def testWithoutParameters(self):
     '''APIGateway.createResponse() should create a response with statusCode 200, the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
     header and a body with an empty JSON if called without parameters'''
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     response = sut.createResponse()
     self.assertEqual(response, {'statusCode': 200, 'headers': {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}, 'body': '{}'})
 def testRightParameters(self):
     'APIGateway.getHeader() should call APIGateway.getParameter() with the right parameters'
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     sut.getParameter = MagicMock()
     sut.getHeader('p', 'required', 'validator')
     sut.getParameter.assert_called_once_with('header', 'headers', 'p', 'required', 'validator')
 def testReturnsTrueIfHeaderIsNone(self):
     'APIGateway.wasModifiedSince() should return True if the If-Modified-Since header is None'
     event = {}
     entity = {'lastModified':}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     wasModifiedSince = sut.wasModifiedSince(entity)
 def testValidateMissing(self):
     'APIGateway.getParameter() should call the validator if passed [with missing param]'
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     validator = MagicMock()
     sut.getParameter('param', 'basePath', 'p', False, validator)
 def test(self):
     'APIGateway.createLastModifiedHeader() should return the passed date formatted according to RFC 2822'
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     entity = {'lastModified':}
     lastModified = sut.createLastModifiedHeader(entity)
     expectedHeader = formatDateRFC2822(entity['lastModified'])
     self.assertEqual(lastModified, {'Last-Modified': expectedHeader})
 def test(self):
     'APIGateway.createLocationHeader() should return getHttpResource() with the parameter appended'
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     sut.getHttpResource = MagicMock(return_value='http-resource')
     uuid = 'uuid'
     location = sut.createLocationHeader(uuid)
     self.assertEqual(location, {'Location': 'http-resource/uuid'})
 def testMissing(self):
     'APIGateway.getAndValidatePrincipal() should raise a 401 HttpError if principalId is missing'
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     with self.assertRaises(HttpError) as cm:
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusCode, 401)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Missing principal')
 def testMissingRequired(self):
     'APIGateway.getParameter() should raise a 400 HttpError if the parameter is missing and required'
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     with self.assertRaises(HttpError) as cm:
         sut.getParameter('param', 'basePath', 'p', True, None)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusCode, 400)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusReason, 'Bad request')
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Missing param "p"')
 def testRaises(self):
     'APIGateway.wasModifiedSince() should raise if the If-Modified-Since header is not a valid RFC 2822 date'
     event = {'headers': {'If-Modified-Since': 'hello'}}
     entity = {'lastModified':}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     with self.assertRaises(HttpError) as cm:
         wasModifiedSince = sut.wasModifiedSince(entity)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusCode, 400)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Invalid If-Modified-Since header: "hello"')
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.causes, ['ValueError(\'Unknown string format\',)'])
 def testReturn(self):
     'APIGateway.getParameter() should return the parameter'
     event = {
         'basePath': {
             'p': 'value'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     param = sut.getParameter('param', 'basePath', 'p', False, None)
     self.assertEqual(param, 'value')
 def testMissing(self):
     'APIGateway.getAndValidateEntity() should raise a 400 HttpError if body is missing'
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     schema = {}
     name = 'entity'
     with self.assertRaises(HttpError) as cm:
         sut.getAndValidateEntity(schema, name)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusCode, 400)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Missing entity')
 def testReturnsFalseIfEqual(self):
     APIGateway.wasModifiedSince() should return False if the If-Modified-Since header's timestamp is equal to
     entity.lastModified's timestamp truncated to the second
     entity = {'lastModified':}
     event = {'headers': {'If-Modified-Since': formatDateRFC2822(entity['lastModified'])}}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     wasModifiedSince = sut.wasModifiedSince(entity)
 def testValidateFound(self):
     'APIGateway.getParameter() should call the validator if passed [with found param]'
     event = {
         'basePath': {
             'p': 'value'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     validator = MagicMock()
     sut.getParameter('param', 'basePath', 'p', False, validator)
 def testWithAllParameters(self):
