def fast_query(self, categories, start, radius_m): """ Experimental fast sql query using only two CTE queries for all requested POIs This approach was tested (EXPLAIN ANALYZE) to be faster than using osm_poi because the osm_poi view uses UNION instead of UNION ALL (needs re-sort) WITH my_cte AS ( ... our cte with radius constraint on osm_point and osm_polygon with UNION ALL ) SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... """ from sqlalchemy import select, literal, union_all from app import db loc = geoalchemy2.shape.from_shape(start, 4326).ST_Transform(Point.SRID) lookup = {hash(c.original_id): c for c in categories} q_points = select([, Point.osm_id, Point.way, Point.tags, Point.way.ST_Transform(4326).ST_X().label( 'lon'), Point.way.ST_Transform(4326).ST_Y().label('lat'), literal(True).label('is_point')]).where(Point.way.ST_DWithin(loc, radius_m)) q_polygons = select([, Polygon.osm_id, Polygon.way, Polygon.tags, Polygon.way.ST_Transform(4326).ST_Centroid().ST_X().label( 'lon'), Polygon.way.ST_Transform(4326).ST_Centroid().ST_Y().label('lat'), literal(False).label('is_point')]).where(Polygon.way.ST_DWithin(loc, radius_m)) cte = union_all(q_points, q_polygons).cte() unions = [] for id_hash, category in lookup.iteritems(): cond = category._get_condition(cte.c) query = select([, cte.c.osm_id, cte.c.lon,, cte.c.is_point, literal(id_hash).label('c_id')]).where(cond) unions.append(query) inner_query = union_all(*unions) results = db.session.execute(inner_query).fetchall() points = [] for name, osm_id, lon, lat, is_point, cat_id in results: points.append(OsmPoi(lookup[cat_id], name, lon, lat, osm_id, is_point)) return points
def get_next_to_translate(self, session): """ Use the milestones and priority to find the next description to translate """ # This is the query we want: # select description_id from ( # select description_id, 50 as score from languages_tb join description_milestone_tb on (milestone_high=milestone) where language = 'nl' # union all # select description_id, 30 from languages_tb join description_milestone_tb on (milestone_medium=milestone) where language = 'nl' # union all # select description_id, 10 from languages_tb join description_milestone_tb on (milestone_low=milestone) where language = 'nl' # union all # select description_id, prioritize from description_tb # ) x # where not exists (select 1 from translation_tb where translation_tb.description_id = x.description_id) # group by description_id order by sum(score) desc # limit 1; lang_cte = session.query(Languages).filter_by(language=self.language).cte("language") prio = session.query(Description.description_id, Description.prioritize) high = session.query(DescriptionMilestone.description_id, literal(50).label("prioritize")).join(lang_cte, lang_cte.c.milestone_high==DescriptionMilestone.milestone) medium = session.query(DescriptionMilestone.description_id, literal(30).label("prioritize")).join(lang_cte, lang_cte.c.milestone_medium==DescriptionMilestone.milestone) low = session.query(DescriptionMilestone.description_id, literal(10).label("prioritize")).join(lang_cte, lang_cte.c.milestone_low==DescriptionMilestone.milestone) prio_cte = union_all(prio, high, medium, low).cte() q = session.query(prio_cte.c.description_tb_description_id). \ filter(~exists([1], Translation.description_id == prio_cte.c.description_tb_description_id)). \ filter(~exists([1], PendingTranslation.description_id == prio_cte.c.description_tb_description_id)). \ group_by(prio_cte.c.description_tb_description_id). \ order_by(func.sum(prio_cte.c.description_tb_prioritize).desc()) row = q.first() if row: return row[0]
def _queryNewsVolumes(aggStartDatetime, aggStopDatetime): """ Query the database for the counts of security releases+headlines for each company that were detected during the specified time window. :param aggStartDatetime: inclusive start of aggregation interval as UTC datetime :param aggStopDatetime: non-inclusive upper bound of aggregation interval as UTC datetime :returns: a sparse sequence of two-tuples: (symbol, count); companies that have no detected news in the given aggregation period will be absent from the result. """ headlineSel = [schema.xigniteSecurityHeadline.c.symbol.label("symbol")] ).where( (schema.xigniteSecurityHeadline.c.discovered_at >= aggStartDatetime) & (schema.xigniteSecurityHeadline.c.discovered_at < aggStopDatetime)) releaseSel = [schema.xigniteSecurityRelease.c.symbol] ).where( (schema.xigniteSecurityRelease.c.discovered_at >= aggStartDatetime) & (schema.xigniteSecurityRelease.c.discovered_at < aggStopDatetime)) allNewsUnion = sql.union_all(headlineSel, releaseSel) aggSel = ["symbol", sql.func.count("symbol").label("sym_count")] ).select_from(allNewsUnion.alias("union_of_tables") ).group_by("symbol") return collectorsdb.engineFactory().execute(aggSel).fetchall()
def _queryNewsVolumes(aggStartDatetime, aggStopDatetime): """ Query the database for the counts of security releases+headlines for each company that were detected during the specified time window. :param aggStartDatetime: inclusive start of aggregation interval as UTC datetime :param aggStopDatetime: non-inclusive upper bound of aggregation interval as UTC datetime :returns: a sparse sequence of two-tuples: (symbol, count); companies that have no detected news in the given aggregation period will be absent from the result. """ headlineSel =[ schema.xigniteSecurityHeadline.c.symbol.label("symbol") ]).where( (schema.xigniteSecurityHeadline.c.discovered_at >= aggStartDatetime) & (schema.xigniteSecurityHeadline.c.discovered_at < aggStopDatetime)) releaseSel =[schema.xigniteSecurityRelease.c.symbol]).where( (schema.xigniteSecurityRelease.c.discovered_at >= aggStartDatetime) & (schema.xigniteSecurityRelease.c.discovered_at < aggStopDatetime)) allNewsUnion = sql.union_all(headlineSel, releaseSel) aggSel =[ "symbol", sql.func.count("symbol").label("sym_count") ]).select_from(allNewsUnion.alias("union_of_tables")).group_by("symbol") return collectorsdb.engineFactory().execute(aggSel).fetchall()
