Example #1
def test_linter_noqa_disable():
    """Test "noqa" comments can be disabled via the config."""
    lntr_noqa_enabled = Linter(
                "rules": "L012",
    lntr_noqa_disabled = Linter(
                "disable_noqa": True,
                "rules": "L012",
    # This query raises L012, but it is being suppressed by the inline noqa comment.
    # We can ignore this comment by setting disable_noqa = True in the config
    # or by using the --disable-noqa flag in the CLI.
    sql = """
    SELECT col_a a --noqa: L012
    FROM foo

    # Verify that noqa works as expected with disable_noqa = False (default).
    result_noqa_enabled = lntr_noqa_enabled.lint_string(sql)
    violations_noqa_enabled = result_noqa_enabled.get_violations()
    assert len(violations_noqa_enabled) == 0

    # Verify that noqa comment is ignored with disable_noqa = True.
    result_noqa_disabled = lntr_noqa_disabled.lint_string(sql)
    violations_noqa_disabled = result_noqa_disabled.get_violations()
    assert len(violations_noqa_disabled) == 1
    assert violations_noqa_disabled[0].rule.code == "L012"
Example #2
def test__linter__lint_string_vs_file(path):
    """Test the linter finds the same things on strings and files."""
    with open(path) as f:
        sql_str = f.read()
    lntr = Linter()
    assert (lntr.lint_string(sql_str).check_tuples() == lntr.lint_path(
Example #3
def test_linter_noqa_with_templating():
    """Similar to test_linter_noqa, but uses templating (Jinja)."""
    lntr = Linter(
                "dialect": "bigquery",  # Use bigquery to allow hash comments.
                "templater": "jinja",
                "rules": "L016",
    sql = "\n"
    '"{%- set a_var = ["1", "2"] -%}\n'
    "  this_is_just_a_very_long_line_for_demonstration_purposes_of_a_bug_involving_"
    "templated_sql_files, --noqa: L016\n"
    "  this_is_not_so_big a, --Inline comment --noqa: L012\n"
    "  this_is_not_so_big b, /* Block comment */ --noqa: L012\n"
    "  this_is_not_so_big c, # hash comment --noqa: L012\n"
    "  this_is_just_a_very_long_line_for_demonstration_purposes_of_a_bug_involving_"
    "templated_sql_files, --noqa: L01*\n"
    "  a_table\n"
    "    "
    result = lntr.lint_string(sql)
    assert not result.get_violations()
Example #4
def test_linter_noqa():
    """Test "noqa" feature at the higher "Linter" level."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig(overrides={
        "rules": "L012",
    sql = """
        col_a a,
        col_b b, --noqa: disable=L012
        col_c c,
        col_d d, --noqa: enable=L012
        col_e e,
        col_f f,
        col_g g,  --noqa
        col_h h,
        col_i i, --noqa:L012
        col_j j,
        col_k k, --noqa:L013
        col_l l,
        col_m m,
        col_n n, --noqa: disable=all
        col_o o,
        col_p p --noqa: enable=all
    FROM foo
    result = lntr.lint_string(sql)
    violations = result.get_violations()
    assert {3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15,
            18} == {v.line_no
                    for v in violations}
Example #5
def assert_rule_pass_in_sql(code, sql, configs=None, msg=None):
    """Assert that a given rule doesn't fail on the given sql."""
    # Configs allows overrides if we want to use them.
    if configs is None:
        configs = {}
    core = configs.setdefault("core", {})
    core["rules"] = code
    cfg = FluffConfig(configs=configs)
    linter = Linter(config=cfg)

    # This section is mainly for aid in debugging.
    rendered = linter.render_string(sql,
    parsed = linter.parse_rendered(rendered, recurse=True)
    if parsed.violations:
        if msg:
            print(msg)  # pragma: no cover
        pytest.fail(parsed.violations[0].desc() + "\n" +
    print(f"Parsed:\n {parsed.tree.stringify()}")

