def calculate_extended_classes(self, class_to_extend, n_of_the_class, extend_from, extend_to, print_results=True, pedigreeStruct=None, classesStruct=None, partialClassStruct=None): from src.database.databaseSol import DB db = DB() results = {} self.extend_class(self.hash(class_to_extend), n_of_the_class, extend_to, extend_from, db, pedigreeStruct, classesStruct, partialClassStruct) for current_hash in classesStruct[n_of_the_class][extend_to][class_to_extend[0]]: for current_class, current_count in classesStruct[n_of_the_class][extend_to][class_to_extend[0]][current_hash].items(): results[current_class] = current_count if pedigreeStruct is not None: #save correlations classes, k=extend_from, k_extend=extend_to, w=class_to_extend[0], objects=classesStruct[n_of_the_class][extend_to][class_to_extend[0]], type='correlation') #end of save correlations self.save_classes(classesStruct, n_of_the_class, extend_to, db, False) self.save_pedigree(pedigreeStruct, db) self.save_partial_class(partialClassStruct, n_of_the_class, extend_to, db, False) '''for r_aux in results: if self.is_correlation_immune(r_aux, n_of_the_class, extend_from): try: result[r_aux] += 1 except: result[r_aux] = 1''' if print_results: print '#####'*15 print 'Original class: %s' % str(class_to_extend) print '#####'*15 print 'Extending the class from k=%s to k=%s' % (extend_from, extend_to) print '\n'.join([str(k) + ': ' + str(v) for k, v in results.items()]) print 'Total: %s classes' % len(results) print '#####'*15 else: return results.items()
def __init__(self, n, k): if n <= 0 or k <= 0: print "N and K must be integers > 0." exit_program() self.N = n self.K = k self.k_extend = 1 self.functions = Functions() self.classes = {} self.correlation = {} self.solution = {} self.partialClass = {} self.pedigree = {} self.allCalculated = {} self.start_time = 0 MB = 1024 * 1024 self.limit_of_partial_in_memory = 1024 # xMB self.batch_length = 100 self.db = DB() self.init_classes() try:, 1, self.k_extend, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.allCalculated, self.db) self.functions.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) except: print 'The info its already saved'
def calculate_extended_classes(self, class_to_extend, n_of_the_class, extend_from, extend_to, print_results=True, pedigreeStruct=None, classesStruct=None, partialClassStruct=None): from src.database.databaseSol import DB db = DB() results = {} self.extend_class(self.hash(class_to_extend), n_of_the_class, extend_to, extend_from, db, pedigreeStruct, classesStruct, partialClassStruct) for current_hash in classesStruct[n_of_the_class][extend_to][ class_to_extend[0]]: for current_class, current_count in classesStruct[n_of_the_class][ extend_to][class_to_extend[0]][current_hash].items(): results[current_class] = current_count if pedigreeStruct is not None: #save correlations classes, k=extend_from, k_extend=extend_to, w=class_to_extend[0], objects=classesStruct[n_of_the_class][extend_to][ class_to_extend[0]], type='correlation') #end of save correlations self.save_classes(classesStruct, n_of_the_class, extend_to, db, False) self.save_pedigree(pedigreeStruct, db) self.save_partial_class(partialClassStruct, n_of_the_class, extend_to, db, False) '''for r_aux in results: if self.is_correlation_immune(r_aux, n_of_the_class, extend_from): try: result[r_aux] += 1 except: result[r_aux] = 1''' if print_results: print '#####' * 15 print 'Original class: %s' % str(class_to_extend) print '#####' * 15 print 'Extending the class from k=%s to k=%s' % (extend_from, extend_to) print '\n'.join( [str(k) + ': ' + str(v) for k, v in results.items()]) print 'Total: %s classes' % len(results) print '#####' * 15 else: return results.items()
def __init__(self, n, k, i): self.N = n self.K = k self.I = i self.db = DB() self.functions = Functions() self.boolean_functions = { self.functions.hash((0, 0)): [0, 0], self.functions.hash((1, -1)): [0, 1], self.functions.hash((1, 1)): [1, 0], self.functions.hash((2, 0)): [1, 1] }
def __init__(self, n, k): if n <= 0 or k <= 0: print "N and K must be integers > 0." exit_program() self.N = n self.K = k self.k_extend = 1 self.functions = Functions() self.classes = {} self.correlation = {} self.solution = {} self.partialClass = {} self.pedigree = {} self.allCalculated = {} self.start_time = 0 MB = 1024*1024 self.limit_of_partial_in_memory = 1024 # xMB self.batch_length = 100 self.db = DB() self.init_classes() try:, 1, self.k_extend, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.allCalculated, self.db) self.functions.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) except: print 'The info its already saved'
def __init__(self, n, k, i): self.N = n self.K = k self.I = i self.db = DB() self.functions = Functions() self.boolean_functions = {self.functions.hash((0, 0)): [0, 0], self.functions.hash((1, -1)): [0, 1], self.functions.hash((1, 1)): [1, 0], self.functions.hash((2, 0)): [1, 1]}
class BooleanFunction(): def __init__(self, n, k, i): self.N = n self.K = k self.I = i self.db = DB() self.functions = Functions() self.boolean_functions = { self.functions.hash((0, 0)): [0, 0], self.functions.hash((1, -1)): [0, 1], self.functions.hash((1, 1)): [1, 0], self.functions.hash((2, 0)): [1, 1] } def solve(self): db = self.db sols_n_k = db.load(n=self.N, k=self.K, type='solution') if self.I is not None: sol_n_k = sols_n_k.keys()[0] count = sols_n_k[sol_n_k] if self.I >= count: print "The index is bigger than the maximum allowed..." return current_count = 0 for pedigree_sol in db.load(n=self.N, hash=self.functions.hash(sol_n_k), type='pedigree'): hash_left = pedigree_sol[0] hash_right = pedigree_sol[1] if n - 1 == 1: result = self.boolean_functions[ hash_left] + self.boolean_functions[hash_right] print ' '.join([str(e) for e in result]) return class_left, count_left = db.getClass(hash_left) class_right, count_right = db.getClass(hash_right) current_count += count_left * count_right if current_count > self.I: self.I -= current_count - count_left * count_right break index_left = self.I / count_right index_right = self.I - (index_left * count_right) result = self.get_boolean_function( self.N - 1, hash_left, index_left) + self.get_boolean_function( self.N - 1, hash_right, index_right) print ' '.join([str(e) for e in result]) else: for sol_n_k, count in sols_n_k.iteritems(): result = [] for pedigree_struct in db.load( n=self.N, hash=self.functions.hash(sol_n_k), type='pedigree'): class_left, count_left = db.getClass(pedigree_struct[0]) class_right, count_right = db.getClass(pedigree_struct[1]) for i in range(0, count_left): for j in range(0, count_right): lst_left = self.get_boolean_function( self.N - 1, pedigree_struct[0], i) lst_right = self.get_boolean_function( self.N - 1, pedigree_struct[1], j) result.append(lst_left + lst_right) for current_result in result: print ' '.join([str(e) for e in current_result]) if len(result) > 0: print "Size of result %s" % len(result) def get_boolean_function(self, n, hash, index): if n == 1: return self.boolean_functions[hash] current_count = 0 for pedigree_sol in self.db.load(n=n, hash=hash, type='pedigree'): hash_left = pedigree_sol[0] hash_right = pedigree_sol[1] class_left, count_left = self.db.getClass(hash_left) class_right, count_right = self.db.getClass(hash_right) current_count += count_left * count_right if current_count > index: index -= current_count - count_left * count_right break index_left = index / count_right index_right = index - (index_left * count_right) return self.get_boolean_function( n - 1, hash_left, index_left) + self.get_boolean_function( n - 1, hash_right, index_right) def get_all_boolean_functions(self, n, hash): if n == 1: return [self.boolean_functions[hash]] result = [] for pedigree_struct in self.db.load(hash=hash, n=n, type='pedigree'): new_hash_left = pedigree_struct[0] new_hash_right = pedigree_struct[1] lst_left = self.get_all_boolean_functions(n - 1, new_hash_left) lst_right = self.get_all_boolean_functions(n - 1, new_hash_right) for left in lst_left: for right in lst_right: result.append(left + right) return result
class Problem(): def __init__(self, n, k): if n <= 0 or k <= 0: print "N and K must be integers > 0." exit_program() self.N = n self.K = k self.k_extend = 1 self.functions = Functions() self.classes = {} self.correlation = {} self.solution = {} self.partialClass = {} self.pedigree = {} self.allCalculated = {} self.start_time = 0 MB = 1024 * 1024 self.limit_of_partial_in_memory = 1024 # xMB self.batch_length = 100 self.db = DB() self.init_classes() try:, 1, self.k_extend, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.allCalculated, self.db) self.functions.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) except: print 'The info its already saved' def init_classes(self): ############################## # THE CLASSES ############################## #classes[n][k_extend][w][hash] = {class: counter} self.classes[1] = {} self.classes[1][1] = {} self.classes[1][1][0] = {self.functions.hash((0, 0)): {(0, 0): 1}} self.classes[1][1][1] = {self.functions.hash((1, -1)): {(1, -1): 1}} self.classes[1][1][1].update( {self.functions.hash((1, 1)): { (1, 1): 1 }}) self.classes[1][1][2] = {self.functions.hash((2, 0)): {(2, 0): 1}} ############################## #Information about class generation ############################## #pedigree[n][k_extend][hash] = [(class_left, class_right)] self.pedigree[1] = {} self.pedigree[1][1] = {} self.pedigree[1][1][self.functions.hash((0, 0))] = [(None, None)] self.pedigree[1][1][self.functions.hash((1, -1))] = [(None, None)] self.pedigree[1][1][self.functions.hash((1, 1))] = [(None, None)] self.pedigree[1][1][self.functions.hash((2, 0))] = [(None, None)] ############################## # CORRELATION INMUNE ############################## #correlation[n][k][k_extend][w][hash] = {class: counter} self.correlation[1] = {} self.correlation[1][1] = {} self.correlation[1][1][1] = {} self.correlation[1][1][1][0] = { self.functions.hash((0, 0)): { (0, 0): 1 } } self.correlation[1][1][1][2] = { self.functions.hash((2, 0)): { (2, 0): 1 } } ############################## # SOLUTIONS ############################## #solucion[n][k] = {class: counter} self.solution[1] = {} self.solution[1][1] = {(2, 0): 1} ############################## # PARTIALCLASS ############################## #partialClass[N][k][k_extend][W][partial_class] = [ids] self.partialClass[1] = {} self.partialClass[1][1] = {} self.partialClass[1][1][1] = {} for w in self.classes[1][1]: self.partialClass[1][1][1][w] = {} for hash in self.classes[1][1][w]: for c0, _ in self.classes[1][1][w][hash].iteritems(): partial_class = (c0[1], ) if partial_class in self.partialClass[1][1][1][ w] and self.functions.hash( c0) not in self.partialClass[1][1][1][w][ partial_class]: self.partialClass[1][1][1][w][partial_class].append( self.functions.hash(c0)) else: self.partialClass[1][1][1][w][partial_class] = [ self.functions.hash(c0) ] ############################## # CLASSESS CALCULATED AT ALL ############################## #allCalculated[N][k_extend][W] = true self.allCalculated[1] = {} self.allCalculated[1][1] = {} self.allCalculated[1][1].update({0: True}) self.allCalculated[1][1].update({1: True}) self.allCalculated[1][1].update({2: True}) def get_all(self, n, weight): res = [] k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n try: if n > 0 and (n not in self.classes or weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max]): self.functions.load_data(n, 1, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.db, weight) if weight <= 2**n and (weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max] or not self.functions.is_calculated( n, weight, self.db, k_extend_max)): self.get_all_classes(n, weight) elif weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max]: return [] if n not in self.classes: self.functions.load_classes(n, weight, k_extend_max, self.classes, self.db) res = [(i, self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass]] self.functions.