def get_stats(connection: Connection, survey_id: str, email: str) -> dict: """ Get statistics about the specified survey: creation time, number of submissions, time of the earliest submission, and time of the latest submission. :param connection: a SQLAlchemy Connection :param survey_id: the UUID of the survey :param email: the e-mail address of the user :return: a JSON representation of the statistics. """ result = connection.execute( select([ survey_table.c.created_on, count(submission_table.c.submission_id), sqlmin(submission_table.c.submission_time), sqlmax(submission_table.c.submission_time) ]).select_from( auth_user_table.join(survey_table).outerjoin(submission_table) ).where( survey_table.c.survey_id == survey_id ).where( == email ).group_by( survey_table.c.survey_id ) ).first() return json_response({ 'created_on': maybe_isoformat(result[0]), 'num_submissions': result[1], 'earliest_submission_time': maybe_isoformat(result[2]), 'latest_submission_time': maybe_isoformat(result[3]) })
def get(self): email = self.get_email() # Shorter variable names auth_user = auth_user_table survey = survey_table submission = submission_table submission_id = submission_table.c.submission_id submission_time = submission_table.c.submission_time result = self._get_records( table=auth_user.join(survey).outerjoin(submission), email=email, selected=[ survey_table.c.survey_title, count(submission_id).label('num_submissions'), # survey_table.c.created_on, sqlmax(submission_time).label('latest_submission'), survey_table.c.survey_id, ], text_filter_column=survey_table.c.survey_title, default_sort_column_name='latest_submission', total_records=get_number_of_surveys(self.db, email) ) self.write(result)
def get_free_sequence_number(connection: Connection, survey_id: str) -> int: """ Return the highest existing sequence number + 1 (or 1 if there aren't any) associated with the given survey_id. :param connection: a SQLAlchemy Connection :param survey_id: the UUID of the survey :return: the free sequence number """ sequence_number = question_table.c.sequence_number return connection.execute(select( [coalesce(sqlmax(sequence_number, type_=Integer), 0)])).scalar() + 1
def get_previous_step_data(conn, station_ids, time_start, hourly=False): """ Try to acquire the last timestamp before the selected dates, so that the step check can pass for the first entry in the day. """ obs = conn.get_table('observation') q = select([sqlmax(obs.c.time)]) q = q.where( obs.c.station_id.in_(station_ids)).where(obs.c.time < time_start) if hourly: q = q.where(obs.c.time == func.date_trunc('hour', obs.c.time)) with conn.trans() as wht: result = wht.get_data(q) date = result[0][0] if date is None or time_start.replace( tzinfo=utc) - date > GAP_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT: return None return date