     '''APIGateway.createResponse() should create a response with the passed statusCode, the
     Access-Control-Allow-Origin header added to the passed headers and the conversiont to json
     of the passed body as body'''
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     body = {'this': {'is': {'the': 'body'}}}
     response = sut.createResponse(123, {'h': 'header'}, body)
     self.assertEqual(response, {
         'statusCode': 123,
         'headers': {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'h': 'header'},
         'body': json.dumps(body, default=jsonutils.dumpdefault)
 def testWithHttpError(self):
     '''APIGateway.createErrorResponse() should create a response with the statusCode of the passed HttpError, the
     Access-Control-Allow-Origin header and the conversion to json of the __dict__ of the passed HttpError as
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     error = HttpError(HttpError.NOT_FOUND, 'message')
     response = sut.createErrorResponse(error)
     self.assertEqual(response, {
         'statusCode': error.statusCode,
         'headers': {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'},
         'body': json.dumps(error.__dict__, default=jsonutils.dumpdefault)
 def testNonStandardHttp(self):
     'APIGateway.getHttpResource() should return a standard port http resource'
     event = {
         'headers': {
             'X-Forwarded-Port': '8080',
             'X-Forwarded-Proto': 'http',
             'Host': 'localhost'
         'path': '/path'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     httpResource = sut.getHttpResource()
     self.assertEqual(httpResource, 'http://localhost:8080/path')
 def testReturnsTrueIfLess(self):
     APIGateway.wasModifiedSince() should return True if the If-Modified-Since header's timestamp is less than
     entity.lastModified's timestamp truncated to the second
     entity = {'lastModified':}
     event = {
         'headers': {
             'If-Modified-Since': formatDateRFC2822(entity['lastModified'] - datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     wasModifiedSince = sut.wasModifiedSince(entity)
 def testNotJSON(self):
     'APIGateway.getAndValidateEntity() should raise a 415 HttpError if Content-Type is not `application/json`'
     event = {
         'headers': {
             'Content-Type': 'application/xml'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     schema = {}
     name = 'entity'
     with self.assertRaises(HttpError) as cm:
         sut.getAndValidateEntity(schema, name)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusCode, 415)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Expected application/json Content-Type')
 def testWithNspError(self):
     '''APIGateway.createErrorResponse() should wrap the passed NspError in an HttpError and then create an error
     response with it'''
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     error = NspError(NspError.THING_NOT_FOUND, 'message')
     httpError = HttpError.wrap(error)
     httpError.method = sut.getHttpMethod()
     httpError.resource = sut.getHttpResource()
     response = sut.createErrorResponse(error)
     self.assertEqual(response, {
         'statusCode': httpError.statusCode,
         'headers': {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'},
         'body': json.dumps(httpError.__dict__, default=jsonutils.dumpdefault)
 def testContextPath(self):
     'APIGateway.getHttpResource() should insert a context path if the host is an API Gateway API'
     event = {
         'headers': {
             'X-Forwarded-Port': '443',
             'X-Forwarded-Proto': 'https',
             'Host': ''
         'path': '/path',
         'requestContext': {
             'stage': 'stage'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     httpResource = sut.getHttpResource()
     self.assertEqual(httpResource, '')
 def testOK(self):
     'APIGateway.getAndValidatePrincipal() should return the principal as a Principal instance'
     p = {'organizationId': 'id', 'roles': []}
     event = {
         'requestContext': {
             'authorizer': {
                 'principalId': json.dumps(p)
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     principal = sut.getAndValidatePrincipal()
     # Non si possono confrontare i Principal se non si scrive il loro operatore, e per i test non ne vale la pena
     self.assertIsInstance(principal, Principal)
     self.assertEqual(principal.organizationId, p['organizationId'])
     self.assertEqual(principal.roles, set(p['roles']))
 def testOK(self):
     'APIGateway.getAndValidateEntity() should return the parsed entity as a dictionary with the datetimes converted'
     e = {
         'name': 'entity',
         'created': '2013-01-31T03:45:00.000Z'
     expected = e.copy()
     expected['created'] = jsonutils.json2datetime(e['created'])
     event = {
         'body': json.dumps(e, default=jsonutils.dumpdefault)
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     schema = {'type': 'object'}
     name = 'entity'
     entity = sut.getAndValidateEntity(schema, name)
     self.assertEqual(entity, expected)
 def testInvalid(self):
     'APIGateway.getParameter() should throw a 400 HttpError with the error of the validator as cause'