def get_scheduled_package(self): incomplete_builds = self.db.query(Build.package_id)\ .filter(Build.state == Build.RUNNING) queries = self.get_priority_queries().values() union_query = union_all(*queries).alias('un') pkg_id = union_query.c.pkg_id current_priority = cast(func.sum(union_query.c.priority), Integer).label('curr_priority') priorities = self.db.query(pkg_id, current_priority)\ .group_by(pkg_id).subquery() prioritized = self.db.query(, priorities.c.curr_priority)\ .join(priorities, == priorities.c.pkg_id)\ .filter((Package.resolved == True) | (Package.resolved == None))\ .filter( incomplete_builds.subquery()))\ .filter(Package.ignored == False)\ .order_by(priorities.c.curr_priority.desc())\ .all() if not prioritized or incomplete_builds.count() >= self.max_builds: return None self.db.rollback() self.lock_package_table() # pylint: disable=E1101 self.db.execute( Package.__table__.update().values(current_priority=case( prioritized,, else_=null())))
def test_distinct(self): mapper(Item, items) mapper(Order, orders, properties={ 'items': relation(Item, secondary=order_items, lazy=True) }) mapper(User, users, properties={ 'addresses': relation(mapper(Address, addresses), lazy=True), 'orders': relation(Order, lazy=True) }) sess = create_session() q = sess.query(User) # use a union all to get a lot of rows to join against u2 = users.alias('u2') s = sa.union_all(,,'u') print[key for key in s.c.keys()] l = q.filter(s.c.u2_id == eq_(self.static.user_all_result, l)
def get_queues(): queue_names = db.session.query(DataSource.queue_name).distinct() scheduled_queue_names = db.session.query( DataSource.scheduled_queue_name).distinct() query = db.session.execute(union_all(queue_names, scheduled_queue_names)) return ['celery'] + [row[0] for row in query]
def _similar_obj_assessment(cls, type_, id_): """Find similar Assessments for object. Args: type_: Object type. id_: Object id. Returns: SQLAlchemy query that yields results [(similar_id,)] - the id of similar objects. """ from ggrc.models import all_models # Find objects directly mapped to Snapshot of base object # Object1 <-> Snapshot of Object1 <-> Object2 similar_queries = cls.mapped_to_obj_snapshot(cls.__name__, id_) # Find objects mapped to Snapshot of base object through another object # Object1 <-> Object2 <-> Snapshot of Object2 <-> Object3 mapped_obj = cls.mapped_objs(cls.__name__, id_, True) similar_queries += cls.mapped_to_obj_snapshot( mapped_obj.c.obj_type, mapped_obj.c.obj_id ) similar_objs = sa.union_all(*similar_queries).alias("similar_objs") return db.session.query(similar_objs.c.similar_id).join( all_models.Assessment, sa.and_( all_models.Assessment.assessment_type == cls.__name__, == similar_objs.c.similar_id, ) ).filter( similar_objs.c.similar_type == type_, )
def test_distinct(self): users, items, order_items, orders, Item, User, Address, Order, addresses = ( self.tables.users, self.tables.items, self.tables.order_items, self.tables.orders, self.classes.Item, self.classes.User, self.classes.Address, self.classes.Order, self.tables.addresses, ) mapper(Item, items) mapper(Order, orders, properties={"items": relationship(Item, secondary=order_items, lazy="select")}) mapper( User, users, properties={ "addresses": relationship(mapper(Address, addresses), lazy="select"), "orders": relationship(Order, lazy="select"), }, ) sess = create_session() q = sess.query(User) # use a union all to get a lot of rows to join against u2 = users.alias("u2") s = sa.union_all(,,"u") l = q.filter(s.c.u2_id == eq_(self.static.user_all_result, l)
def filter_project_project_id(q, value, info): """This is a special case; because project does not have a stored ``project_id``, we have to parse the id walk to program check the """ project_ids = value if not isinstance(project_ids, (list, tuple)): project_ids = [project_ids] subqs = [] for project_id in project_ids: split = project_id.split('-', 1) if len(split) == 2: program_name, project_code = split subq = q.props(code=project_code)\ .path('programs')\ .props(name=program_name) subqs.append(subq) if not subqs: q = q.filter(sa.sql.false()) else: q = capp.db.nodes(q.entity()).select_entity_from( sa.union_all(*[sq.subquery().select() for sq in subqs])) return q
def _similar_asmnt_issue(cls, type_, id_): """Find similar Issues for Assessment. Args: type_: Assessment type. id_: Assessment id. Returns: SQLAlchemy query that yields results [(similar_id,)] - the id of similar objects. """ mapped_obj = cls.mapped_to_assessment([id_]).subquery() similar_queries = cls.mapped_to_obj_snapshot(mapped_obj.c.obj_type, mapped_obj.c.obj_id) mapped_related = cls.mapped_objs(mapped_obj.c.obj_type, mapped_obj.c.obj_id) similar_queries.append( db.session.query( mapped_related.c.obj_id.label("similar_id"), mapped_related.c.obj_type.label("similar_type"), mapped_related.c.base_type.label("related_type"), )) similar_objs = sa.union_all(*similar_queries).alias("scoped_similar") return db.session.query(similar_objs.c.similar_id).filter( similar_objs.c.similar_type == type_, )
def build_query(self, qualified_bundles): """Create a query from the qualified bundles.""" stmts = [] for tup in qualified_bundles: ( transfer_id, date, delta, movement_ids, ) = tup if not stmts: # Apply column types and labels to the first row. stmts.append( select([ cast(literal(transfer_id), String).label('transfer_id'), cast(literal(date), Date).label('date'), cast(literal(delta), Numeric).label('delta'), array(movement_ids, type_=BigInteger).label('movement_ids'), ])) else: # The column types and labels in the remaining rows are # inferred from the first row. stmts.append( select([ literal(transfer_id), literal(date), literal(delta), array(movement_ids), ])) query = union_all(*stmts) return query
