Example #1
def do_check(url, filename):

    classic_state = False
    eval_based_state = False
    time_based_state = False
    file_based_state = False

    # Check if defined "--delay" option.
    if menu.options.delay:
        delay = menu.options.delay
        delay = settings.DELAY

    # Check if authentication is needed.
    if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
        # Do the authentication process.
        # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
        if urllib2.urlopen(url).read() == urllib2.urlopen(
            print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "It seems that the authentication procedure has failed." + Style.RESET_ALL
    elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data:
        print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters." + Style.RESET_ALL

    # Check if HTTP Method is GET or POST.
    header_name = ""
    if not menu.options.data:
        http_request_method = "GET"
        if not settings.COOKIE_INJECTION \
        and not settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION \
        and not settings.REFERER_INJECTION:
            url = parameters.do_GET_check(url)
        check_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url)
        the_type = " parameter "

        http_request_method = "POST"
        parameter = menu.options.data
        parameter = parameters.do_POST_check(parameter)
        check_parameter = parameters.vuln_POST_param(parameter, url)
        the_type = " parameter "

    # Load modules
    modules_handler.load_modules(url, http_request_method, filename)

    # Cookie Injection
    if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True:
        header_name = " Cookie"
        settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
        check_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(
        the_type = " HTTP header "

    # User-Agent Injection
    elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True:
        header_name = " User-Agent"
        settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].replace("-", "").lower()
        check_parameter = ""
        the_type = " HTTP header "

    # Referer Injection
    elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True:
        header_name = " Referer"
        settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
        check_parameter = ""
        the_type = " HTTP header "

    if len(check_parameter) > 0:
        settings.TESTABLE_PARAMETER = check_parameter

    # Check for session file
    if not menu.options.ignore_session:
        if os.path.isfile(settings.SESSION_FILE):
            if not menu.options.tech:
                menu.options.tech = session_handler.applied_techniques(
                    url, http_request_method)
            if session_handler.check_stored_parameter(url,
                settings.LOAD_SESSION = True

    if menu.options.flush_session:

    if len(check_parameter) != 0:
        check_parameter = " '" + check_parameter + "'"

    print settings.INFO_SIGN + "Setting the " + "(" + http_request_method + ")" + check_parameter + header_name + the_type + "for tests."

    # Estimating the response time (in seconds)
    delay, url_time_response = requests.estimate_response_time(
        url, http_request_method, delay)

    # Check if it is vulnerable to classic command injection technique.
    if not menu.options.tech or "c" in menu.options.tech:
        if cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename,
                                   http_request_method) != False:
            classic_state = True
        classic_state = False

    # Check if it is vulnerable to eval-based code injection technique.
    if not menu.options.tech or "e" in menu.options.tech:
        if eb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename,
                                   http_request_method) != False:
            eval_based_state = True
        eval_based_state = False

    # Check if it is vulnerable to time-based blind command injection technique.
    if not menu.options.tech or "t" in menu.options.tech:
        if tb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method,
                                   url_time_response) != False:
            time_based_state = True
        time_based_state = False

    # Check if it is vulnerable to file-based semiblind command injection technique.
    if not menu.options.tech or "f" in menu.options.tech:
        if fb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method,
                                   url_time_response) != False:
            file_based_state = True
        file_based_state = False

    if classic_state == eval_based_state == time_based_state == file_based_state == False:
        info_msg = settings.CRITICAL_SIGN + "The tested (" + http_request_method + ")" + check_parameter + " parameter appear to be not injectable."
        if not menu.options.alter_shell:
            info_msg += " Use the option '--alter-shell'"
            info_msg += " Remove the option '--alter-shell'"
        info_msg += " and/or try to audit the HTTP headers (i.e 'User-Agent', 'Referer', 'Cookie' etc)."
        print Back.RED + info_msg + Style.RESET_ALL

Example #2
def do_check(url, filename):

  check_http_headers = False

  # Check if defined "--delay" option.
  if menu.options.delay:
    delay = menu.options.delay
    delay = settings.DELAY

  # Check if authentication is needed.
  if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
    # Do the authentication process.
    # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
    if urllib2.urlopen(url).read() == urllib2.urlopen(menu.options.auth_url).read():
      print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "It seems that the authentication procedure has failed." + Style.RESET_ALL
  elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data: 
    print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters." + Style.RESET_ALL

