def SignDeviceToken(idKeyHashAlg): # MaxInputBuffer = TpmHelpers.getTpmProperty(tpm, TPM_PT.INPUT_BUFFER) caps = tpm.GetCapability(TPM_CAP.TPM_PROPERTIES, TPM_PT.INPUT_BUFFER, 1) props = caps.capabilityData # : TPML_TAGGED_TPM_PROPERTY if len(props.tpmProperty ) != 1 or props.tpmProperty[0].property != TPM_PT.INPUT_BUFFER: raise (Exception( 'Unexpected result of TPM2_GetCapability(TPM_PT.INPUT_BUFFER)')) MaxInputBuffer = props.tpmProperty[0].value # First, the code for a short (<= MaxInputBuffer) token signing deviceIdToken = crypto.randomBytes(800) if len(deviceIdToken) > MaxInputBuffer: raise (Exception('Too long token to HMAC')) signature = tpm.HMAC(ID_KEY_PersHandle, deviceIdToken, idKeyHashAlg) print('HMAC() returned {0}; signature size {1}'.format( str(tpm.lastResponseCode), len(signature))) if TEST_MODE: # Verify the signature correctness sigOK = drsVerifyIdSignature(tpm, deviceIdToken, signature) print('Signature over short token: ' + ('OK' if sigOK else 'FAILED')) signature[16] ^= 0xCC sigOK = drsVerifyIdSignature(tpm, deviceIdToken, signature) print('Bad signature over short token: ' + ('OK' if sigOK else 'FAILED')) # Now the code for long token (> MaxInputBuffer) signing deviceIdToken = crypto.randomBytes(5500) hSequence = tpm.HMAC_Start(ID_KEY_PersHandle, None, idKeyHashAlg) print('HMAC_Start() returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) curPos = 0 bytesLeft = len(deviceIdToken) while bytesLeft > MaxInputBuffer: tpm.SequenceUpdate(hSequence, deviceIdToken[curPos:curPos + MaxInputBuffer]) print('SequenceUpdate() returned {0} for slice [{1}, {2}]'.format(str(tpm.lastResponseCode), \ curPos, curPos + MaxInputBuffer)) bytesLeft -= MaxInputBuffer curPos += MaxInputBuffer resp = tpm.SequenceComplete(hSequence, deviceIdToken[-bytesLeft:], TPM_HANDLE(TPM_RH.NULL)) print('SequenceComplete() returned {0}. Signature size {1}'.format( str(tpm.lastResponseCode), len(signature))) if TEST_MODE: sigOK = drsVerifyIdSignature(tpm, deviceIdToken, resp.result) print('Signature over long token: ' + ('OK' if sigOK else 'FAILED'))
def doActivation(rawActBlob): print('Raw Activation Blob size: {0}'.format(len(rawActBlob))) # Unmarshal components of the activation blob received from the DRS actBlob = DrsActivationBlob(rawActBlob) # Start a policy session to be used with ActivateCredential() nonceCaller = crypto.randomBytes(20) resp = tpm.StartAuthSession(None, None, nonceCaller, None, TPM_SE.POLICY, NullSymDef, TPM_ALG_ID.SHA256) print('StartAuthSession(POLICY_SESS) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode) + '; sess handle: ' + str(resp.handle)) policySess = Session(resp.handle, resp.nonceTPM) # Apply the policy necessary to authorize an EK on Windows resp = tpm.PolicySecret(Endorsement, policySess.SessIn.sessionHandle, None, None, None, 0) print('PolicySecret() returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) # Use ActivateCredential() to decrypt symmetric key that is used as an inner protector # of the duplication blob of the new Device ID key generated by DRS. innerWrapKey = tpm.withSessions(None, policySess) \ .ActivateCredential(SRK_PersHandle, EK_PersHandle, actBlob.credBlob, actBlob.encSecret.secret) print('ActivateCredential() returned {0}; innerWrapKey size {1}'.format( str(tpm.lastResponseCode), len(innerWrapKey))) # Initialize parameters of the symmetric key