def update(): = json.loads( #get oldest and lateset status in database query_latest = db.session.query(WeiboList).filter(WeiboList.user_uid == g.user.uid)\ .order_by(WeiboList.created_at.desc()).limit(1).subquery().select() query_oldest = db.session.query(WeiboList).filter(WeiboList.user_uid == g.user.uid)\ .order_by(WeiboList.created_at).limit(1).subquery().select() query = db.session.query(WeiboList).select_from(union_all(query_latest,query_oldest)).order_by(WeiboList.created_at) records = query.all() oldest_datetime = records[0].created_at latest_datetime = records[1].created_at latest_uid = records[1].uid # get total count in database total_count_in_database = db.session.query(func.count(WeiboList)) \ .filter(WeiboList.user_uid == g.user.uid).first()[0] # get total count of update status token = json.loads(g.user.token) client.set_access_token(token['access_token'], token['expires']) statuses = client.statuses.user_timeline.get(count=10, page=1, since_id=latest_uid) total_count = statuses['total_number'] page_info = { "oldest_date":, "latest_date":, "total_count_in_database": total_count_in_database, "total_count_for_update": total_count - total_count_in_database } return render_template('update.html', user=g.user, current_navi="update", page_info=page_info)
def test_distinct(self): users, items, order_items, orders, Item, User, Address, Order, addresses = ( self.tables.users, self.tables.items, self.tables.order_items, self.tables.orders, self.classes.Item, self.classes.User, self.classes.Address, self.classes.Order, self.tables.addresses) mapper(Item, items) mapper(Order, orders, properties={ 'items': relationship(Item, secondary=order_items, lazy='select') }) mapper(User, users, properties={ 'addresses': relationship(mapper(Address, addresses), lazy='select'), 'orders': relationship(Order, lazy='select') }) sess = create_session() q = sess.query(User) # use a union all to get a lot of rows to join against u2 = users.alias('u2') s = sa.union_all(,,'u') l = q.filter(s.c.u2_id == eq_(self.static.user_all_result, l)
def _similar_obj_assessment(cls, type_, id_): """Find similar Assessments for object. Args: type_: Object type. id_: Object id. Returns: SQLAlchemy query that yields results [(similar_id,)] - the id of similar objects. """ from ggrc.models import all_models # Find objects directly mapped to Snapshot of base object # Object1 <-> Snapshot of Object1 <-> Object2 similar_queries = cls.mapped_to_obj_snapshot(cls.__name__, id_) # Find objects mapped to Snapshot of base object through another object # Object1 <-> Object2 <-> Snapshot of Object2 <-> Object3 mapped_obj = cls.mapped_objs(cls.__name__, id_, True) similar_queries += cls.mapped_to_obj_snapshot(mapped_obj.c.obj_type, mapped_obj.c.obj_id) similar_objs = sa.union_all(*similar_queries).alias("similar_objs") return db.session.query(similar_objs.c.similar_id).join( all_models.Assessment, sa.and_( all_models.Assessment.assessment_type == cls.__name__, == similar_objs.c.similar_id, )).filter(similar_objs.c.similar_type == type_, )
def main(self): incomplete_builds = self.db.query(Build.package_id)\ .filter(Build.state == Build.RUNNING) if incomplete_builds.count() >= self.max_builds: return queries = self.get_priority_queries().values() union_query = union_all(*queries).alias('un') pkg_id = union_query.c.pkg_id current_priority = func.sum(union_query.c.priority)\ .label('curr_priority') candidates = self.db.query(pkg_id, current_priority)\ .having(current_priority >= self.priority_threshold)\ .group_by(pkg_id).subquery() to_schedule = self.db.query(Package, candidates.c.curr_priority)\ .join(candidates, == candidates.c.pkg_id)\ .filter((Package.resolved == True) | (Package.resolved == None))\ .filter( incomplete_builds.subquery()))\ .filter(Package.ignored == False)\ .order_by(candidates.c.curr_priority.desc())\ .first() if to_schedule: if util.get_koji_load(self.koji_session) > self.load_threshold: return package, priority = to_schedule'Scheduling build for {}, priority {}' .format(, priority)) self.backend.submit_build(package) self.db.commit()
def test_distinct(self): users, items, order_items, orders, \ Item, User, Address, Order, addresses = ( self.tables.users, self.tables.items, self.tables.order_items, self.tables.orders, self.classes.Item, self.classes.User, self.classes.Address, self.classes.Order, self.tables.addresses) mapper(Item, items) mapper(Order, orders, properties={ 'items': relationship(Item, secondary=order_items, lazy='select') }) mapper(User, users, properties={ 'addresses': relationship( mapper(Address, addresses), lazy='select'), 'orders': relationship(Order, lazy='select') }) sess = create_session() q = sess.query(User) # use a union all to get a lot of rows to join against u2 = users.alias('u2') s = sa.union_all(,,'u') result = q.filter(s.c.u2_id == \ .all() eq_(self.static.user_all_result, result)
def _similar_asmnt_issue(cls, type_, id_): """Find similar Issues for Assessment. Args: type_: Assessment type. id_: Assessment id. Returns: SQLAlchemy query that yields results [(similar_id,)] - the id of similar objects. """ mapped_obj = cls.mapped_to_assessment([id_]).subquery() similar_queries = cls.mapped_to_obj_snapshot( mapped_obj.c.obj_type, mapped_obj.c.obj_id ) mapped_related = cls.mapped_objs( mapped_obj.c.obj_type, mapped_obj.c.obj_id ) similar_queries.append( db.session.query( mapped_related.c.obj_id.label("similar_id"), mapped_related.c.obj_type.label("similar_type"), mapped_related.c.base_type.label("related_type"), ) ) similar_objs = sa.union_all(*similar_queries).alias("scoped_similar") return db.session.query(similar_objs.c.similar_id).filter( similar_objs.c.similar_type == type_, )
def test_union_all_limit_offset(self): emp, dep, conn = self._emp_d_fixture() s1 = select([]) s2 = select([]) u1 = union_all(s1, s2).order_by( r = self._exec_stmt(conn, u1) eq_(r.fetchall(), [('Sales', ), ('ed', ), ('jack', )])
def union(self, tables): from sqlalchemy import union_all if type(tables) is list: datas = [] + map(lambda x:, tables) else: datas = [,] return Table(self.ctx, gen_table_name(), union_all(*datas))#,