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation, less_or_equal=n) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return res def get_all_classes(self, n, weight, find_corr=False): if n == 0: return k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n f = self.functions # verify if i have the data in memory, if not i will try to obtain the data from db if f.is_calculated(n, weight, self.db, k_extend_max) and ( n not in self.classes or weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max]): f.load_data(n, 1, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.db, weight) return f.remove_classes(self.classes, n) # if i do not have the data in memory neither in db, i have to calculate if n not in self.classes or weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max]: print 'Calculating for N = %s and weight = %s' % (n, weight) for w in xrange(0, weight + 1): print "Crossing All Classes of weight %s VS of weight %s --> N = %s" % ( w, weight - w, n - 1) ind = 0 for c_0, count in self.get_all(n - 1, w): for c_1, count_aux in self.get_all(n - 1, weight - w): new_class = f.new_class(c_0, c_1, n, k_extend_max) new_weight = new_class[0] f.refresh_pedigree(n, k_extend_max, new_class, c_0, c_1, self.pedigree) f.refresh_mirror_classes(n, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, self.classes, self.partialClass) f.refresh_classes(n, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, count, count_aux, self.classes) if find_corr and f.is_correlation_immune( new_class, n, 1): f.add_correlation(n, 1, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, count * count_aux, self.correlation) ind += 1 if n not in self.allCalculated: self.allCalculated[n] = {} if k_extend_max not in self.allCalculated[n]: self.allCalculated[n][k_extend_max] = {} self.allCalculated[n][k_extend_max].update({weight: True}) print "END :: Crossing All Classes of weight %s (N=%s)" % (weight, n - 1), 1, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.allCalculated, self.db, delete=True) # LEAVE delete IN FALSE! self.functions.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) def get_all_k_correlation(self, n, weight, k_corr): res = [] k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n try: if k_corr == 0: self.get_all_classes(n, weight) self.functions.load_classes(n, weight, k_extend_max, self.classes, self.db) res = [ (i, self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass] ] return res elif k_corr == 1: n_iter = n - 1 if n > 1 else 1 self.get_all_classes(n_iter, weight / 2) self.generate_k_corr(n, weight, k_corr) elif k_corr > 1: self.get_all_k_correlation(n - 1, weight / 2, k_corr - 1) self.generate_k_corr(n, weight, k_corr) self.functions.load_correlation(n, k_corr, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.db, weight) if weight in self.correlation[n][k_corr][k_extend_max]: res = [(i, self.correlation[n][k_corr][k_extend_max][weight] [hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.correlation[n] [k_corr][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.correlation[n][k_corr][k_extend_max] [weight][hashclass]] self.functions.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return res def generate_k_corr(self, n, weight, k_corr): if n == 3 and weight == 4 and k_corr == 2: pass k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n k_extend_max_load = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n - 1 else n - 1 f = self.functions f.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation) if k_corr > 1: f.load_correlation(n - 1, k_corr - 1, k_extend_max_load, self.correlation, self.db, weight / 2) if weight / 2 not in self.correlation[n - 1][k_corr - 1][k_extend_max_load]: return # There is no k_corr for that N(=n-1) and Weight(=weight) set_all_classes = [ (i, self.correlation[n - 1][k_corr - 1][k_extend_max_load][weight / 2][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.correlation[n - 1][ k_corr - 1][k_extend_max_load][weight / 2] for i in self.correlation[n - 1][ k_corr - 1][k_extend_max_load][weight / 2][hashclass] ] self.correlation[n - 1][k_corr - 1][k_extend_max_load][weight / 2] = {} else: f.load_classes(n - 1, weight / 2, k_extend_max_load, self.classes, self.db) set_all_classes = [ (i, self.classes[n - 1][k_extend_max_load][weight / 2][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.classes[n - 1][k_extend_max_load][weight / 2] for i in self.classes[n - 1][k_extend_max_load][weight / 2][hashclass] ] self.classes[n - 1][k_extend_max_load][weight / 2] = {} print 'Generating all %s-corr of weight exactly = %s (N=%s)' % ( k_corr, weight, n) ind = 0 ind_added = 0 size_set = len(set_all_classes) for c_0, count in set_all_classes: if ind % 100 == 0: print '[%s/%s] ---> %s-corr, w=%s, n=%s, Size_Partial=%s' % ( ind + 1, size_set, k_corr, weight, n, sys.getsizeof(dumps(self.partialClass))) if ind % self.batch_length == 0: self.mirror_batch(n, k_corr, k_extend_max, set_all_classes, ind, weight) for mirror, count_aux in self.find_mirror(c_0, n - 1, k_corr): new_class = f.new_class(c_0, mirror, n, k_extend_max) if f.is_correlation_immune(new_class, n, k_corr): ind_added += 1 new_weight = new_class[0] f.refresh_pedigree(n, k_extend_max, new_class, c_0, mirror, self.pedigree) f.refresh_mirror_classes(n, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, self.classes, self.partialClass) f.refresh_classes(n, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, count, count_aux, self.classes) f.add_correlation(n, k_corr, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, count * count_aux, self.correlation) ind += 1 print 'END:: Generating all %s-corr of weight exactly = %s (N=%s)' % ( k_corr, weight, n) f.save_by_weight(n, weight, k_extend_max, self.db, self.classes, self.correlation, self.partialClass, delete=False) f.