def baseline_error(): # make the baseline predictor #meanactdum = np.sum(data.yeval, axis=0)/data.numtrials #meanactdum = np.mean(data.yeval, axis=0) meanactdum = np.mean(data.ytrain, axis=0) meanact = np.reshape(meanactdum, [1,meanactdum.size]) meanpredict = np.repeat(meanact,data.numeval, axis=0) #make placeholdfers for baseline y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None,data.numcell)) meanpredict_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None,data.numcell)) loss_baseline = buildnet.loss(meanpredict_placeholder,y_) loss_baseline_percell = buildnet.losspercell(meanpredict_placeholder,y_) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess = tf.Session() # Evaluate the baseline. feed_dict={meanpredict_placeholder: meanpredict, y_: data.yeval} loss_baseline_eval =, feed_dict=feed_dict) loss_baseline_eval_percell =, feed_dict=feed_dict) #print and return baseline loss print('') print('Eval data baseline loss = %.4f' % (loss_baseline_eval)) print("varience of eval") vare = np.var(data.yeval, axis = 0) print(np.shape(vare) ) print(np.mean(vare)) manvare = np.mean(np.mean(np.square(meanpredict-data.yeval))) print("man calc varience/loss of eval") print(manvare) return loss_baseline_eval, loss_baseline_eval_percell
def run_training(lossbaseline, lossbaselinenueron, model=None, dataset=None): if dataset is not None: data = dataset #start the training with tf.Graph().as_default(): # generate placeholders images_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, data.numpixx, data.numpixy, 1)) activity_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None,data.numcell)) keep_prob_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) baselineloss_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(data.numcell)) # network hyper-parameters as arrays #2 conv layers if FLAGS.numconvlayer == 1: num_filter_list = [FLAGS.conv1] filter_size_list = [FLAGS.conv1size] pool_stride_list = [FLAGS.nstride1] pool_k_list =[FLAGS.nk1] elif FLAGS.numconvlayer == 2: num_filter_list = [FLAGS.conv1, FLAGS.conv2] # [16,32] filter_size_list = [FLAGS.conv1size, FLAGS.conv2size] # [7,7] pool_stride_list = [FLAGS.nstride1, FLAGS.nstride2] # [2,2] pool_k_list =[FLAGS.nk1, FLAGS.nk2 ] # [3, 3] elif FLAGS.numconvlayer == 3: num_filter_list = [FLAGS.conv1, FLAGS.conv2, FLAGS.conv2] # [16,32] filter_size_list = [FLAGS.conv1size, FLAGS.conv2size, FLAGS.conv2size] # [7,7] pool_stride_list = [FLAGS.nstride1, FLAGS.nstride2, FLAGS.nstride2] # [2,2] pool_k_list =[FLAGS.nk1, FLAGS.nk2, FLAGS.nk2] # [3, 3] #1 all-to-all hidden layer dense_list = [FLAGS.hidden1] # [300] keep_prob = FLAGS.dropout # 0.55 numcell = data.numcell # if no model passed, use default if model is None: model = ConvNetDrop(images_placeholder, num_filter_list, filter_size_list, pool_stride_list, pool_k_list, dense_list, keep_prob_placeholder,numcell) else: model(images_placeholder) print("model shape is") print(model.output.get_shape()) ## Add to the Graph the Ops for loss calculation. loss = buildnet.loss(model.output, activity_placeholder) loss_per_nueron = buildnet.losspercell(model.output, activity_placeholder) train_op =, FLAGS.learning_rate) # Add the variable initializer Op. init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Create a session for running Ops on the Graph. sess = tf.Session() # Run the Op to initializactivitytraine the variables. # setting up recording training progress steplist = [] evallist = [] trainlist = [] earlystoplist = [] rmeanlist = [] rcelllist = [] ## Start the training loop. lossearlystopmin = 10e6 # large dummy value use for finding the minimum loss in the early stop data for step in xrange(FLAGS.max_steps): start_time = time.time() batchindex = np.random.permutation(numtrain)[0:numbatch] xtrainbatch = data.xtrain[batchindex ,:,:,:] ytrainbatch = data.ytrain[batchindex ,:] feed_dict={ images_placeholder: xtrainbatch, activity_placeholder: ytrainbatch, keep_prob_placeholder: keep_prob } _, loss_value =[train_op, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict) FVE = 1-loss_value/lossbaseline duration = time.time() - start_time # print progress. if step % 50 == 0: ## Print status print('Step %d: loss = %.4f; FVE = %5.2f (%.3f sec)' % (step, loss_value, FVE, duration)) ## save and evaluate the model if (step - 1) % 200 == 0 or (step + 1) == FLAGS.max_steps or step == 1: ## evaluate and save progress steplist.append(step) # list of training steps ## Evaluate against the training set. feed_dict={images_placeholder: data.xtrain, activity_placeholder: data.ytrain, keep_prob_placeholder:1} losstrain =, feed_dict=feed_dict) trainlist.append(losstrain) # list of loss on training set ## Evaluate against the eval set. feed_dict={images_placeholder: data.xeval, activity_placeholder: data.yeval, keep_prob_placeholder:1} losseval =, feed_dict=feed_dict) evallist.append(losseval) # list of loss on eval set #computting r eval on eval set actpredict_eval =, feed_dict=feed_dict) reval= np.zeros(data.numcell) for icell in range(data.numcell): reval[icell], peval = pearsonr(actpredict_eval[:,icell], data.yeval[:,icell]) if np.isnan(reval[icell]): reval[icell] = 0 rcelllist.append(reval) # list of r eval on eval set revalmean = np.mean(reval) rmeanlist.append(revalmean) # list of mean r eval on eval set ## Evaluate againts early stop data feed_dict={images_placeholder: data.xstop, activity_placeholder: data.ystop, keep_prob_placeholder:1} lossearlystop =, feed_dict=feed_dict) earlystoplist.append(lossearlystop) # list of loss on early stop set ## plot and save training if FLAGS.savetraining: mansavefig(trainlist, earlystoplist, evallist, rmeanlist, steplist, lossbaseline) ## Finding the minumum loss on the early stop data set ## check if new early stop min. If so, treat as best trained nextwork if lossearlystop < lossearlystopmin: # check if early stop is new min lossearlystopmin = lossearlystop # save loss as new minumum loss on the early stop data set FVEeval = 1-losseval/lossbaseline lossevalmin=losseval print("early stop") print("perfornace is") print('squared (loss) = %.4f; FVE = %5.3f' % (losseval,FVEeval)) # compute r val again. Could use above values. rval= np.zeros(data.numcell) feed_dict={images_placeholder: data.xeval, activity_placeholder: data.yeval, keep_prob_placeholder:1} loss_per_nueron_eval =, feed_dict=feed_dict) actpredict_eval =, feed_dict=feed_dict) rval= np.zeros(data.numcell) for icell in range(data.numcell): rval[icell], pval = pearsonr(actpredict_eval[:,icell], data.yeval[:,icell]) if np.isnan(rval[icell]): rval[icell] = 0 rmean = np.mean(rval) print('r = %5.3f' % (rmean)) print("more training!") if FLAGS.savenetwork: network_save(step) #save the parameters of network if plotandsaver(rval, step, loss_per_nueron_eval, lossbaselinenueron) #save the performance of network print("Final results") print("Best perforance ") print('r = %5.3f +- %5.3f; squared (loss) = %.4f; FVE = %5.3f' % (rmean, np.std(rval)/np.sqrt(data.numcell), losseval, FVEeval)) print("eval var is") print(np.mean(evalvar)) rerror = np.std(rval)/np.sqrt(data.numcell)