def rename_post() -> None: blog_post = get_blog_post_by_id() old_slug_path = blog_post.slug_path = input(f"Rename post \"{}\" to: ") os.rename(old_slug_path, blog_post.slug_path) db.commit() done()
def save_changes() -> None: print("Saving changes... ", end="") try: db.commit() done() except IntegrityError: print("Error!\n\n" + "This error was caused by invalid data.\n" + "You probably created multiple records with non-unique names.")
def process_resource_files(blog_post: BlogPost) -> None: for root, _, files in os.walk(blog_post.resources_path, topdown=True): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) extension = "." + file.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] # Hash file contents, this is the new file name file_hash = hash_file(file_path) file_title = file_name_to_title(file) # Optimize images for web (create thumbnails) if imghdr.what(file_path): full_size_file_name = f"{file_hash}.{IMAGE_FORMAT}" thumbnail_file_name = f"{file_hash}-thumb.{IMAGE_FORMAT}" db.add( FileResource(full_size_file_name, "high-res-" + file, file_title, blog_post, is_image=True, is_thumbnail=False)) db.add( FileResource(thumbnail_file_name, file, file_title + " (Thumbnail)", blog_post, is_image=True, is_thumbnail=True)) with as image: image.thumbnail((MAX_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, -1)), IMAGE_FORMAT, optimize=True) with as image:, IMAGE_FORMAT, optimize=True) else: # Copy the file to the resources dir, no processing new_file_name = file_hash + extension db.add(FileResource(new_file_name, file, file_title, blog_post)) copyfile(file_path, in_res_path(new_file_name)) db.commit()
def recreate_file_resources_for_post(blog_post: BlogPost): for file_resource in blog_post.file_resources: db.delete(file_resource) db.commit() process_resource_files(blog_post)
def try_with_integrity_protection(statement: Callable) -> None: try: statement() db.commit() except IntegrityError: db.rollback() # Duplicate.
lambda: blog_post.comments.append(comment)) return redirect( url_for("home.route_blog_post", blog_post_id=blog_post_id, _name=_name)) # The cache object is a function-static (like in C) variable blog_post_content = route_blog_post.file_cache.get_contents( blog_post.html_path) # Flush the ip tracker, and then, check if we should count this request as a true hit. route_blog_post.ip_tracker.remove_expired() if route_blog_post.ip_tracker.should_count_request(request.remote_addr, blog_post_id): blog_post.hits += 1 db.commit() # Select a random image to be served for opengraph embeds. image_resources = [ fr for fr in blog_post.file_resources if fr.is_thumbnail ] open_graph_image = in_res_path( random.choice(image_resources).name) if image_resources else None return render_template("blog_post.html",, return_to_root=True, blog_post=blog_post, blog_post_content=blog_post_content, form=CommentForm(), open_graph_image=open_graph_image)