Example #1
@author: Kevin Chien
import inspect
from functools import wraps

from tornado.gen import coroutine, Return

from src.common.logutil import get_logger
from src.common.configutil import get_config
from src.core.redisutil import get_redis_client
from src.common.jsonutil import dict2json, json2dict
from src.common.systemutil import get_timestamp

ROOT_PREFIX = 'cache'
_logger = get_logger(__name__)
_config = get_config()

def cache(prefix = None, key = None, expires_in = 3600):
    A decorator to cache data. 
    @param prefix: A prefix or namespace in Redis. If the argument is not given, function name will be used.
    @type prefix: C{string}
    @param key: The key to be used in Redis. If the argument is not given, all the arguments will be appended to generate the key.
    @type key: C{string}
    @param expires_in: How long the cached data expire. If the argument is string, it will be resolved by configutil. Otherwise, it will be used directly. 
    @type expires_in: C{int}
    def _decorator(func):
Example #2
 def initialize(self):
     self._logger = get_logger(self.__class__)
Example #3
 def __init__(self, app_name, app_settings):
     self._logger = get_logger(self.__class__)
     self._APP_SETTINGS = app_settings
     self._SERVC_PREFIX = app_name
Example #4
 def initialize(self):        
     self._logger = get_logger(self.__class__)
     self._finish = super(BaseHandler, self).finish
     self._start_time = time.time()