    # Note that lint_string() runs the templater and parser again, in order to
    # test the whole linting pipeline in the same way that users do. In other
    # words, the "rendered" and "parsed" variables above are irrelevant to this
    # line of code.
    lint_result = linter.lint_string(sql, config=cfg, fname="<STR>")
    lerrs = lint_result.violations
    print(f"Errors Found: {lerrs}")
    if any(v.rule.code == code for v in lerrs):
        if msg:
            print(msg)  # pragma: no cover
        pytest.fail(f"Found {code} failures in query which should pass.",
Example #6
def test_linter_noqa_prs():
    """Test "noqa" feature to ignore PRS at the higher "Linter" level."""
    lntr = Linter(dialect="ansi")
    sql = "SELEC * FROM foo -- noqa: PRS\n"
    result = lntr.lint_string(sql)
    violations = result.get_violations()
    assert not violations
Example #7
def test_non_selects_unparseable(raw: str) -> None:
    """Test that non-SELECT commands are not parseable."""
    cfg = FluffConfig(configs={"core": {"dialect": "soql"}})
    lnt = Linter(config=cfg)
    result = lnt.lint_string(raw)
    assert len(result.violations) == 1
    assert isinstance(result.violations[0], SQLParseError)
Example #8
def test__templated_sections_do_not_raise_lint_error(in_dbt_project_dir):  # noqa
    """Test that the dbt test has only a new line lint error."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig(configs=DBT_FLUFF_CONFIG))
    lnt = lntr.lint_string(fname="tests/test.sql")
    assert len(lnt.violations) == 1
    # Newlines are removed by dbt templater
    assert lnt.violations[0].rule.code == "L009"
Example #9
def test_space_is_not_reserved(raw):
    """Ensure that SPACE is not treated as reserved."""
    cfg = FluffConfig(configs={
        "core": {
            "exclude_rules": "L009,L016,L031",
            "dialect": "postgres"
    lnt = Linter(config=cfg)
    result = lnt.lint_string(raw)
    assert result.num_violations() == 0
Example #10
def test_epoch_datetime_unit(raw):
    """Test the EPOCH keyword for postgres dialect."""
    # Don't test for new lines or capitalisation
    cfg = FluffConfig(configs={
        "core": {
            "exclude_rules": "L009,L016,L036",
            "dialect": "postgres"
    lnt = Linter(config=cfg)
    result = lnt.lint_string(raw)
    assert result.num_violations() == 0
Example #11
def test_rule_exception_is_caught_to_validation():
    """Assert that a rule that throws an exception on _eval returns it as a validation."""
    class Rule_LXXX(BaseCrawler):
        """Rule that throws an exception."""
        def _eval(self, segment, parent_stack, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(
                "Catch me or I'll deny any linting results from you")

    linter = Linter(config=FluffConfig(overrides=dict(rules="LXXX")))