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) def get_mirror_partial(self, class_aux, n, k): top = self.functions.get_top(n, k) ini = 1 for i in range(1, k): ini += self.functions.get_top(n, i) c0 = class_aux[ini:ini + top] partial_class = [] for elem in c0: partial_class.append(elem * -1) return tuple(partial_class) def find_mirror(self, class_aux, n, k): k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n #class = (2,0,0,0,2,alfa) and exists the mirror (2,0,0,0,-2,beta) weight = class_aux[0] partial_class = self.get_mirror_partial(class_aux, n, k) result = [] if len(partial_class) == 0: if k > 1: return [( i, self.correlation[n][k - 1][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass][i] ) for hashclass in self.correlation[n][k - 1][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.correlation[n][k - 1][k_extend_max] [weight][hashclass]] else: return [ (i, self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass] ] try: for hash_class in self.partialClass[n][k][k_extend_max][weight][ partial_class]: try: if k > 1: c_aux = self.correlation[n][ k - 1][k_extend_max][weight][hash_class].keys()[0] result.append((c_aux, self.correlation[n][ k - 1][k_extend_max][weight][hash_class][c_aux])) else: c_aux = self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][ hash_class].keys()[0] result.append((c_aux, self.classes[n][k_extend_max] [weight][hash_class][c_aux])) except: pass finally: return result def calculate_classes(self, n, k_extend, weight): self.k_extend = k_extend self.get_all_classes(n, weight) self.functions.load_classes(n, weight, k_extend, self.classes, self.db) size_classes = 0 size_functions = 0 for hash in self.classes[n][k_extend][weight]: aux_class = self.classes[n][k_extend][weight][hash].keys()[0] count = self.classes[n][k_extend][weight][hash][aux_class] print '#: %s - class: %s' % (count, aux_class) size_classes += 1 size_functions += count print 'Size of classes: %s' % size_classes print 'Size of functions: %s\n\n' % size_functions def calculate_correlation(self, n, k_extend, k, weight): self.k_extend = k_extend self.get_all_k_correlation(n, weight, k) self.functions.load_correlation(n, k, k_extend, self.correlation, self.db, weight) size_correlations = 0 size_functions = 0 string_out = '' for hash in self.correlation[n][k][k_extend][weight]: aux_class = self.correlation[n][k][k_extend][weight][hash].keys( )[0] count = self.correlation[n][k][k_extend][weight][hash][aux_class] current_out = '#: %s - correlation: %s' % (count, aux_class) print current_out string_out += current_out + '\n' size_correlations += 1 size_functions += count file_out = open( 'out_n%sk%sk_extend%sw%s.txt' % (n, k, k_extend, weight), 'w') file_out.write(string_out) file_out.write('Size of correlations: %s\n' % size_correlations) print 'Size of correlations: %s' % size_correlations file_out.write('Size of functions: %s\n\n' % size_functions) print 'Size of functions: %s\n\n' % size_functions file_out.close() def mirror_batch(self, n_iter, k, k_extend, set_classes, ind, weight): k_extend_max = k_extend if k_extend <= n_iter - 1 else n_iter - 1 #clean partial structure if n_iter - 1 in self.partialClass: del self.partialClass[n_iter - 1] #clean correlation structure if n_iter - 1 in self.correlation: del self.correlation[n_iter - 1] #clean classes structure if n_iter - 1 in self.classes: del self.classes[n_iter - 1] #get batch of the partials batch = [ self.get_mirror_partial(current_class, n_iter - 1, k) for current_class, count in set_classes[ind:ind + self.batch_length] ] #load all the partials of the batch, in mirror query use the partials structure (dont call to bd!!) self.functions.load_batch_partial_classes(n_iter - 1, k, k_extend_max, weight / 2, self.partialClass, batch, self.db) hashes = [] for elem_i in self.partialClass[n_iter - 1][k][k_extend_max][weight / 2].values(): try: for hash_i in elem_i: if hash_i not in hashes: hashes.append(hash_i) except: pass if k > 1: if len(hashes) > 0: #load correlation self.db.getBatchCorrelation(n_iter - 1, k - 1, k_extend_max, hashes, self.correlation) else: self.functions.load_correlation(n_iter - 1, k - 1, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.db, weight / 2) else: if len(hashes) > 0: #load classes self.db.getBatchClasses(n_iter - 1, k_extend_max, hashes, self.classes) else: self.functions.load_classes(n_iter - 1, weight / 2, k_extend_max, self.classes, self.db) del batch del hashes def calculate_tree(self, n, k_extend, k, weight, class_tree): self.k_extend = k_extend self.calculate_classes(n, k_extend, weight) self.functions.load_classes(n, weight, k_extend, self.classes, self.db) if (class_tree != (-1, )): hash = self.functions.hash(class_tree) c_aux = self.classes[n][k_extend][weight][hash].keys()[0] print 'Class: %s ' % (str(c_aux)) self.calculate_tree_class(hash, n, k_extend, weight) else: for hash in self.classes[n][k_extend][weight]: #armado de arbol para cada correlations c_aux = self.classes[n][k_extend][weight][hash].keys()[0] print 'Class: %s ' % (str(c_aux)) self.calculate_tree_class(hash, n, k_extend, weight) def calculate_tree_class(self, hash, n, k_extend, weight): k_extend_max = k_extend if k_extend <= (n - 1) else (n - 1) pedigrees = self.db.load(hash=hash, type='pedigree') for pedigree in pedigrees: left = pedigree[0] right = pedigree[1] if left is not None and right is not None: c_left = self.db.getClass(left)[0] c_right = self.db.getClass(right)[0] print '%s * %s' % (c_left, c_right) print '%s ' % (str(c_left)) self.calculate_tree_class(left, n - 1, k_extend_max, weight / 2) print '%s ' % (str(c_right)) self.calculate_tree_class(right, n - 1, k_extend_max, weight / 2) else: return def solve(self, individual=False): self.start_time = time.time() f = self.functions for n_iter in xrange(2, self.N + 1): for k in xrange(1, self.N + 1): if individual: if not (n_iter == self.N and k == self.K): continue else: if k > n_iter or (n_iter == self.N and k > self.K): break self.k_extend = k elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time #print "EAT: %s seconds" % elapsed_time find_solution = False weight = self.db.get_last_weight(n_iter, k) weight_multiple = 2**k persist = False if f.solution_exists(n_iter, k, self.solution, self.db): f.load_correlation(n_iter, k, self.k_extend, self.correlation, self.db, weight) f.load_solution(n_iter, k, self.solution, self.db) find_solution = True persist = False while not find_solution: try: print ">>>> Weight: %s <-> N = %s, K = %s" % ( weight, n_iter, k) f.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation) if f.isCorrelationCalculated(n_iter - 1, k - 1, k - 1, weight / 2, self.db): set_correlations = f.getSolution( n_iter - 1, k - 1, self.db) if k <= n_iter - 1: set_correlations = f.calculate_extended_classes( set_correlations.keys()[0], n_iter - 1, k - 1, k, False, self.pedigree, self.classes, self.partialClass) self.functions.clean_structures( self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation, True) else: set_correlations = set_correlations.items() else: set_correlations = self.get_all_k_correlation( n_iter - 1, weight / 2, k - 1) ind = 0 ind_added = 0 print "All %s corr of weight %s VS all of weight %s (N=%s)" % ( k - 1, weight / 2, weight / 2, n_iter - 1) size_set = len(set_correlations) f.