def downgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData() meta.bind = migrate_engine tasks_table = Table('tasks', meta, autoload=True) task_info_table = Table('task_info', meta, autoload=True) for col_name in TASKS_MIGRATE_COLUMNS: column = Column(col_name, Text()) column.create(tasks_table) task_info_records = for task_info in task_info_records: values = { 'input': task_info.input, 'result': task_info.result, 'message': task_info.message } tasks_table\ .update(values=values)\ .where( == task_info.task_id)\ .execute() drop_tables([task_info_table])
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine records_table = Table('records', meta, autoload=True) # Add the hash column, start with allowing NULLs hash_column = Column('hash', String(32), nullable=True, default=None, unique=True) hash_column.create(records_table, unique_name='unique_record') sync_domains = [] # Fill out the hash values. We need to do this in a way that lets us track # which domains need to be re-synced, so having the DB do this directly # won't work. for record in try: records_table.update()\ .where( ==\ .values(hash=_build_hash(record))\ .execute() except IntegrityError: if record.domain_id not in sync_domains: sync_domains.append(record.domain_id) LOG.warn(_LW("Domain '%s' needs to be synchronised") % record.domain_id) records_table.delete()\ .where( ==\ .execute() # Finally, the column should not be nullable. records_table.c.hash.alter(nullable=False)
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine domains_table = Table('domains', meta, autoload=True) # Get the default pool_id from the config file default_pool_id = cfg.CONF['service:central'].default_pool_id # Create the pool_id column pool_id_column = Column('pool_id', UUID(), default=default_pool_id, nullable=True) pool_id_column.create(domains_table, populate_default=True) # Alter the table to drop default value after populating it domains_table.c.pool_id.alter(default=None) dialect = migrate_engine.url.get_dialect().name if dialect.startswith('sqlite'): # Add missing unique index constraint = UniqueConstraint('name', 'deleted', name='unique_domain_name', table=domains_table) constraint.create()
def downgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine records_table = Table('records', meta, autoload=True) hash_column = Column('hash', String(32), nullable=False, unique=True) hash_column.drop(records_table)
def upgrade(migrate_engine):"Adding boolean column delayed_notify to table 'zones'")) meta.bind = migrate_engine zones_table = Table('zones', meta, autoload=True) col = Column('delayed_notify', Boolean(), default=False) col.create(zones_table) index = Index('delayed_notify', zones_table.c.delayed_notify) index.create(migrate_engine)
def _ensure_columns(self, row): columns = set(row.keys()) - set(self.table.columns.keys()) columns = map(validate_columnname, columns) for column in columns: _type = self._guess_type(column, row[column]) log.debug("Creating column: %s (%s) on %r" % (column, _type, col = Column(column, _type) col.create(self.table, connection=self.bind)
def create_column(self, name, type): """ Explicitely create a new column ``name`` of a specified type. ``type`` must be a `SQLAlchemy column type <>`_. :: table.create_column('created_at', sqlalchemy.DateTime) """ self._check_dropped() with self.database.lock: if name not in self.table.columns.keys(): col = Column(name, type) col.create(self.table, connection=self.database.engine)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Responsible for: * Filter out type-specific kwargs and init Type using these. * Filter out `_schema_class` kwargs and init `_schema_class`. * Filter out column-slecific kwargs and init column using them. * If `args` are provided, that means column proxy is being created. In this case Type does not need to be created. """ if not hasattr(self, '_kwargs_backup'): self._kwargs_backup = kwargs.copy() type_args, type_kw, cleaned_kw = self.process_type_args(kwargs) if not args: schema_item, cleaned_kw = self._generate_schema_item(cleaned_kw) column_kw = self.process_column_args(cleaned_kw) # Column proxy is created by declarative extension if args: column_kw['name'], column_kw['type_'], schema_item = args # Column init when defining a schema else: column_kw['type_'] = self._sqla_type_cls(*type_args, **type_kw) if 'type_' not in kwargs: self._init_kwargs = self._kwargs_backup.copy() column_args = (schema_item,) return Column.__init__(self, *column_args, **column_kw)
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) service_images = Table('service_images', meta, autoload=True) tenantc = Column('tenant_id', String(255)) tenantc.create(service_images) azc = Column('availability_zone', String(255)) azc.create(service_images)
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine # Load the TSIG Keys tables tsigkeys_table = Table('tsigkeys', meta, autoload=True) scopes = Enum(name='tsig_scopes', metadata=meta, *TSIG_SCOPES) scopes.create() # Create the scope and resource columns scope_col = Column('scope', scopes, nullable=False, server_default='POOL') scope_col.create(tsigkeys_table) # Start with nullable=True and populate_default=True, then convert # to nullable=False once all rows have been populted with a resource_id resource_id_col = Column('resource_id', UUID, default=default_pool_id, nullable=True) resource_id_col.create(tsigkeys_table, populate_default=True) # Now that we've populated the default pool id in existing rows, MySQL # will let us convert this over to nullable=False tsigkeys_table.c.resource_id.alter(nullable=False) dialect = migrate_engine.url.get_dialect().name if dialect.startswith('sqlite'): # Add missing unique index constraint = UniqueConstraint('name', name='unique_tsigkey_name', table=tsigkeys_table) constraint.create()
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = MetaData(bind=migrate_engine) service_flavors = Table('service_flavors', meta, autoload=True) conn = migrate_engine.connect() trans = conn.begin() try: delete = service_flavors.delete()\ .where(service_flavors.c.service_name=='database') conn.execute(delete) trans.commit() except: trans.rollback() raise ramc = Column('ram', Integer()) ramc.create(service_flavors) vcpusc = Column('vcpus', Integer()) vcpusc.create(service_flavors) conn = migrate_engine.connect() trans = conn.begin() try: for flavor in SERVICE_FLAVORS: insert = service_flavors.insert()\ .execute(id=flavor['id'], service_name="database", flavor_name=flavor['flavor_name'], flavor_id=flavor['flavor_id'], deleted=0, ram=flavor['ram'], vcpus=flavor['vcpus'],, trans.commit except: trans.rollback() raise
def downgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine rs_table = Table('recordsets', meta, autoload=True) records_table = Table('records', meta, autoload=True) recordsets = _get_recordsets(rs_table) col = Column('priority', Integer, default=None, nullable=True) col.create(records_table) record_cols = [, records_table.c.priority,] for rs in recordsets: records = select(columns=record_cols)\ .where(records_table.c.recordset_id == rs[0])\ .execute().fetchall() for record in records: priority, _, data = record[2].partition(" ") # Old style hashes are <rs_id>:<data>:<priority> new_hash = _build_hash(rs[0], data, priority) update = records_table.update()\ .where( == record[0])\ .values(priority=int(priority), data=data, hash=new_hash) update.execute() dialect = migrate_engine.url.get_dialect().name if dialect.startswith('sqlite'): # Add missing unique index constraint = UniqueConstraint('hash', name='unique_recordset', table=records_table) constraint.create()
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine dialect = migrate_engine.url.get_dialect().name zone_tasks_table = Table('zone_tasks', meta, autoload=True) dialect = migrate_engine.url.get_dialect().name if dialect.startswith("postgresql"): with migrate_engine.connect() as conn: conn.execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") conn.execute( "ALTER TYPE task_types ADD VALUE 'EXPORT' " "AFTER 'IMPORT'") conn.close() zone_tasks_table.c.task_type.alter(type=Enum(name='task_type', *TASK_TYPES)) location = Column('location', String(160), nullable=True) location.create(zone_tasks_table)
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine keys = Enum(name='key', *ZONE_ATTRIBUTE_KEYS) domain_attributes_table = Table( 'domain_attributes', meta, Column('id', UUID(), default=utils.generate_uuid, primary_key=True), Column('version', Integer(), default=1, nullable=False), Column('created_at', DateTime, default=lambda: timeutils.utcnow()), Column('updated_at', DateTime, onupdate=lambda: timeutils.utcnow()), Column('key', keys), Column('value', String(255), nullable=False), Column('domain_id', UUID(), nullable=False), UniqueConstraint('key', 'value', 'domain_id', name='unique_attributes'), ForeignKeyConstraint(['domain_id'], [''], ondelete='CASCADE'), mysql_engine='INNODB', mysql_charset='utf8' ) domains_table = Table('domains', meta, autoload=True) types = Enum(name='types', metadata=meta, *ZONE_TYPES) types.create() # Add type and transferred_at to domains type_ = Column('type', types, default='PRIMARY', server_default='PRIMARY') transferred_at = Column('transferred_at', DateTime, default=None) type_.create(domains_table, populate_default=True) transferred_at.create(domains_table, populate_default=True) domain_attributes_table.create() dialect = migrate_engine.url.get_dialect().name if dialect.startswith('sqlite'): constraint = UniqueConstraint( 'name', 'deleted', name='unique_domain_name', table=domains_table) # Add missing unique index constraint.create()
class Prize(Base): u"""优惠码表""" __tablename__ = "prize" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) coupon = Column(Unicode(255), doc=u"优惠码的信息") account = Column(Integer, doc=u"优惠码金额") user_id = Column(Integer, doc=u"分配给某些用户") share = Column(Integer, doc=u"是否分享,默认为0,没有分享") probability = Column(Integer, doc=u"用户概率控制,3表示废弃优惠码") @classmethod def get_random_prize(cls, connection): stmt = connection.query(Prize).\ filter(Prize.user_id.is_(None)).\ filter(Prize.probability == 1).\ order_by(func.rand()).limit(1).scalar() if stmt is None: stmt = connection.query(Prize).\ filter(Prize.user_id.is_(None)).\ order_by(func.rand()).limit(1).scalar() return stmt @classmethod def get_random_prize_not_coupon(cls, connection): return connection.query(Prize).\ filter(Prize.account.in_((20, 35, 50, 90))).limit(1).scalar() @classmethod def get_user_prize(cls, connection, user_id): return connection.query(Prize).filter( Prize.user_id == user_id).scalar() @classmethod def set_prize_user(cls, connection, prize_id, user_id): connection.query(Prize).\ filter( == prize_id).update( { Prize.user_id: user_id } ) connection.commit() @classmethod def get_share_prize(cls, connection, user_id): prize = connection.query(Prize).filter(Prize.user_id == user_id).\ filter(Prize.share == 0).scalar() if prize: account = prize.account connection.query(Prize).filter( =={ Prize.user_id: None, Prize.probability: 3 }) connection.commit() new_prize = connection.query(Prize).\ filter(Prize.account == account + 10).\ filter(Prize.user_id.is_(None)).limit(1).scalar() connection.query(Prize).filter( =={ Prize.user_id: user_id, Prize.share: 1 }) connection.commit() return True return False
