def bin_fast5_file(f5_path, tax_annot_res_dir, sens, min_qual, min_qlen, min_pident, min_coverage, no_trash): # Function bins FAST5 file with untwisting. # # :param f5_path: path to FAST5 file meant to be processed; # :type f5_path: str; # :param tax_annot_res_dir: path to directory containing taxonomic annotation; # :type tax_annot_res_dir: str; # :param sens: binning sensitivity; # :type sens: str; # :param min_qual: threshold for quality filter; # :type min_qual: float; # :param min_qlen: threshold for length filter; # :type min_qlen: int (or None, if this filter is disabled); # :param min_pident: threshold for alignment identity filter; # :type min_pident: float (or None, if this filter is disabled); # :param min_coverage: threshold for alignment coverage filter; # :type min_coverage: float (or None, if this filter is disabled); # :param no_trash: loical value. True if user does NOT want to output trash files; # :type no_trash: bool; outdir_path = os.path.dirname( logging.getLoggerClass().root.handlers[0].baseFilename) seqs_pass = 0 # counter for sequences, which pass filters QL_seqs_fail = 0 # counter for too short or too low-quality sequences align_seqs_fail = 0 # counter for sequences, which align to their best hit with too low identity or coverage srt_file_dict = dict() index_dirpath = os.path.join( tax_annot_res_dir, index_name) # name of directory that will contain indicies # Make filter for quality and length QL_filter = get_QL_filter(f5_path, min_qual, min_qlen) # Configure path to trash file if not no_trash: QL_trash_fpath = get_QL_trash_fpath( f5_path, outdir_path, min_qual, min_qlen, ) else: QL_trash_fpath = None # end if # Make filter for identity and coverage align_filter = get_align_filter(min_pident, min_coverage) # Configure path to this trash file if not no_trash: align_trash_fpath = get_align_trash_fpath(f5_path, outdir_path, min_pident, min_coverage) else: align_trash_fpath = None # end if # File validation: # RuntimeError will be raised if FAST5 file is broken. try: # File existance checking is performed while parsing CL arguments. # Therefore, this if-statement will trigger only if f5_path's file is not a valid HDF5 file. if not h5py.is_hdf5(f5_path): raise RuntimeError("file is not of HDF5 (i.e. not FAST5) format") # end if from_f5 = h5py.File(f5_path, 'r') for _ in from_f5: break # end for except RuntimeError as runterr: printlog_error_time("FAST5 file is broken") printlog_error("Reading the file `{}` crashed.".format( os.path.basename(f5_path))) printlog_error("Reason: {}".format(str(runterr))) printlog_error("Omitting this file...") print() # Return zeroes -- inc_val won't be incremented and this file will be omitted return (0, 0, 0) # end try # singleFAST5 and multiFAST5 files should be processed in different ways # "Raw" group always in singleFAST5 root and never in multiFAST5 root if "Raw" in from_f5.keys(): f5_cpy_func = copy_single_f5 else: f5_cpy_func = copy_read_f5_2_f5 # end if readids_to_seek = list(from_f5.keys()) # list of not-binned-yet read IDs # Fill the list 'readids_to_seek' for read_name in fast5_readids(from_f5): # Get rid of "read_" readids_to_seek.append(sys.intern(read_name)) # end for # Walk through the index index_f5_2_tsv = open_shelve(os.path.join(index_dirpath, index_name), 'r') if not f5_path in index_f5_2_tsv.keys(): printlog_error_time( "Source FAST5 file `{}` not found in index".format(f5_path)) printlog_error("Try to rebuild index") platf_depend_exit(1) # end if for tsv_path in index_f5_2_tsv[f5_path].keys(): read_names = index_f5_2_tsv[f5_path][tsv_path] taxonomy_path = os.path.join(tax_annot_res_dir, "taxonomy", "taxonomy.tsv") resfile_lines = configure_resfile_lines(tsv_path, sens, taxonomy_path) for read_name in read_names: try: hit_names, *vals_to_filter = resfile_lines[sys.intern( fmt_read_id(read_name)[1:])] except KeyError: printlog_error_time("Error: missing taxonomic annotation info for read `{}`"\ .format(fmt_read_id(read_name)[1:])) printlog_error( "It is stored in `{}` FAST5 file".format(f5_path)) printlog_error( "Try to make new index file (press ENTER on corresponding prompt)." ) printlog_error( "Or, if does not work for you, make sure that taxonomic annotation info \ for this read is present in one of TSV files generated by `` and ``." ) index_f5_2_tsv.close() platf_depend_exit(1) # end try if not QL_filter(vals_to_filter): # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in if QL_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys(): srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict, QL_trash_fpath) # end if f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[QL_trash_fpath]) QL_seqs_fail += 1 elif not align_filter(vals_to_filter): # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in if align_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys(): srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict, align_trash_fpath) # end if