Example #1
    hyp.mean = np.array([])

    sn = 0.1
    hyp.lik = np.array([np.log(sn)])

    ## STANDARD GP (prediction)                                 ##
    xs = np.arange(2004+1./24.,2024-1./24.,1./12.)     # TEST POINTS
    xs = xs.reshape(len(xs),1)

    vargout = gp(hyp,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,xs)
    ym = vargout[0]; ys2 = vargout[1]
    m  = vargout[2]; s2  = vargout[3]
    plotter(xs,ym,ys2,x,y)#,[1955, 2030, 310, 420])
    ## STANDARD GP (training)                                   ##
    ## OPTIMIZE HYPERPARAMETERS                                 ##
    ## -> parameter training using (off the shelf) conjugent gradient (CG) optimization (NOTE: SCG is faster)
    from time import clock
    t0 = clock()
    vargout = min_wrapper(hyp,gp,'SCG',inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,True)
    t1 = clock()

    hyp = vargout[0]
    vargout = gp(hyp,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,xs)
    ym = vargout[0]; ys2 = vargout[1]
    m  = vargout[2]; s2  = vargout[3]
Example #2
    sn = 0.1
    hyp.lik = np.array([np.log(sn)])

    ## STANDARD GP (prediction)                                 ##
    xs = np.arange(2004 + 1. / 24., 2024 - 1. / 24., 1. / 12.)  # TEST POINTS
    xs = xs.reshape(len(xs), 1)

    vargout = gp(hyp, inffunc, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, xs)
    ym = vargout[0]
    ys2 = vargout[1]
    m = vargout[2]
    s2 = vargout[3]
    plotter(xs, ym, ys2, x, y)  #,[1955, 2030, 310, 420])
    ## STANDARD GP (training)                                   ##
    ## OPTIMIZE HYPERPARAMETERS                                 ##
    ## -> parameter training using (off the shelf) conjugent gradient (CG) optimization (NOTE: SCG is faster)
    from time import clock
    t0 = clock()
    vargout = min_wrapper(hyp, gp, 'SCG', inffunc, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc,
                          x, y, None, None, True)
    t1 = clock()

    hyp = vargout[0]
    vargout = gp(hyp, inffunc, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, xs)
    ym = vargout[0]
    ys2 = vargout[1]
Example #3
    ## STANDARD GP (example 1)                                  ##
    print '...example 1: prediction...'
    t0 = clock()
    vargout = gp(hyp,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,xstar)
    t1 = clock()
    ym = vargout[0]; ys2 = vargout[1]; m  = vargout[2]; s2 = vargout[3]
    print 'Time for prediction =',t1-t0
    ## PLOT results
    if PLOT:
        plotter(xstar,ym,s2,x,y,[-2, 2, -0.9, 3.9])

    ## GET negative log marginal likelihood
    [nlml, post] = gp(hyp,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,False)
    print "nlml =", nlml

    ## STANDARD GP (example 2)                                  ##
    print '...example 2: prediction...'
    ## USE another covariance function	-> for use of composite covariance functions see demoMaunaLoa.py
    covfunc = [ ['kernels.covSEiso'] ]
    ### SET (hyper)parameters
    hyp2 = hyperParameters()
Example #4
    print '...example 1: prediction...'
    t0 = clock()
    vargout = gp(hyp, inffunc, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, xstar)
    t1 = clock()
    ym = vargout[0]
    ys2 = vargout[1]
    m = vargout[2]
    s2 = vargout[3]

    print 'Time for prediction =', t1 - t0

    ## PLOT results
    if PLOT:
        plotter(xstar, ym, s2, x, y, [-2, 2, -0.9, 3.9])

    ## GET negative log marginal likelihood
    [nlml, post] = gp(hyp, inffunc, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, None,
                      None, False)
    print "nlml =", nlml

    ## STANDARD GP (example 2)                                  ##
    print '...example 2: prediction...'
    ## USE another covariance function	-> for use of composite covariance functions see demoMaunaLoa.py
    covfunc = [['kernels.covSEiso']]

    ### SET (hyper)parameters
    hyp2 = hyperParameters()