def LoSC_Chang(arrivals, sc: ServiceCurve, weights, foi, M): # remember that M contains list of indices of arrivals # arr_not_in_M = [arr for ix, arr in enumerate(arrivals) if ix not in M] arrNotInM_deconvBetaPG = [ TokenBucket(b=arr.b + (arr.r * GPS.LoSC_PG(sc, ix, weights).delay), r=arr.r, t=1) for ix, arr in enumerate(arrivals) if ix not in M ] arrivalsAgg = ArrivalCurve.aggregateTokenBuckets( *arrNotInM_deconvBetaPG) weights_in_M = [w for ix, w in enumerate(weights) if ix in M] # arrAgg_deconv_beta = TokenBucket(b=arrivalsAgg.b + (arrivalsAgg.r * sc.delay), # r=arrivalsAgg.r, t=1) sc_minus_gamma: ServiceCurve = RateLatency(R=sc.rate - arrivalsAgg.r, t=1, T=(arrivalsAgg.b + (sc.rate * sc.delay)) / (sc.rate - arrivalsAgg.r)) res = RateLatency(R=(weights[foi] / sum(weights_in_M)) * sc_minus_gamma.rate, T=sc_minus_gamma.delay, t=1) # sanity check for including PG if len(M) == len(arrivals): loscPG = GPS.LoSC_PG(sc, foi, weights) if not (res.rate == loscPG.rate and res.delay == loscPG.delay): raise Exception( "sanity check failed. Chang doesn't include PG") return res
def LoSC_Bouillard(arrivals, sc: ServiceCurve, weights, new_foi, j): arrivals_current = copy.deepcopy(arrivals) weights_current = copy.deepcopy(weights) arrivals_current.insert(0, TokenBucket(r=0, b=0)) weights_current.insert(0, 0) new_foi += 1 arr_k = [ arr for ix, arr in enumerate(arrivals_current) if ix in range(1, j + 1) ] arrivals_currentAgg = ArrivalCurve.aggregateTokenBuckets(*arr_k) weights_current_k = [ w for ix, w in enumerate(weights_current) if ix in range(j + 1, new_foi + 1) ] sc_minus_gamma: ServiceCurve = RateLatency( R=sc.rate - arrivals_currentAgg.r, t=1, T=(arrivals_currentAgg.b + (sc.rate * sc.delay)) / (sc.rate - arrivals_currentAgg.r)) ret = RateLatency( R=(weights_current[new_foi] / sum(weights_current_k)) * sc_minus_gamma.rate, t=1, T=sc_minus_gamma.delay) new_foi -= 1 if j == 0: # all flows are included so Bouillard and PG has to match pg_losc = GPS.LoSC_PG(sc, new_foi, weights_current_k) if pg_losc.R == ret.R and pg_losc.T == ret.T: # all fine pass else: raise Exception("Bouillard does not include PG") return ret
def setupInputs(number_of_flows, weight_mode: WeightsMode, target_util=0.75): t = 1 # b=random(1,5) Mb, r=random(3,30) Mb/s, R=2400 Mb/s (2.4 Gb/s), T=2.0 seconds # [max number of flows would be 79 for stability condition to be satisfied] random.seed(10) # fix b # alphas = [TokenBucket(b=0.5, r=random.uniform(0.5, 5.0), t=t) for _ in # range(number_of_flows)] # random b alphas = [ TokenBucket(b=random.uniform(0.1, 1.5), r=1, t=t) for _ in range(number_of_flows) ] if weight_mode == WeightsMode.EQUAL: alphas_weights = [1 for _ in alphas] elif weight_mode == WeightsMode.RPPS: alphas_weights = [__a.r for __a in alphas] elif weight_mode == WeightsMode.RANDOM: alphas_weights = [random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) for _ in alphas] else: raise Exception("WeightMode not recognized : " + weight_mode) foi_index = 1 target_util = target_util agg_arr_rate = (sum([a.r for a in alphas])) # beta = WorkConservingLink(c=2400,t=t) # latency is usually boring, but add the sanity check, if safe set it to zero beta = RateLatency(R=agg_arr_rate / target_util, T=0.0, t=t) # stability assert beta.rate - (sum([a.r for a in alphas])) > 0, 'sys not stable' # print('utilization of the scenario:' + str((sum([a.r for a in alphas])) / beta.rate)) # print('beta rate: ' + str(beta.rate)) return t, alphas, alphas_weights, foi_index, beta