def test_distinct(self): ( users, items, order_items, orders, Item, User, Address, Order, addresses, ) = ( self.tables.users, self.tables.items, self.tables.order_items, self.tables.orders, self.classes.Item, self.classes.User, self.classes.Address, self.classes.Order, self.tables.addresses, ) mapper(Item, items) mapper( Order, orders, properties={ "items": relationship( Item, secondary=order_items, lazy="select" ) }, ) mapper( User, users, properties={ "addresses": relationship( mapper(Address, addresses), lazy="select" ), "orders": relationship(Order, lazy="select"), }, ) sess = create_session() q = sess.query(User) # use a union all to get a lot of rows to join against u2 = users.alias("u2") s = sa.union_all(,,, ).alias("u") result = ( q.filter(s.c.u2_id == ) eq_(self.static.user_all_result, result)
def get(self): query = self.get_argument("query", "") offset = int(self.get_argument("offset", 0)) limit = int(self.get_argument("limit", 100)) if limit > 9000: limit = 9000 groups = (self.session.query( label("type", literal("Group")), label("id",, label("name", Group.groupname), ).filter(Group.enabled == True,"%{}%".format(query))).subquery()) permission_query = query.split("=")[0] if "=" in query else query permissions = (self.session.query( label("type", literal("Permission")), label("id",, label("name",, ).filter(Permission.enabled == True, "%{}%".format(permission_query))).subquery()) users = (self.session.query(label("type", literal("User")), label("id",, label("name", User.username)).filter( User.enabled == True, "%{}%".format(query))).subquery()) results_query = self.session.query("type", "id", "name").select_entity_from( union_all(,, total = results_query.count() results = results_query.offset(offset).limit(limit).all() if len(results) == 1: result = results[0] encoded_params = "" if result.type.lower() == "permission" and "=" in query: encoded_params = "?" + urlencode( {"argument": query.split("=", 1)[1]}) base_url = "/{}s/{}".format(result.type.lower(), return self.redirect(base_url + encoded_params) self.render( "search.html", results=results, search_query=query, offset=offset, limit=limit, total=total, )
def mapped_to_assessment(cls, related_ids): """Collect objects that have snapshot mapped to assessment. Args: related_ids: List of Assessment ids. Returns: SQLAlchemy query with id and type of found objects [(obj_id, obj_type)]. """ from ggrc.models import all_models asmnt = all_models.Assessment objects_mapped = sa.union_all( db.session.query( Snapshot.child_id.label("obj_id"), asmnt.assessment_type.label("obj_type"), ).join( Relationship, sa.and_( Relationship.source_id ==, Relationship.source_type == Snapshot.__name__, ) ).join( asmnt, sa.and_( Relationship.destination_type == asmnt.__name__, Relationship.destination_id ==, ) ).filter(, Snapshot.child_type == asmnt.assessment_type, ), db.session.query( Snapshot.child_id.label("obj_id"), asmnt.assessment_type.label("obj_type"), ).join( Relationship, sa.and_( Relationship.destination_id ==, Relationship.destination_type == Snapshot.__name__, ) ).join( asmnt, sa.and_( Relationship.source_type == asmnt.__name__, Relationship.source_id ==, ) ).filter(, Snapshot.child_type == asmnt.assessment_type, ) ).alias("objects_mapped") return db.session.query( objects_mapped.c.obj_id.label("obj_id"), objects_mapped.c.obj_type.label("obj_type") )
def test_union_all_heterogeneous_types(self): emp, dep, conn = self._emp_d_fixture() s1 = select([, emp.c.fullname]).where( == 'jack') s2 = select([dep.c.dep_id,]) u1 = union_all(s1, s2) r = self._exec_stmt(conn, u1) eq_(r.fetchall(), [('jack', 'Jack Smith'), (1, 'Engineering'), (2, 'Accounting'), (3, 'Sales')])
def _activities_union_all(*qlist): ''' Return union of two or more queries sorted by timestamp, and remove duplicates ''' import ckan.model as model return model.Session.query(model.Activity).select_entity_from( union_all(*[q.subquery().select() for q in qlist])).distinct(model.Activity.timestamp)
async def test_unique_all(self, async_engine): users = self.tables.users async with async_engine.connect() as conn: result = await union_all(select(users), select(users)).order_by(users.c.user_id)) all_ = await result.unique().all() eq_(all_, [(i, "name%d" % i) for i in range(1, 20)])
def _activities_union_all(*qlist: QActivity) -> QActivity: """ Return union of two or more activity queries sorted by timestamp, and remove duplicates """ q: QActivity = (model.Session.query(Activity).select_entity_from( union_all(*[q.subquery().select() for q in qlist])).distinct(Activity.timestamp)) return q
def test_union_all(self): e = union_all(select([t1.c.col3]), union(select([t1.c.col3]), select([t1.c.col3]))) wanted = [("aaa",), ("aaa",), ("bbb",), ("bbb",), ("ccc",), ("ccc",)] found1 = self._fetchall_sorted(e.execute()) eq_(found1, wanted) found2 = self._fetchall_sorted(e.alias("foo").select().execute()) eq_(found2, wanted)
def test_union_all_heterogeneous_columns(self): emp, dep, conn = self._emp_d_fixture() s1 = select([]) s2 = select([]) u1 = union_all(s1, s2) r = self._exec_stmt(conn, u1) eq_(r.fetchall(), [('ed', ), ('wendy', ), ('jack', ), ('Engineering', ), ('Accounting', ), ('Sales', )])
def _activities_union_all(*qlist): ''' Return union of two or more activity queries sorted by timestamp, and remove duplicates ''' import ckan.model as model return model.Session.query(model.Activity).select_entity_from( union_all(*[q.subquery().select() for q in qlist]) ).distinct(model.Activity.timestamp)
def test_union_all_homogeneous(self): emp, dep, conn = self._emp_d_fixture() s1 = select([]).where( == "wendy") s2 = select([ ]).where(or_( == 'wendy', == 'jack')) u1 = union_all(s1, s2) r = self._exec_stmt(conn, u1) eq_(r.fetchall(), [('wendy', ), ('wendy', ), ('jack', )])