class ECDKG(db.Base): __tablename__ = 'ecdkg' node_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('')) node = relationship('ECDKGNode', back_populates='protocol_instances') decryption_condition = Column(types.String(32), index=True) phase = Column(types.Enum(ECDKGPhase), nullable=False, default=ECDKGPhase.uninitialized) threshold = Column(types.Integer) encryption_key = Column(db.CurvePoint) decryption_key = Column(db.PrivateValue) participants = relationship('ECDKGParticipant', back_populates='ecdkg') secret_poly1 = Column(db.Polynomial) secret_poly2 = Column(db.Polynomial) verification_points = Column(db.CurvePointTuple) encryption_key_vector = Column(db.CurvePointTuple) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('node_id', 'decryption_condition'),) def init(self): for addr in networking.channels.keys(): self.get_or_create_participant_by_address(addr) # everyone should on agree on participants self.threshold = math.ceil(THRESHOLD_FACTOR * (len(self.participants)+1)) spoly1 = random_polynomial(self.threshold) spoly2 = random_polynomial(self.threshold) self.secret_poly1 = spoly1 self.secret_poly2 = spoly2 self.encryption_key_vector = tuple(secp256k1.multiply(secp256k1.G, coeff) for coeff in self.secret_poly1) self.verification_points = tuple( secp256k1.add(secp256k1.multiply(secp256k1.G, a), secp256k1.multiply(G2, b)) for a, b in zip(spoly1, spoly2) ) self.phase = ECDKGPhase.key_distribution def process_advance_to_phase(self, target_phase: ECDKGPhase): if self.phase < target_phase: self.phase = target_phase db.Session.commit() def process_secret_shares(self, sender_address: int, secret_shares: (int, int), signature: 'rsv triplet'): own_address = self.node.address participant = self.get_participant_by_address(sender_address) share1, share2 = secret_shares msg_bytes = ( b'SECRETSHARES' + self.decryption_condition.encode() + util.address_to_bytes(own_address) + util.private_value_to_bytes(share1) + util.private_value_to_bytes(share2) ) recovered_address = util.address_from_message_and_signature(msg_bytes, signature) if sender_address != recovered_address: raise ValueError( 'sender address {:040x} does not match recovered address {:040x}' .format(sender_address, recovered_address) ) if participant.secret_share1 is None and participant.secret_share2 is None: participant.secret_share1 = share1 participant.secret_share2 = share2 participant.shares_signature = signature db.Session.commit() if participant.verification_points is not None: self.process_secret_share_verification(sender_address) elif participant.secret_share1 != share1 or participant.secret_share2 != share2: participant.get_or_create_complaint_by_complainer_address(own_address) raise ValueError( '{:040x} sent shares for {} which do not match: {} != {}' .format( sender_address, self.decryption_condition, (participant.secret_share1, participant.secret_share2), (share1, share2), ) ) def process_verification_points(self, sender_address: int, verification_points: tuple, signature: 'rsv triplet'): own_address = self.node.address participant = self.get_participant_by_address(sender_address) msg_bytes = ( b'VERIFICATIONPOINTS' + self.decryption_condition.encode() + util.curve_point_tuple_to_bytes(verification_points) ) recovered_address = util.address_from_message_and_signature(msg_bytes, signature) if sender_address != recovered_address: raise ValueError( 'sender address {:040x} does not match recovered address {:040x}' .format(sender_address, recovered_address) ) if participant.verification_points is None: participant.verification_points = verification_points participant.verification_points_signature = signature db.Session.commit() if participant.secret_share1 is not None and participant.secret_share2 is not None: self.process_secret_share_verification(sender_address) elif participant.verification_points != verification_points: participant.get_or_create_complaint_by_complainer_address(own_address) raise ValueError( '{:040x} sent verification points for {} which do not match: {} != {}' .format( sender_address, self.decryption_condition, participant.verification_points, verification_points, ) ) def process_secret_share_verification(self, address: int): own_address = self.node.address participant = self.get_participant_by_address(address) share1 = participant.secret_share1 share2 = participant.secret_share2 vlhs = secp256k1.add(secp256k1.multiply(secp256k1.G, share1), secp256k1.multiply(G2, share2)) vrhs = functools.reduce( secp256k1.add, (secp256k1.multiply(ps, pow(own_address, k, secp256k1.N)) for k, ps in enumerate(participant.verification_points))) if vlhs == vrhs: return participant.get_or_create_complaint_by_complainer_address(own_address) def process_encryption_key_vector(self, sender_address: int, encryption_key_vector: tuple, signature: 'rsv triplet'): own_address = self.node.address participant = self.get_participant_by_address(sender_address) msg_bytes = ( b'ENCRYPTIONKEYPART' + self.decryption_condition.encode() + util.curve_point_tuple_to_bytes(encryption_key_vector) ) recovered_address = util.address_from_message_and_signature(msg_bytes, signature) if sender_address != recovered_address: raise ValueError( 'sender address {:040x} does not match recovered address {:040x}' .format(sender_address, recovered_address) ) if participant.encryption_key_vector is None: lhs = secp256k1.multiply(secp256k1.G, participant.secret_share1) rhs = functools.reduce( secp256k1.add, (secp256k1.multiply(ps, pow(own_address, k, secp256k1.N)) for k, ps in enumerate(encryption_key_vector))) if lhs != rhs: participant.get_or_create_complaint_by_complainer_address(own_address) raise ValueError( '{:040x} sent enc key vector which does not match previously sent secret share' .format(sender_address) ) participant.encryption_key_vector = encryption_key_vector participant.encryption_key_vector_signature = signature if all(p.encryption_key_vector is not None for p in self.participants): self.encryption_key = functools.reduce( secp256k1.add, (p.encryption_key_vector[0] for p in self.participants), self.encryption_key_vector[0] ) db.Session.commit() elif participant.encryption_key_vector != encryption_key_vector: participant.get_or_create_complaint_by_complainer_address(own_address) raise ValueError( '{:040x} sent encryption key part for {} which do not match: {} != {}' .format( sender_address, self.decryption_condition, participant.encryption_key_vector, encryption_key_vector, ) ) def process_decryption_key_part(self, sender_address: int, decryption_key_part: int, signature: 'rsv triplet'): participant = self.get_participant_by_address(sender_address) msg_bytes = ( b'DECRYPTIONKEYPART' + self.decryption_condition.encode() + util.private_value_to_bytes(decryption_key_part) ) recovered_address = util.address_from_message_and_signature(msg_bytes, signature) if sender_address != recovered_address: raise ValueError( 'sender address {:040x} does not match recovered address {:040x}' .format(sender_address, recovered_address) ) if participant.decryption_key_part is None: if secp256k1.multiply(secp256k1.G, decryption_key_part) != participant.encryption_key_vector[0]: participant.get_or_create_complaint_by_complainer_address(own_address) raise ValueError( '{:040x} sent dec key part which does not match previously sent enc key vector' .format(sender_address) ) participant.decryption_key_part = decryption_key_part participant.decryption_key_part_signature = signature if all(p.decryption_key_part is not None for p in self.participants): self.decryption_key = ( sum(p.decryption_key_part for p in self.participants) + self.secret_poly1[0] ) % secp256k1.N db.Session.commit() elif participant.decryption_key_part != decryption_key_part: participant.get_or_create_complaint_by_complainer_address(own_address) raise ValueError( '{:040x} sent decryption key part for {} which do not match: {} != {}' .format( sender_address, self.decryption_condition, participant.decryption_key_part, decryption_key_part, ) ) async def run_until_phase(self, target_phase: ECDKGPhase): while self.phase < target_phase:'handling {} phase...'.format( await getattr(self, 'handle_{}_phase'.format( async def handle_key_distribution_phase(self): signed_secret_shares = await networking.broadcast_jsonrpc_call_on_all_channels( 'get_signed_secret_shares', self.decryption_condition) for participant in self.participants: address = participant.eth_address if address not in signed_secret_shares: logging.warning('missing shares from address {:040x}'.format(address)) continue try: self.process_secret_shares(address, *signed_secret_shares[address]) except Exception as e: logging.warning( 'exception occurred while processing secret shares from {:040x}: {}' .format(address, e) )'set all secret shares') signed_verification_points = await networking.broadcast_jsonrpc_call_on_all_channels( 'get_signed_verification_points', self.decryption_condition) for participant in self.participants: address = participant.eth_address if address not in signed_verification_points: logging.warning('missing verification points from address {:040x}'.format(address)) continue try: self.process_verification_points(address, *signed_verification_points[address]) except Exception as e: logging.warning( 'exception occurred while processing verification points from {:040x}: {}' .format(address, e) ) self.process_advance_to_phase(ECDKGPhase.key_verification) async def handle_key_verification_phase(self): self.process_advance_to_phase(ECDKGPhase.key_check) async def handle_key_check_phase(self): complaints = await networking.broadcast_jsonrpc_call_on_all_channels( 'get_complaints', self.decryption_condition) for participant in self.participants: complainer_address = participant.eth_address if complainer_address not in complaints: logging.warning('missing complaints from address {:040x}'.format(complainer_address)) continue # TODO: Add complaints and collect responses to complaints self.process_advance_to_phase(ECDKGPhase.key_generation) async def handle_key_generation_phase(self): signed_encryption_key_vectors = await networking.broadcast_jsonrpc_call_on_all_channels( 'get_signed_encryption_key_vector', self.decryption_condition) for participant in self.participants: address = participant.eth_address if address not in signed_encryption_key_vectors: # TODO: this is supposed to be broadcast... maybe try getting it from other nodes instead? logging.warning('missing encryption key part from address {:040x}'.format(address)) continue try: self.process_encryption_key_vector(address, *signed_encryption_key_vectors[address]) except Exception as e: logging.warning( 'exception occurred while processing encryption key part from {:040x}: {}' .format(address, e) ) self.process_advance_to_phase(ECDKGPhase.key_publication) async def handle_key_publication_phase(self): await util.decryption_condition_satisfied(self.decryption_condition) signed_decryption_key_parts = await networking.broadcast_jsonrpc_call_on_all_channels( 'get_signed_decryption_key_part', self.decryption_condition) for p in self.participants: address = p.eth_address if address not in signed_decryption_key_parts: # TODO: switch to interpolation of secret shares if waiting doesn't work logging.warning('missing decryption key part from address {:040x}'.format(address)) continue try: self.process_decryption_key_part(address, *signed_decryption_key_parts[address]) except Exception as e: logging.warning( 'exception occurred while processing decryption key part from {:040x}: {}' .format(address, e) ) self.process_advance_to_phase(ECDKGPhase.complete) def get_participant_by_address(self, address: int) -> 'ECDKGParticipant': participant = ( db.Session .query(ECDKGParticipant) .filter(ECDKGParticipant.ecdkg_id ==, ECDKGParticipant.eth_address == address) .scalar() ) if participant is None: raise ValueError('could not find participant with address {:040x}'.format(address)) return participant def get_or_create_participant_by_address(self, address: int) -> 'ECDKGParticipant': try: return self.get_participant_by_address(address) except ValueError: participant = ECDKGParticipant(, eth_address=address) db.Session.add(participant) db.Session.commit() return participant def get_signed_secret_shares(self, address: int) -> ((int, int), 'rsv triplet'): private_key = self.node.private_key secret_shares = (eval_polynomial(self.secret_poly1, address), eval_polynomial(self.secret_poly2, address)) msg_bytes = ( b'SECRETSHARES' + self.decryption_condition.encode() + util.address_to_bytes(address) + util.private_value_to_bytes(secret_shares[0]) + util.private_value_to_bytes(secret_shares[1]) ) signature = util.sign_with_key(msg_bytes, private_key) return (secret_shares, signature) def get_signed_verification_points(self) -> (tuple, 'rsv triplet'): private_key = self.node.private_key msg_bytes = ( b'VERIFICATIONPOINTS' + self.decryption_condition.encode() + util.curve_point_tuple_to_bytes(self.verification_points) ) signature = util.sign_with_key(msg_bytes, private_key) return (self.verification_points, signature) def get_signed_encryption_key_vector(self) -> ((int, int), 'rsv triplet'): private_key = self.node.private_key msg_bytes = ( b'ENCRYPTIONKEYPART' + self.decryption_condition.encode() + util.curve_point_tuple_to_bytes(self.encryption_key_vector) ) signature = util.sign_with_key(msg_bytes, private_key) return (self.encryption_key_vector, signature) def get_signed_decryption_key_part(self) -> (int, 'rsv triplet'): private_key = self.node.private_key msg_bytes = ( b'DECRYPTIONKEYPART' + self.decryption_condition.encode() + util.private_value_to_bytes(self.secret_poly1[0]) ) signature = util.sign_with_key(msg_bytes, private_key) return (self.secret_poly1[0], signature) def get_complaints_by(self, address: int) -> dict: return ( db.Session .query(ECDKGComplaint) .filter( # ECDKGComplaint.participant.ecdkg_id ==, ECDKGComplaint.complainer_address == address) .all() ) def to_state_message(self) -> dict: own_address = self.node.address msg = {'address': '{:040x}'.format(own_address)} for attr in ('decryption_condition', 'phase', 'threshold'): val = getattr(self, attr) if val is not None: msg[attr] = val msg['participants'] = {'{:040x}'.format(p.eth_address): p.to_state_message() for p in self.participants} for attr in ('encryption_key',): val = getattr(self, attr) if val is not None: msg[attr] = '{0[0]:064x}{0[1]:064x}'.format(val) for attr in ('verification_points', 'encryption_key_vector'): val = getattr(self, attr) if val is not None: msg[attr] = tuple('{0[0]:064x}{0[1]:064x}'.format(pt) for pt in val) return msg
