def custom_classifier( model=Simple_CNN(img_size=128), batch_size=256, num_epochs=42, img_size=48, lr=1e-3, use_gpu=True, random_background=False, name="", ): """ :param model: :param batch_size: (int) batch size for training :param num_epochs: (int) number of training epochs :param img_size: size of input image :param lr: learning rate typically ~1e-3 - 1e-5 :param use_gpu: (bool) use a GPU if available :param random_background: (bool) randomize uniform background :param name: (str) optionally name the saved state dicts """ # Training settings use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda and use_gpu else "cpu") train_loader, test_loader = create_dataloaders( batchsize=batch_size, img_size=img_size, random_background=random_background) model = loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) for epoch in range(1, num_epochs + 1): train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer, epoch, loss) accuracy = run_t(model, device, test_loader, loss) if random_background: background_extension = "_rand_backgr" else: background_extension = "" if name == "": save_name = Path("./models/custom_cnn_e" + str(num_epochs) + "_size_" + str(img_size) + background_extension + ".pt") else: save_name = Path(name + ".pt"), save_name) return accuracy
def finetune_model( model_name="squeezenet", num_classes=2, batch_size=64, num_epochs=42, feature_extract=True, lr=1e-3, use_gpu=True, name="", ): """ :param str model_name: model to be loaded :param int num_classes: number of classes :param int batch_size: size of batch used for SGD :param int num_epochs: Number of times the network is updated on the data :param bool feature_extract: deactivate gradients :param float lr: learning rate :param bool use_gpu: Allow or prohibit use of GPU :param str name: Optional path to save the network parameters to """ model_ft, input_size = initialize_model(model_name, num_classes, feature_extract, use_pretrained=True) loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() if use_gpu: device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") else: device = "cpu" train_loader, test_loader = create_dataloaders(batchsize=batch_size, img_size=input_size) model = optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) for epoch in range(1, num_epochs + 1): train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer, epoch, loss) accuracy = run_t(model, device, test_loader, loss) if name == "": save_name = Path("./models/" + model_name + "_e" + str(num_epochs) + ".pt") else: save_name = Path(name + ".pt"), save_name) return accuracy
def create_histogram(path, randomize_background): """ Creates normalized histograms of the training images :param str path: path to use for saving raw data :param bool randomize_background: Randomize uniform background """ num_episodes = 1 batch_size = 1 img_size = 32 bins = int(256 / 2) torch.manual_seed(42) train_loader, test_loader, validation_loader = create_dataloaders( batch_size, img_size=img_size, random_background=randomize_background ) del validation_loader del test_loader num_run = 0 bin_counts_cum = None for episode in range(num_episodes): print("\nRun \t %.0f" % episode) for data, target in train_loader: del target # Reshape data for grayscale conversion data = data.view((-1, img_size, img_size, 3)) data_train = data.detach().cpu().numpy() data_gray_train = rgb2gray(data_train) bin_counts = np.histogram(data_gray_train, bins) if bin_counts_cum is None: bin_counts_cum = bin_counts[0] else: bin_counts_cum += bin_counts[0] num_run += 1 if num_run % 1000 == 0: print(num_run) normalized_hist = bin_counts_cum / num_run / (img_size * img_size) np.savetxt(Path(path), normalized_hist, delimiter=",")
def main(): num_episodes = 5 batch_size = 2000 img_size = 64 train_loader, test_loader, validation_loader = create_dataloaders( batch_size, img_size=img_size ) del validation_loader classifier = LogisticRegression( random_state=42, warm_start=True, solver="liblinear" ) for episode in range(num_episodes): print("\nRun \t %.0f" % episode) for data, target in train_loader: # Reshape data for grayscale conversion data = data.view((-1, img_size, img_size, 3)) data_train = data.detach().cpu().numpy() data_gray_train = rgb2gray(data_train) data_gray_train = data_gray_train.reshape((-1, img_size * img_size)) target_train = target.detach().cpu().numpy() # Train classifier, target_train) # Eval accuracy results = [] for batch_id, (data, target) in enumerate(test_loader): data = data.view((-1, img_size, img_size, 3)) data_test = data.detach().cpu().numpy() data_gray_test = rgb2gray(data_test) data_gray_test = data_gray_test.reshape((-1, img_size * img_size)) target_test = target.detach().cpu().numpy() predictions = classifier.predict(data_gray_test) score = accuracy_score(target_test, predictions) results.append(score) print("Batch %.0f, Accuracy: %.2f" % (batch_id, score)) print("\n\nMean accuracy: %.2f" % np.mean(results))
def benchmark_inference_squeezenet(): """ Benchmark inference duration with JIT and GPU execution """ num_runs = 10 batch_size = 32 random_background = 0 path = Path("../state_dicts/") results = [] # load model original_model, img_size = initialize_model("squeezenet", 2, True, use_pretrained=True) original_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) # get dataloader train_loader, test_loader, val_loader = create_dataloaders( batchsize=batch_size, img_size=img_size, random_background=random_background) for use_gpu in [1, 0]: for use_tracing in [1, 0]: print(use_gpu, use_tracing) # Specify execution device if use_gpu: device = torch.device("cuda") else: device = torch.device("cpu") # Clone original model execution_model = copy.deepcopy(original_model) execution_model.train() if use_tracing: for (data, target) in val_loader: example_input = data break execution_model = trace(execution_model, example_inputs=example_input, check_trace=False) if use_gpu: execution_model.cuda() else: # Move model to GPU execution_model = for ii in range(num_runs): start = timeit.default_timer() for (data, target) in val_loader: data = prediction = execution_model(data) end = timeit.default_timer() results.append( [use_gpu, use_tracing, (end - start) / num_runs]) np.savetxt( Path("../logs/inference_speedup_squeezenet.csv"), results, delimiter=",", header="use_gpu,use_tracing,duration", )
def benchmark_inference_custom_model(): """ Benchmark inference duration with JIT and GPU execution """ num_runs = 25 batch_size = 1024 img_size = 128 random_background = 0 path = Path("../state_dicts/") results = [] # load model original_model = Simple_CNN_e2(img_size=img_size) original_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) # get dataloader train_loader, test_loader, val_loader = create_dataloaders( batchsize=batch_size, img_size=img_size, random_background=random_background) for use_gpu in [0, 1]: for use_tracing in [0, 1]: print(use_gpu, use_tracing) # Specify execution device if use_gpu: device = torch.device("cuda") else: device = torch.device("cpu") # Clone original model execution_model = copy.deepcopy(original_model) original_model.train() if use_tracing: for (data, target) in val_loader: example_input = data break execution_model = trace(execution_model, example_inputs=example_input) if use_gpu: execution_model.cuda() else: # Move model to GPU execution_model = for ii in range(num_runs): start = timeit.default_timer() for (data, target) in val_loader: data = prediction = execution_model(data) end = timeit.default_timer() results.append( [use_gpu, use_tracing, (end - start) / num_runs]) np.savetxt( Path("../logs/inference_speedup_custom_e2.csv"), results, delimiter=",", header="use_gpu,use_tracing,duration", )