  # Check if HTTP Method is GET.
  if not menu.options.data:

    # Enable Cookie Injection
    if menu.options.cookie and menu.options.level > 1:
      settings.COOKIE_INJECTION = True

    http_request_method = "GET"

    # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
    if menu.options.level > 2 :
      check_parameter = ""
      stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter, check_http_headers, http_request_method, filename, delay)

    # Enable Cookie Injection
    if menu.options.cookie:
      settings.COOKIE_INJECTION = True

    if not settings.COOKIE_INJECTION:
      found_url = parameters.do_GET_check(url)
      if found_url != False:
        for i in range(0, len(found_url)):
          url = found_url[i]
          check_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url)
          # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
          if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
            if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
              # Check for session file 
              if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
                injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)
            if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
              injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)

        if not settings.LOAD_SESSION :
          for i in range(0, len(found_url)):
            url = found_url[i]
            check_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url)
            # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
            if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
              if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
                injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)
              injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)

  # Check if HTTP Method is POST.      
    http_request_method = "POST"
    # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
    if menu.options.level > 2 :
      check_parameter = ""
      stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter, check_http_headers, http_request_method, filename, delay)

    # Check if HTTP Method is POST.
    parameter = menu.options.data
    found_parameter = parameters.do_POST_check(parameter)
    # Remove whitespaces 
    # Check if singe entry parameter
    if type(found_parameter) is str:
      found_parameter_list = []
      found_parameter = found_parameter_list

    # Remove whitespaces   
    found_parameter = [x.replace(" ", "") for x in found_parameter]

    # Check if multiple parameters
    for i in range(0, len(found_parameter)):
      parameter = menu.options.data = found_parameter[i]
      check_parameter = parameters.vuln_POST_param(parameter, url)
      if len(check_parameter) > 0:
        settings.TESTABLE_PARAMETER = check_parameter
      # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
      if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
        if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
          # Check for session file 
          if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
            injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)
        if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
          injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)

    if not settings.LOAD_SESSION :
      for i in range(0, len(found_parameter)):
        parameter = menu.options.data = found_parameter[i]
        check_parameter =  parameters.vuln_POST_param(parameter, url)
        # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
        if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
          if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
            injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)
          injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)  

  # Enable Cookie Injection
  if menu.options.cookie and menu.options.level > 1:
    settings.COOKIE_INJECTION = True

  # Cookie Injection
  if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True:
    cookie_value = menu.options.cookie
    # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
    if menu.options.level > 2 :
      check_parameter = ""
      stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter, check_http_headers, http_request_method, filename, delay)

    header_name = " Cookie"
    settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
    cookie_parameters = parameters.do_cookie_check(menu.options.cookie)
    if type(cookie_parameters) is str:
      cookie_parameters_list = []
      cookie_parameters = cookie_parameters_list

    # Remove whitespaces 
    cookie_parameters = [x.replace(" ", "") for x in cookie_parameters]

    for i in range(0, len(cookie_parameters)):
      menu.options.cookie = cookie_parameters[i]
      check_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie)
      if len(check_parameter) > 0:
        settings.TESTABLE_PARAMETER = check_parameter 
      # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
      if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
        if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
          # Check for session file 
          if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
            injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)
        if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
          injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)

    if not settings.LOAD_SESSION :
      for i in range(0, len(cookie_parameters)):
        menu.options.cookie = cookie_parameters[i]
        check_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie)
        if len(check_parameter) > 0:
          settings.TESTABLE_PARAMETER = check_parameter 
        # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
        if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
          if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
            injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)
          injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)
  if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True:
    # Restore cookie value
    menu.options.cookie = cookie_value
    # Disable cookie injection 
    settings.COOKIE_INJECTION = False

  # Custom header Injection
  if settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True:
    check_parameter =  header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME
    settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
    check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method)
    injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)

  # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
  if menu.options.level > 2 :
    check_parameter = ""
    check_http_headers = True
    stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter, check_http_headers, http_request_method, filename, delay)

  # All injection techniques seems to be failed!
  if settings.CLASSIC_STATE == settings.EVAL_BASED_STATE == settings.TIME_BASED_STATE == settings.FILE_BASED_STATE == False :
    info_msg = settings.CRITICAL_SIGN + "All the tested (" + http_request_method + ") parameters appear to be not injectable."
    if not menu.options.alter_shell :
      info_msg += " Try to use the option '--alter-shell'"
      info_msg += " Try to remove the option '--alter-shell'"
    if menu.options.level < 3 :
      info_msg += " and/or try to increase '--level' values to perform more tests (i.e 'User-Agent', 'Referer', 'Cookie' etc)"
    info_msg += "."
    print Back.RED + info_msg + Style.RESET_ALL  