def LoSC_Bouillard_optimizeByDelayBound_new(arrivals, sc: ServiceCurve, weights, foi): assert ( arrivals and len(arrivals) and weights and len(weights) and len(arrivals) == len(weights) and weights[foi] ), 'pre-conditions failed for GPS.LoSC_Bouillard_optimizeByDelayBound(...)' # re-indexing and sorting arr_foi = arrivals.pop(foi) weights_foi = weights.pop(foi) arrivals.insert(0, TokenBucket(r=0, b=0)) weights.insert(0, 0) for i in range(len(arrivals) - 1): ti_p1, ti_p1_ix = GPS.Bouillard_ti_new(weights, sc, arrivals, i) # swap ai_p1 = arrivals[i + 1] wi_p1 = weights[i + 1] arrivals[i + 1] = arrivals[ti_p1_ix] arrivals[ti_p1_ix] = ai_p1 weights[i + 1] = weights[ti_p1_ix] weights[ti_p1_ix] = wi_p1 # after the loop "arrivals" and "weights" are already sorted arrivals.pop(0) weights.pop(0) arrivals.append(arr_foi) weights.append(weights_foi) new_foi = len(arrivals) - 1 beta_i = None min_delay = None # in terms of delay best_j = None _iter = 1 start = for j in range(new_foi): if _iter % 5 <= 5: clear_last_line() logging.debug(f"j: {_iter} of {new_foi}") percentage = round(_iter / new_foi * 100) print( f"calculating {'#'*percentage}{'-'*(abs(100-percentage))} {percentage}%" ) beta_candidate = GPS.LoSC_Bouillard_new(arrivals, sc, weights, new_foi, j) delay_candidate = NC.delay_bound_token_bucket_rate_latency( arrivals[new_foi], beta_candidate) if min_delay is None or delay_candidate <= min_delay: # we ignore negative delay bounds as they are not reasonable if delay_candidate >= 0: beta_i = beta_candidate min_delay = delay_candidate best_j = j _iter += 1 write(f"j: {_iter-1} of {new_foi}") duration = - start print_write( "total computation time: ", ":".join([ str(round(float(i))).zfill(2) for i in str(duration).split(":") ])) return beta_i, f'best_j={best_j}'
def homo_arr_analysis_OBSCRate(number_of_flows): result = dict() t = 1 # b=1 Mb, r=30 Mb/s, C=2400 Mb/s (2.4 Gb/s) [max number of flows would be 79 for stability # condition to be satisfied] alphas = [TokenBucket(b=1, r=30, t=t) for _ in range(number_of_flows)] # let's use RPPS __arrival_rates = [a.r for a in alphas] alphas_weights = __arrival_rates foi_index = 1 beta = RateLatency(R=2400, T=2, t=t) # stability assert beta.rate - (sum(__arrival_rates)) > 0, 'sys not stable' result["PG (General)"] = { 'LoSC': GPS.LoSC_PG(sc=beta, index=foi_index, weights=alphas_weights) } result["PG (General)"][ 'delay bound'] = NC.delay_bound_token_bucket_rate_latency( alpha=alphas[foi_index], beta=result['PG (General)']['LoSC']) subsets = length_distinct_subsets(alphas) result["Chang (homogeneous-optimised)"] = { 'LoSC': GPS.LoSC_Chang_optimizeByMaxOverM(arrivals=alphas, sc=beta, weights=alphas_weights, foi=foi_index, subsetlist=subsets) } result["Chang (homogeneous-optimised)"][ 'delay