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation) for c_0, count in set_correlations: if ind % self.batch_length == 0: print '[%s/%s] ---> %s-corr, w=%s, n=%s, Size_Partial=%s' % ( ind + 1, size_set, k - 1, weight / 2, n_iter - 1, sys.getsizeof(dumps(self.partialClass))) if ind % self.batch_length == 0: self.mirror_batch(n_iter, k, self.k_extend, set_correlations, ind, weight) for mirror, count_aux in self.find_mirror( c_0, n_iter - 1, k): new_class = f.new_class( c_0, mirror, n_iter, self.k_extend) new_weight = new_class[0] if new_weight > 0 and f.is_correlation_immune( new_class, n_iter, k): ind_added += 1 f.refresh_pedigree(n_iter, self.k_extend, new_class, c_0, mirror, self.pedigree) f.refresh_mirror_classes( n_iter, self.k_extend, new_weight, new_class, self.classes, self.partialClass) f.refresh_classes(n_iter, self.k_extend, new_weight, new_class, count, count_aux, self.classes) f.add_correlation(n_iter, k, self.k_extend, new_weight, new_class, count * count_aux, self.correlation) f.add_solution(n_iter, new_class, count * count_aux, self.solution, k) find_solution = True persist = True ind += 1 f.remove_correlation(self.correlation, n_iter - 1, k - 1) print "All %s corr of weight %s VS all of weight %s - OK (N=%s)" % ( k - 1, weight / 2, weight / 2, n_iter - 1) weight += weight_multiple except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(1) if persist:, k, self.k_extend, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.allCalculated, self.db, delete=False) f.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) f.print_results(n_iter, k, self.start_time, self.correlation, self.solution, True)
print '(n, k) = (%s,%s)' % (n, k) sleep(2) BooleanFunction(n, k, None).solve() elif option == 3: try: n = input('Select N: ') k = input('Select K: ') except: print 'N and K must be integers > 0.' continue print '(n, k) = (%s,%s)' % (n, k) sleep(2) functions = Functions() solutions = {} db = DB() functions.load_solution(n, k, solutions, db) functions.print_results(n, k, time.time(), None, solutions, True) if option == 31: try: n = input('Select N: ') k = input('Select K: ') k_extend = input('Select K_extend: ') w = input('Select W: ') class_tree = raw_input('Class (-1 no class): ') class_tree = tuple([int(e) for e in class_tree.split(',')]) except: print 'N, K, K_extend, W must be integers > 0' continue print '(n, k, k_extend, w) = (%s,%s,%s,%s)' % (n, k, k_extend, w) sleep(2)
class BooleanFunction(): def __init__(self, n, k, i): self.N = n self.K = k self.I = i self.db = DB() self.functions = Functions() self.boolean_functions = {self.functions.hash((0, 0)): [0, 0], self.functions.hash((1, -1)): [0, 1], self.functions.hash((1, 1)): [1, 0], self.functions.hash((2, 0)): [1, 1]} def solve(self): db = self.db sols_n_k = db.load(n=self.N, k=self.K, type='solution') if self.I is not None: sol_n_k = sols_n_k.keys()[0] count = sols_n_k[sol_n_k] if self.I >= count: print "The index is bigger than the maximum allowed..." return current_count = 0 for pedigree_sol in db.load(n=self.N, hash=self.functions.hash(sol_n_k), type='pedigree'): hash_left = pedigree_sol[0] hash_right = pedigree_sol[1] if n - 1 == 1: result = self.boolean_functions[hash_left] + self.boolean_functions[hash_right] print ' '.join([str(e) for e in result]) return class_left, count_left = db.getClass(hash_left) class_right, count_right = db.getClass(hash_right) current_count += count_left*count_right if current_count > self.I: self.I -= current_count - count_left*count_right break index_left = self.I / count_right index_right = self.I - (index_left * count_right) result = self.get_boolean_function(self.N-1, hash_left, index_left) + self.get_boolean_function(self.N-1, hash_right, index_right) print ' '.join([str(e) for e in result]) else: for sol_n_k, count in sols_n_k.iteritems(): result = [] for pedigree_struct in db.load(n=self.N, hash=self.functions.hash(sol_n_k), type='pedigree'): class_left, count_left = db.getClass(pedigree_struct[0]) class_right, count_right = db.getClass(pedigree_struct[1]) for i in range(0, count_left): for j in range(0, count_right): lst_left = self.get_boolean_function(self.N-1, pedigree_struct[0], i) lst_right = self.get_boolean_function(self.N-1, pedigree_struct[1], j) result.append(lst_left + lst_right) for current_result in result: print ' '.join([str(e) for e in current_result]) if len(result) > 0: print "Size of result %s" % len(result) def get_boolean_function(self, n, hash, index): if n == 1: return self.boolean_functions[hash] current_count = 0 for pedigree_sol in self.db.load(n=n, hash=hash, type='pedigree'): hash_left = pedigree_sol[0] hash_right = pedigree_sol[1] class_left, count_left = self.db.getClass(hash_left) class_right, count_right = self.db.getClass(hash_right) current_count += count_left*count_right if current_count > index: index -= current_count - count_left*count_right break index_left = index / count_right index_right = index - (index_left * count_right) return self.get_boolean_function(n-1, hash_left, index_left) + self.get_boolean_function(n-1, hash_right, index_right) def get_all_boolean_functions(self, n, hash): if n == 1: return [self.boolean_functions[hash]] result = [] for pedigree_struct in self.db.load(hash=hash, n=n, type='pedigree'): new_hash_left = pedigree_struct[0] new_hash_right = pedigree_struct[1] lst_left = self.get_all_boolean_functions(n-1, new_hash_left) lst_right = self.get_all_boolean_functions(n-1, new_hash_right) for left in lst_left: for right in lst_right: result.append(left + right) return result