class Contest(Base): """Class to store a contest (which is a single day of a programming competition). Not to be used directly (import it from SQLAlchemyAll). """ __tablename__ = 'contests' __table_args__ = ( CheckConstraint("token_initial <= token_max"), ) # Auto increment primary key. id = Column( Integer, primary_key=True) # Short name of the contest, and longer description. Both human # readable. name = Column( String, nullable=False) description = Column( String, nullable=False) # Follows the enforcement of token for any person, for all the # task. This enforcements add up to the ones defined task-wise. # token_initial is the initial number of tokens available, or None # to disable completely the tokens. token_initial = Column( Integer, CheckConstraint("token_initial >= 0"), nullable=True) # token_max is the maximum number in any given time, or None not # to enforce this limitation. token_max = Column( Integer, CheckConstraint("token_max > 0"), nullable=True) # token_total is the maximum number that can be used in the whole # contest, or None not to enforce this limitation. token_total = Column( Integer, CheckConstraint("token_total > 0"), nullable=True) # token_min_interval is the minimum interval in seconds between # two uses of a token (set it to 0 to not enforce any limitation). token_min_interval = Column( Interval, CheckConstraint("token_min_interval >= '0 seconds'"), nullable=False) # Every token_gen_time from the beginning of the contest we generate # token_gen_number tokens. If _gen_number is 0 no tokens will be # generated, if _gen_number is > 0 and _gen_time is 0 tokens will be # infinite. In case of infinite tokens, the values of _initial, _max # and _total will be ignored (except when token_initial is None). token_gen_time = Column( Interval, CheckConstraint("token_gen_time >= '0 seconds'"), nullable=False) token_gen_number = Column( Integer, CheckConstraint("token_gen_number >= 0"), nullable=False) # Beginning and ending of the contest, unix times. start = Column( DateTime, nullable=True) stop = Column( DateTime, nullable=True) # Timezone for the contest. All timestamps in CWS will be shown # using the timezone associated to the logged-in user or (if it's # None or an invalid string) the timezone associated to the # contest or (if it's None or an invalid string) the local # timezone of the server. This value has to be a string like # "Europe/Rome", "Australia/Sydney", "America/New_York", etc. timezone = Column( String, nullable=True) # Max contest time for each user in seconds. per_user_time = Column( Interval, nullable=True) # Maximum number of submissions or user_tests allowed for each user # during the whole contest or None to not enforce this limitation. max_submission_number = Column( Integer, CheckConstraint("max_submission_number > 0"), nullable=True) max_user_test_number = Column( Integer, CheckConstraint("max_user_test_number > 0"), nullable=True) # Minimum interval between two submissions or user_tests, or None to # not enforce this limitation. min_submission_interval = Column( Interval, CheckConstraint("min_submission_interval > '0 seconds'"), nullable=True) min_user_test_interval = Column( Interval, CheckConstraint("min_user_test_interval > '0 seconds'"), nullable=True) # Follows the description of the fields automatically added by # SQLAlchemy. # tasks (list of Task objects) # announcements (list of Announcement objects) # users (list of User objects) # Moreover, we have the following methods. # get_submissions (defined in SQLAlchemyAll) # get_user_tests (defined in SQLAlchemyAll) def __init__(self, name, description, tasks, users, token_initial=None, token_max=None, token_total=None, token_min_interval=timedelta(), token_gen_time=timedelta(), token_gen_number=0, start=None, stop=None, timezone=None, per_user_time=None, max_submission_number=None, max_user_test_number=None, min_submission_interval=None, min_user_test_interval=None, announcements=None): = name self.description = description self.tasks = tasks self.users = users self.token_initial = token_initial self.token_max = token_max self.token_total = token_total self.token_min_interval = token_min_interval self.token_gen_time = token_gen_time self.token_gen_number = token_gen_number self.start = start self.stop = stop self.timezone = timezone self.per_user_time = per_user_time self.max_submission_number = max_submission_number self.max_user_test_number = max_user_test_number self.min_submission_interval = min_submission_interval self.min_user_test_interval = min_user_test_interval self.announcements = announcements if announcements is not None else [] def export_to_dict(self, skip_submissions=False, skip_user_tests=False): """Return object data as a dictionary. """ return {'name':, 'description': self.description, 'tasks': [task.export_to_dict() for task in self.tasks], 'users': [user.export_to_dict(skip_submissions, skip_user_tests) for user in self.users], 'token_initial': self.token_initial, 'token_max': self.token_max, 'token_total': self.token_total, 'token_min_interval': self.token_min_interval.total_seconds(), 'token_gen_time': self.token_gen_time.total_seconds(), 'token_gen_number': self.token_gen_number, 'start': make_timestamp(self.start) if self.start is not None else None, 'stop': make_timestamp(self.stop) if self.stop is not None else None, 'timezone': self.timezone, 'per_user_time': self.per_user_time.total_seconds() if self.per_user_time is not None else None, 'max_submission_number': self.max_submission_number, 'max_user_test_number': self.max_user_test_number, 'min_submission_interval': self.min_submission_interval.total_seconds() if self.min_submission_interval is not None else None, 'min_user_test_interval': self.min_user_test_interval.total_seconds() if self.min_user_test_interval is not None else None, 'announcements': [announcement.export_to_dict() for announcement in self.announcements], } # FIXME - Use SQL syntax def get_task(self, task_name): """Return the first task in the contest with the given name. task_name (string): the name of the task we are interested in. return (Task): the corresponding task object, or KeyError. """ for task in self.tasks: if == task_name: return task raise KeyError("Task not found") # FIXME - Use SQL syntax def get_task_index(self, task_name): """Return the index of the first task in the contest with the given name. task_name (string): the name of the task we are interested in. return (int): the index of the corresponding task, or KeyError. """ for idx, task in enumerate(self.tasks): if == task_name: return idx raise KeyError("Task not found") # FIXME - Use SQL syntax def get_user(self, username): """Return the first user in the contest with the given name. username (string): the name of the user we are interested in. return (User): the corresponding user object, or KeyError. """ for user in self.users: if user.username == username: return user raise KeyError("User not found") def enumerate_files(self, skip_submissions=False, skip_user_tests=False, light=False): """Enumerate all the files (by digest) referenced by the contest. return (set): a set of strings, the digests of the file referenced in the contest. """ # Here we cannot use yield, because we want to detect # duplicates files = set() for task in self.tasks: # Enumerate statements for _file in task.statements.values(): files.add(_file.digest) # Enumerate attachments for _file in task.attachments.values(): files.add(_file.digest) # Enumerate managers for _file in task.managers.values(): files.add(_file.digest) # Enumerate testcases if not light: for testcase in task.testcases: files.add(testcase.input) files.add(testcase.output) if not skip_submissions: for submission in self.get_submissions(): # Enumerate files for _file in submission.files.values(): files.add(_file.digest) # Enumerate executables if not light: for _file in submission.executables.values(): files.add(_file.digest) if not skip_user_tests: for user_test in self.get_user_tests(): files.add(user_test.input) if not light and user_test.output is not None: files.add(user_test.output) # Enumerate files for _file in user_test.files.values(): files.add(_file.digest) # Enumerate managers for _file in user_test.managers.values(): files.add(_file.digest) # Enumerate executables if not light: for _file in user_test.executables.values(): files.add(_file.digest) return files def phase(self, timestamp): """Return: -1 if contest isn't started yet at time timestamp, 0 if the contest is active at time timestamp, 1 if the contest has ended. timestamp (int): the time we are iterested in. return (int): contest phase as above. """ if self.start is not None and self.start > timestamp: return -1 if self.stop is None or self.stop > timestamp: return 0 return 1 @staticmethod def _tokens_available(token_timestamps, token_initial, token_max, token_total, token_min_interval, token_gen_time, token_gen_number, start, timestamp): """Do exactly the same computation stated in tokens_available, but ensuring only a single set of token_* directive. Basically, tokens_available call this twice for contest-wise and task-wise parameters and then assemble the result. token_timestamps (list): list of timestamps of used tokens. token_* (int): the parameters we want to enforce. start (int): the time from which we start accumulating tokens. timestamp (int): the time relative to which make the calculation (has to be greater than or equal to all elements of token_timestamps). return (tuple): same as tokens_available. """ # If token_initial is None, it means that the admin disabled # tokens usage, hence no tokens. if token_initial is None: return (0, None, None) # expiration is the timestamp at which all min_intervals for # the tokens played up to now have expired (i.e. the first # time at which we can play another token). If no tokens have # been played so far, this time is the start of the contest. expiration = token_timestamps[-1] + token_min_interval \ if len(token_timestamps) > 0 else start # If we have infinite tokens we don't need to simulate # anything, since nothing gets consumed or generated. We can # return immediately. if token_gen_number > 0 and token_gen_time == timedelta(): return (-1, None, expiration if expiration > timestamp else None) # If we already played the total number allowed, we don't have # anything left. played_tokens = len(token_timestamps) if token_total is not None and played_tokens >= token_total: return (0, None, None) # If we're in the case "generate 0 tokens every 0 seconds" we # set the _gen_time to a non-zero value, to ease calculations. if token_gen_time == timedelta(): token_gen_time = timedelta(seconds=1) # avail is the current number of available tokens. We are # going to rebuild all the history to know how many of them we # have now. # We start with the initial number (it's already capped to max # by the DB). token_initial can be ignored after this. avail = token_initial def generate_tokens(prev_time, next_time): """Compute how many tokens have been generated between the two timestamps. prev_time (int): timestamp of begin of interval. next_time (int): timestamp of end of interval. return (int): number of tokens generated. """ # How many generation times we passed from start to # the previous considered time? before_prev = int((prev_time - start).total_seconds() / token_gen_time.total_seconds()) # And from start to the current considered time? before_next = int((next_time - start).total_seconds() / token_gen_time.total_seconds()) # So... return token_gen_number * (before_next - before_prev) # Previous time we considered prev_token = start # Simulating! for token in token_timestamps: # Increment the number of tokens because of generation. avail += generate_tokens(prev_token, token) if token_max is not None: avail = min(avail, token_max) # Play the token. avail -= 1 prev_token = token avail += generate_tokens(prev_token, timestamp) if token_max is not None: avail = min(avail, token_max) # Compute the time in which the next token will be generated. next_gen_time = None if token_gen_number > 0 and (token_max is None or avail < token_max): next_gen_time = start + token_gen_time * \ int((timestamp - start).total_seconds() / token_gen_time.total_seconds() + 