bound'] = NC.delay_bound_token_bucket_rate_latency( alpha=alphas[foi_index], beta=result['Chang (homogeneous-optimised)']['LoSC']) result['Bouillard'] = { 'LoSC': GPS.LoSC_Bouillard_optimizeByMaxOverM(arrivals=alphas, sc=beta, weights=alphas_weights, foi=foi_index) } result['Bouillard'][ 'delay bound'] = NC.delay_bound_token_bucket_rate_latency( alpha=alphas[foi_index], beta=result['Bouillard']['LoSC']) arrivals_index = list(range(len(alphas))) arrivals_index.pop(foi_index) subset_Burchard_Liebeherr = length_distinct_subsets( arrivals_index, return_type=ReturnType.ITEM) result["Burchard, Liebeherr"] = { 'LoSC': GPS.LoSC_BL_optimizeByMaxOverM(arrivals=alphas, sc=beta, weights=alphas_weights, foi=foi_index, subsetlist=subset_Burchard_Liebeherr) } result["Burchard, Liebeherr"][ 'delay bound'] = NC.delay_bound_token_bucket_rate_latency( alpha=alphas[foi_index], beta=result['Burchard, Liebeherr']['LoSC']) time.sleep(0.5) print() print("number of arrivals:", len(alphas)) for key, value in result.items(): print(f'{key: <30}', ": ", value) print('\n', 'markdown table row:') print( f"| {len(alphas)} | homogeneous | doesn't matter | " f"rate={round(result['PG (General)']['LoSC'].rate,4)} " f"latency={round(result['PG (General)']['LoSC'].delay,4)} " f"delay_bound={result['PG (General)']['delay bound']} | " f"rate={round(result['Chang (homogeneous-optimised)']['LoSC'].rate,4)} " f"latency={round(result['Chang (homogeneous-optimised)']['LoSC'].delay,4)} " f"delay_bound={result['Chang (homogeneous-optimised)']['delay bound']} |" f"rate={round(result['Bouillard']['LoSC'].rate,4)} " f"latency={round(result['Bouillard']['LoSC'].delay,4)} " f"delay_bound={result['Bouillard']['delay bound']} | " f"rate={round(result['Burchard, Liebeherr']['LoSC'].rate,4)} " f"latency={round(result['Burchard, Liebeherr']['LoSC'].delay,4)} " f"delay_bound={result['Burchard, Liebeherr']['delay bound']} |")
def homo_arr_analysis_OBDB(number_of_flows): result = dict() t = 1 # b=1 Mb, r=30 Mb/s, C=2400 Mb/s (2.4 Gb/s) # [max number of flows would be 79 for stability condition to be satisfied] random.seed(30) alphas = [TokenBucket(b=2, r=30, t=t) for _ in range(number_of_flows)] # weights have to be equal1 alphas_weights = [1 for _ in alphas] foi_index = 1 # beta = WorkConservingLink(c=2400,t=t) beta = RateLatency(R=2400, T=2.0, t=t) # stability assert beta.rate - (sum([a.r for a in alphas])) > 0, 'sys not stable' result["PG (General)"] = { 'LoSC': GPS.LoSC_PG(sc=beta, index=foi_index, weights=alphas_weights) } result["PG (General)"][ 'delay bound'] = NC.delay_bound_token_bucket_rate_latency( alpha=alphas[foi_index], beta=result['PG (General)']['LoSC']) subsets = length_distinct_subsets(alphas, return_type=ReturnType.INDEX, subseteq=True) result["Chang (homogeneous-optimised)"] = { 'LoSC': GPS.LoSC_Chang_optimizeByDelayBound(arrivals=alphas, sc=beta, weights=alphas_weights, foi=foi_index, subsetlist=subsets) } result["Chang (homogeneous-optimised)"][ 'delay bound'] = NC.delay_bound_token_bucket_rate_latency( alpha=alphas[foi_index], beta=result['Chang (homogeneous-optimised)']['LoSC'][0]) result['Bouillard'] = { 