def test_without_default_polymorphic_buildit_newstyle( self, two_pjoin_fixture, use_star ): """how would we do these concrete polymorphic queries using 2.0 style, and not any old and esoteric features like "polymorphic_union" ? """ ( session, Employee, Engineer, Manager, Hacker, pjoin, pjoin2, jdoe, sally, jenn, hacker, ) = two_pjoin_fixture # make a union using the entities as given and wpoly from it. # a UNION is a UNION. there is no way around having to write # out filler columns. concrete inh is really not a good choice # when you need to select heterogeneously stmt = union_all( select( literal("engineer").label("type"), Engineer, null().label("nickname"), ), select(literal("hacker").label("type"), Hacker), ).subquery() # issue: if we make this with_polymorphic(Engineer, [Hacker], ...), # it blows up and tries to add the "engineer" table for unknown reasons if use_star: wp = with_polymorphic( Engineer, "*", stmt, polymorphic_on=stmt.c.type ) else: wp = with_polymorphic( Engineer, [Engineer, Hacker], stmt, polymorphic_on=stmt.c.type ) result = session.execute(select(wp)).scalars() eq_( sorted(repr(obj) for obj in result), [ "Engineer Jenn knows how to program", "Hacker Karina 'Badass' knows how to hack", ], )
def my_members(self): """Returns a dictionary from ("User"|"Group", "name") tuples to records.""" parent = aliased(Group) group_member = aliased(Group) user_member = aliased(User) now = datetime.utcnow() users = (self.session.query( label("id",, label("type", literal("User")), label("name", user_member.username), label("role", GroupEdge._role), label("edge_id",, label("expiration", GroupEdge.expiration), ).filter( ==, == GroupEdge.group_id, == GroupEdge.member_pk, == True, parent.enabled == True, user_member.enabled == True, or_(GroupEdge.expiration > now, GroupEdge.expiration == None), GroupEdge.member_type == 0, ).group_by("type", "name").subquery()) groups = (self.session.query( label("id",, label("type", literal("Group")), label("name", group_member.groupname), label("role", GroupEdge._role), label("edge_id",, label("expiration", GroupEdge.expiration), ).filter( ==, == GroupEdge.group_id, == GroupEdge.member_pk, == True, parent.enabled == True, group_member.enabled == True, or_(GroupEdge.expiration > now, GroupEdge.expiration == None), GroupEdge.member_type == 1, ).subquery()) query = (self.session.query("id", "type", "name", "role", "edge_id", "expiration").select_entity_from( union_all(, desc("role"), desc("type"))) return OrderedDict( ((record.type,, record) for record in query.all())
def recursive_search(root_inodes, gid, not_gid, uid, not_uid, mtime, size): """ Perform a recursive search of all files under `root_inodes` with the given constraints """ roots = sa.union_all(*[[ sa.literal(r[0]).label("device"), sa.literal(r[1]).label("inode") ]) for r in root_inodes ]).alias("roots") inode = m.Inode.__table__.alias("inode") cte = ([ *inode.c, sa.func.dusql_path_func(inode.c.parent_inode, inode.c.device, inode.c.basename).label("path"), ]).select_from( inode.join( roots, sa.and_(inode.c.inode == roots.c.inode, inode.c.device == roots.c.device), ))).cte(recursive=True) parent = cte.alias("parent") child_paths = cte.union_all([ *inode.c, (parent.c.path + "/" + inode.c.basename).label("path") ]).where(inode.c.parent_inode == parent.c.inode).where( inode.c.device == parent.c.device)).alias("find") q = if gid is not None: q = q.where(child_paths.c.gid == gid) if not_gid is not None: q = q.where(child_paths.c.gid != not_gid) if uid is not None: q = q.where(child_paths.c.uid == uid) if not_uid is not None: q = q.where(child_paths.c.uid != not_uid) if mtime is not None: if mtime < 0: q = q.where(child_paths.c.mtime <= -mtime) else: q = q.where(child_paths.c.mtime >= mtime) if size is not None: if size < 0: q = q.where(child_paths.c.size <= -size) else: q = q.where(child_paths.c.size >= size) return q
def get(self): query = self.get_argument("query", "") offset = int(self.get_argument("offset", 0)) limit = int(self.get_argument("limit", 100)) if limit > 9000: limit = 9000 groups = ( self.session.query( label("type", literal("Group")), label("id",, label("name", Group.groupname), ) .filter(Group.enabled == True,"%{}%".format(query))) .subquery() ) permissions = ( self.session.query( label("type", literal("Permission")), label("id",, label("name",, ) .filter(Permission.enabled == True,"%{}%".format(query))) .subquery() ) users = ( self.session.query( label("type", literal("User")), label("id",, label("name", User.username) ) .filter(User.enabled == True,"%{}%".format(query))) .subquery() ) results_query = self.session.query("type", "id", "name").select_entity_from( union_all(,, ) total = results_query.count() results = results_query.offset(offset).limit(limit).all() if len(results) == 1: result = results[0] return self.redirect("/{}s/{}".format(result.type.lower(), self.render( "search.html", results=results, search_query=query, offset=offset, limit=limit, total=total, )
def invalid_query(self, session): cte = session.query(,'father_pk'), sa.literal(0).label('depth'))\ .cte(recursive=True) parent = sa.orm.aliased(Languoid) cte = cte.union_all(session.query(, parent.father_pk, cte.c.depth + 1)\ .join(parent, cte.c.father_pk ==\ .filter(parent.father_pk != None)) tree1 = session.query(TreeClosureTable.child_pk, TreeClosureTable.parent_pk, TreeClosureTable.depth) tree2 = session.query(, cte.c.father_pk, cte.c.depth) diff = sa.union_all(tree1.except_all(tree2), tree2.except_all(tree1)) return session.query(diff.alias())
def join_committee_queries(self, kwargs): queries = [] total = 0 for committee_id in kwargs['committee_id']: query, count = self.build_committee_query(kwargs, committee_id) queries.append(query.subquery().select()) total += count query = models.db.session.query(models.ScheduleA).select_entity_from( sa.union_all(*queries)) query = query.options(sa.orm.joinedload(models.ScheduleA.committee)) query = query.options(sa.orm.joinedload(models.ScheduleA.contributor)) return query, total