class Problem(): def __init__(self, n, k): if n <= 0 or k <= 0: print "N and K must be integers > 0." exit_program() self.N = n self.K = k self.k_extend = 1 self.functions = Functions() self.classes = {} self.correlation = {} self.solution = {} self.partialClass = {} self.pedigree = {} self.allCalculated = {} self.start_time = 0 MB = 1024*1024 self.limit_of_partial_in_memory = 1024 # xMB self.batch_length = 100 self.db = DB() self.init_classes() try:, 1, self.k_extend, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.allCalculated, self.db) self.functions.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) except: print 'The info its already saved' def init_classes(self): ############################## # THE CLASSES ############################## #classes[n][k_extend][w][hash] = {class: counter} self.classes[1] = {} self.classes[1][1] = {} self.classes[1][1][0] = {self.functions.hash((0, 0)): {(0, 0): 1}} self.classes[1][1][1] = {self.functions.hash((1, -1)): {(1, -1): 1}} self.classes[1][1][1].update({self.functions.hash((1, 1)): {(1, 1): 1}}) self.classes[1][1][2] = {self.functions.hash((2, 0)): {(2, 0): 1}} ############################## #Information about class generation ############################## #pedigree[n][k_extend][hash] = [(class_left, class_right)] self.pedigree[1] = {} self.pedigree[1][1] = {} self.pedigree[1][1][self.functions.hash((0, 0))] = [(None, None)] self.pedigree[1][1][self.functions.hash((1, -1))] = [(None, None)] self.pedigree[1][1][self.functions.hash((1, 1))] = [(None, None)] self.pedigree[1][1][self.functions.hash((2, 0))] = [(None, None)] ############################## # CORRELATION INMUNE ############################## #correlation[n][k][k_extend][w][hash] = {class: counter} self.correlation[1] = {} self.correlation[1][1] = {} self.correlation[1][1][1] = {} self.correlation[1][1][1][0] = {self.functions.hash((0, 0)): {(0, 0): 1}} self.correlation[1][1][1][2] = {self.functions.hash((2, 0)): {(2, 0): 1}} ############################## # SOLUTIONS ############################## #solucion[n][k] = {class: counter} self.solution[1] = {} self.solution[1][1] = {(2, 0): 1} ############################## # PARTIALCLASS ############################## #partialClass[N][k][k_extend][W][partial_class] = [ids] self.partialClass[1] = {} self.partialClass[1][1] = {} self.partialClass[1][1][1] = {} for w in self.classes[1][1]: self.partialClass[1][1][1][w] = {} for hash in self.classes[1][1][w]: for c0, _ in self.classes[1][1][w][hash].iteritems(): partial_class = (c0[1],) if partial_class in self.partialClass[1][1][1][w] and self.functions.hash(c0) not in self.partialClass[1][1][1][w][partial_class]: self.partialClass[1][1][1][w][partial_class].append(self.functions.hash(c0)) else: self.partialClass[1][1][1][w][partial_class] = [self.functions.hash(c0)] ############################## # CLASSESS CALCULATED AT ALL ############################## #allCalculated[N][k_extend][W] = true self.allCalculated[1] = {} self.allCalculated[1][1] = {} self.allCalculated[1][1].update({0: True}) self.allCalculated[1][1].update({1: True}) self.allCalculated[1][1].update({2: True}) def get_all(self, n, weight): res = [] k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n try: if n > 0 and (n not in self.classes or weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max]): self.functions.load_data(n, 1, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.db, weight) if weight <= 2**n and (weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max] or not self.functions.is_calculated(n, weight, self.db, k_extend_max)): self.get_all_classes(n, weight) elif weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max]: return [] if n not in self.classes: self.functions.load_classes(n, weight, k_extend_max, self.classes, self.db) res = [(i, self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass]] self.functions.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation, less_or_equal=n) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return res def get_all_classes(self, n, weight, find_corr=False): if n == 0: return k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n f = self.functions # verify if i have the data in memory, if not i will try to obtain the data from db if f.is_calculated(n, weight, self.db, k_extend_max) and (n not in self.classes or weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max]): f.load_data(n, 1, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.db, weight) return f.remove_classes(self.classes, n) # if i do not have the data in memory neither in db, i have to calculate if n not in self.classes or weight not in self.classes[n][k_extend_max]: print 'Calculating for N = %s and weight = %s' % (n, weight) for w in xrange(0, weight+1): print "Crossing All Classes of weight %s VS of weight %s --> N = %s" % (w, weight-w, n-1) ind = 0 for c_0, count in self.get_all(n-1, w): for c_1, count_aux in self.get_all(n-1, weight-w): new_class = f.new_class(c_0, c_1, n, k_extend_max) new_weight = new_class[0] f.refresh_pedigree(n, k_extend_max, new_class, c_0, c_1, self.pedigree) f.refresh_mirror_classes(n, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, self.classes, self.partialClass) f.refresh_classes(n, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, count, count_aux, self.classes) if find_corr and f.is_correlation_immune(new_class, n, 1): f.add_correlation(n, 1, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, count * count_aux, self.correlation) ind += 1 if n not in self.allCalculated: self.allCalculated[n] = {} if k_extend_max not in self.allCalculated[n]: self.allCalculated[n][k_extend_max] = {} self.allCalculated[n][k_extend_max].update({weight: True}) print "END :: Crossing All Classes of weight %s (N=%s)" % (weight, n-1), 1, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.allCalculated, self.db, delete=True) # LEAVE delete IN FALSE! self.functions.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) def get_all_k_correlation(self, n, weight, k_corr): res = [] k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n try: if k_corr == 0: self.get_all_classes(n, weight) self.functions.load_classes(n, weight, k_extend_max, self.classes, self.db) res = [(i, self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass]] return res elif k_corr == 1: n_iter = n - 1 if n > 1 else 1 self.get_all_classes(n_iter, weight/2) self.generate_k_corr(n, weight, k_corr) elif k_corr > 1: self.get_all_k_correlation(n-1, weight/2, k_corr-1) self.generate_k_corr(n, weight, k_corr) self.functions.load_correlation(n, k_corr, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.db, weight) if weight in self.correlation[n][k_corr][k_extend_max]: res = [(i, self.correlation[n][k_corr][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.correlation[n][k_corr][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.correlation[n][k_corr][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass]] self.functions.