f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[align_trash_fpath]) align_seqs_fail += 1 else: for hit_name in hit_names.split( "&&" ): # there can be multiple hits for single query sequence # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in binned_file_path = os.path.join( outdir_path, "{}.fast5".format(hit_name)) if binned_file_path not in srt_file_dict.keys(): srt_file_dict = update_file_dict( srt_file_dict, binned_file_path) # end if f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[binned_file_path]) # end for seqs_pass += 1 # end if # end for from_f5.close() index_f5_2_tsv.close() # Close all binned files for file_obj in filter(lambda x: not x is None, srt_file_dict.values()): file_obj.close() # end for sys.stdout.write('\r') printlog_info_time("File `{}` is binned.".format( os.path.basename(f5_path))) printn(" Working...") return (seqs_pass, QL_seqs_fail, align_seqs_fail)
def map_f5reads_2_taxann(f5_path, tsv_taxann_lst, tax_annot_res_dir): # Function perform mapping of all reads stored in input FAST5 files # to existing TSV files containing taxonomic annotation info. # # It creates an DBM index file. # # :param f5_path: path to current FAST5 file; # :type f5_path: str; # :param tsv_taxann_lst: list of path to TSV files that contain taxonomic annotation; # :type tsv_taxann_lst: list<str>; # :param tax_annot_res_dir: path to directory containing taxonomic annotation; # :type tax_annot_res_dir: str; index_dirpath = os.path.join( tax_annot_res_dir, index_name) # name of directory that will contain indicies # File validation: # RuntimeError will be raised if FAST5 file is broken. try: # File existance checking is performed while parsing CL arguments. # Therefore, this if-statement will trigger only if f5_path's file is not a valid HDF5 file. if not h5py.is_hdf5(f5_path): raise RuntimeError("file is not of HDF5 (i.e. not FAST5) format") # end if f5_file = h5py.File(f5_path, 'r') for _ in f5_file: break # end for except RuntimeError as runterr: printlog_error_time("FAST5 file is broken") printlog_error("Reading the file `{}` crashed.".format( os.path.basename(f5_path))) printlog_error("Reason: {}".format(str(runterr))) printlog_error("Omitting this file...") print() return # end try readids_to_seek = list(fast5_readids(f5_file)) idx_dict = dict() # dictionary for index # This saving is needed to compare with 'len(readids_to_seek)' # after all TSV will be looked through in order to # determine if some reads miss taxonomic annotation. len_before = len(readids_to_seek) # Iterate over TSV-taaxnn file for tsv_taxann_fpath in tsv_taxann_lst: with open(tsv_taxann_fpath, 'r') as taxann_file: # Get all read IDs in current TSV readids_in_tsv = list( map(lambda l: l.split('\t')[0], taxann_file.readlines())) # Iterate over all other reads in current FAST5 # ('reversed' is necessary because we remove items from list in this loop) for readid in reversed(readids_to_seek): fmt_id = fmt_read_id(readid)[1:] if fmt_id in readids_in_tsv: # If not first -- write data to dict (and to index later) try: idx_dict[tsv_taxann_fpath].append( "read_" + fmt_id) # append to existing list except KeyError: idx_dict[tsv_taxann_fpath] = ["read_" + fmt_id ] # create a new list finally: readids_to_seek.remove(readid) # end try # end if # end for # end with if len(readids_to_seek) == 0: break # end if # end for # If after all TSV is checked but nothing have changed -- we miss taxonomic annotation # for some reads! And we will write their IDs to 'missing_reads_lst.txt' file. if len(readids_to_seek) == len_before: printlog_error_time("reads from FAST5 file not found") printlog_error("FAST5 file: `{}`".format(f5_path)) printlog_error("Some reads have not undergone taxonomic annotation.") missing_log = "missing_reads_lst.txt" printlog_error("List of missing reads are in following file:") printlog_error("{}".format(missing_log)) with open(missing_log, 'w') as missing_logfile: missing_logfile.write( "Missing reads from file '{}':\n\n".format(f5_path)) for readid in readids_to_seek: missing_logfile.write(fmt_read_id(readid) + '\n') # end for try: for path in glob(os.path.join(index_dirpath, '*')): os.unlink(path) # end for os.rmdir(index_dirpath) except OSError as oserr: printlog_error( "Error occured while removing index directory: {}".format( oserr)) finally: platf_depend_exit(3) # end try # end if try: # Open index files appending to existing data ('c' parameter) with open_shelve(os.path.join(index_dirpath, index_name), 'c') as index_f5_2_tsv: # Update index index_f5_2_tsv[f5_path] = idx_dict # end with except OSError as oserr: printlog_error_time("Error: cannot create index file `{}`"\ .format(os.path.join(index_dirpath, index_name))) printlog_error(str(oserr)) platf_depend_exit(1)
