Example #1
    def computeOdom(self):
        while True:
            xdot = (1 / 2) * math.cos(self.theta) * self.speedRight + (
                1 / 2) * math.cos(self.theta) * self.speedLeft
            ydot = (1 / 2) * math.sin(self.theta) * self.speedRight + (
                1 / 2) * math.sin(self.theta) * self.speedLeft
            thetadot = (1.0 / WHEEL_BASE) * self.speedRight - (
                1.0 / WHEEL_BASE) * self.speedLeft
            self.x = self.x + 0.05 * xdot
            self.y = self.y + 0.05 * ydot
            self.theta = self.theta + 0.05 * thetadot

            q = euler2quat(0.0, 0.0, self.theta)
            odom = Odometry()
            h = Header()
            h.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            h.frame_id = 'odom'
            odom.header = h
            odom.child_frame_id = 'base_link'
            odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
            odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
            odom.pose.pose.orientation.x = q[1]
            odom.pose.pose.orientation.y = q[2]
            odom.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[3]
            odom.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[0]

Example #2
def load_Y_values(csv_filename):
  Given a csv file, will return a Y matrix containing all the pose information
  associated with each training example as well as a list of filenames
  with open(csv_filename, newline='') as csvfile:
    filenames = []
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    data = list(reader)[1:]
    file_examples = []

    # for each image
    for i in range(len(data)):
      list_of_params = data[i][1].split()
      examples = []
      k = 0

      # for each car in the image
      while k < len(list_of_params):
        pose = list_of_params[k+1:k+7]
        pose = [float(i) for i in pose]
        translation = pose[3:]
        eulers = pose[:3]

        # parameters are ordered roll, pitch, yaw (input dataset is yaw, pitch, roll)
        quaternion_rot = list(euler2quat(eulers[2], eulers[1], eulers[0]))
        examples.append(quaternion_rot + translation)
        k += 7

      examples = sorted(examples,key=lambda x: x[5])
      filenames.append(str(data[i][0]) + '.jpg')

    return file_examples, filenames
Example #3
 def create_model_state(self, name, pos, orientation_euler):
     model_state = ModelState()
     model_state.model_name = name
     model_state.pose.position = pos
     quat = euler2quat(0, orientation_euler, 0)
     model_state.pose.orientation.x = quat[3]
     model_state.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
     model_state.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
     model_state.pose.orientation.w = quat[0]
     return model_state
Example #4
 def apply_transform(self):
     quat_rot = squaternion.euler2quat(*self.rotation, True)
     rot_angle = np.degrees(2 * np.arccos(quat_rot.w))
     square_coef = np.sqrt(1 - np.square(quat_rot.w))
     if rot_angle > 0.001 and square_coef > 0.001:
         rot_x = quat_rot.x / square_coef
         rot_y = quat_rot.y / square_coef
         rot_z = quat_rot.z / square_coef
         glRotatef(rot_angle, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z)
Example #5
 def refresh_pos(self):
     if self.rot_xy:
         quat_rot = squaternion.euler2quat(self.rot_xy[1], self.rot_xy[0], 0, True)
         rot_angle = np.degrees(2 * np.arccos(quat_rot.w))
         square_coef = np.sqrt(1 - np.square(quat_rot.w))
         if rot_angle > 0.001 and square_coef > 0.001:
             rot_x = quat_rot.x / square_coef
             rot_y = quat_rot.y / square_coef
             rot_z = quat_rot.z / square_coef
             glRotatef(rot_angle, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z)
     glTranslatef(*[-coor for coor in self.transform])
     glTranslatef(*[-coor for coor in self.pos])
Example #6
    def compensate(self, accel, mag):



            mx, my, mz = self.normalize(*mag)
            # ax, ay, az = self.grav(*accel)
            ax, ay, az = self.normalize(*accel)

            pitch = asin(-ax)

            if abs(pitch) >= pi / 2:
                roll = 0.0
                roll = asin(ay / cos(pitch))

            # mx, my, mz = mag
            x = mx * cos(pitch) + mz * sin(pitch)
            y = mx * sin(roll) * sin(pitch) + my * cos(roll) - mz * sin(
                roll) * cos(pitch)
            heading = atan2(y, x)