def get_stats_query(): # cf. def languoid_count(kind, cls=Languoid, fromclause=Languoid, level=None, is_root=None): select_nrows = (select(sa.literal(kind).label('kind'), sa.func.count().label('n')) .select_from(fromclause)) if level is not None: select_nrows = select_nrows.where(cls.level == level) if is_root is not None: cond = ((cls.parent == sa.null()) if is_root else (cls.parent != sa.null())) select_nrows = select_nrows.where(cond) return select_nrows Root, Child, root_child = Languoid.parent_descendant(innerjoin='reflexive', parent_root=True) language_count = functools.partial(languoid_count, cls=Child, fromclause=root_child, level=LANGUAGE) def iterselects(): yield languoid_count('languoids') yield languoid_count('families', level=FAMILY, is_root=True) yield languoid_count('isolates', level=LANGUAGE, is_root=True) yield languoid_count('roots', is_root=True) yield languoid_count('languages', level=LANGUAGE) yield languoid_count('subfamilies', level=FAMILY, is_root=False) yield languoid_count('dialects', level=DIALECT) yield (language_count('Spoken L1 Languages') .where( + (BOOKKEEPING,)))) for name in SPECIAL_FAMILIES: yield language_count(name).where( == name) yield language_count('All').where( != BOOKKEEPING) yield language_count(BOOKKEEPING).where( == BOOKKEEPING) return sa.union_all(*iterselects())
def join_committee_queries(self, kwargs): """Build and compose per-committee subqueries using `UNION ALL`. """ queries = [] total = 0 for committee_id in kwargs.get('committee_id', []): query, count = self.build_committee_query(kwargs, committee_id) queries.append(query.subquery().select()) total += count query = models.db.session.query(self.model).select_entity_from( sa.union_all(*queries)) query = query.options(*self.query_options) return query, total
def glottocode(name, conn, codes=None): letters = slug(name)[:4].ljust(4, 'a') active = select([cast(func.substring(, 5), Integer).label('number')])\ .where( legacy = select([cast(func.substring(, 5), Integer).label('number')])\ .where( if not codes: known = union_all(active, legacy) else: dirty = select([cast(func.substring(literal_column('dirty'), 5), Integer).label('number')])\ .select_from(func.unnest(list(codes)).alias('dirty'))\ .where(literal_column('dirty').startswith(letters)) known = union_all(active, legacy, dirty) number = conn.execute(select([func.coalesce(func.max(literal_column('number') + 1), 1234)])\ .select_from(known.alias())).scalar() number = str(number) assert len(number) == 4 res = letters + number assert GLOTTOCODE_PATTERN.match(res) if codes is not None: codes[res] = True return res
def _select_device_id_context_ids_sub_query( start_day: dt, end_day: dt, event_types: tuple[str, ...], json_quotable_device_ids: list[str], ) -> CompoundSelect: """Generate a subquery to find context ids for multiple devices.""" return select( union_all( select_events_context_id_subquery( start_day, end_day, event_types).where( apply_event_device_id_matchers(json_quotable_device_ids)), ).c.context_id)
def make_day_period_cte(days, period_list, default_endless=True): """Create a CTE (common table expr) that maps a date to a period ID. Provide a list of days to include in the CTE and the candidate periods. Return a tuple: - day_periods: [(day, period_id)] - day_period_cte - missing_periods, a boolean that is true when some of the days don't map to any period. """ # Choose a period for the movements, entries, or recos on a given date. day_periods = [] # [(date, period_id)] missing_period = False for day in days: period = get_period_for_day(period_list, day, default_endless=default_endless) if period is None: missing_period = True else: day_periods.append((day, if day_periods: # Turn day_periods into day_period_cte, a common table expression # that contains a simple mapping of date to period ID. # See: # Optimization to reduce the size of the statement: # Type cast only for first row; # for other rows the database will infer. stmts = [ select([ cast(literal(d), Date).label('day'), cast(literal(pid), BigInteger).label('period_id'), ]) for (d, pid) in day_periods[:1] ] stmts.extend( select([literal(d), literal(pid)]) for (d, pid) in day_periods[1:]) day_period_cte = union_all(*stmts).cte(name='day_period_cte') else: # There are no periods for any of the days. # Use a table with zero rows as day_period_cte. day_period_cte = (select([ cast(literal(None), Date).label('day'), cast(literal(None), BigInteger).label('period_id'), ]).where(literal(1) == literal(0)).cte(name='day_period_cte')) return day_periods, day_period_cte, missing_period
def test_union_all(self): e = union_all(select([t1.c.col3]), union( select([t1.c.col3]), select([t1.c.col3]), )) wanted = [('aaa', ), ('aaa', ), ('bbb', ), ('bbb', ), ('ccc', ), ('ccc', )] found1 = self._fetchall_sorted(e.execute()) eq_(found1, wanted) found2 = self._fetchall_sorted(e.alias('foo').select().execute()) eq_(found2, wanted)
def join_committee_queries(self, kwargs): queries = [] total = 0 for committee_id in kwargs['committee_id']: query, count = self.build_committee_query(kwargs, committee_id) queries.append(query.subquery().select()) total += count query = models.db.session.query( models.ScheduleA ).select_entity_from( sa.union_all(*queries) ) query = query.options(sa.orm.joinedload(models.ScheduleA.committee)) query = query.options(sa.orm.joinedload(models.ScheduleA.contributor)) return query, total
def test_union_all(self): e = union_all( select([t1.c.col3]), union( select([t1.c.col3]), select([t1.c.col3]), ) ) wanted = [('aaa',), ('aaa',), ('bbb',), ('bbb',), ('ccc',), ('ccc',)] found1 = self._fetchall_sorted(e.execute()) eq_(found1, wanted) found2 = self._fetchall_sorted(e.alias('foo').select().execute()) eq_(found2, wanted)
def join_committee_queries(self, kwargs): """Build and compose per-committee subqueries using `UNION ALL`. """ queries = [] total = 0 for committee_id in kwargs.get('committee_id', []): query, count = self.build_committee_query(kwargs, committee_id) queries.append(query.subquery().select()) total += count query = models.db.session.query( self.model ).select_entity_from( sa.union_all(*queries) ) query = query.options(*self.query_options) return query, total