1) # If we have more tokens than how many we are allowed to play, # cap it, and note that no more will be generated. if token_total is not None: if avail >= token_total - played_tokens: avail = token_total - played_tokens next_gen_time = None return (avail, next_gen_time, expiration if expiration > timestamp else None) def tokens_available(self, username, task_name, timestamp=None): """Return three pieces of data: [0] the number of available tokens for the user to play on the task (independently from the fact that (s)he can play it right now or not due to a min_interval wating for expiration); -1 means infinite tokens; [1] the next time in which a token will be generated (or None); from the user perspective, i.e.: if the user will do nothing, [1] is the first time in which his number of available tokens will be greater than [0]; [2] the time when the min_interval will expire, or None In particular, let r the return value of this method. We can sketch the code in the following way.: if r[0] > 0 or r[0] == -1: we have tokens if r[2] is None: we can play a token else: we must wait till r[2] to play a token if r[1] is not None: next one will be generated at r[1] else: no other tokens will be generated (max/total reached ?) else: we don't have tokens right now if r[1] is not None: next one will be generated at r[1] if r[2] is not None and r[2] > r[1]: but we must wait also till r[2] to play it else: no other tokens will be generated (max/total reached ?) Note also that this method assumes that all played tokens were regularly played, and that there are no tokens played in the future. Also, if r[0] == 0 and r[1] is None, then r[2] should be ignored. username (string): the username of the user. task_name (string): the name of the task. timestamp (int): the time relative to which making the calculation return ((int, int, int)): see description above the latter two are timestamps, or None. """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = make_datetime() user = self.get_user(username) task = self.get_task(task_name) # Take the list of the tokens already played (sorted by time). tokens = user.get_tokens() token_timestamps_contest = sorted([token.timestamp for token in tokens]) token_timestamps_task = sorted([ token.timestamp for token in tokens if == task_name]) # If the contest is USACO-style (i.e., the time for each user # start when he/she logs in for the first time), then we start # accumulating tokens from the user starting time; otherwise, # from the start of the contest. start = self.start if self.per_user_time is not None: start = user.starting_time # Compute separately for contest-wise and task-wise. res_contest = Contest._tokens_available( token_timestamps_contest, self.token_initial, self.token_max, self.token_total, self.token_min_interval, self.token_gen_time, self.token_gen_number, start, timestamp) res_task = Contest._tokens_available( token_timestamps_task, task.token_initial, task.token_max, task.token_total, task.token_min_interval, task.token_gen_time, task.token_gen_number, start, timestamp) # Merge the results. # First, the "expiration". if res_contest[2] is None: expiration = res_task[2] elif res_task[2] is None: expiration = res_contest[2] else: expiration = max(res_task[2], res_contest[2]) # Then, check if both are infinite if res_contest[0] == -1 and res_task[0] == -1: res = (-1, None, expiration) # Else, "combine" them appropriately. else: # Having infinite contest tokens, in this situation, is the # same as having a finite number that is strictly greater # than the task tokens. The same holds the other way, too. if res_contest[0] == -1: res_contest = (res_task[0] + 1, None, None) if res_task[0] == -1: res_task = (res_contest[0] + 1, None, None) # About next token generation time: we need to see when the # *minimum* between res_contest[0] and res_task[0] is # increased by one, so if there is an actual minimum we # need to consider only the next generation time for it. # Otherwise, if they are equal, we need both to generate an # additional token and we store the maximum between the two # next times of generation. if res_contest[0] < res_task[0]: # We have more task-tokens than contest-tokens. # We just need a contest-token to be generated. res = (res_contest[0], res_contest[1], expiration) elif res_task[0] < res_contest[0]: # We have more contest-tokens than task-tokens. # We just need a task-token to be generated. res = (res_task[0], res_task[1], expiration) else: # Darn, we need both! if res_contest[1] is None or res_task[1] is None: res = (res_task[0], None, expiration) else: res = (res_task[0], max(res_contest[1], res_task[1]), expiration) return res
from hiku.graph import Edge, Link from hiku.engine import Engine from hiku.sources.sql import db_fields, db_link from hiku.readers.simple import read from hiku.executors.threads import ThreadsExecutor from .base import TestCase metadata = MetaData() session = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) foo_table = Table( 'foo', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), Column('name', Unicode), Column('count', Integer), Column('bar_id', ForeignKey('')), ) bar_table = Table( 'bar', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), Column('name', Unicode), Column('type', Integer), ) def foo_list():
def create_column(engine, table, name, type): with lock: if name not in table.columns.keys(): col = Column(name, type) col.create(table, connection=engine)
class ECDKGParticipant(db.Base): __tablename__ = 'ecdkg_participant' ecdkg_id = Column(types.Integer, ForeignKey('')) ecdkg = relationship('ECDKG', back_populates='participants') eth_address = Column(db.EthAddress, index=True) encryption_key_vector = Column(db.CurvePointTuple) encryption_key_vector_signature = Column(db.Signature) decryption_key_part = Column(db.PrivateValue) decryption_key_part_signature = Column(db.Signature) verification_points = Column(db.CurvePointTuple) verification_points_signature = Column(db.Signature) secret_share1 = Column(db.PrivateValue) secret_share2 = Column(db.PrivateValue) shares_signature = Column(db.Signature) complaints = relationship('ECDKGComplaint', back_populates='participant') __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('ecdkg_id', 'eth_address'),) def get_or_create_complaint_by_complainer_address(self, address: int) -> 'ECDKGComplaint': complaint = ( db.Session .query(ECDKGComplaint) .filter(ECDKGComplaint.participant_id ==, ECDKGComplaint.complainer_address == address) .scalar() ) if complaint is None: complaint = ECDKGComplaint(, complainer_address=address) db.Session.add(complaint) db.Session.commit() return complaint def to_state_message(self, address: int = None) -> dict: msg = {} for attr in ('verification_points', 'encryption_key_vector'): val = getattr(self, attr) if val is not None: msg[attr] = tuple('{0[0]:064x}{0[1]:064x}'.format(pt) for pt in val) return msg
class InheritSecurity: """Mixin for objects with a parent relation and security inheritance.""" inherit_security = Column( Boolean, default=True, nullable=False, info={"auditable": False} )
class Work(Nameable): """Creative work(s) that could be a single work like a film, or a series of works such as a combic book series and a television series. """ #: (:class:`int`) The primary key integer. id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) #: (:class:`str`) Work media type. media_type = Column(String, nullable=False) #: (:class:``) The publication date. published_at = Column(Date) #: (:class:``) The set of #: :class:`WorkGenre`\ s that the work has. work_genres = relationship('WorkGenre', cascade='delete, merge, save-update', collection_class=set) #: (:class:``) The set of #: :class:`Genre`\ s that the work falls into. genres = relationship(Genre, secondary='work_genres', collection_class=set) #: (:class:``) The set of #: :class:`Credit`\ s that the work has. credits = relationship(Credit, cascade='delete, merge, save-update', collection_class=set) #: (:class:``) The set of #: :class:`WorkFranchise`\ s that the work has. work_franchises = relationship('WorkFranchise', cascade='delete, merge, save-update', collection_class=set) #: (:class:``) The set of #: :class:`Franchise`\ s that the work belongs to. franchises = relationship(Franchise, secondary='work_franchises', collection_class=set) #: (:class:``) The set of #: :class:`Character`\ s that appeared in the work. characters = relationship(Character, secondary='work_characters', collection_class=set) #: (:class:``) The set of #: :class:`WorkTrope`. work_tropes = relationship(lambda: WorkTrope, collection_class=set) #: (:class:``) The set of #: :class:`Trope`. tropes = relationship(Trope, secondary='work_tropes', collection_class=set) #: (:class:`datetime.datetime`) The date and time on which #: the record was created. created_at = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False, default=now(), index=True) __tablename__ = 'works' __repr_columns__ = [id] __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'works', }
def _add_complex_type(cls, props, table, k, v): p = getattr(v.Attributes, 'store_as', None) col_args, col_kwargs = sanitize_args(v.Attributes.sqla_column_args) _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, v, col_kwargs) if isinstance(p, c_table): if _is_array(v): child_cust = v if issubclass(v, Array): child_cust, = v._type_info.values() child = child_cust if child_cust.__orig__ is not None: child = child_cust.__orig__ if p.multi != False: # many to many _gen_array_m2m(cls, props, k, child, p) elif issubclass(child, SimpleModel): # one to many simple type _gen_array_simple(cls, props, k, child_cust, p) else: # one to many complex type _gen_array_o2m(cls, props, k, child, child_cust, p) else: # v has the Attribute values we need whereas real_v is what the # user instantiates (thus what sqlalchemy needs) if v.__orig__ is None: # vanilla class real_v = v else: # customized class real_v = v.__orig__ assert not getattr( p, 'multi', False), ('Storing a single element-type using a ' 'relation table is pointless.') assert p.right is None, "'right' is ignored in a one-to-one " \ "relationship" col = _get_col_o2o(cls, k, v, p.left) p.left = if in table.c: col = table.c[] else: table.append_column(col) rel = relationship(real_v, uselist=False, cascade=p.cascade, foreign_keys=[col], backref=p.backref, lazy=p.lazy) _gen_index_info(table, col, k, v) props[k] = rel props[] = col elif isinstance(p, c_xml): if k in table.c: col = table.c[k] else: t = PGObjectXml(v, p.root_tag, p.no_ns) col = Column(k, t, *col_args, **col_kwargs) props[k] = col if not k in table.c: table.append_column(col) elif isinstance(p, c_json): if k in table.c: col = table.c[k] else: t = PGObjectJson(v, ignore_wrappers=p.ignore_wrappers, complex_as=p.complex_as) col = Column(k, t, *col_args, **col_kwargs) props[k] = col if not k in table.c: table.append_column(col) elif isinstance(p, c_msgpack): raise NotImplementedError(c_msgpack) elif p is None: pass else: raise ValueError(p)
def format_server_default(compiler, default): return compiler.get_column_default_string( Column("x", Integer, server_default=default))
def _gen_array_simple(cls, props, k, child_cust, p): table_name = cls.Attributes.table_name metadata = cls.Attributes.sqla_metadata # get left (fk) column info _gen_col = _get_col_o2m(cls, p.left) col_info = next(_gen_col) # gets the column name p.left, child_left_col_type = col_info[ 0] # FIXME: Add support for multi-column primary keys. child_left_col_name = p.left # get right(data) column info child_right_col_type = get_sqlalchemy_type(child_cust) child_right_col_name = p.right # this is the data column if child_right_col_name is None: child_right_col_name = k # get table name child_table_name = child_cust.Attributes.table_name if child_table_name is None: child_table_name = '_'.join([table_name, k]) if child_table_name in metadata.tables: child_t = metadata.tables[child_table_name] # if we have the table, we sure have the right column (data column) assert child_right_col_type.__class__ is \ child_t.c[child_right_col_name].type.__class__, "%s.%s: %r != %r" % \ (cls, child_right_col_name, child_right_col_type.__class__, child_t.c[child_right_col_name].type.__class__) # Table exists but our own foreign key doesn't. if child_left_col_name in child_t.c: assert child_left_col_type.__class__ is \ child_t.c[child_left_col_name].type.__class__, "%r != %r" % \ (child_left_col_type.__class__, child_t.c[child_left_col_name].type.__class__) else: child_left_col = next(_gen_col) _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, child_cust, col=child_left_col) child_t.append_column(child_left_col) else: # table does not exist, generate table child_right_col = Column(child_right_col_name, child_right_col_type) _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, child_cust, col=child_right_col) child_left_col = next(_gen_col) _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, child_cust, col=child_left_col) child_t = Table( child_table_name, metadata, Column('id', sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True), child_left_col, child_right_col, ) _gen_index_info(child_t, child_right_col, child_right_col_name, child_cust) # generate temporary class for association proxy cls_name = ''.join(x.capitalize() or '_' for x in child_table_name.split('_')) # generates camelcase class name. def _i(self, *args): setattr(self, child_right_col_name, args[0]) cls_ = type("_" + cls_name, (object, ), {'__init__': _i}) own_mapper(cls_)(cls_, child_t) props["_" + k] = relationship(cls_) # generate association proxy setattr(cls, k, association_proxy("_" + k, child_right_col_name))
