def __init__(self):
     # Initialize via superclass constructor
     # Write out the logo and menu items using the TextRenderer module
     # Menu item highlighted by the user, or "None"
     self.mouseover = None
     # BG image = pygame.transform.smoothscale(
         pygame.image.load(os.path.join(PATH_GRAPHICS_SPRITES, "main_menu_bg.png")), (SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)
     # Title image
     self.title = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(PATH_GRAPHICS_SPRITES, "title.png"))
     # Load menu stuff. First, Boolean if it is open
     self.loadmenu_open = False
     tr = GlobalServices.getTextRenderer()
     self.loadmenu_caption = tr.writeAsSurface("Where do you want to pick up?", COLOR_TEXT, FONTSTYLE_CAPTION)
     back = tr.writeAsSurface("Back", COLOR_TEXT, FONTSTYLE_CAPTION)
     self.menu_backbutton = (back, pygame.Rect((500, 20), back.get_rect().size))
     # The list of save game folders to choose from
     self.loadmenu_saves = []
     # New game menu stuff. Boolean if it is open
     self.newgame_open = False
     self.newgame_caption = tr.writeAsSurface(
         "Enter a save game name. Proceed with Enter...", COLOR_TEXT, FONTSTYLE_CAPTION
     # List of characters that make up the save game name
     self.newgame_name = []
     self.newgame_surf = tr.writeAsSurface("_")
     # Play BGM = GlobalServices.getAudioDevice(), "maincredit", VOLUME_MUSIC + 0.2, -1)
 def __init__(self):
     ViewInterface.__init__(self) = GlobalServices.getTextRenderer()
     self.logo ="Loading", 0, COLOR_TEXT, (200, 200), FONTSTYLE_CAPTION) = None
     self.img = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(PATH_GRAPHICS_SPRITES, "loading_screen_bg.png")).convert_alpha()
     self.pos = center_image(self.img)
 def __init__(self):
     # Renderer object that displays the map
     self.renderer = tiledtmxloader.helperspygame.RendererPygame()
     self.renderer.set_camera_position_and_size(200, 300, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)
     # Reference to current map to be rendered (will be updated whenever the Game object posts a MapChangeEvent)
     self.currentmap = None
     # Reference to currently highlighted object (will be set by the view controller whenever that actually happens)
     self.highlighted = None
     # Reference to currently highlighted inventory item (only relevant when it's actually open)
     self.invitem = None
     # Boolean switch that depicts if the inventory is open or not
     self.inventory_open = False
     # Boolean switch that depicts if the game menu is open or not
     self.gamemenu_open = False
     self.darkened = OverlayFactory.create_by_color((0,0,0), 0, 200)
     self.backtogame = [GlobalServices.getTextRenderer().writeAsSurface(\
                       "Back to Game", COLOR_TEXT, FONTSTYLE_CAPTION),\
     self.backtomainmenu = [GlobalServices.getTextRenderer().writeAsSurface(\
                           "Back to Main menu", COLOR_TEXT, FONTSTYLE_CAPTION),\
     self.selected = None
     # Screen handle, used for screenshot saving
     self.screen_surface = None