def argos_unchecked_list(request): """Returns the unchecked sensor data summary. """ # SQL query unchecked = union_all( select([, Argos.ptt.label('ptt'),, literal('argos/gps').label('type') ]).where(Argos.checked == False), select([, Gps.ptt.label('ptt'),, literal('argos/gps').label('type') ]).where(Gps.checked == False), select([ Gsm.pk_id, Gsm.fk_ptt.label('ptt'),, literal('gsm').label('type') ]).where(Gsm.checked == False) ).alias() # Add the bird associated to each ptt. pie = ProtocolIndividualEquipment unchecked_with_ind = select([ pie.ind_id.label('ind_id'), 'ptt', func.count().label('count'), 'type' ]).select_from( unchecked.join(SatTrx, SatTrx.ptt == unchecked.c.ptt) .outerjoin( pie, and_( == pie.sat_id, >= pie.begin_date, or_( < pie.end_date, pie.end_date == None ) ) ) ).group_by('ptt', 'type', pie.ind_id)#.order_by('ptt') # Populate Json array data = DBSession.execute(unchecked_with_ind).fetchall() return [dict(row) for row in data]
def test_union_all_lightweight(self): """like test_union_all, but breaks the sub-union into a subquery with an explicit column reference on the outside, more palatable to a wider variety of engines. """ u = union(select([t1.c.col3]), select([t1.c.col3])).alias() e = union_all(select([t1.c.col3]), select([u.c.col3])) wanted = [("aaa",), ("aaa",), ("bbb",), ("bbb",), ("ccc",), ("ccc",)] found1 = self._fetchall_sorted(e.execute()) eq_(found1, wanted) found2 = self._fetchall_sorted(e.alias("foo").select().execute()) eq_(found2, wanted)
def test_distinct(self): mapper(Item, items) mapper(Order, orders, properties={ 'items':relation(Item, secondary=order_items, lazy=True) }) mapper(User, users, properties={ 'addresses':relation(mapper(Address, addresses), lazy=True), 'orders':relation(Order, lazy=True) }) sess = create_session() q = sess.query(User) # use a union all to get a lot of rows to join against u2 = users.alias('u2') s = sa.union_all(,,'u') print [key for key in s.c.keys()]
def get_priorities(self): incomplete_builds = self.get_incomplete_builds_query() queries = self.get_priority_queries().values() union_query = union_all(*queries).alias('un') pkg_id = union_query.c.pkg_id current_priority = cast(func.sum(union_query.c.priority), Integer).label('curr_priority') priorities = self.db.query(pkg_id, current_priority)\ .group_by(pkg_id).subquery() return self.db.query(, priorities.c.curr_priority * Collection.priority_coefficient + Package.manual_priority + Package.static_priority)\ .join(Package.collection)\ .join(priorities, == priorities.c.pkg_id)\ .filter((Package.resolved == True) | (Package.resolved == None))\ .filter(\ .filter(Package.blocked == False)\ .filter(Package.tracked == True)\ .order_by(priorities.c.curr_priority.desc())\ .all()
def get(self): last_vk = (Entity.query .filter_by(alien_site='vk') .order_by( .limit(50) .subquery()) last_instagram = (Entity.query .filter_by(alien_site='instagram') .order_by( .limit(50) .subquery()) last_twitter = (Entity.query .filter_by(alien_site='twitter') .order_by( .limit(50) .subquery()) last = (db.session.query(Entity) .select_entity_from(union_all(,, return {'entities': [l.serialize for l in last.all()]}
def _similar_asmnt_assessment(cls, type_, id_): """Find similar Assessments for Assessment object. Args: type_: Assessment type. id_: Assessment id. Returns: SQLAlchemy query that yields results [(similar_id,)] - the id of similar objects. """ from ggrc.models import all_models asmnt = all_models.Assessment asmnt_mapped = cls.mapped_to_assessment([id_]).subquery() # Find Assessments directly mapped to Snapshot of same object similar_queries = cls.mapped_to_obj_snapshot( asmnt_mapped.c.obj_type, asmnt_mapped.c.obj_id ) # Find Assessments mapped to Snapshot of object mapped to base object # Object1 <-> Object2 <-> Snapshot of Object2 <-> Assessment mapped_obj = cls.mapped_objs( asmnt_mapped.c.obj_type, asmnt_mapped.c.obj_id, True ) similar_queries += cls.mapped_to_obj_snapshot( mapped_obj.c.obj_type, mapped_obj.c.obj_id ) similar_objs = sa.union_all(*similar_queries).alias("scoped_similar") return db.session.query(similar_objs.c.similar_id).join( asmnt, sa.and_( asmnt.assessment_type == similar_objs.c.related_type, == similar_objs.c.similar_id, ) ).filter( != id_, similar_objs.c.similar_type == type_, )
def mapped_objs(cls, object_type, object_id, same_type_mapped=False): """Find all instances that have relationship with provided object. Args: object_type: Type of object (can be str or SQLAlchemy property). object_id: Id of object (can be int or SQLAlchemy property). same_type_mapped: If True - related objects with same type only will be searched. Returns: SQLAlchemy query with id and type of found objects [(obj_id, obj_type)]. """ source_rel = db.session.query( Relationship.source_id.label("obj_id"), Relationship.source_type.label("obj_type"), Relationship.destination_type.label("base_type"), ).filter( Relationship.destination_type == object_type, Relationship.destination_id == object_id, ) destination_rel = db.session.query( Relationship.destination_id, Relationship.destination_type, Relationship.source_type, ).filter( Relationship.source_type == object_type, Relationship.source_id == object_id, ) if same_type_mapped: source_rel = source_rel.filter( Relationship.source_type == Relationship.destination_type ) destination_rel = destination_rel.filter( Relationship.source_type == Relationship.destination_type ) return sa.union_all(source_rel, destination_rel).alias("mapped_related")