     event = {
         'basePath': {
             'p': 'value'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     validator = MagicMock()
     validator.side_effect = Exception('error message')
     with self.assertRaises(HttpError) as cm:
         sut.getParameter('param', 'basePath', 'p', False, validator)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusCode, 400)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Invalid param "p"')
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.causes, ['error message'])
 def testInvalidJSON(self):
     'APIGateway.getAndValidateEntity() should raise a 422 HttpError if body is not a valid JSON'
     event = {
         'body': '[1]'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     schema = {'type': 'object'}
     name = 'entity'
     with self.assertRaises(HttpError) as cm:
         sut.getAndValidateEntity(schema, name)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusCode, 422)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Invalid entity')
     self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.causes, list)
     self.assertGreater(len(cm.exception.causes), 0)
     for i in range(len(cm.exception.causes)):
         with self.subTest(i=i):
             self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.causes[i], str)
 def testMalformedJSON(self):
     'APIGateway.getAndValidateEntity() should raise a 400 HttpError if body is not a JSON string'
     event = {
         'body': 'hello'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     schema = {}
     name = 'entity'
     with self.assertRaises(HttpError) as cm:
         sut.getAndValidateEntity(schema, name)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusCode, 400)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Malformed entity JSON')
     self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.causes, list)
     self.assertGreater(len(cm.exception.causes), 0)
     for i in range(len(cm.exception.causes)):
         with self.subTest(i=i):
             self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.causes[i], str)
 def testWithException(self):
     '''APIGateway.createErrorResponse() should wrap the passed Exception in an HttpError and the create an error
     response with it'''
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     error = KeyError('unknown')
     httpError = HttpError.wrap(error)
     httpError.method = sut.getHttpMethod()
     httpError.resource = sut.getHttpResource()
     response = sut.createErrorResponse(error)
     self.assertEqual(response['statusCode'], httpError.statusCode)
     self.assertEqual(response['headers'], {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'})
     body = json.loads(response['body'])
     self.assertEqual(body['message'], httpError.message)
     self.assertEqual(body['method'], httpError.method)
     self.assertEqual(body['resource'], httpError.resource)
     self.assertEqual(body['causes'], [])
 def testInvalidJSON(self):
     'APIGateway.getAndValidatePrincipal() should raise a 401 HttpError if principalId is not a valid JSON'
     event = {
         'requestContext': {
             'authorizer': {
                 'principalId': '{}'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     with self.assertRaises(HttpError) as cm:
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.statusCode, 401)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Invalid principal')
     self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.causes, list)
     self.assertGreater(len(cm.exception.causes), 0)
     for i in range(len(cm.exception.causes)):
         with self.subTest(i=i):
             self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.causes[i], str)
 def testInvalidJSONSchema(self):
     APIGateway.getAndValidateEntity() should raise an INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR NspError if passed schema
     is not a valid JSON schema
     event = {
         'body': '[1]'
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     schema = {'type': 'objective'}
     name = 'entity'
     with self.assertRaises(NspError) as cm:
         sut.getAndValidateEntity(schema, name)
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR')
     self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, 'Invalid entity JSON schema')
     self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.causes, list)
     self.assertGreater(len(cm.exception.causes), 0)
     for i in range(len(cm.exception.causes)):
         with self.subTest(i=i):
             self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.causes[i], str)
 def testMissing(self):
     'APIGateway.getHttpMethod() should return `UNKNOWN_METHOD` if no method is found in the event'
     event = {}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     httpMethod = sut.getHttpMethod()
     self.assertEqual(httpMethod, 'UNKNOWN_METHOD')
 def testFound(self):
     'APIGateway.getHttpMethod() should return the method found in the event'
     event = {'httpMethod': 'method'}
     sut = APIGateway(mockLoggerFactory, event)
     httpMethod = sut.getHttpMethod()
     self.assertEqual(httpMethod, 'method')