Example #3
def perform_checks(url, filename):
    def basic_level_checks():
        settings.PERFORM_BASIC_SCANS = False
        # Check if HTTP Method is GET.
        if not menu.options.data:
            get_request(url, http_request_method, filename, timesec)
        # Check if HTTP Method is POST.
            post_request(url, http_request_method, filename, timesec)

    timesec = settings.TIMESEC
    # Check if authentication is needed.
    if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
        # Do the authentication process.

        # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
        if urllib2.urlopen(url).read() == urllib2.urlopen(
            err_msg = "It seems that the authentication procedure has failed."
            print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)
    elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data:
        err_msg = "You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters."
        print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)

    # Check if HTTP Method is GET.
    if not menu.options.data:
        http_request_method = "GET"
        http_request_method = "POST"

    if menu.options.shellshock:
        menu.options.level = settings.HTTP_HEADER_INJECTION_LEVEL
        check_for_stored_levels(url, http_request_method)

    if settings.PERFORM_BASIC_SCANS:

    # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
    if menu.options.level >= settings.HTTP_HEADER_INJECTION_LEVEL:
        if settings.INJECTED_HTTP_HEADER == False:
            check_parameter = ""
            stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter,
                                         http_request_method, filename,
        # Enable Cookie Injection
        if menu.options.level > settings.DEFAULT_INJECTION_LEVEL:
            if menu.options.cookie:
                cookie_injection(url, http_request_method, filename, timesec)
                warn_msg = "The HTTP Cookie header is not provided, "
                warn_msg += "so this test is going to be skipped."
                print settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)
            # Custom header Injection
            if settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True:
                check_parameter = header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME
                settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
                check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method)
                injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method,
                                   filename, timesec)
                settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION = None

    if settings.INJECTION_CHECKER == False:
        return False
        return True
Example #4
def do_check(url, filename):

  classic_state = False
  eval_based_state = False
  time_based_state = False
  file_based_state = False

  # Check if defined "--delay" option.
  if menu.options.delay:
    delay = menu.options.delay
    delay = settings.DELAY

  # Check if authentication is needed.
  if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
    # Do the authentication process.
    # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
    if urllib2.urlopen(url).read() == urllib2.urlopen(menu.options.auth_url).read():
      print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "It seems that the authentication procedure has failed." + Style.RESET_ALL
  elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data: 
    print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters." + Style.RESET_ALL

  # Check if HTTP Method is GET or POST.
  header_name = ""
  if not menu.options.data:
    http_request_method = "GET"
    if not settings.COOKIE_INJECTION \
    and not settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION \
    and not settings.REFERER_INJECTION:
      url = parameters.do_GET_check(url)
    check_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url)
    the_type = " parameter "

    http_request_method = "POST"
    parameter = menu.options.data
    parameter = parameters.do_POST_check(parameter)
    check_parameter = parameters.vuln_POST_param(parameter, url)
    the_type = " parameter " 
  # Load modules
  modules_handler.load_modules(url, http_request_method, filename)

  # Cookie Injection
  if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True:
    header_name = " Cookie"
    settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
    check_parameter  = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie)
    the_type = " HTTP header "
  # User-Agent Injection
  elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True:
    header_name = " User-Agent"
    settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].replace("-","").lower()
    check_parameter  = ""
    the_type = " HTTP header "

  # Referer Injection
  elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True:
    header_name = " Referer"
    settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
    check_parameter  = ""
    the_type = " HTTP header "

  if len(check_parameter) > 0:
    settings.TESTABLE_PARAMETER = check_parameter

  # Check for session file 
  if not menu.options.ignore_session:
    if os.path.isfile(settings.SESSION_FILE):
      if not menu.options.tech:
          menu.options.tech = session_handler.applied_techniques(url, http_request_method)
      if session_handler.check_stored_parameter(url, http_request_method):
        settings.LOAD_SESSION = True
  if menu.options.flush_session:

  if len(check_parameter) != 0 :
    check_parameter = " '" + check_parameter + "'"

  print settings.INFO_SIGN + "Setting the " + "(" + http_request_method + ")" + check_parameter + header_name + the_type + "for tests."