            # wrap heading between 0 and 360 degrees
            if heading > 2 * pi:
                heading -= 2 * pi
            elif heading < 0:
                heading += 2 * pi

            if self.angle_units == self.DEGREES:
                roll *= 180 / pi
                pitch *= 180 / pi
                heading *= 180 / pi
            elif self.angle_units == self.QUATERNIONS:
                return euler2quat(roll, pitch, heading)

            return (

        except ZeroDivisionError as e:
            print('Error', e)
            if self.angle_units == self.QUATERNIONS:
                return Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
                return (
Example #7
def read_bno():
    """Function to read the BNO sensor and update the bno_data object with the
    latest BNO orientation, etc. state.  Must be run in its own thread because
    it will never return!"""
    ser = serial.Serial('COM4', 9600)

    while True:
        serRead = str(ser.readline())          #read from serial port
        serRead = serRead.split(' | ')            #split the string into parts at '|'
        tmilli = serRead[0].split('|')
        degx, degy, degz = 0, 0, 0
        if len(tmilli) == 2:
            tmilli = tmilli[1]
        if len(serRead) == 8:                  #Make sure we're reading a complete line
            AcX = serRead[1].split(' = ')
            AcY = serRead[2].split(' = ')
            AcZ = serRead[3].split(' = ')
            Tmp = serRead[4].split(' = ')
            GyX = serRead[5].split(' = ')       #roll
            GyY = serRead[6].split(' = ')       #pitch
            GyZ = serRead[7].split(' = ')       #yaw
            GyZ = GyZ[1].split('\\')    #remove \\r\\n at end of line

            AcX = int(AcX[1]) / 16384
            AcY = int(AcY[1]) / 16384
            AcZ = int(AcZ[1]) / 16384

            GyX = int(GyX[1]) / 131
            GyY = int(GyY[1]) / 131
            GyZ = int(GyZ[0]) / 131

            degx = ((math.atan(float(AcY) / math.sqrt(pow(AcX, 2) + pow(AcZ, 2))) * 180 / math.pi)-.58)*0.04 + (degx + (GyX-6.8) * (int(tmilli)/1000))*.96
            degy = ((math.atan(-1 * AcX / math.sqrt(pow(AcY, 2) + pow(AcZ, 2))) * 180 / math.pi)+1.58)*0.04 + (degy + (GyY-2.5) * (int(tmilli)/1000))*.96
            degz = degz + (GyZ-0.24)*(int(tmilli)/1000)
            #Inputs are ANGLES not angular acceleration
            #BELOW INPUTS ARE euler2quat(roll, pitch, yaw, degrees=False), default is in radians...send true if in degrees
            q = euler2quat(degx, degz, degy, True)     #typecast, scale and convert euler angles to quaternion vector

            # Capture the lock on the bno_changed condition so the bno_data shared
            # state can be updated.
            with bno_changed:
                bno_data["euler"] = [GyZ, GyY, GyX]
                bno_data["temp"] = float(Tmp[1])
                bno_data["quaternion"] = [q[1], q[2],q[3], q[0]]
                bno_data["calibration"] = [int(3), int(3), int(3), int(3)]     #"3 indicates fully calibrated; 0 indicates not calibrated" Page 68 BNO055
                bno_data["acceleration"] = [AcX, AcY, AcZ]
                # Notify any waiting threads that the BNO state has been updated.
                print("notified all")
            # Sleep until the next reading.
        time.sleep(1.0 / BNO_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_HZ)
Example #8
def getAllChildren(startPoint):
    for o in startPoint:
        if o.get('type') == 'JOINT':
            matrix = list(map(float, o[0].text.split()))
            #pos = list(map(float, o[0].text.split()))
            posX = float(matrix[3])
            posY = float(matrix[7])
            posZ = float(matrix[11])