from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import DateTime from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import drop_tables from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import Integer from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import String from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import Table from trove.db.sqlalchemy import utils as db_utils from trove.openstack.common import log as logging logger = logging.getLogger('trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema') meta = MetaData() clusters = Table( 'clusters', meta, Column('id', String(36), primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column('created', DateTime(), nullable=False), Column('updated', DateTime(), nullable=False), Column('name', String(255), nullable=False), Column('task_id', Integer(), nullable=False), Column('tenant_id', String(36), nullable=False), Column("datastore_version_id", String(36), ForeignKey(''), nullable=False), Column('deleted', Boolean()), Column('deleted_at', DateTime()), Index("clusters_tenant_id", "tenant_id"), Index("clusters_deleted", "deleted"), )
class NameMixin(BaseMixin): name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False) __repr_attr__ = 'id', 'name',
from import Contact from sqlalchemy import MetaData from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.schema import Table, Column, Sequence from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String metadata = MetaData() engine = create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://openpg:@localhost/testdb', echo=True) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) contact = Table('contacts', metadata, Column('id', Sequence, primary_key=True), Column('name', String(50)), Column('email', String(100)), Column('tel', String(20))) mapper(Contact, contact) session = Session() class proxy_db(): def _init__(self): self.session = Session() def getContactList(self): contactlist = session.query(; return contactlist
class Note(Base): __tablename__ = 'notes' id = Column(Integer, Sequence('notes_id_seq'), primary_key=True) title = Column(String) content = Column(String, nullable=False)
class AddCPU(CRUDModel): __tablename__ = 'cpu' table_args__ = {'sqlite_autoincrement': True} name = Column(String, nullable=False, index=False) cpu = Column(String, nullable=False, index=True)
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import create_tables from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import drop_tables from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import DateTime from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import Boolean from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import String from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import Table meta = MetaData() datastore_configuration_parameters = Table( 'datastore_configuration_parameters', meta, Column('id', String(36), primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column('name', String(128), primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column('datastore_version_id', String(36), ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column('restart_required', Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False), Column('max_size', String(40)), Column('min_size', String(40)), Column('data_type', String(128), nullable=False), Column('deleted', Boolean()), Column('deleted_at', DateTime()), UniqueConstraint( 'datastore_version_id', 'name', name='UQ_datastore_configuration_parameters_datastore_version_id_name') )
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.schema import Column from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import create_tables from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import DateTime from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import Boolean from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import String from trove.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.schema import Table meta = MetaData() configurations = Table( 'configurations', meta, Column('id', String(36), primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column('name', String(64), nullable=False), Column('description', String(256)), Column('tenant_id', String(36), nullable=False), Column('datastore_version_id', String(36), nullable=False), Column('deleted', Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False), Column('deleted_at', DateTime()), ) configuration_parameters = Table( 'configuration_parameters', meta, Column('configuration_id', String(36), ForeignKey(""), nullable=False,
class Blob(Model): """Model for storing large file content. Files are stored on-disk, named after their uuid. Repository is located in instance folder/data/files. """ __tablename__ = "blob" id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) uuid = Column(UUID(), unique=True, nullable=False, default=uuid.uuid4) meta = Column(JSONDict(), nullable=False, default=dict) def __init__(self, value=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.uuid is None: self.uuid = uuid.uuid4() if self.meta is None: self.meta = {} if value is not None: self.value = value @property def file(self) -> Optional[Path]: """Return :class:`pathlib.Path` object used for storing value.""" from import \ session_repository as repository return repository.get(self, self.uuid) @property def size(self) -> int: """Return size in bytes of value.""" f = self.file return f.stat().st_size if f is not None else 0 @property def value(self) -> bytes: """Binary value content.""" v = self.file return"rb").read() if v is not None else v @value.setter def value(self, value: bytes): """Store binary content to applications's repository and update `self.meta['md5']`. :param:content: bytes, or any object with a `read()` method :param:encoding: encoding to use when content is Unicode """ from import \ session_repository as repository repository.set(self, self.uuid, value) self.meta["md5"] = str(hashlib.md5(self.value).hexdigest()) if hasattr(value, "filename"): filename = value.filename if isinstance(filename, bytes): filename = filename.decode("utf-8") self.meta["filename"] = filename if hasattr(value, "content_type"): self.meta["mimetype"] = value.content_type @value.deleter def value(self) -> None: """Remove value from repository.""" from import \ session_repository as repository repository.delete(self, self.uuid) @property def md5(self) -> str: """Return md5 from meta, or compute it if absent.""" md5 = self.meta.get("md5") if md5 is None: md5 = str(hashlib.md5(self.value).hexdigest()) return md5 def __bool__(self) -> bool: """A blob is considered falsy if it has no file.""" return self.file is not None and self.file.exists() # Py3k compat __nonzero__ = __bool__
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine records_table = Table('records', meta, autoload=True) # We need to autoload the domains table for the FK to succeed. Table('domains', meta, autoload=True) # Prepare an empty dict to cache (domain_id, name, type) tuples to # RRSet id's cache = {} # Create the recordsets_table table recordsets_table.create() # NOTE(kiall): Since we need a unique UUID for each recordset, and need # to maintain cross DB compatibility, we're stuck doing this # in code rather than an # INSERT INTO recordsets_table SELECT (..) FROM records; results = select( columns=[ records_table.c.tenant_id, records_table.c.domain_id,, records_table.c.type, func.min(records_table.c.ttl).label('ttl'), func.min(records_table.c.created_at).label('created_at'), func.max(records_table.c.updated_at).label('updated_at') ], group_by=[ records_table.c.tenant_id, records_table.c.domain_id,, records_table.c.type ] ).execute() for result in results: # Create the new RecordSet and remember it's id pk = recordsets_table.insert().execute( tenant_id=result.tenant_id, domain_id=result.domain_id,, type=result.type, ttl=result.ttl, created_at=result.created_at, updated_at=result.updated_at ).inserted_primary_key[0] # Cache the ID for later cache_key = "%s.%s.%s" % (result.domain_id,, result.type) cache[cache_key] = pk # Add the recordset column to the records table record_recordset_id = Column('recordset_id', UUID, default=None, nullable=True) record_recordset_id.create(records_table, populate_default=True) # Fetch all the records # TODO(kiall): Batch this.. results = select( columns=[, records_table.c.domain_id,, records_table.c.type,, records_table.c.priority ] ).execute() # Update each result with the approperiate recordset_id, and refresh # the hash column to reflect the removal of several fields. for result in results: cache_key = "%s.%s.%s" % (result.domain_id,, result.type) recordset_id = cache[cache_key] new_hash = _build_hash(recordset_id, result) records_table.update()\ .where( ==\ .values(recordset_id=cache[cache_key], hash=new_hash)\ .execute() # Now that the records.recordset_id field is populated, lets ensure the # column is not nullable and is a FK to the records table. records_table.c.recordset_id.alter(nullable=False) ForeignKeyConstraint(columns=[records_table.c.recordset_id], refcolumns=[], ondelete='CASCADE', name='fkey_records_recordset_id').create() # Finally, drop the now-defunct columns from the records table records_table.c.type.drop() records_table.c.ttl.drop()
def test_lots_of_types(self, engine, connection): # Presto doesn't have raw CREATE TABLE support, so we ony test hive # take type list from sqlalchemy.types types = [ 'INT', 'CHAR', 'VARCHAR', 'NCHAR', 'TEXT', 'Text', 'FLOAT', 'NUMERIC', 'DECIMAL', 'TIMESTAMP', 'DATETIME', 'CLOB', 'BLOB', 'BOOLEAN', 'SMALLINT', 'DATE', 'TIME', 'String', 'Integer', 'SmallInteger', 'Numeric', 'Float', 'DateTime', 'Date', 'Time', 'Binary', 'Boolean', 'Unicode', 'UnicodeText', ] cols = [] for i, t in enumerate(types): cols.append(Column(str(i), getattr(sqlalchemy.types, t))) cols.append(Column('hive_date', HiveDate)) cols.append(Column('hive_decimal', HiveDecimal)) cols.append(Column('hive_timestamp', HiveTimestamp)) table = Table('test_table', MetaData(bind=engine), *cols, schema='pyhive_test_database') table.drop(checkfirst=True) table.create() connection.execute('SET mapred.job.tracker=local') connection.execute('USE pyhive_test_database') big_number = 10**10 - 1 connection.execute( """ INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE test_table SELECT 1, "a", "a", "a", "a", "a", 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0, "a", "a", false, 1, 0, 0, "a", 1, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, "a", false, "a", "a", 0, %d, 123 + 2000 FROM default.one_row """, big_number) row = connection.execute( self.assertEqual(row.hive_date,, 1, 1)) self.assertEqual(row.hive_decimal, decimal.Decimal(big_number)) self.assertEqual(row.hive_timestamp, datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 123000)) table.drop()
class Creatable(object): created_at = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