  # Estimating the response time (in seconds)
  delay, url_time_response = requests.estimate_response_time(url, http_request_method, delay)

  # Check if it is vulnerable to classic command injection technique.
  if not menu.options.tech or "c" in menu.options.tech:
    if cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) != False:
      classic_state = True
    classic_state = False

  # Check if it is vulnerable to eval-based code injection technique.
  if not menu.options.tech or "e" in menu.options.tech:
    if eb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) != False:
      eval_based_state = True
    eval_based_state = False

  # Check if it is vulnerable to time-based blind command injection technique.
  if not menu.options.tech or "t" in menu.options.tech:
    if tb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) != False:
      time_based_state = True
    time_based_state = False

  # Check if it is vulnerable to file-based semiblind command injection technique.
  if not menu.options.tech or "f" in menu.options.tech:
    if fb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) != False:
      file_based_state = True
    file_based_state = False

  if classic_state == eval_based_state == time_based_state == file_based_state == False :
    info_msg = settings.CRITICAL_SIGN + "The tested (" + http_request_method + ")" + check_parameter + " parameter appear to be not injectable."
    if not menu.options.alter_shell :
      info_msg += " Use the option '--alter-shell'"
      info_msg += " Remove the option '--alter-shell'"
    info_msg += " and/or try to audit the HTTP headers (i.e 'User-Agent', 'Referer', 'Cookie' etc)."
    print Back.RED + info_msg + Style.RESET_ALL  

Example #5
def do_check(url, filename):

    classic_state = False
    eval_based_state = False
    time_based_state = False
    file_based_state = False

    # Check if defined "--delay" option.
    if menu.options.delay:
        delay = menu.options.delay
        delay = settings.DELAY

    # Check if authentication is needed.
    if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
        # Do the authentication process.
        # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
        if urllib2.urlopen(url).read() == urllib2.urlopen(menu.options.auth_url).read():
            print Back.RED + "(x) Error: It seems that the authentication procedure has failed." + Style.RESET_ALL
    elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data:
        print Back.RED + "(x) Error: You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters." + Style.RESET_ALL

    # Check if HTTP Method is GET or POST.
    header_name = ""
    if not menu.options.data:
        http_request_method = "GET"
        if not settings.COOKIE_INJECTION and not settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION and not settings.REFERER_INJECTION:
            url = parameters.do_GET_check(url)
        check_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url)
        the_type = " parameter "

        http_request_method = "POST"
        parameter = menu.options.data
        parameter = parameters.do_POST_check(parameter)
        check_parameter = parameters.vuln_POST_param(parameter, url)
        the_type = " parameter "

    # Load modules
    modules_handler.load_modules(url, http_request_method, filename)

    # Cookie Injection
    if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True:
        header_name = " Cookie"
        check_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie)
        the_type = " HTTP header "

    # User-Agent Injection
    elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True:
        header_name = " User-Agent"
        check_parameter = ""
        the_type = " HTTP header "

    # Referer Injection
    elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True:
        header_name = " Referer"
        check_parameter = ""
        the_type = " HTTP header "


    if len(check_parameter) != 0:
        check_parameter = " '" + check_parameter + "'"

    print "(*) Setting the " + "(" + http_request_method + ")" + check_parameter + header_name + the_type + "for tests."

    # Estimating the response time (in seconds)
    delay, url_time_response = requests.estimate_response_time(url, http_request_method, delay)

    # Check all injection techniques
    if not menu.options.tech:
        # Check if it is vulnerable to classic command injection technique.
        if cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) != False:
            classic_state = True

        # Check if it is vulnerable to eval-based command injection technique.
        if eb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) != False:
            eval_based_state = True

        # Check if it is vulnerable to time-based blind command injection technique.
        if tb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) != False:
            time_based_state = True

        # Check if it is vulnerable to file-based semiblind command injection technique.
        if fb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) != False:
            file_based_state = True

        # Check if it is vulnerable to classic command injection technique.
        if "classic" in menu.options.tech or len(menu.options.tech) <= 4 and "c" in menu.options.tech:
            # Check if classic results-based command injection technique succeeds.
            if cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) != False:
                classic_state = True
        elif menu.options.tech == "classic":
            cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method)
            classic_state = False