used by DRS # Note that the client uses the key size chosen by DRS, but other parameters are fixes (an AES key in CFB mode). symDef = TPMT_SYM_DEF_OBJECT(TPM_ALG_ID.AES, len(innerWrapKey) * 8, TPM_ALG_ID.CFB) # Import the new Device ID key issued by DRS to the device's TPM idKeyPriv = tpm.Import(SRK_PersHandle, innerWrapKey, actBlob.idKeyPub, actBlob.idKeyDupBlob, actBlob.encWrapKey.secret, symDef) print('Import() returned {0}; idKeyPriv size {1}'.format( str(tpm.lastResponseCode), len(idKeyPriv.buffer))) # Load the imported key into the TPM hIdKey = tpm.Load(SRK_PersHandle, idKeyPriv, actBlob.idKeyPub) print('Load() returned {0}; ID key handle: {1}'.format( str(tpm.lastResponseCode), str(hIdKey.handle))) # Remove possibly existing persistent instance of the previous Device ID key tpm.allowErrors().EvictControl(Owner, ID_KEY_PersHandle, ID_KEY_PersHandle) # Persist the new Device ID key tpm.EvictControl(Owner, hIdKey, ID_KEY_PersHandle) print('EvictControl({0}, {1}) returned {2}'.format( str(hIdKey.handle), str(ID_KEY_PersHandle.handle), str(tpm.lastResponseCode))) # Free the ID Key transient handle tpm.FlushContext(hIdKey) print('FlushContext(TRANS_ID_KEY) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) # Free the session object tpm.FlushContext(policySess.SessIn.sessionHandle) print('FlushContext(POLICY_SESS) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) # # Decrypt the secret URI data sent by the DRS # """ symAlg = 'AES-' + str(len(innerWrapKey) * 8) + '-CFB' iv = buffer(16) iv.fill(0) dec: crypto.Decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(symAlg, innerWrapKey, iv) decUriData: Buffer = dec.update(actBlob.encUriData.buffer) print('Decipher.update returned ' + len(decUriData) + ' bytes: ' + decUriData) decFinal: Buffer = print(' returned ' + len(decFinal) + ' bytes: ' + decFinal) """ # # Example of signing a device token using the new Device ID key # idKeyHashAlg = actBlob.idKeyPub.parameters.scheme.hashAlg # ((TPMS_SCHEME_HMAC)((TPMS_KEYEDHASH_PARMS)actBlob.idKeyPub.parameters).scheme).hashAlg SignDeviceToken(idKeyHashAlg)
def drsGetActivationBlob(tpm, ekPubBlob, srkPubBlob): ekPub = TpmBuffer(ekPubBlob).createFromTpm(TPM2B_PUBLIC).publicArea srkPub = TpmBuffer(srkPubBlob).createFromTpm(TPM2B_PUBLIC).publicArea # Start a policy session to be used with ActivateCredential() nonceCaller = crypto.randomBytes(20) respSas = tpm.StartAuthSession(None, None, nonceCaller, None, TPM_SE.POLICY, NullSymDef, TPM_ALG_ID.SHA256) hSess = respSas.handle print('DRS >> StartAuthSession(POLICY_SESS) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode) + '; sess handle: ' + str(hSess.handle)) sess = Session(hSess, respSas.nonceTPM) # Run the policy command necessary for key duplication respPcc = tpm.PolicyCommandCode(hSess, TPM_CC.Duplicate) print('DRS >> PolicyCommandCode() returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) # Retrieve the policy digest computed by the TPM dupPolicyDigest = tpm.PolicyGetDigest(hSess) print('DRS >> PolicyGetDigest() returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) idKeyTemplate.authPolicy = dupPolicyDigest idKey = tpm.withSession(NullPwSession) \ .CreatePrimary(Owner, idKeySens, idKeyTemplate, None, []) print('DRS >> CreatePrimary(idKey) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) hSrkPub = tpm.LoadExternal(None, srkPub, Owner) print('DRS >> LoadExternal(SRKpub) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) symWrapperDef = TPMT_SYM_DEF_OBJECT(TPM_ALG_ID.AES, 128, TPM_ALG_ID.CFB) respDup = tpm.withSession(sess) \ .Duplicate(idKey.handle, hSrkPub, None, symWrapperDef) print('DRS >> Duplicate(...) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) tpm.FlushContext(hSrkPub) hEkPub = tpm.LoadExternal(None, ekPub, Endorsement) print('DRS >> LoadExternal(EKpub) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) cred = tpm.MakeCredential(hEkPub, respDup.encryptionKeyOut, srkPub.getName()) print('DRS >> MakeCredential(...) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) # Delete the key and session handles tpm.FlushContext(hEkPub) tpm.FlushContext(idKey.handle) tpm.FlushContext(hSess) print('DRS >> Cleanup done') # # Encrypt URI data to be passed to the client device # symWrapperTemplate = TPMT_PUBLIC( TPM_ALG_ID.SHA256, TPMA_OBJECT.decrypt | TPMA_OBJECT.encrypt | TPMA_OBJECT.userWithAuth, None, TPMS_SYMCIPHER_PARMS(symWrapperDef), TPM2B_DIGEST()) sens = TPMS_SENSITIVE_CREATE(None, respDup.encryptionKeyOut) symWrapperKey = tpm.withSession(NullPwSession) \ .CreatePrimary(Owner, sens, symWrapperTemplate, None, []) print('DRS >> CreatePrimary(SymWrapperKey) returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) uriData = "http:#my.test.url/TestDeviceID=F4ED90771DAA7C0B3230FF675DF8A61104AE7C8BB0093FD6A".encode( 'utf8') if (Py3): iv = bytes(len(respDup.encryptionKeyOut)) else: iv = bytes(b'\0' * len(respDup.encryptionKeyOut)) respEnc = tpm.withSession(NullPwSession) \ .EncryptDecrypt(symWrapperKey.handle, 0, TPM_ALG_ID.CFB, iv, uriData) print('DRS >> EncryptDecrypt() returned ' + str(tpm.lastResponseCode)) encryptedUri = respEnc.outData # Delete the key and session handles tpm.FlushContext(symWrapperKey.handle) print('DRS >> Final cleanup done') # # Prepare data to send back to the DRS client # actBlob = TpmBuffer(4096) actBlob.sizedToTpm(cred.credentialBlob, 2) actBlob.toTpm2B(cred.secret) respDup.duplicate.toTpm(actBlob) actBlob.toTpm2B(respDup.outSymSeed) actBlob.sizedToTpm(idKey.outPublic, 2) actBlob.toTpm2B(encryptedUri) print('DRS >> Activation blob of {0} bytes generated'.format( actBlob.curPos)) return actBlob.trim().buffer
decUriData: Buffer = dec.update(actBlob.encUriData.buffer) print('Decipher.update returned ' + len(decUriData) + ' bytes: ' + decUriData) decFinal: Buffer = print(' returned ' + len(decFinal) + ' bytes: ' + decFinal) """ # # Example of signing a device token using the new Device ID key # idKeyHashAlg = actBlob.idKeyPub.parameters.scheme.hashAlg # ((TPMS_SCHEME_HMAC)((TPMS_KEYEDHASH_PARMS)actBlob.idKeyPub.parameters).scheme).hashAlg SignDeviceToken(idKeyHashAlg) # doActivation() keyBytes = crypto.randomBytes(32) idKeySens = TPMS_SENSITIVE_CREATE(None, keyBytes) idKeyTemplate = TPMT_PUBLIC( TPM_ALG_ID.SHA256, TPMA_OBJECT.sign | TPMA_OBJECT.userWithAuth | TPMA_OBJECT.noDA, None, # Will be filled by getActivationBlob TPMS_KEYEDHASH_PARMS(TPMS_SCHEME_HMAC(TPM_ALG_ID.SHA256)), TPM2B_DIGEST_Keyedhash()) def drsGetActivationBlob(tpm, ekPubBlob, srkPubBlob): ekPub = TpmBuffer(ekPubBlob).createFromTpm(TPM2B_PUBLIC).publicArea srkPub = TpmBuffer(srkPubBlob).createFromTpm(TPM2B_PUBLIC).publicArea # Start a policy session to be used with ActivateCredential() nonceCaller = crypto.randomBytes(20)