    assert linter.lint_string("select 1").check_tuples() == [("LXXX", 1, 1)]
Example #12
def test_linter_noqa_template_errors():
    """Similar to test_linter_noqa, but uses templating (Jinja)."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig(overrides={
        "templater": "jinja",
        "dialect": "ansi",
    sql = """select * --noqa: TMP
from raw
    balance_date >= {{ execution_date - macros.timedelta() }}  --noqa: TMP
    result = lntr.lint_string(sql)
    assert not result.get_violations()
Example #13
def test__rules__runaway_fail_catch():
    """Test that we catch runaway rules."""
    runaway_limit = 5
    my_query = "SELECT * FROM foo"
    # Set up the config to only use the rule we are testing.
    cfg = FluffConfig(overrides={"rules": "T001", "runaway_limit": runaway_limit})
    # Lint it using the current config (while in fix mode)
    linter = Linter(config=cfg, user_rules=[Rule_T001])
    # In theory this step should result in an infinite
    # loop, but the loop limit should catch it.
    linted = linter.lint_string(my_query, fix=True)
    # We should have a lot of newlines in there.
    # The number should equal the runaway limit
    assert linted.tree.raw.count("\n") == runaway_limit
Example #14
def test_linter_noqa_tmp():
    """Test "noqa" feature to ignore TMP at the higher "Linter" level."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig(overrides={
        "exclude_rules": "L050",
        "dialect": "ansi",
    sql = """
SELECT {{ col_a }} AS a -- noqa: TMP,PRS
FROM foo;
    result = lntr.lint_string(sql)
    violations = result.get_violations()
    assert not violations
Example #15
def test__rules__runaway_fail_catch():
    """Test that we catch runaway rules."""
    runaway_limit = 5
    my_query = "SELECT * FROM foo"
    # Set up the config to only use the rule we are testing.
    cfg = FluffConfig(overrides={
        "rules": "T001",
        "runaway_limit": runaway_limit
    # Lint it using the current config (while in fix mode)
    linter = Linter(config=cfg, user_rules=[Rule_T001])
    # In theory this step should result in an infinite
    # loop, but the loop limit should catch it.
    linted = linter.lint_string(my_query, fix=True)
    # When the linter hits the runaway limit, it returns the original SQL tree.
    assert linted.tree.raw == my_query
Example #16
def test_linter_noqa_with_templating():
    """Similar to test_linter_noqa, but uses templating (Jinja)."""
    lntr = Linter(config=FluffConfig(overrides={
        "templater": "jinja",
        "rules": "L016",
    sql = """
    {%- set a_var = ["1", "2"] -%}
      this_is_just_a_very_long_line_for_demonstration_purposes_of_a_bug_involving_templated_sql_files, --noqa: L016
    result = lntr.lint_string(sql)
    assert not result.get_violations()
Example #17
def test_linter_noqa():
    """Test "noqa" feature at the higher "Linter" level."""
    lntr = Linter(
                "dialect": "bigquery",  # Use bigquery to allow hash comments.
                "rules": "L012, L019",
    sql = """
        col_a a,
        col_b b, --noqa: disable=L012
        col_c c,
        col_d d, --noqa: enable=L012
        col_e e,
        col_f f,
        col_g g,  --noqa
        col_h h,
        col_i i, --noqa:L012
        col_j j,
        col_k k, --noqa:L013
        col_l l,
        col_m m,
        col_n n, --noqa: disable=all
        col_o o,
        col_p p, --noqa: enable=all
        col_q q, --Inline comment --noqa: L012
        col_r r, /* Block comment */ --noqa: L012
        col_s s # hash comment --noqa: L012
        -- We trigger both L012 (implicit aliasing)
        -- and L019 (leading commas) here to
        -- test glob ignoring of multiple rules.
        , col_t t --noqa: L01*
        , col_u u -- Some comment --noqa: L01*
        , col_v v -- We can ignore both L012 and L019 -- noqa: L01[29]
    FROM foo
    result = lntr.lint_string(sql)
    violations = result.get_violations()
    assert {3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18} == {v.line_no for v in violations}
Example #18
def test__rules__std_L009_and_L052_interaction() -> None:
    """Test interaction between L009 and L052 doesn't stop L052 from being applied."""
    # Test sql with no final newline and no final semicolon.
    sql = "SELECT foo FROM bar"

    # Ensure final semicolon requirement is active.
    cfg = FluffConfig()
    cfg.set_value(config_path=["rules", "L052", "require_final_semicolon"],
    linter = Linter(config=cfg)

    # Return linted/fixed file.
    linted_file = linter.lint_string(sql, fix=True)

    # Check expected lint errors are raised.
    assert set([v.rule.code
                for v in linted_file.violations]) == {"L009", "L052"}

    # Check file is fixed.
    assert linted_file.fix_string()[0] == "SELECT foo FROM bar;\n"
Example #19
def test_rule_exception_is_caught_to_validation():
    """Assert that a rule that throws an exception returns it as a validation."""
    std_rule_set = get_ruleset()

    class Rule_T000(BaseRule):
        """Rule that throws an exception."""

        groups = ("all", )
        crawl_behaviour = RootOnlyCrawler()

        def _eval(self, segment, parent_stack, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(
                "Catch me or I'll deny any linting results from you")

    linter = Linter(
        config=FluffConfig(overrides=dict(rules="T000", dialect="ansi")),

    assert linter.lint_string("select 1").check_tuples() == [("T000", 1, 1)]
Example #20
def test_linter_noqa_prs():
    """Test "noqa" feature to ignore PRS at the higher "Linter" level."""
    lntr = Linter(
                "dialect": "bigquery",
                "exclude_rules": "L050",
    sql = """
    Test.events (userID STRING,
    eventName STRING,
    eventID INTEGER,
    device STRUCT < mobileBrandName STRING, -- noqa: PRS
    mobileModelName STRING>);
    Insert into Test.events VALUES ("1","abc",123,STRUCT("htc","10"));
    result = lntr.lint_string(sql)
    violations = result.get_violations()
    assert not violations
Example #21
def test__linter__get_violations_filter_rules(rules, num_violations):
    """Test filtering violations by which rules were violated."""
    lntr = Linter()
    lint_result = lntr.lint_string("select a, b FROM tbl c order BY d")

    assert len(lint_result.get_violations(rules=rules)) == num_violations