        # Check if it is vulnerable to eval-based command injection technique.
        if "eval-based" in menu.options.tech or len(menu.options.tech) <= 4 and "e" in menu.options.tech:
            # Check if eval-based command injection technique succeeds.
            if eb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) != False:
                eval_based_state = True
        elif menu.options.tech == "eval-based":
            eb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method)
            eval_based_state = False

        # Check if it is vulnerable to time-based blind command injection technique.
        if "time-based" in menu.options.tech or len(menu.options.tech) <= 4 and "t" in menu.options.tech:
            # Check if time-based blind command injection technique succeeds.
            if tb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) != False:
                time_based_state = True
        elif menu.options.tech == "time-based":
            tb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response)
            time_based_state = False

        # Check if it is vulnerable to file-based semiblind command injection technique.
        if "file-based" in menu.options.tech or len(menu.options.tech) <= 4 and "f" in menu.options.tech:
            # Check if file-based semiblind command injection technique succeeds.
            if fb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) != False:
                file_based_state = True
        elif menu.options.tech == "file-based":
            fb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response)
            file_based_state = False

    if classic_state == False and eval_based_state == False and time_based_state == False and file_based_state == False:
        info_msg = (
            "(x) Critical: The tested ("
            + http_request_method
            + ")"
            + check_parameter
            + " parameter appear to be not injectable."
        if not menu.options.alter_shell:
            info_msg += " Use the option '--alter-shell'"
            info_msg += " Remove the option '--alter-shell'"
        info_msg += " and/or try to audit the HTTP headers (i.e 'User-Agent', 'Referer', 'Cookie' etc)."
        print Back.RED + info_msg + Style.RESET_ALL

    # else:
    #   print ""
Example #6
def do_check(url, filename):

    check_http_headers = False

    # Check if defined "--delay" option.
    if menu.options.delay:
        delay = menu.options.delay
        delay = settings.DELAY

    # Check if authentication is needed.
    if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
        # Do the authentication process.
        # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
        if urllib2.urlopen(url).read() == urllib2.urlopen(
            print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "It seems that the authentication procedure has failed." + Style.RESET_ALL
    elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data:
        print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters." + Style.RESET_ALL

    # Check if HTTP Method is GET.
    if not menu.options.data:

        # Enable Cookie Injection
        if menu.options.cookie and menu.options.level > 1:
            settings.COOKIE_INJECTION = True

        http_request_method = "GET"

        # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
        if menu.options.level > 2:
            check_parameter = ""
            stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter,
                                         http_request_method, filename, delay)

        # Enable Cookie Injection
        if menu.options.cookie:
            settings.COOKIE_INJECTION = True

        if not settings.COOKIE_INJECTION:
            found_url = parameters.do_GET_check(url)
            if found_url != False:
                for i in range(0, len(found_url)):
                    url = found_url[i]
                    check_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url)
                    # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
                    if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
                        if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
                            # Check for session file
                            if check_for_stored_sessions(
                                    url, http_request_method):
                                injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                                   filename, delay)
                        if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
                            injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                               http_request_method, filename,

                if not settings.LOAD_SESSION:
                    for i in range(0, len(found_url)):
                        url = found_url[i]
                        check_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url)
                        # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
                        if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
                            if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
                                injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                                   filename, delay)
                            injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                               http_request_method, filename,

    # Check if HTTP Method is POST.
        http_request_method = "POST"

        # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
        if menu.options.level > 2:
            check_parameter = ""
            stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter,
                                         http_request_method, filename, delay)

        # Check if HTTP Method is POST.
        parameter = menu.options.data
        found_parameter = parameters.do_POST_check(parameter)
        # Remove whitespaces
        # Check if singe entry parameter
        if type(found_parameter) is str:
            found_parameter_list = []
            found_parameter = found_parameter_list

        # Remove whitespaces
        found_parameter = [x.replace(" ", "") for x in found_parameter]

        # Check if multiple parameters
        for i in range(0, len(found_parameter)):
            parameter = menu.options.data = found_parameter[i]
            check_parameter = parameters.vuln_POST_param(parameter, url)
            if len(check_parameter) > 0:
                settings.TESTABLE_PARAMETER = check_parameter
            # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
            if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
                if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
                    # Check for session file
                    if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
                        injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                           http_request_method, filename,
                if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
                    injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                       http_request_method, filename, delay)

        if not settings.LOAD_SESSION:
            for i in range(0, len(found_parameter)):
                parameter = menu.options.data = found_parameter[i]
                check_parameter = parameters.vuln_POST_param(parameter, url)
                # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
                if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
                    if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
                        injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                           http_request_method, filename,
                    injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                       http_request_method, filename, delay)