def bin_fast5_file(f5_path, tax_annot_res_dir, sens, min_qual, min_qlen, min_pident, min_coverage, no_trash): # Function bins FAST5 file without untwisting. # # :param f5_path: path to FAST5 file meant to be processed; # :type f5_path: str; # :param tax_annot_res_dir: path to directory containing taxonomic annotation; # :type tax_annot_res_dir: str; # :param sens: binning sensitivity; # :type sens: str; # :param min_qual: threshold for quality filter; # :type min_qual: float; # :param min_qlen: threshold for length filter; # :type min_qlen: int (or None, if this filter is disabled); # :param min_pident: threshold for alignment identity filter; # :type min_pident: float (or None, if this filter is disabled); # :param min_coverage: threshold for alignment coverage filter; # :type min_coverage: float (or None, if this filter is disabled); # :param no_trash: loical value. True if user does NOT want to output trash files; # :type no_trash: bool; outdir_path = os.path.dirname(logging.getLoggerClass().root.handlers[0].baseFilename) seqs_pass = 0 # counter for sequences, which pass filters QL_seqs_fail = 0 # counter for too short or too low-quality sequences align_seqs_fail = 0 # counter for sequences, which align to their best hit with too low identity or coverage srt_file_dict = dict() new_dpath = glob("{}{}*{}*".format(tax_annot_res_dir, os.sep, get_checkstr(f5_path)))[0] tsv_res_fpath = get_res_tsv_fpath(new_dpath) taxonomy_path = os.path.join(tax_annot_res_dir, "taxonomy", "taxonomy.tsv") resfile_lines = configure_resfile_lines(tsv_res_fpath, sens, taxonomy_path) # Make filter for quality and length QL_filter = get_QL_filter(f5_path, min_qual, min_qlen) # Configure path to trash file if not no_trash: QL_trash_fpath = get_QL_trash_fpath(f5_path, outdir_path, min_qual, min_qlen,) else: QL_trash_fpath = None # end if # Make filter for identity and coverage align_filter = get_align_filter(min_pident, min_coverage) # Configure path to this trash file if not no_trash: align_trash_fpath = get_align_trash_fpath(f5_path, outdir_path, min_pident, min_coverage) else: align_trash_fpath = None # end if # File validation: # RuntimeError will be raised if FAST5 file is broken. try: # File existance checking is performed while parsing CL arguments. # Therefore, this if-statement will trigger only if f5_path's file is not a valid HDF5 file. if not h5py.is_hdf5(f5_path): raise RuntimeError("file is not of HDF5 (i.e. not FAST5) format") # end if from_f5 = h5py.File(f5_path, 'r') for _ in from_f5: break # end for except RuntimeError as runterr: printlog_error_time("FAST5 file is broken") printlog_error("Reading the file `{}` crashed.".format(os.path.basename(f5_path))) printlog_error("Reason: {}".format( str(runterr) )) printlog_error("Omitting this file...") print() # Return zeroes -- inc_val won't be incremented and this file will be omitted return (0, 0, 0) # end try # singleFAST5 and multiFAST5 files should be processed in different ways # "Raw" group always in singleFAST5 root and never in multiFAST5 root if "Raw" in from_f5.keys(): f5_cpy_func = copy_single_f5 else: f5_cpy_func = copy_read_f5_2_f5 # end if for _, read_name in enumerate(fast5_readids(from_f5)): try: hit_names, *vals_to_filter = resfile_lines[sys.intern(fmt_read_id(read_name))[1:]] # omit 'read_' in the beginning of FAST5 group's name except KeyError: printlog_error_time("Error: read `{}` not found in TSV file containing taxonomic annotation."\ .format(fmt_read_id(read_name))) printlog_error("This TSV file: `{}`".format(tsv_res_fpath)) printlog_error("Try running barapost-binning with `-u` (`--untwist-fast5`) flag.\n") platf_depend_exit(1) # end try # If read is found in TSV file: if not QL_filter(vals_to_filter): QL_seqs_fail += 1 # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in if QL_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys(): srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict, QL_trash_fpath) # end if f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[QL_trash_fpath]) elif not align_filter(vals_to_filter): align_seqs_fail += 1 # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in if QL_trash_fpath not in srt_file_dict.keys(): srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict, align_trash_fpath) # end if f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[align_trash_fpath]) else: for hit_name in hit_names.split("&&"): # there can be multiple hits for single query sequence # Get name of result FASTQ file to write this read in binned_file_path = os.path.join(outdir_path, "{}.fast5".format(hit_name)) if binned_file_path not in srt_file_dict.keys(): srt_file_dict = update_file_dict(srt_file_dict, binned_file_path) # end if f5_cpy_func(from_f5, read_name, srt_file_dict[binned_file_path]) # end for seqs_pass += 1 # end if # end for from_f5.close() # Close all binned files for file_obj in filter(lambda x: not x is None, srt_file_dict.values()): file_obj.close() # end for sys.stdout.write('\r') printlog_info_time("File `{}` is binned.".format(os.path.basename(f5_path))) printn(" Working...") return (seqs_pass, QL_seqs_fail, align_seqs_fail)