class Item(Base): __tablename__ = 'item' item_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) location = Column(Geography('POINT', spatial_index=True), nullable=False) enwiki = Column(String, index=True) entity = Column(postgresql.JSON) categories = Column(postgresql.ARRAY(String)) old_tags = Column(postgresql.ARRAY(String)) qid = column_property('Q' + cast(item_id, String)) ewkt = column_property(func.ST_AsEWKT(location), deferred=True) query_label = Column(String, index=True) # extract = Column(String) extract_names = Column(postgresql.ARRAY(String)) db_tags = relationship('ItemTag', collection_class=set, cascade='save-update, merge, delete, delete-orphan', backref='item') tags = association_proxy('db_tags', 'tag_or_key') isa = relationship('IsA', secondary='item_isa') wiki_extracts = relationship( 'Extract', collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('site'), cascade='save-update, merge, delete, delete-orphan', backref='item') extracts = association_proxy('wiki_extracts', 'extract') @property def extract(self): return self.extracts.get('enwiki') @extract.setter def extract(self, value): self.extracts['enwiki'] = value @property def labels(self): if not self.entity: return None return { l['language']: l['value'] for l in self.entity['labels'].values() } def label(self, lang='en'): if not self.entity: return self.enwiki or self.query_label or None labels = self.entity['labels'] if lang in labels: return labels[lang]['value'] elif lang != 'en' and 'en' in labels: return labels['en']['value'] elif labels: return list(labels.values())[0]['value'] def label_best_language(self, languages): if not languages: return self.label() labels = self.entity['labels'] for lang in languages: code = lang if isinstance(lang, str) else lang.wikimedia_language_code if code in labels: return labels[code]['value'] return self.label() def languages(self): entity = self.entity labels = {lang for lang in entity['labels'].keys() if '-' not in lang} sitelinks = { i[:-4] for i in entity['sitelinks'].keys() if i.endswith('wiki') } return labels | sitelinks def more_endings_from_isa(self): endings = set() langs = self.languages() # avoid trimming "cottage", it produces too many mismatches skip_isa = { 5783996, # cottage } for isa in self.isa: if isa.item_id in skip_isa or not isa.entity or 'missing' in isa.entity: continue for lang, label in isa.entity.get('labels', {}).items(): if lang in langs: endings.add(label['value']) return endings @classmethod def get_by_qid(cls, qid): if qid and len(qid) > 1 and qid[0].upper() == 'Q' and qid[1:].isdigit( ): return cls.query.get(qid[1:]) def label_and_qid(self, lang='en'): label = self.label(lang=lang) if label: return '{label} ({item.qid})'.format(label=label, item=self) else: return self.qid @property def wikidata_uri(self): return '{}'.format(self.item_id) def get_lat_lon(self): return session.query(func.ST_Y(self.location), func.ST_X(self.location)).one() def get_osm_url(self, zoom=18): lat, lon = self.get_lat_lon() return f'{zoom}/{lat}/{lon}' def get_extra_tags(self): tags = set() for qid in self.instanceof(): for tag in wikidata.extra_keys.get(qid, []): if tag: tags.add(tag[4:]) return tags @property def ref_keys(self): return {f'ref:nrhp={v}' for v in (self.ref_nrhp() or [])} def disused_tags(self): tags = set() prefixes = ('disused', 'was', 'abandoned', 'demolished', 'destroyed', 'ruins', 'historic') for i in self.tags: if i == 'amenity': # too generic continue key = i.split('=')[0] if '=' in i else i if key in disused_prefix_key: tags |= {prefix + ':' + i for prefix in prefixes} return tags def calculate_tags(self, ignore_tags=None): ignore_tags = set(ignore_tags or []) # Ignore some overly generic tags from Wikidata objects: # facility (Q13226383) - osm tag: amenity # geographic location (Q2221906) - osm tag: location # artificial entity (Q16686448) - osm tag: man_made ignore_tags.update('amenity', 'location', 'man_made') instanceof = self.instanceof() tags = (self.get_extra_tags() | set(self.tags)) - ignore_tags if matcher.could_be_building(tags, instanceof): tags.add('building') if any(n.lower().endswith(' church') for n in self.names().keys()): tags.update({'amenity=place_of_worship', 'building=church'}) tags |= self.ref_keys | self.disused_tags() tags -= ignore_tags return tags def instanceof(self): if self.entity and 'claims' not in self.entity: subject = f'missing claims: {self.qid}' body = f''' Wikidata entity is missing claims{self.qid} ''' mail.send_mail(subject, body) if not self.entity or 'claims' not in self.entity: return [] return [ i['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value']['id'] for i in self.entity['claims'].get('P31', []) if 'datavalue' in i['mainsnak'] ] def identifiers(self): ret = set() for v in self.get_item_identifiers().values(): ret.update(v) return ret def identifier_values(self): ret = defaultdict(set) for osm_key, wikidata_values in self.get_item_identifiers().items(): for values, label in wikidata_values: ret[osm_key].update(values) return ret def get_item_identifiers(self): if not self.entity: return {} property_map = [ ('P238', ['iata'], 'IATA airport code'), ('P239', ['icao'], 'ICAO airport code'), ('P240', ['faa', 'ref'], 'FAA airport code'), # ('P281', ['addr:postcode', 'postal_code'], 'postal code'), ('P296', ['ref', 'ref:train', 'railway:ref'], 'station code'), ('P300', ['ISO3166-2'], 'ISO 3166-2 code'), ('P649', ['ref:nrhp'], 'NRHP reference number'), ('P722', ['uic_ref'], 'UIC station code'), ('P782', ['ref'], 'LAU (local administrative unit)'), ('P836', ['ref:gss'], 'UK Government Statistical Service code'), ('P856', ['website', 'contact:website', 'url'], 'website'), ('P882', ['nist:fips_code'], 'FIPS 6-4 (US counties)'), ('P883', ['state_code', 'ref', 'nist:fips_code'], 'FIPS 5-2 (code for US states)'), # A UIC id can be a IBNR, but not every IBNR is an UIC id ('P954', ['uic_ref'], 'IBNR ID'), ('P1216', ['HE_ref'], 'National Heritage List for England number'), ('P2253', ['ref:edubase'], 'EDUBase URN'), ('P2815', ['esr:user', 'ref', 'ref:train'], 'ESR station code'), ('P3425', ['ref', 'ref:SIC'], 'Natura 2000 site ID'), ('P3562', ['seamark:light:reference'], 'Admiralty number'), ('P4755', ['ref', 'ref:train', 'ref:crs', 'crs'], 'UK railway station code'), ('P4803', ['ref', 'ref:train'], 'Amtrak station code'), ] tags = defaultdict(list) for claim, osm_keys, label in property_map: values = [ i['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] for i in self.entity['claims'].get(claim, []) if 'datavalue' in i['mainsnak'] ] if not values: continue if claim == 'P782': values += [ for m in (re_lau_code.match(v) for v in values) if m ] for osm_key in osm_keys: tags[osm_key].append((tuple(values), label)) return tags def ref_nrhp(self): if self.entity: return [ i['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] for i in self.entity['claims'].get('P649', []) ] else: return [] def names(self): d = wikidata.names_from_entity(self.entity) or defaultdict(list) for name in self.extract_names or []: d[name].append(('extract', 'enwiki')) return dict(d) or None def refresh_extract_names(self): self.extract_names = wikipedia.html_names(self.extract) def get_oql(self): lat, lon = session.query(func.ST_Y(self.location), func.ST_X(self.location)).one() union = [] for tag in self.tags: osm_filter = 'around:1000,{:f},{:f}'.format(lat, lon) union += oql_from_tag(tag, False, osm_filter) return union def coords(self): return session.query(func.ST_Y(self.location), func.ST_X(self.location)).one() def image_filenames(self): return [ i['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] for i in self.entity['claims'].get('P18', []) ] def defunct_cats(self): words = { 'demolish', 'disestablishment', 'defunct', 'abandon', 'mothballed', 'decommission', 'former', 'dismantled', 'disused', 'disassembled', 'abandoned', 'disband', 'scrapped', 'unused', 'closed', 'condemned', 'redundant' } exclude = { 'Defunct baseball venues in the United States', 'Defunct National Football League venues', 'Enclosed roller coasters', 'Former civil parishes in England', 'Capitals of former nations', 'Former state capitals in the United States' } found = [] for item_cat in self.categories or []: if item_cat in exclude: continue lc_item_cat = item_cat.lower() found += [item_cat for i in words if i in lc_item_cat] return found def get_claim(self, pid): return [ i['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] for i in self.entity['claims'].get(pid, []) ] @property def criteria(self): return {('Tag:' if '=' in t else 'Key:') + t for t in self.tags or []} @property def category_map(self): if self.categories: return matcher.categories_to_tags_map(self.categories) def sitelinks(self): if self.entity: return self.entity.get('sitelinks') def is_hamlet(self): return ('Q5084' in self.instanceof() or any( cat.startswith('Hamlets ') for cat in self.categories or [])) def is_farm_house(self): return 'Q489357' in self.instanceof() def is_mountain_range(self): return 'Q46831' in self.instanceof() def is_farmhouse(self): return 'Q489357' in self.instanceof() def is_proposed(self): '''is this item a proposed building or structure?''' cats = self.categories or [] if any(cat.startswith('Disused ') for cat in cats): # disused stations that might be reopened could be in OSM return False if any(cat.startswith('Proposed ') for cat in cats): return True # proposed building or structure (Q811683) return 'Q811683' in (self.instanceof() or []) def is_a_historic_district(self): cats = self.categories or [] return (('Q15243209' in (self.instanceof() or []) or any(cat.startswith('Historic district') for cat in cats)) and not any( cat.startswith('Historic district contributing properties') or cat.startswith('Churches ') or cat.startswith('Towers ') or cat.startswith('Educational institutions ') or cat.startswith('Schools ') or cat.startswith('Houses ') or cat.startswith('Historic house ') or cat.startswith('Museums ') or ' buildings ' in cat or cat.startswith('Buildings and structures ') for cat in cats)) def is_a_station(self): stations = { 'Q55488', # railway station 'Q928830', # metro station 'Q4663385', # former railway station } if set(self.instanceof()) & stations: return True cats = { 'railway stations', 'railroad stations', 'train stations', 'metro stations', 'subway stations' } return any( any(cat in item_cat.lower() for cat in cats) for item_cat in (self.categories or [])) def is_a_stadium(self): isa = { 'Q483110', # stadium 'Q641226', # arena 'Q1076486', # sports venue } if set(self.instanceof()) & isa: return True cats = { 'football venues', 'ice rinks', 'stadiums', 'velodromes', 'cycling venues', 'grounds' } return any( any(cat in item_cat.lower() for cat in cats) for item_cat in (self.categories or [])) def is_a_school(self): return 'amenity=school' in self.tags def skip_item_during_match(self): ''' cebwiki and svwiki contain lots of poor quality stubs best to skip items that are only cebwiki or cebwiki + svwiki ''' if self.is_proposed(): # skip proposed building or structure return True if not self.entity: return False sitelinks = self.entity.get('sitelinks') if not sitelinks: return False sites = set(sitelinks.keys()) return sites == {'cebwiki'} or sites == {'cebwiki', 'svwiki'} def get_names(self): item = self.entity if not item: return names = defaultdict(list) skip_lang = {'ar', 'arc', 'pl'} # only include aliases if there are less than 6 other names if len(item.get('sitelinks', {})) < 6 and len(item['labels']) < 6: for k, v in item.get('aliases', {}).items(): if k in skip_lang: continue if len(v) > 3: continue for name in v: names[name].append(('alias', k)) for k, v in item['labels'].items(): if k in skip_lang: continue names[v].append(('label', k)) for k, v in item.get('sitelinks', {}).items(): if k + 'wiki' in skip_lang: continue names[v].append(('sitelink', k)) return names def first_paragraph(self, languages=None): if languages is None: return self.first_paragraph_language('enwiki') for lang in languages: extract = self.first_paragraph_language(lang.site_name) if extract: return extract def first_paragraph_language(self, lang): extract = self.extracts.get(lang) if not extract: return empty_p_span = '<p><span></span></p>' text = extract.strip() if text.startswith(empty_p_span): text = text[len(empty_p_span):].strip() close_tag = '</p>' first_end_p_tag = text.find(close_tag) if first_end_p_tag == -1: # FIXME: e-mail admin return text return text[:first_end_p_tag + len(close_tag)] def place_names(self): names = set() for place in self.places: if not isinstance(place.address, list): continue names.update({ i['name'] for i in place.address if i['type'] != 'country_code' }) start = 'Isle of ' trimmed = { utils.drop_start(n, start) for n in names if n.startswith(start) } return names | trimmed def set_country_code(self): for place in self.places: if place.country_code: g.country_code = place.country_code return @property def is_nhle(self): '''Is this a National Heritage List for England item?''' return self.entity and 'P1216' in self.entity.get('claims', {})