    # Enable Cookie Injection
    if menu.options.cookie and menu.options.level > 1:
        settings.COOKIE_INJECTION = True

    # Cookie Injection
    if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True:
        cookie_value = menu.options.cookie
        # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
        if menu.options.level > 2:
            check_parameter = ""
            stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter,
                                         http_request_method, filename, delay)

        header_name = " Cookie"
        settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
        cookie_parameters = parameters.do_cookie_check(menu.options.cookie)
        if type(cookie_parameters) is str:
            cookie_parameters_list = []
            cookie_parameters = cookie_parameters_list

        # Remove whitespaces
        cookie_parameters = [x.replace(" ", "") for x in cookie_parameters]

        for i in range(0, len(cookie_parameters)):
            menu.options.cookie = cookie_parameters[i]
            check_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(
            if len(check_parameter) > 0:
                settings.TESTABLE_PARAMETER = check_parameter
            # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
            if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
                if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
                    # Check for session file
                    if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
                        injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                           http_request_method, filename,
                if check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method):
                    injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                       http_request_method, filename, delay)

        if not settings.LOAD_SESSION:
            for i in range(0, len(cookie_parameters)):
                menu.options.cookie = cookie_parameters[i]
                check_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(
                if len(check_parameter) > 0:
                    settings.TESTABLE_PARAMETER = check_parameter
                # Check if testable parameter(s) are provided
                if len(settings.TEST_PARAMETER) > 0:
                    if check_parameter in settings.TEST_PARAMETER:
                        injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                           http_request_method, filename,
                    injection_proccess(url, check_parameter,
                                       http_request_method, filename, delay)

    if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True:
        # Restore cookie value
        menu.options.cookie = cookie_value
        # Disable cookie injection
        settings.COOKIE_INJECTION = False

    # Custom header Injection
    if settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True:
        check_parameter = header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME
        settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
        check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method)
        injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename,

    # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
    if menu.options.level > 2:
        check_parameter = ""
        check_http_headers = True
        stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter, check_http_headers,
                                     http_request_method, filename, delay)

    # All injection techniques seems to be failed!
    if settings.CLASSIC_STATE == settings.EVAL_BASED_STATE == settings.TIME_BASED_STATE == settings.FILE_BASED_STATE == False:
        info_msg = settings.CRITICAL_SIGN + "All the tested (" + http_request_method + ") parameters appear to be not injectable."
        if not menu.options.alter_shell:
            info_msg += " Try to use the option '--alter-shell'"
            info_msg += " Try to remove the option '--alter-shell'"
        if menu.options.level < 3:
            info_msg += " and/or try to increase '--level' values to perform more tests (i.e 'User-Agent', 'Referer', 'Cookie' etc)"
        info_msg += "."
        print Back.RED + info_msg + Style.RESET_ALL

Example #7
def do_check(url, filename):

    classic_state = False
    eval_based_state = False
    time_based_state = False
    file_based_state = False

    # Check if defined "--delay" option.
    if menu.options.delay:
        delay = menu.options.delay
        delay = settings.DELAY

    # Check if authentication is needed.
    if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
        # Do the authentication process.
        # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
        if urllib2.urlopen(url).read() == urllib2.urlopen(
            print Back.RED + "(x) Error: It seems that the authentication procedure has failed." + Style.RESET_ALL
    elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data:
        print Back.RED + "(x) Error: You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters." + Style.RESET_ALL

    # Check if HTTP Method is GET or POST.
    header_name = ""
    if not menu.options.data:
        http_request_method = "GET"
        if not settings.COOKIE_INJECTION \
        and not settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION \
        and not settings.REFERER_INJECTION:
            url = parameters.do_GET_check(url)
        check_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url)
        the_type = " parameter "

        http_request_method = "POST"
        parameter = menu.options.data
        parameter = parameters.do_POST_check(parameter)
        check_parameter = parameters.vuln_POST_param(parameter, url)
        the_type = " parameter "

    # Load modules
    modules_handler.load_modules(url, http_request_method, filename)

    # Cookie Injection
    if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True:
        header_name = " Cookie"
        check_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(
        the_type = " HTTP header "

    # User-Agent Injection
    elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True:
        header_name = " User-Agent"
        check_parameter = ""
        the_type = " HTTP header "

    # Referer Injection
    elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True:
        header_name = " Referer"
        check_parameter = ""
        the_type = " HTTP header "


    if len(check_parameter) != 0:
        check_parameter = " '" + check_parameter + "'"

    print "(*) Setting the " + "(" + http_request_method + ")" + check_parameter + header_name + the_type + "for tests."

