Example #1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import src.core.data_utils as du
import src.core.error_utils as eu
import requests
import time

egauge_error = eu.error_template("`egauge` data-acquisition step")

# primary entry point for scrape of egauges.
# Returns any acquired data & updated nonce.
def acquire(project,config,state):
    starts,stops = setup_times(project,config,state)
    gauges = config['gauges']
    nonce = {k:v for k,v in starts.items()}
    data = []
    fltr = lambda r : r.timestamp
    for gid in gauges:
        print('querying egauge: {}...'.format(gid))
        raw = query(gauges[gid],starts[gid],stops[gid])
        if not raw: continue
        rows = fmt_query(gid,raw)
        if not rows: continue
        fltr = lambda r: r.timestamp
        nonce[gid] = max(rows,key=fltr).timestamp
        data += rows
    print('egauge queries complete...\n')
    if 'filter' in config:
        data = run_filters(config['filter'],data)
    state['nonce'] = nonce
Example #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from src.core.error_utils import error_template
import src.core.data_utils as du
from collections import namedtuple
import time

# Defines order of
# execution in reshape runtime.
ORD = 2

field_error = error_template('`field` based data-reshaping step')

# primary entry point.
def reshape(project,config,state,data):
    mkerr = field_error('attempting to run declared sub-steps')
    settings = config.get('settings',{})
    default = ["modify","generate"]
    declared = [k for k in config if not k == 'settings']
    for step in declared:
        if not step in default:
            error = mkerr('unrecognized sub-step section: ' + step)
            raise Exception(error)
    order = settings.get('in-order',default)
    rows = [r for r in data]
    for step in order:
        if not step in declared: continue
        if step == 'modify':
            state,rows = run_modifications(project,config,state,rows)
        elif step == 'generate':
            state,rows = run_generators(project,config,state,rows)
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from src.core.error_utils import errdata, error_template
import src.core.data_utils as du
import src.core.file_utils as fu

# Determines order of application
# during mulit-phase reshaping process.
ORD = 0

reshape_error = error_template('`value` based data-reshaping step')

# reshape : proj -> conf -> state -> data -> (state,data)
def reshape(project,config,state,data):
    settings = config['settings']
    actions = ['filter','generate','replace']
    if 'in-order' in settings:
        order = settings['in-order']
    else: order = [a for a in actions if a in config]
    errors = []
    for action in order:
        substate = state[action] if action in state else {}
        if action == 'filter':
            substate,data = run_filters(project,config,substate,data)
        elif action == 'generate':
            substate,data = run_generators(project,config,substate,data)
        elif action == 'replace':
            substate,data = run_replacements(project,config,substate,data)
        else: raise Exception('unknown action: ' + action)
        if substate: state[action] = substate
        else: state.pop(action,None)
Example #4
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from src.core.data_utils import Row, get_uid_generator, check_config, make_time_specs
from src.core.error_utils import error_template
import requests
import datetime

# an experimental shortcut to nicer errors :)
webctrl_error = error_template('`webctrl` data-acquisition step')

# Primary entry point for webctrl scrape.
# Returns data & updated state.
def acquire(project, config, state, start_time, end_time):
    settings = config['settings']
    # check that config is valid, parse sensor
    # parameters, and generate time specifications
    # for all active sensors.
    params, times = setup(project, config, state)
    # generate a wrapper around `exec_query` with
    # user-supplied configurations pre-applied.
    query = new_query(config['settings'], start_time, end_time)
    # initialize collectors for formatted
    # data and the new `nonce` values.
    nonce, buffs, data = {}, {}, []
    # iteratively scrape all sensors.
    for uid, spec in params.items():
        # break out the webctrl-path and identity values from `spec`.
        path, *ident = (spec[k] for k in ('path', 'node', 'name', 'unit'))
        # pull start-time and maximum step from `times`.
        start, step = times[uid]['init'], times[uid]['step']
        # get the buffer if it exists (default to empty list).
Example #5
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from src.core.data_utils import Row
from src.core.error_utils import error_template,mklog
import src.core.file_utils as fu
import src.core.pgrm_utils as pu
import time
import os.path as path
import os

static_error = error_template('`static` data-acquisition step')

# primary entrr point: project -> config -> state -> (state,data)
def acquire(project,config,state):
    print('running `static` data-acquisition method...\n')
    # get contents of the `settings` field; defaults to empty dict.
    settings = config.get('settings',{})
    # get the list of parser specifications.
    parsers = config['parser']
    # quick dir formatter; appends '/' if needed, but passes `None`s.
    dir_fmt = lambda d: (d if d.endswith('/') else d + '/') if d else d
    # generate the default directory to find files to parse.
    src_default = settings.get('source','tmp/inputs/{}/'.format(project))
    # generate the default directory to move successfully parsed files to.
    fmt_default = settings.get('on-fmt','tmp/archive/{}/static/'.format(project))
    # generate the default directory to move unsuccessfully parsed files to.
    err_default = settings.get('on-err','tmp/errors/{}/static/'.format(project))
    # default directory to save data from parsed files individually
    raw_default = settings.get('on-raw',False)
    # an integer representing the current time; this is used by the
    # `save_raw` function to ensure that files from different sources
    # are all sorted by the same timestamp.
Example #6
import src.core.error_utils as error_utils
from collections import namedtuple
import time
import toml
import os.path as path
import os
import sys
import csv

# Default data type to be returned by all data-acquisition
# scripts.  Key requirement for interoperability between
# various steps/components ( esp. acquisition & reshaping ).
Row = namedtuple('row', ['node', 'name', 'unit', 'timestamp', 'value'])

# error template for errors relating to `data_utils`
data_error = error_utils.error_template('`data_utils`')

def fmt_string(target):
    target = str(target).strip()
    elements = [e for e in target.split(' ') if e]
    formatted = '-'.join(elements).lower()
    return formatted

def row_generator(node, name, unit):
    node = fmt_string(node)
    name = fmt_string(name)
    unit = fmt_string(unit)
    gen = lambda t, v: Row(node, name, unit, float(t), float(v))
    return gen