class SecurityAudit(db.Model): """Logs changes on security.""" GRANT = "GRANT" REVOKE = "REVOKE" SET_INHERIT = "SET_INHERIT" UNSET_INHERIT = "UNSET_INHERIT" __tablename__ = "securityaudit" __table_args__ = ( # constraint: either a inherit/no_inherit op on an object AND no user no group # either a grant/revoke on a user XOR a group. CheckConstraint( "(op IN ('{grant}', '{revoke}') " " AND object_id IS NOT NULL" " AND user_id IS NULL " " AND group_id IS NULL " " AND (CAST(anonymous AS INTEGER) = 0)" ")" " OR " "(op NOT IN ('{grant}', '{revoke}')" " AND " " (((CAST(anonymous AS INTEGER) = 1) " " AND user_id IS NULL AND group_id IS NULL)" " OR " " ((CAST(anonymous AS INTEGER) = 0) " " AND ((user_id IS NOT NULL AND group_id IS NULL)" " OR " " (user_id IS NULL AND group_id IS NOT NULL)))" "))".format(grant=SET_INHERIT, revoke=UNSET_INHERIT), name="securityaudit_ck_user_xor_group", ), ) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) happened_at = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, index=True) op = Column( Enum(GRANT, REVOKE, SET_INHERIT, UNSET_INHERIT, name="securityaudit_enum_op") ) role = Column(RoleType) manager_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( manager = relationship(User, foreign_keys=manager_id) anonymous = Column("anonymous", Boolean, nullable=True, default=False) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) user = relationship("User", lazy="joined", foreign_keys=user_id) group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) group = relationship("Group", lazy="joined") _fk_object_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete="SET NULL")) object = relationship(Entity, lazy="select") object_id = Column(Integer) object_type = Column(String(1000)) object_name = Column(UnicodeText) query: BaseQuery
class User(Base, UserMixin): __tablename__ = 'user' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) username = Column(String) password = Column(String) name = Column(String) email = Column(String) active = Column(Boolean, default=True) sign_up = Column(DateTime, default=now_utc()) is_admin = Column(Boolean, default=False) description = Column(Text) img = Column(String) languages = Column(postgresql.ARRAY(String)) single = Column(String) multi = Column(String) units = Column(String) wikipedia_tag = Column(Boolean, default=False) def is_active(self): return
def __init__(self): Column.__init__(self, 'foo', Integer)
class ItemCandidate(Base): __tablename__ = 'item_candidate' item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('item.item_id'), primary_key=True) osm_id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True) osm_type = Column(osm_type_enum, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) dist = Column(Float) tags = Column(postgresql.JSON) planet_table = Column(String) src_id = Column(BigInteger) geom = Column(Geography(srid=4326, spatial_index=True)) geojson = column_property(func.ST_AsGeoJSON(geom), deferred=True) identifier_match = Column(Boolean) address_match = Column(Boolean) name_match = Column(postgresql.JSON) # __table_args__ = ( # ForeignKeyConstraint( # ['osm_type', 'osm_id'], # ['osm_candidate.osm_type', 'osm_candidate.osm_id'] # ), # ) item = relationship( 'Item', backref=backref('candidates', lazy='dynamic', cascade='save-update, merge, delete, delete-orphan')) # candidate = relationship(OsmCandidate) # @property # def name(self): # return # # @property # def tags(self): # return self.candidate.tags # @property def key(self): return f'Q{self.item_id}-{self.osm_type:s}-{self.osm_id:d}' def get_match(self): endings = matcher.get_ending_from_criteria(self.tags) wikidata_names = self.item.names() return match.check_for_match(self.tags, wikidata_names, endings) def get_all_matches(self): endings = matcher.get_ending_from_criteria(self.item.tags) wikidata_names = self.item.names() m = match.get_all_matches(self.tags, wikidata_names, endings) return m def languages(self): return {key[5:] for key in self.tags.keys() if key.startswith('name:')} def matching_tags(self): tags = [] for tag_or_key in self.item.tags: if '=' not in tag_or_key and tag_or_key in self.tags: tags.append(tag_or_key) continue key, _, value = tag_or_key.partition('=') if self.tags.get(key) == value: tags.append(tag_or_key) continue return tags def update(self, candidate): for k, v in candidate.items(): if k in {'osm_id', 'osm_type'}: continue setattr(self, k, v) @property def wikidata_tag(self): return self.tags.get('wikidata') or None def label_best_language(self, languages): if not languages: return self.label for key in 'bridge:name', 'tunnel:name', 'lock_name': if key in self.tags: return self.tags[key] names = { k[5:]: v for k, v in self.tags.items() if k.startswith('name:') } if 'name' in self.tags: top_lang = g.default_languages[0]['code'] if top_lang not in names: names[top_lang] = self.tags['name'] for lang in languages: key = lang if isinstance(lang, str) else lang.iso_639_1 if key in names: return names[key] return self.label @property def label(self): for key in 'bridge:name', 'tunnel:name', 'lock_name': if key in self.tags: return self.tags[key] if 'name' in self.tags: name = self.tags['name'] if 'addr:housename' in self.tags: return f'{name} (house name: {self.tags["addr:housename"]})' else: return name if 'name:en' in self.tags: return self.tags['name:en'] for k, v in self.tags.items(): if k.startswith('name:'): return v for k, v in self.tags.items(): if 'name' in k: return v if all(tag in self.tags for tag in ('addr:housenumber', 'addr:street')): housenumber = self.tags['addr:housenumber'] street = self.tags['addr:street'] return f'{housenumber} {street}' return f'{self.osm_type}/{self.osm_id}' @property def url(self): return f'{osm_api_base}/{self.osm_type}/{self.osm_id}' def name_match_count(self, osm_key): if not self.name_match: return match_count = 0 for match_type, wikidata_name, source in self.name_match[osm_key]: match_count += len(source) return match_count def set_match_detail(self): keys = ['identifier', 'address', 'name'] if any(getattr(self, key + '_match') is not None for key in keys): return False # no need endings = matcher.get_ending_from_criteria(self.tags) endings |= self.item.more_endings_from_isa() names = self.item.names() identifiers = self.item.get_item_identifiers() self.address_match = match.check_name_matches_address(self.tags, names) self.name_match = match.check_for_match(self.tags, names, endings) self.identifier_match = match.check_identifier(self.tags, identifiers) return True def display_distance(self): if has_app_context() and g.user.is_authenticated and g.user.units: units = g.user.units else: units = 'local' # default if units == 'local': country_code = (getattr(g, 'country_code', None) if has_app_context() else None) units = country_units.get(country_code, 'km_and_metres') return utils.display_distance(units, self.dist) def checkbox_ticked(self): max_dist = 500 if any(tag == 'place' or ( tag != 'place=farm' and tag.startswith('place=')) for tag in self.matching_tags()): max_dist = 2000 elif self.item.is_nhle: max_dist = 100 return ((not self.dist or self.dist < max_dist and 'designation=civil_parish' not in self.matching_tags()) or self.item.candidates.count() > 1) def new_wikipedia_tag(self, languages): sitelinks = { code[:-4]: link['title'] for code, link in self.item.sitelinks().items() if code.endswith('wiki') } for lang in languages: code = lang if isinstance(lang, str) else lang.wikimedia_language_code if code in sitelinks: return (code, sitelinks[code]) return (None, None)
class Workflow(Base): """ An collection Stages and Tasks encoded as a DAG """ __tablename__ = 'workflow' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(VARCHAR(200), unique=True, nullable=False) successful = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) created_on = Column(DateTime) started_on = Column(DateTime) finished_on = Column(DateTime) max_cores = Column(Integer) primary_log_path = Column(String(255)) _log = None info = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict)) _status = Column(Enum_ColumnType(WorkflowStatus), default=WorkflowStatus.no_attempt) stages = relationship("Stage", cascade="all, merge, delete-orphan", order_by="Stage.number", passive_deletes=True, backref='workflow') exclude_from_dict = ['info'] dont_garbage_collect = None termination_signal = None @declared_attr def status(cls): def get_status(self): return self._status def set_status(self, value): if self._status != value: self._status = value signal_workflow_status_change.send(self) return synonym('_status', descriptor=property(get_status, set_status)) @validates('name') def validate_name(self, key, name): assert re.match(r"^[\w-]+$", name), 'Invalid workflow name, characters are limited to letters, numbers, ' \ 'hyphens and underscores' return name @orm.reconstructor def constructor(self): self.__init__(manual_instantiation=False) def __init__(self, manual_instantiation=True, *args, **kwargs): # FIXME provide the cosmos_app instance? if manual_instantiation: raise TypeError( 'Do not instantiate an Workflow manually. Use the Cosmos.start method.' ) super(Workflow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # assert self.output_dir is not None, 'output_dir cannot be None' if is None: # mutable dict column defaults to None = dict() self.jobmanager = None if not self.created_on: self.created_on = self.dont_garbage_collect = [] @property def log(self): if self._log is None: self._log = get_logger('%s' % self, self.primary_log_path) return self._log def make_output_dirs(self): """ Create directory paths of all output files """ dirs = set() for task in self.tasks: for out_name, v in task.output_map.iteritems(): dirname = lambda p: p if out_name.endswith( 'dir') or p is None else os.path.dirname(p) if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): dirs.update(map(dirname, v)) elif isinstance(v, dict): raise NotImplemented() else: dirs.add(dirname(v)) for d in dirs: if d is not None and '://' not in d: mkdir(d) def add_task(self, func, params=None, parents=None, stage_name=None, uid=None, drm=None, queue=None, must_succeed=True, time_req=None, core_req=None, mem_req=None, max_attempts=None, noop=False): """ Adds a new Task to the Workflow. If the Task already exists (and was successful), return the successful Task stored in the database :param callable func: A function which returns a string which will get converted to a shell script to be executed. `func` will not get called until all of its dependencies have completed. :param dict params: Parameters to `func`. Must be jsonable so that it can be stored in the database. Any Dependency objects will get resolved into a string, and the Dependency.task will be added to this Task's parents. :param list[Tasks] parents: A list of dependent Tasks. :param str uid: A unique identifier for this Task, primarily used for skipping previously successful Tasks. If a Task with this stage_name and uid already exists in the database (and was successful), the database version will be returned and a new one will not be created. :param str stage_name: The name of the Stage to add this Task to. Defaults to `func.__name__`. :param str drm: The drm to use for this Task (example 'local', 'ge' or 'drmaa:lsf'). Defaults to the `default_drm` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :param queue: The name of a queue to submit to; defaults to the `default_queue` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :param bool must_succeed: Default True. If False, the Workflow will not fail if this Task does not succeed. Dependent Jobs will not be executed. :param bool time_req: The time requirement; will set the Task.time_req attribute which is intended to be used by :func:`get_submit_args` to request resources. :param int cpu_req: Number of cpus required for this Task. Can also be set in the `params` dict or the default value of the Task function signature, but this value takes precedence. Warning! In future versions, this will be the only way to set it. :param int mem_req: Number of MB of RAM required for this Task. Can also be set in the `params` dict or the default value of the Task function signature, but this value takes predence. Warning! In future versions, this will be the only way to set it. :param int max_attempts: The maximum number of times to retry a failed job. Defaults to the `default_max_attempts` parameter of :meth:`Cosmos.start` :rtype: cosmos.api.Task """ from cosmos.models.Stage import Stage from cosmos import recursive_resolve_dependency # parents if parents is None: parents = [] elif isinstance(parents, Task): parents = [parents] else: parents = list(parents) # params if params is None: params = dict() for k, v in params.iteritems(): # decompose `Dependency` objects to values and parents new_val, parent_tasks = recursive_resolve_dependency(v) params[k] = new_val parents.extend(parent_tasks - set(parents)) # uid if uid is None: raise AssertionError, 'uid parameter must be specified' # Fix me assert params are all JSONable # uid = str(params) else: assert isinstance(uid, basestring), 'uid must be a string' if stage_name is None: stage_name = str(func.