    # Estimating the response time (in seconds)
    delay, url_time_response = requests.estimate_response_time(
        url, http_request_method, delay)

    # Check all injection techniques
    if not menu.options.tech:
        # Check if it is vulnerable to classic command injection technique.
        if cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename,
                                   http_request_method) != False:
            classic_state = True

        # Check if it is vulnerable to eval-based command injection technique.
        if eb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename,
                                   http_request_method) != False:
            eval_based_state = True

        # Check if it is vulnerable to time-based blind command injection technique.
        if tb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method,
                                   url_time_response) != False:
            time_based_state = True

        # Check if it is vulnerable to file-based semiblind command injection technique.
        if fb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method,
                                   url_time_response) != False:
            file_based_state = True

        # Check if it is vulnerable to classic command injection technique.
        if "classic" in menu.options.tech or len(
                menu.options.tech) <= 4 and "c" in menu.options.tech:
            # Check if classic results-based command injection technique succeeds.
            if cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename,
                                       http_request_method) != False:
                classic_state = True
        elif menu.options.tech == "classic":
            cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method)
            classic_state = False

        # Check if it is vulnerable to eval-based command injection technique.
        if "eval-based" in menu.options.tech or len(
                menu.options.tech) <= 4 and "e" in menu.options.tech:
            # Check if eval-based command injection technique succeeds.
            if eb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename,
                                       http_request_method) != False:
                eval_based_state = True
        elif menu.options.tech == "eval-based":
            eb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method)
            eval_based_state = False

        # Check if it is vulnerable to time-based blind command injection technique.
        if "time-based" in menu.options.tech or len(
                menu.options.tech) <= 4 and "t" in menu.options.tech:
            # Check if time-based blind command injection technique succeeds.
            if tb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename,
                                       url_time_response) != False:
                time_based_state = True
        elif menu.options.tech == "time-based":
            tb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method,
            time_based_state = False

        # Check if it is vulnerable to file-based semiblind command injection technique.
        if "file-based" in menu.options.tech or len(
                menu.options.tech) <= 4 and "f" in menu.options.tech:
            # Check if file-based semiblind command injection technique succeeds.
            if fb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename,
                                       url_time_response) != False:
                file_based_state = True
        elif menu.options.tech == "file-based":
            fb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method,
            file_based_state = False

    if classic_state == False and eval_based_state == False and time_based_state == False and file_based_state == False:
        info_msg = "(x) Critical: The tested (" + http_request_method + ")" + check_parameter + " parameter appear to be not injectable."
        if not menu.options.alter_shell:
            info_msg += " Use the option '--alter-shell'"
            info_msg += " Remove the option '--alter-shell'"
        info_msg += " and/or try to audit the HTTP headers (i.e 'User-Agent', 'Referer', 'Cookie' etc)."
        print Back.RED + info_msg + Style.RESET_ALL

    # else:
    #   print ""
Example #8
def perform_checks(url, filename):

    # Check if defined "--delay" option.
    if menu.options.delay:
        delay = menu.options.delay
        delay = settings.DELAY

    # Check if authentication is needed.
    if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
        # Do the authentication process.

        # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
        if urllib2.urlopen(url).read() == urllib2.urlopen(
            err_msg = "It seems that the authentication procedure has failed."
            print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)
    elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data:
        err_msg = "You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters."
        print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)

    # Check if HTTP Method is GET.
    if not menu.options.data:
        http_request_method = "GET"
        http_request_method = "POST"

    # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
    if menu.options.level >= 3:
        if settings.INJECTED_HTTP_HEADER == False:
            check_parameter = ""
            stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter,
                                         http_request_method, filename, delay)
        # Enable Cookie Injection
        if menu.options.cookie and menu.options.level > 1:
            cookie_injection(url, http_request_method, filename, delay)

            # Custom header Injection
            if settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True:
                check_parameter = header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME
                settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
                check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method)
                injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method,
                                   filename, delay)
                settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION = None

            # Check if HTTP Method is GET.
            if not menu.options.data:
                get_request(url, http_request_method, filename, delay)
            # Check if HTTP Method is POST.
                post_request(url, http_request_method, filename, delay)

    if settings.INJECTION_CHECKER == False:
        return False
        return True
Example #9
def perform_checks(url, filename):

  # Check if defined "--delay" option.
  if menu.options.delay:
    delay = menu.options.delay
    delay = settings.DELAY

  # Check if authentication is needed.
  if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
    # Do the authentication process.

    # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
    if urllib2.urlopen(url).read() == urllib2.urlopen(menu.options.auth_url).read():
      err_msg = "It seems that the authentication procedure has failed."
      print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)
  elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data: 
    err_msg = "You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters."
    print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)

  # Check if HTTP Method is GET.
  if not menu.options.data:
    http_request_method = "GET"      
    http_request_method = "POST"

  # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer headers (if level > 2).
  if menu.options.level >= 3:
    if settings.INJECTED_HTTP_HEADER == False :
      check_parameter = ""
      stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)
    # Enable Cookie Injection
    if menu.options.cookie and menu.options.level > 1:
      cookie_injection(url, http_request_method, filename, delay)

      # Custom header Injection
      if settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True:
        check_parameter =  header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME
        settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
        check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method)
        injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, delay)
        settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION = None
      # Check if HTTP Method is GET.
      if not menu.options.data:
        get_request(url, http_request_method, filename, delay)
      # Check if HTTP Method is POST.      
        post_request(url, http_request_method, filename, delay)

  if settings.INJECTION_CHECKER == False:
    return False
    return True  
Example #10
def perform_checks(url, http_request_method, filename):

  def basic_level_checks():
    if not menu.options.bulkfile:
      settings.PERFORM_BASIC_SCANS = False
      settings.PERFORM_BASIC_SCANS = True
      settings.SKIP_CODE_INJECTIONS = False
      settings.SKIP_COMMAND_INJECTIONS = False
      settings.IDENTIFIED_WARNINGS = False
      settings.IDENTIFIED_PHPINFO = False
    # Check if HTTP Method is GET.
    if http_request_method != settings.HTTPMETHOD.POST:
      get_request(url, http_request_method, filename, timesec)
    # Check if HTTP Method is POST.      
      post_request(url, http_request_method, filename, timesec)

  timesec = settings.TIMESEC
  # Check if authentication is needed.
  if menu.options.auth_url and menu.options.auth_data:
    # Do the authentication process.
      # Check if authentication page is the same with the next (injection) URL
      if _urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=settings.TIMEOUT).read() == _urllib.request.urlopen(menu.options.auth_url, timeout=settings.TIMEOUT).read():
        err_msg = "It seems that the authentication procedure has failed."
        raise SystemExit()
    except (_urllib.error.URLError, _urllib.error.HTTPError) as err_msg:
      raise SystemExit()
  elif menu.options.auth_url or menu.options.auth_data: 
    err_msg = "You must specify both login panel URL and login parameters."
    raise SystemExit()

  if menu.options.shellshock:
    menu.options.level = settings.HTTP_HEADER_INJECTION_LEVEL
    check_for_stored_levels(url, http_request_method)

  if settings.PERFORM_BASIC_SCANS:

  # Check for stored injections on User-agent / Referer / Host HTTP headers (if level > 2).
  if menu.options.level >= settings.HTTP_HEADER_INJECTION_LEVEL:
    if settings.INJECTED_HTTP_HEADER == False :
      check_parameter = ""
      stored_http_header_injection(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, timesec)
    # Enable Cookie Injection
    if menu.options.level > settings.DEFAULT_INJECTION_LEVEL:
      if menu.options.cookie:
        cookie_injection(url, http_request_method, filename, timesec)
        warn_msg = "The HTTP Cookie header is not provided, "
        warn_msg += "so this test is going to be skipped."
      # Custom header Injection
      if settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True:
        check_parameter =  header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME
        settings.HTTP_HEADER = header_name[1:].lower()
        check_for_stored_sessions(url, http_request_method)
        injection_proccess(url, check_parameter, http_request_method, filename, timesec)
        settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION = None

  if settings.INJECTION_CHECKER == False:
    return False
    return True