'LoSC': GPS.LoSC_Bouillard_optimizeByDelayBound( arrivals=copy.deepcopy(alphas), sc=beta, weights=copy.deepcopy(alphas_weights), foi=foi_index) } result['Bouillard'][ 'delay bound'] = NC.delay_bound_token_bucket_rate_latency( alpha=alphas[foi_index], beta=result['Bouillard']['LoSC'][0]) # we change N\{i} to N such that always i in M to make its semantic consistent with chang # semantic _subset_BL = length_distinct_subsets(alphas, return_type=ReturnType.INDEX, subseteq=True) subset_BL = list(filter(lambda x: foi_index in x, _subset_BL)) result["Burchard, Liebeherr"] = { 'LoSC': GPS.LoSC_BL_optimizeByDelayBound(arrivals=alphas, sc=beta, weights=alphas_weights, foi=foi_index, subsetlist=subset_BL) } result["Burchard, Liebeherr"][ 'delay bound'] = NC.delay_bound_token_bucket_rate_latency( alpha=alphas[foi_index], beta=result['Burchard, Liebeherr']['LoSC'][0]) time.sleep(0.5) print() print("number of arrivals:", len(alphas)) for key, value in result.items(): print(f'{key: <30}', ": ", value)
def setupInputs(number_of_flows, weight_mode: WeightsMode, target_util=0.75, seed=None, perFlowStability="all", flow_bursts=[], flow_rates=[], flow_weights=[], server_rate=None, server_delay=None): t = 1 if seed: random.seed(seed) # b=random(1,5) Mb, r=random(3,30) Mb/s, R=2400 Mb/s (2.4 Gb/s), T=2.0 seconds # [max number of flows would be 79 for stability condition to be satisfied] # constant b: # alphas = [TokenBucket(b=0.5, r=random.uniform(0.5, 5.0), t=t) for _ in # range(number_of_flows)] # random b: # alphas = [TokenBucket(b=random.uniform(0.1, 1.5), r=1, t=t) for _ in range(number_of_flows)] # fix b: if not len(flow_rates): flow_rates = [1.0 for _ in range(number_of_flows)] if not len(flow_bursts): flow_bursts = [ 1.40, 1.5, 1.41, 0.28, 0.19, 1.07, 1.11, 1.01, 0.34, 1.04 ] alphas = [ TokenBucket(r=flow_rates[_i], b=flow_bursts[_i], t=t) for _i in range(number_of_flows) ] if weight_mode == WeightsMode.EQUAL: flow_weights = [1 for _ in alphas] elif weight_mode == WeightsMode.RPPS: flow_weights = [__a.r for __a in alphas] elif weight_mode == WeightsMode.RANDOM: flow_weights = [random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) for _ in alphas] elif weight_mode == WeightsMode.FIX: if not len(flow_weights): flow_weights = [ 0.95, 0.20, 0.25, 0.96, 0.61, 0.91, 0.33, 0.98, 0.72, 0.78 ] else: raise Exception("WeightMode not recognized : " + weight_mode) foi_index = 1 if type(server_rate) != float: agg_arr_rate = (sum([a.r for a in alphas])) server_rate = agg_arr_rate / target_util if not server_delay: server_delay = 0.0 # beta = WorkConservingLink(c=2400,t=t) # latency is usually boring, but add the sanity check, if safe set it to zero beta = RateLatency(R=server_rate, T=server_delay, t=t) if type(target_util) == float: if perFlowStability == "all": # fix per flow stability fixPerFLowStability_all(beta, alphas, flow_weights, target_util) # total stability assert beta.rate - (sum([a.r for a in alphas])) > 0, 'sys not stable' else: # fix stability only for foi fixPerFLowStability_foi(beta, foi_index, alphas, flow_weights, target_util) return t, alphas, flow_weights, foi_index, beta