__name__) # Get the right Stage stage = only_one((s for s in self.stages if == stage_name), None) if stage is None: stage = Stage(workflow=self, name=stage_name, status=StageStatus.no_attempt) self.session.add(stage) # Check if task is already in stage task = stage.get_task(uid, None) if task is not None: # if task is already in stage, but unsuccessful, raise an error (duplicate params) since unsuccessful tasks # were already removed on workflow load if task.successful: # If the user manually edited the dag and this a resume, parents might need to be-readded task.parents.extend(set(parents).difference(set(task.parents))) for p in parents: if p.stage not in stage.parents: stage.parents.append(p.stage) return task else: # TODO check for duplicate params here? would be a lot faster at raise ValueError( 'Duplicate uid, you have added a Task to Stage %s with the uid (unique identifier) `%s` twice. ' 'Task uids must be unique within the same Stage.' % (stage_name, uid)) else: # Create Task sig = funcsigs.signature(func) def params_or_signature_default_or(name, default): if name in params: return params[name] if name in sig.parameters: param_default = sig.parameters[name].default if param_default is funcsigs._empty: return default else: return param_default return default input_map = dict() output_map = dict() for keyword, param in sig.parameters.iteritems(): if keyword.startswith('in_'): v = params.get(keyword, param.default) assert v != funcsigs._empty, 'parameter %s for %s is required' % ( param, func) input_map[keyword] = v elif keyword.startswith('out_'): v = params.get(keyword, param.default) assert v != funcsigs._empty, 'parameter %s for %s is required' % ( param, func) output_map[keyword] = v task = Task(stage=stage, params=params, parents=parents, input_map=input_map, output_map=output_map, uid=uid, drm=drm or self.cosmos_app.default_drm, queue=queue or self.cosmos_app.default_queue, must_succeed=must_succeed, core_req=core_req if core_req is not None else params_or_signature_default_or('core_req', 1), mem_req=mem_req if mem_req is not None else params_or_signature_default_or('mem_req', None), time_req=time_req, successful=False, max_attempts=max_attempts if max_attempts is not None else self.cosmos_app.default_max_attempts, attempt=1, NOOP=noop) task.cmd_fxn = func # Add Stage Dependencies for p in parents: if p.stage not in stage.parents: stage.parents.append(p.stage) self.dont_garbage_collect.append(task) return task def run(self, max_cores=None, dry=False, set_successful=True, cmd_wrapper=signature.default_cmd_fxn_wrapper, log_out_dir_func=default_task_log_output_dir): """ Runs this Workflow's DAG :param int max_cores: The maximum number of cores to use at once. A value of None indicates no maximum. :param int max_attempts: The maximum number of times to retry a failed job. Can be overridden with on a per-Task basis with Workflow.add_task(..., max_attempts=N, ...) :param callable log_out_dir_func: A function that returns a Task's logging directory (must be unique). It receives one parameter: the Task instance. By default a Task's log output is stored in log/stage_name/task_id. See _default_task_log_output_dir for more info. :param callable cmd_wrapper: A decorator which will be applied to every Task's cmd_fxn. :param bool dry: If True, do not actually run any jobs. :param bool set_successful: Sets this workflow as successful if all tasks finish without a failure. You might set this to False if you intend to add and run more tasks in this workflow later. Returns True if all tasks in the workflow ran successfully, False otherwise. If dry is specified, returns None. """ assert os.path.exists(os.getcwd( )), 'current working dir does not exist! %s' % os.getcwd() assert hasattr( self, 'cosmos_app' ), 'Workflow was not initialized using the Workflow.start method' assert hasattr(log_out_dir_func, '__call__'), 'log_out_dir_func must be a function' assert self.session, 'Workflow must be part of a sqlalchemy session' session = self.session'Preparing to run %s using DRM `%s`, cwd is `%s`' % (self, self.cosmos_app.default_drm, os.getcwd()))'Running as %s@%s, pid %s' % (getpass.getuser(), os.uname()[1], os.getpid())) self.max_cores = max_cores from ..job.JobManager import JobManager if self.jobmanager is None: self.jobmanager = JobManager( get_submit_args=self.cosmos_app.get_submit_args, cmd_wrapper=cmd_wrapper, log_out_dir_func=log_out_dir_func) self.status = WorkflowStatus.running self.successful = False if self.started_on is None: self.started_on = task_graph = self.task_graph() stage_graph = self.stage_graph() assert len(set(self.stages)) == len( self.stages), 'duplicate stage name detected: %s' % (next( duplicates(self.stages))) # renumber stages stage_graph_no_cycles = nx.DiGraph() stage_graph_no_cycles.add_nodes_from(stage_graph.nodes()) stage_graph_no_cycles.add_edges_from(stage_graph.edges()) for cycle in nx.simple_cycles(stage_graph): stage_graph_no_cycles.remove_edge(cycle[-1], cycle[0]) for i, s in enumerate(topological_sort(stage_graph_no_cycles)): s.number = i + 1 if s.status != StageStatus.successful: s.status = StageStatus.no_attempt # Make sure everything is in the sqlalchemy session session.add(self) successful = filter(lambda t: t.successful, task_graph.nodes()) # print stages for s in sorted(self.stages, key=lambda s: s.number):'%s %s' % (s, s.status)) # Create Task Queue task_queue = _copy_graph(task_graph)'Skipping %s successful tasks...' % len(successful)) task_queue.remove_nodes_from(successful) handle_exits(self) if self.max_cores is not None:'Ensuring there are enough cores...') # make sure we've got enough cores for t in task_queue: assert int( t.core_req ) <= self.max_cores, '%s requires more cpus (%s) than `max_cores` (%s)' % ( t, t.core_req, self.max_cores) # Run this thing!'Committing to SQL db...') session.commit() if not dry: _run(self, session, task_queue) # set status if self.status == WorkflowStatus.failed_but_running: self.status = WorkflowStatus.failed # set stage status to failed for s in self.stages: if s.status == StageStatus.running_but_failed: s.status = StageStatus.failed session.commit() return False elif self.status == WorkflowStatus.running: if set_successful: self.status = WorkflowStatus.successful session.commit() return True else: self.log.warning('%s exited with status "%s"', self, self.status) session.commit() return False else:'Workflow dry run is complete') return None def terminate(self, due_to_failure=True): self.log.warning('Terminating %s!' % self) if self.jobmanager: 'Processing finished tasks and terminating %s running tasks' % len(self.jobmanager.running_tasks)) _process_finished_tasks(self.jobmanager) self.jobmanager.terminate() if due_to_failure: self.status = WorkflowStatus.failed else: self.status = WorkflowStatus.killed self.session.commit() @property def tasks(self): return [t for s in self.stages for t in s.tasks] # return session.query(Task).join(Stage).filter(Stage.workflow == ex).all() def stage_graph(self): """ :return: (networkx.DiGraph) a DAG of the stages """ g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(self.stages) g.add_edges_from((s, c) for s in self.stages for c in s.children if c) return g def task_graph(self): """ :return: (networkx.DiGraph) a DAG of the tasks """ g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(self.tasks) g.add_edges_from([(t, c) for t in self.tasks for c in t.children]) return g def get_stage(self, name_or_id): if isinstance(name_or_id, int): f = lambda s: == name_or_id else: f = lambda s: == name_or_id for stage in self.stages: if f(stage): return stage raise ValueError('Stage with name %s does not exist' % name_or_id) @property def url(self): return url_for('cosmos.workflow', def __repr__(self): return '<Workflow[%s] %s>' % ( or '', def __unicode__(self): return self.__repr__() def delete(self, delete_files=False): """ :param delete_files: (bool) If True, delete :attr:`output_dir` directory and all contents on the filesystem """ if hasattr(self, 'log'):'Deleting %s, delete_files=%s' % (self, delete_files)) for h in self.log.handlers: h.flush() h.close() self.log.removeHandler(h) if delete_files: raise NotImplementedError( 'This should delete all Task.output_files') print >> sys.stderr, '%s Deleting from SQL...' % self self.session.delete(self) self.session.commit() print >> sys.stderr, '%s Deleted' % self def get_first_failed_task(self, key=lambda t: t.finished_on): """ Return the first failed Task (chronologically). If no Task failed, return None. """ for t in sorted([t for t in self.tasks if key(t) is not None], key=key): if t.exit_status: return t return None
class TagOrKey(Base): __tablename__ = 'tag_or_key' name = Column(String, primary_key=True) count_all = Column(Integer)
class Blob(Base, BaseMixin): """Encapsulates a large binary file. Instances must have a unique ````, which has a maximum length of 64 characters. The binary data is stored in ``self.value``, either directly by assigning a bytestring, or passing a file like object to ``self.update()`` or by downloading a file from a url using ``self.update_from_url()``. The downloaded file can optionally be unzipped if compressed using gzip. When reading the data, ``self.value`` is a read only buffer. A convienience ``self.get_as_named_tempfile()`` method is provided as an easy way to get the value as a readable and writable file that can optionally be closed so the data is available from the filesystem. """ __tablename__ = 'blobs' name = Column(Unicode(64), nullable=False, unique=True) value = Column(LargeBinary, nullable=False) @classmethod def factory(cls, name, file_like_object=None): """Create and return.""" instance = cls() instance.update(name, file_like_object=file_like_object) return instance def update(self, name, file_like_object=None): """Update properties, reading the ``file_like_object`` into ``self.value`` if provided. """ = name if file_like_object is not None: self.value = def update_from_url(self, url, should_unzip=False, requests=None, gzip_cls=None, io_cls=None): """Update ``self.value`` to be the contents of the file downloaded from the ``url`` provided. """ # Compose. if requests is None: requests = requests_lib if gzip_cls is None: gzip_cls = GzipFile if io_cls is None: io_cls = StringIO # Download the file, raising an exception if the download fails # after retrying once. attempts = 0 max_attempts = 2 while True: attempts += 1 r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == break if attempts < max_attempts: continue r.raise_for_status() # If necessary, unzip using the gzip library. if should_unzip: self.value = gzip_cls(fileobj=io_cls(r.content)).read() else: # Read the response into ``self.value``. self.value = r.content def get_as_named_tempfile(self, should_close=False, named_tempfile_cls=None): """Read ``self.value`` into and return a named temporary file.""" # Compose. if named_tempfile_cls is None: named_tempfile_cls = NamedTemporaryFile # Prepare the temp file. f = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # Read self.value into it. if self.value is not None: f.write(self.value) # Close the file so its readable from the filename. if should_close: f.close() # Return the file. return f def __json__(self): return {'name':}
class Category(Base): __tablename__ = 'category' name = Column(String, primary_key=True) page_count = Column(Integer)
from sqlalchemy.sql import text from sqlalchemy.schema import (MetaData, Table, Column, CheckConstraint, ForeignKeyConstraint) from sqlalchemy.types import ( Integer, UnicodeText, BigInteger, Boolean, ) metadata = MetaData() roles = Table('roles', metadata, Column('role_name', UnicodeText, primary_key=True), Column('role_password', UnicodeText, nullable=False), Column('role_email', UnicodeText, nullable=False), Column('role_phone', UnicodeText), Column('is_active', Boolean, nullable=False, server_default=text('True')), Column('is_admin', Boolean, nullable=False, server_default=text('False')), schema="application") groups = Table('groups', metadata,
def define_images_table(meta): images = Table('images', meta, Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column('name', String(255)), Column('type', String(30)), Column('size', Integer()), Column('status', String(30), nullable=False), Column('is_public', Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False, index=True), Column('location', Text()), Column('created_at', DateTime(), nullable=False), Column('updated_at', DateTime()), Column('deleted_at', DateTime()), Column('deleted', Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False, index=True), mysql_engine='InnoDB', extend_existing=True) return images