def argos_unchecked_list(request): """Returns the unchecked Argos data summary. """ # SQL query unchecked = union_all( select([, Argos.ptt.label('ptt'), ]).where(Argos.checked == False), select([, Gps.ptt.label('ptt'), ]).where(Gps.checked == False) ).alias() # Add the bird associated to each ptt. pie = ProtocolIndividualEquipment unchecked_with_ind = select([ pie.ind_id.label('ind_id'), 'ptt', func.count().label('nb') ]).select_from( unchecked.join(SatTrx, SatTrx.ptt == unchecked.c.ptt) .outerjoin( pie, and_( == pie.sat_id, >= pie.begin_date, or_( < pie.end_date, pie.end_date == None ) ) ) ).group_by('ptt', pie.ind_id).order_by('ptt') # Populate Json array data = DBSession.execute(unchecked_with_ind).fetchall() return [{'ptt':ptt,'ind_id':ind_id, 'count':nb} for ind_id, ptt, nb in data]
query=union_all( # Priority 20: valid case (interface's mac w/ vlan at correct ports) # <mac> @ <switch>/<port> → <vlan>_[un]tagged (Prio 20) # Parsing continues because of Fall-Through:=Yes Query([ Interface.mac.label('UserName'), # `host()` does not print the `/32` like `text` would'NASIPAddress'),'NASPortId'), # TODO: add `_tagged` instead if interface needs that ( + '_untagged').label('GroupName'), literal(20).label('Priority'), ]).select_from(User) .join(Host) .join(Interface) .join( .join(Room.connected_patch_ports) .join(SwitchPort) .join(Switch) .join(Interface.ips) .join(Subnet) .join(VLAN) .join(User.current_properties) .filter(CurrentProperty.property_name == 'network_access') .statement, # Priority -10: Blocking reason exists # <mac> @ <switch>/<port> → <blocking_group> (Prio -10) # Note that Fall-Through:=No for blocking groups, so first match terminates Query([ Interface.mac.label('UserName'),'NASIPAddress'),'NASPortId'),'GroupName'), literal(-10).label('Priority'), ]).select_from(User) .join(Host) .join(Host.interfaces) .join( .join(Room.connected_patch_ports) .join(SwitchPort) .join(Switch) .join(User.current_properties) .join(radius_property, == CurrentProperty.property_name) .statement, # Priority 0: No blocking reason exists → generic error group `no_network_access` Query([ Interface.mac.label('UserName'),'NASIPAddress'),'NASPortId'), literal('no_network_access').label('GroupName'), literal(0).label('Priority'), ]).select_from(User) .outerjoin(network_access_subq, == network_access_subq.c.user_id) .filter(network_access_subq.c.network_access == None) .join(User.hosts) .join(Host.interfaces) .join( .join(Room.connected_patch_ports) .join(SwitchPort) .join(Switch) .statement, ),
def get_queues(): queue_names = db.session.query(DataSource.queue_name).distinct() scheduled_queue_names = db.session.query(DataSource.scheduled_queue_name).distinct() query = db.session.execute(union_all(queue_names, scheduled_queue_names)) return ['celery'] + [row[0] for row in query]
def cascade_unmappable(exp, object_class, target_class, query): """Special operator to get the effect of cascade unmap of Issue from Asmt.""" issue_id = exp["issue"].get("id") assessment_id = exp["assessment"].get("id") if not issue_id: raise BadQueryException("Missing 'id' key in 'issue': {}" .format(exp["issue"])) if not assessment_id: raise BadQueryException("Missing 'id' key in 'assessment': {}" .format(exp["assessment"])) if object_class.__name__ not in {"Audit", "Snapshot"}: raise BadQueryException("'cascade_unmapping' can't be applied to {}" .format(object_class.__name__)) mapped_to_issue = aliased(sqlalchemy.union_all( db.session.query( all_models.Relationship.destination_id.label("target_id"), ).filter( all_models.Relationship.source_id == issue_id, all_models.Relationship.source_type == "Issue", all_models.Relationship.destination_type == object_class.__name__, ~all_models.Relationship.automapping_id.is_(None), ), db.session.query( all_models.Relationship.source_id.label("target_id"), ).filter( all_models.Relationship.destination_id == issue_id, all_models.Relationship.destination_type == "Issue", all_models.Relationship.source_type == object_class.__name__, ), ), name="mapped_to_issue") mapped_to_assessment = aliased(sqlalchemy.union_all( db.session.query( all_models.Relationship.destination_id.label("target_id"), ).filter( all_models.Relationship.source_id == assessment_id, all_models.Relationship.source_type == "Assessment", all_models.Relationship.destination_type == object_class.__name__, ), db.session.query( all_models.Relationship.source_id.label("target_id"), ).filter( all_models.Relationship.destination_id == assessment_id, all_models.Relationship.destination_type == "Assessment", all_models.Relationship.source_type == object_class.__name__, ), ), "mapped_to_assessment") other_assessments = aliased(sqlalchemy.union_all( db.session.query( all_models.Relationship.destination_id.label("assessment_id"), ).filter( all_models.Relationship.source_id == issue_id, all_models.Relationship.source_type == "Issue", all_models.Relationship.destination_id != assessment_id, all_models.Relationship.destination_type == "Assessment", ), db.session.query( all_models.Relationship.source_id.label("assessment_id"), ).filter( all_models.Relationship.destination_id == issue_id, all_models.Relationship.destination_type == "Issue", all_models.Relationship.source_id != assessment_id, all_models.Relationship.source_type == "Assessment", ), ), "other_assessments") mapped_to_other_assessments = aliased(sqlalchemy.union_all( db.session.query( all_models.Relationship.destination_id.label("target_id"), ).filter( all_models.Relationship.source_id.in_(other_assessments), all_models.Relationship.source_type == "Assessment", all_models.Relationship.destination_type == object_class.__name__, ), db.session.query( all_models.Relationship.source_id.label("target_id"), ).filter( all_models.Relationship.destination_id != assessment_id, all_models.Relationship.destination_type == "Assessment", all_models.Relationship.source_type == object_class.__name__, ), ), "mapped_to_other_assessments") result = set(db.session.query(mapped_to_issue)) result &= set(db.session.query(mapped_to_assessment)) result -= set(db.session.query(mapped_to_other_assessments)) if not result: return sqlalchemy.sql.false() return[row[0] for row in result])