            scaleX = 1
            scaleY = 1
            scaleZ = 1
            #pos = list(map(float, o[4].text.split()))
            #rot = list(map(str, o[1].text.split()))
            #rot2 = list(map(float, o[2].text.split()))
            #rot3 = list(map(float, o[3].text.split()))
            #rotx = math.ceil(float(math.cos(matrix[5]) + math.sin(-matrix[6]) + math.sin(matrix[9]) + math.cos(matrix[10])))
            #roty = math.ceil(float(math.cos(matrix[0]) + math.sin(-matrix[2]) + math.sin(matrix[8]) + math.cos(matrix[10])))
            #rotz = math.ceil(float(math.cos(matrix[0]) + math.sin(-matrix[1]) + math.sin(matrix[4]) + math.cos(matrix[5])))
            rotx = matrix[0] + matrix[4] + matrix[8]
            roty = matrix[1] + matrix[5] + matrix[9]
            rotz = matrix[2] + matrix[6] + matrix[10]
            print(rotx, ' ', roty, ' ', rotz)

            q = euler2quat(rotz, roty, rotx, degrees=True)
            print(q[1], ' ', q[2], ' ', q[3], ' ', q[0])

            if parent_map[o].get('type') == 'NODE':
                classic = parent_map[o].get('name')
                classic = parent_map[o].get('sid')
            tempArray = [
                o.get('sid'), classic, q[1], q[2], q[3], q[0], posX, posY,
                posZ, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ
Example #9
    while True:
        if tracking:   

            #bajamos la velocidad
            rospy.set_param("/robot/move_base/TebLocalPlannerROS/max_vel_x", "0.3")
            rospy.set_param("/robot/move_base/TebLocalPlannerROS/max_vel_x_backwards", "0.15")
            rospy.set_param("/robot/move_base/TebLocalPlannerROS/max_vel_y", "0.15")
            rospy.set_param("/robot/move_base/TebLocalPlannerROS/max_vel_theta", "0.3")
            rospy.set_param("/robot/move_base/TebLocalPlannerROS/acc_lim_y", "0.05")
            rospy.set_param("/robot/move_base/TebLocalPlannerROS/acc_lim_x", "0.05") 

            goal = []
            goal.append(calculate_goal_position(robot, person, SECURITY_RADIUS))  # index 0

            q = euler2quat(0, 0, goal[0].theta)  # theta en rad

            gp = MoveBaseGoal()
            gp.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            gp.target_pose.header.frame_id = "robot_map"
            gp.target_pose.pose.position.x = goal[0].x
            gp.target_pose.pose.position.y = goal[0].y
            gp.target_pose.pose.position.z = goal[0].z
            gp.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = q.x
            gp.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = q.y
            gp.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = q.z
            gp.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = q.w

            print ("GOAL: x = " + str(goal[0].x) + "  y = " + str(goal[0].y))
            print ("ROBOT: x = " + str(robot.x) + "  y = " + str(robot.y))
Example #10
    msg = Imu()

    while not geckopy.is_shutdown():
        a, m, g = imu.get()

        msg.linear_acceleration.x = a[0]
        msg.linear_acceleration.y = a[1]
        msg.linear_acceleration.z = a[2]

        msg.angular_velocity.x = g[0]
        msg.angular_velocity.y = g[1]
        msg.angular_velocity.z = g[2]

        msg.magnetic_field.x = m[0]
        msg.magnetic_field.y = m[1]
        msg.magnetic_field.z = m[2]

        r, p, h = imu.getOrientation(a, m)
        q = euler2quat(r, p, h, degrees=True)
        msg.orientation.w = q.w
        msg.orientation.x = q.x
        msg.orientation.y = q.y
        msg.orientation.z = q.z



Example #11
    if if_comm:
    obs = env.reset()
    env_obj = env.unwrapped

    while True:
        action = policy.act(obs, env)
        obs, r, done, _ = env.step(action)

        if freq_count == frequency:
            x, y = conn.gettarget()
            env_obj.set_flag(x, y)
            freq_count = 0

        pos = env_obj.body_xyz
        quat = np.array(euler2quat(*env_obj.body_rpy))
        pad = np.append(pos, quat)
        joints = np.array([])
        for j in env_obj.jdict:
            joints = np.append(joints, env_obj.jdict[j].current_position())
        joints = joints[0::2]
        remote_data = np.concatenate([pad] + [joints])
        if if_comm:

        score += r
        frame += 1
        if if_render:

        freq_count += 1