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return res def generate_k_corr(self, n, weight, k_corr): if n==3 and weight==4 and k_corr==2: pass k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n k_extend_max_load = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n - 1 else n - 1 f = self.functions f.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation) if k_corr > 1: f.load_correlation(n-1, k_corr-1, k_extend_max_load, self.correlation, self.db, weight/2) if weight/2 not in self.correlation[n-1][k_corr-1][k_extend_max_load]: return # There is no k_corr for that N(=n-1) and Weight(=weight) set_all_classes = [(i, self.correlation[n-1][k_corr-1][k_extend_max_load][weight/2][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.correlation[n-1][k_corr-1][k_extend_max_load][weight/2] for i in self.correlation[n-1][k_corr-1][k_extend_max_load][weight/2][hashclass]] self.correlation[n-1][k_corr-1][k_extend_max_load][weight/2] = {} else: f.load_classes(n-1, weight/2, k_extend_max_load, self.classes, self.db) set_all_classes = [(i, self.classes[n-1][k_extend_max_load][weight/2][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.classes[n-1][k_extend_max_load][weight/2] for i in self.classes[n-1][k_extend_max_load][weight/2][hashclass]] self.classes[n-1][k_extend_max_load][weight/2] = {} print 'Generating all %s-corr of weight exactly = %s (N=%s)' % (k_corr, weight, n) ind = 0 ind_added = 0 size_set = len(set_all_classes) for c_0, count in set_all_classes: if ind % 100 == 0: print '[%s/%s] ---> %s-corr, w=%s, n=%s, Size_Partial=%s' % (ind+1, size_set, k_corr, weight, n, sys.getsizeof(dumps(self.partialClass))) if ind % self.batch_length == 0: self.mirror_batch(n, k_corr, k_extend_max, set_all_classes, ind, weight) for mirror, count_aux in self.find_mirror(c_0, n-1, k_corr): new_class = f.new_class(c_0, mirror, n, k_extend_max) if f.is_correlation_immune(new_class, n, k_corr): ind_added += 1 new_weight = new_class[0] f.refresh_pedigree(n, k_extend_max, new_class, c_0, mirror, self.pedigree) f.refresh_mirror_classes(n, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, self.classes, self.partialClass) f.refresh_classes(n, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, count, count_aux, self.classes) f.add_correlation(n, k_corr, k_extend_max, new_weight, new_class, count * count_aux, self.correlation) ind += 1 print 'END:: Generating all %s-corr of weight exactly = %s (N=%s)' % (k_corr, weight, n) f.save_by_weight(n, weight, k_extend_max, self.db, self.classes, self.correlation, self.partialClass, delete=False) f.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) def get_mirror_partial(self, class_aux, n, k): top = self.functions.get_top(n, k) ini = 1 for i in range(1, k): ini += self.functions.get_top(n, i) c0 = class_aux[ini:ini+top] partial_class = [] for elem in c0: partial_class.append(elem*-1) return tuple(partial_class) def find_mirror(self, class_aux, n, k): k_extend_max = self.k_extend if self.k_extend <= n else n #class = (2,0,0,0,2,alfa) and exists the mirror (2,0,0,0,-2,beta) weight = class_aux[0] partial_class = self.get_mirror_partial(class_aux, n, k) result = [] if len(partial_class) == 0: if k > 1: return [(i, self.correlation[n][k-1][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.correlation[n][k-1][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.correlation[n][k-1][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass]] else: return [(i, self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass][i]) for hashclass in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight] for i in self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hashclass]] try: for hash_class in self.partialClass[n][k][k_extend_max][weight][partial_class]: try: if k > 1: c_aux = self.correlation[n][k-1][k_extend_max][weight][hash_class].keys()[0] result.append((c_aux, self.correlation[n][k-1][k_extend_max][weight][hash_class][c_aux])) else: c_aux = self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hash_class].keys()[0] result.append((c_aux, self.classes[n][k_extend_max][weight][hash_class][c_aux])) except: pass finally: return result def calculate_classes(self, n, k_extend, weight): self.k_extend = k_extend self.get_all_classes(n, weight) self.functions.load_classes(n, weight, k_extend, self.classes, self.db) size_classes = 0 size_functions = 0 for hash in self.classes[n][k_extend][weight]: aux_class = self.classes[n][k_extend][weight][hash].keys()[0] count = self.classes[n][k_extend][weight][hash][aux_class] print '#: %s - class: %s' % (count, aux_class) size_classes += 1 size_functions += count print 'Size of classes: %s' % size_classes print 'Size of functions: %s\n\n' % size_functions def calculate_correlation(self, n, k_extend, k, weight): self.k_extend = k_extend self.get_all_k_correlation(n, weight, k) self.functions.load_correlation(n, k, k_extend, self.correlation, self.db, weight) size_correlations = 0 size_functions = 0 string_out = '' for hash in self.correlation[n][k][k_extend][weight]: aux_class = self.correlation[n][k][k_extend][weight][hash].keys()[0] count = self.correlation[n][k][k_extend][weight][hash][aux_class] current_out = '#: %s - correlation: %s' % (count, aux_class) print current_out string_out += current_out + '\n' size_correlations += 1 size_functions += count file_out = open('out_n%sk%sk_extend%sw%s.txt' % (n, k, k_extend, weight), 'w') file_out.write(string_out) file_out.write('Size of correlations: %s\n' % size_correlations) print 'Size of correlations: %s' % size_correlations file_out.write('Size of functions: %s\n\n' % size_functions) print 'Size of functions: %s\n\n' % size_functions file_out.close() def mirror_batch(self, n_iter, k, k_extend, set_classes, ind, weight): k_extend_max = k_extend if k_extend <= n_iter-1 else n_iter-1 #clean partial structure if n_iter-1 in self.partialClass: del self.partialClass[n_iter-1] #clean correlation structure if n_iter-1 in self.correlation: del self.correlation[n_iter-1] #clean classes structure if n_iter-1 in