        return InstrumentedAttribute.PASSIVE_NORESULT
                    self.logger.debug("Executing lazy callable on %s.%s" %
                                      (orm_util.instance_str(obj), self.key))
                    value = callable_()
                    obj.__dict__[self.key] = value

                    # if a callable was executed, then its part of the "committed state"
                    # if any, so commit the newly loaded data
                    orig = state.get('original', None)
                    if orig is not None:
                        orig.commit_attribute(self, obj)
                    return value
                    # note that we arent raising AttributeErrors, just returning None.
                    # this might be a good thing to be changeable by options.
                    return None
    def register_object(self, obj, isdelete = False, listonly = False, postupdate=False, post_update_cols=None, **kwargs):
        """Add an object to this ``UOWTransaction`` to be updated in the database.

        This operation has the combined effect of locating/creating an appropriate
        ``UOWTask`` object, and calling its ``append()`` method which then locates/creates
        an appropriate ``UOWTaskElement`` object.

        #print "REGISTER", repr(obj), repr(getattr(obj, '_instance_key', None)), str(isdelete), str(listonly)

        # if object is not in the overall session, do nothing
        if not self.uow._is_valid(obj):
            if logging.is_debug_enabled(self.logger):
                self.logger.debug("object %s not part of session, not registering for flush" % (mapperutil.instance_str(obj)))

        if logging.is_debug_enabled(self.logger):
            self.logger.debug("register object for flush: %s isdelete=%s listonly=%s postupdate=%s" % (mapperutil.instance_str(obj), isdelete, listonly, postupdate))

        mapper = object_mapper(obj)
        task = self.get_task_by_mapper(mapper)
        if postupdate:
            task.append_postupdate(obj, post_update_cols)

        task.append(obj, listonly, isdelete=isdelete, **kwargs)
Example #24
        def lazyload():
            self.logger.debug("lazy load attribute %s on instance %s" %
                              (self.key, mapperutil.instance_str(instance)))
            params = {}
            allparams = True
            # if the instance wasnt loaded from the database, then it cannot lazy load
            # child items.  one reason for this is that a bi-directional relationship
            # will not update properly, since bi-directional uses lazy loading functions
            # in both directions, and this instance will not be present in the lazily-loaded
            # results of the other objects since its not in the database
            if not mapper.has_identity(instance):
                return None
            #print "setting up loader, lazywhere", str(self.lazywhere), "binds", self.lazybinds
            for col, bind in self.lazybinds.iteritems():
                params[bind.key] = self.parent.get_attr_by_column(
                    instance, col)
                if params[bind.key] is None:
                    allparams = False

            if not allparams:
                return None

            session = sessionlib.object_session(instance)
            if session is None:
                    session = mapper.object_mapper(instance).get_session()
                except exceptions.InvalidRequestError:
                    raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError(
                        "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no contextual session is established; lazy load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed"
                        % (instance.__class__, self.key))

            # if we have a simple straight-primary key load, use mapper.get()
            # to possibly save a DB round trip
            if self.use_get:
                ident = []
                for primary_key in self.select_mapper.pks_by_table[
                    bind = self.lazyreverse[primary_key]
                return session.query(self.mapper).get(ident)
            elif self.order_by is not False:
                order_by = self.order_by
            elif self.secondary is not None and self.secondary.default_order_by(
            ) is not None:
                order_by = self.secondary.default_order_by()
                order_by = False
            result = session.query(self.mapper,

            if self.uselist:
                return result
                if len(result):
                    return result[0]
                    return None
Example #25
    def _clone(self, sess=None):
        # note we're returning an entirely new Query class instance here
        # without any assignment capabilities;
        # the class of this query is determined by the session.
        instance = self.instance
        if sess is None:
            sess = object_session(instance)
            if sess is None:
                    sess = object_mapper(instance).get_session()
                except exceptions.InvalidRequestError:
                    raise exceptions.UnboundExecutionError("Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no contextual session is established; lazy load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed" % (mapperutil.instance_str(instance), self.attr.key))

        q = sess.query(self.attr.target_mapper).with_parent(instance, self.attr.key)
        if self.attr.order_by:
            q = q.order_by(self.attr.order_by)
        return q
Example #26
    def __call__(self):
        instance = self.instance

        if not mapper.has_identity(instance):
            return None

        instance_mapper = mapper.object_mapper(instance)
        prop = instance_mapper.get_property(self.key)
        strategy = prop._get_strategy(LazyLoader)

        if strategy._should_log_debug:
                "lazy load attribute %s on instance %s" %
                (self.key, mapperutil.instance_str(instance)))

        session = sessionlib.object_session(instance)
        if session is None:
                session = instance_mapper.get_session()
            except exceptions.InvalidRequestError:
                raise exceptions.UnboundExecutionError(
                    "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no contextual session is established; lazy load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed"
                    % (instance.__class__, self.key))

        q = session.query(prop.mapper).autoflush(False)
        if self.path:
            q = q._with_current_path(self.path)

        # if we have a simple primary key load, use mapper.get()
        # to possibly save a DB round trip
        if strategy.use_get:
            ident = []
            allnulls = True
            for primary_key in prop.mapper.primary_key:
                val = instance_mapper._get_committed_attr_by_column(
                    instance, strategy._equated_columns[primary_key])
                allnulls = allnulls and val is None
            if allnulls:
                return None
            if self.options:
                q = q._conditional_options(*self.options)
            return q.get(ident)

        if strategy.order_by is not False:
            q = q.order_by(strategy.order_by)
        elif strategy.secondary is not None and strategy.secondary.default_order_by(
        ) is not None:
            q = q.order_by(strategy.secondary.default_order_by())

        if self.options:
            q = q._conditional_options(*self.options)
        q = q.filter(strategy.lazy_clause(instance))

        result = q.all()
        if strategy.uselist:
            return result
            if result:
                return result[0]
                return None
Example #27
    def __call__(self):
        instance = self.instance
        if not mapper.has_identity(instance):
            return None

        instance_mapper = mapper.object_mapper(instance)
        prop = instance_mapper.get_property(self.key)
        strategy = prop._get_strategy(LazyLoader)
        if strategy._should_log_debug:
            strategy.logger.debug("lazy load attribute %s on instance %s" % (self.key, mapperutil.instance_str(instance)))

        session = sessionlib.object_session(instance)
        if session is None:
                session = instance_mapper.get_session()
            except exceptions.InvalidRequestError:
                raise exceptions.UnboundExecutionError("Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no contextual session is established; lazy load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed" % (instance.__class__, self.key))

        q = session.query(prop.mapper).autoflush(False)
        if self.path:
            q = q._with_current_path(self.path)
        # if we have a simple primary key load, use mapper.get()
        # to possibly save a DB round trip
        if strategy.use_get:
            ident = []
            allnulls = True
            for primary_key in prop.mapper.primary_key: 
                val = instance_mapper._get_committed_attr_by_column(instance, strategy._equated_columns[primary_key])
                allnulls = allnulls and val is None
            if allnulls:
                return None
            if self.options:
                q = q._conditional_options(*self.options)
            return q.get(ident)
        if strategy.order_by is not False:
            q = q.order_by(strategy.order_by)
        elif strategy.secondary is not None and strategy.secondary.default_order_by() is not None:
            q = q.order_by(strategy.secondary.default_order_by())

        if self.options:
            q = q._conditional_options(*self.options)
        q = q.filter(strategy.lazy_clause(instance))

        result = q.all()
        if strategy.uselist:
            return result
            if result:
                return result[0]
                return None