self.classes: del self.classes[n_iter-1] #get batch of the partials batch = [self.get_mirror_partial(current_class, n_iter-1, k) for current_class, count in set_classes[ind:ind+self.batch_length]] #load all the partials of the batch, in mirror query use the partials structure (dont call to bd!!) self.functions.load_batch_partial_classes(n_iter-1, k, k_extend_max, weight/2, self.partialClass, batch, self.db) hashes = [] for elem_i in self.partialClass[n_iter-1][k][k_extend_max][weight/2].values(): try: for hash_i in elem_i: if hash_i not in hashes: hashes.append(hash_i) except: pass if k > 1: if len(hashes) > 0: #load correlation self.db.getBatchCorrelation(n_iter-1, k-1, k_extend_max, hashes, self.correlation) else: self.functions.load_correlation(n_iter-1, k-1, k_extend_max, self.correlation, self.db, weight/2) else: if len(hashes) > 0: #load classes self.db.getBatchClasses(n_iter-1, k_extend_max, hashes, self.classes) else: self.functions.load_classes(n_iter-1, weight/2, k_extend_max, self.classes, self.db) del batch del hashes def calculate_tree(self, n, k_extend, k, weight, class_tree): self.k_extend = k_extend self.calculate_classes(n, k_extend, weight) self.functions.load_classes(n, weight, k_extend, self.classes,self.db) if (class_tree != (-1,)): hash = self.functions.hash(class_tree) c_aux = self.classes[n][k_extend][weight][hash].keys()[0] print 'Class: %s ' % (str(c_aux)) self.calculate_tree_class(hash, n, k_extend, weight) else: for hash in self.classes[n][k_extend][weight]: #armado de arbol para cada correlations c_aux = self.classes[n][k_extend][weight][hash].keys()[0] print 'Class: %s ' % (str(c_aux)) self.calculate_tree_class(hash, n, k_extend, weight) def calculate_tree_class(self, hash, n , k_extend, weight): k_extend_max = k_extend if k_extend <= (n-1) else (n-1) pedigrees = self.db.load(hash=hash, type='pedigree') for pedigree in pedigrees: left = pedigree[0] right = pedigree[1] if left is not None and right is not None: c_left = self.db.getClass(left)[0] c_right = self.db.getClass(right)[0] print '%s * %s' % (c_left, c_right) print '%s ' %(str(c_left)) self.calculate_tree_class(left, n-1, k_extend_max, weight/2) print '%s ' %(str(c_right)) self.calculate_tree_class(right, n-1, k_extend_max, weight/2) else: return def solve(self, individual=False): self.start_time = time.time() f = self.functions for n_iter in xrange(2, self.N+1): for k in xrange(1, self.N+1): if individual: if not (n_iter == self.N and k == self.K): continue else: if k > n_iter or (n_iter == self.N and k > self.K): break self.k_extend = k elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time #print "EAT: %s seconds" % elapsed_time find_solution = False weight = self.db.get_last_weight(n_iter, k) weight_multiple = 2**k persist = False if f.solution_exists(n_iter, k, self.solution, self.db): f.load_correlation(n_iter, k, self.k_extend, self.correlation, self.db, weight) f.load_solution(n_iter, k, self.solution, self.db) find_solution = True persist = False while not find_solution: try: print ">>>> Weight: %s <-> N = %s, K = %s" % (weight, n_iter, k) f.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation) if f.isCorrelationCalculated(n_iter-1, k-1, k-1, weight/2, self.db): set_correlations = f.getSolution(n_iter-1, k-1, self.db) if k <= n_iter-1: set_correlations = f.calculate_extended_classes(set_correlations.keys()[0], n_iter-1, k-1, k, False, self.pedigree, self.classes, self.partialClass) self.functions.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation, True) else: set_correlations = set_correlations.items() else: set_correlations = self.get_all_k_correlation(n_iter-1, weight/2, k-1) ind = 0 ind_added = 0 print "All %s corr of weight %s VS all of weight %s (N=%s)" % (k-1, weight/2, weight/2, n_iter-1) size_set = len(set_correlations) f.clean_structures(self.classes, self.pedigree, self.partialClass, self.correlation) for c_0, count in set_correlations: if ind % self.batch_length == 0: print '[%s/%s] ---> %s-corr, w=%s, n=%s, Size_Partial=%s' % (ind+1, size_set, k-1, weight/2, n_iter-1, sys.getsizeof(dumps(self.partialClass))) if ind % self.batch_length == 0: self.mirror_batch(n_iter, k, self.k_extend, set_correlations, ind, weight) for mirror, count_aux in self.find_mirror(c_0, n_iter - 1, k): new_class = f.new_class(c_0, mirror, n_iter, self.k_extend) new_weight = new_class[0] if new_weight > 0 and f.is_correlation_immune(new_class, n_iter, k): ind_added += 1 f.refresh_pedigree(n_iter, self.k_extend, new_class, c_0, mirror, self.pedigree) f.refresh_mirror_classes(n_iter, self.k_extend, new_weight, new_class, self.classes, self.partialClass) f.refresh_classes(n_iter, self.k_extend, new_weight, new_class, count, count_aux, self.classes) f.add_correlation(n_iter, k, self.k_extend, new_weight, new_class, count * count_aux, self.correlation) f.add_solution(n_iter, new_class, count * count_aux, self.solution, k) find_solution = True persist = True ind += 1 f.remove_correlation(self.correlation, n_iter-1, k-1) print "All %s corr of weight %s VS all of weight %s - OK (N=%s)" % (k-1, weight/2, weight/2, n_iter-1) weight += weight_multiple except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(1) if persist:, k, self.k_extend, self.correlation, self.solution, self.classes, self.partialClass, self.allCalculated, self.db, delete=False) f.save_pedigree(self.pedigree, self.db) f.print_results(n_iter, k, self.start_time, self.correlation, self.solution, True)
print '(n, k) = (%s,%s)' % (n, k) sleep(2) BooleanFunction(n, k, None).solve() elif option == 3: try: n = input('Select N: ') k = input('Select K: ') except: print 'N and K must be integers > 0.' continue print '(n, k) = (%s,%s)' % (n, k) sleep(2) functions = Functions() solutions = {} db = DB() functions.load_solution(n,k,solutions,db) functions.print_results(n,k,time.time(),None,solutions,True) if option == 31: try: n = input('Select N: ') k = input('Select K: ') k_extend = input('Select K_extend: ') w = input('Select W: ') class_tree = raw_input('Class (-1 no class): ') class_tree = tuple([int(e) for e in class_tree.split(',')]) except: print 'N, K, K_extend, W must be integers > 0' continue print '(n, k, k_extend, w) = (%s,%s,%s,%s)' % (n, k, k_extend, w) sleep(2)