def stats(): try:"stats route::enter") main_obj = Main() file_handle = open(session['filename'], encoding="utf8", mode="r") main_obj.file_contents = friend1 = Friend() friend2 = Friend() date_object = Dates() main_obj.prepare_stats(friend1, friend2, date_object) @after_this_request def remove_file(response): try: logging.debug("remove_file::enter") file_handle.close() os.remove(session['filename']) logging.debug("remove_file::exit") except Exception as error: app.logger.error( "Error removing or closing downloaded file handle", error) return response"stats route::exit") return render_template("stats.html", main_obj=main_obj, friend1=friend1, friend2=friend2, date_object=date_object) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Exception in stats route handler")
class MainApplication(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs) self.parent = parent self.main = Main(self, bg="#c6c6c6") self.main.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
def test_addIngredient_weightIngredient_to_burger(): main = Main('wrap') lettuce = WeightIngredient(1, 'lettuce', 'm', 2000, 50, 100, 150, .50, 1, 1.5) main.addIngredient(lettuce, 1, 's') assert main.ingredients[0][0] == lettuce assert main.ingredients[0][1] == 1 assert main.ingredients[0][2] == 's' assert main.price == 4
def test_remIngredient_incorrect_input_no_ings_in_order(): sys = System() wrap = Main('wrap') sys.addQuantityIngredient('beef patty', 'm', 50, 1.50) ing1 = sys.ingredients[0] with pytest.raises(UserError) as error: wrap.remIngredient(ing1, 1, None) assert "You don't have any ingredients in your main to remove." in str(error.value)
def main(event, context): print(str(event)) # if str(event['report']).lower() == "true": if event['report']: pu = PercentUnscannedReport() else: main = Main()
def test_add_patty_to_burger_within_range(): main=Main('burger') patty=QuantityIngredient(1, 'patty', 'm', 25, 5) main.addIngredient(patty, 3, None) assert main.ingredients[0][0] == patty assert main.ingredients[0][1] == 3 assert main.price == 18 assert main.nBun == 0 assert main.nPatty == 3 assert main.type == 'burger'
def test_addIngredient_tomato_to_burger_enough_stock(): main = Main('burger') tomato = QuantityIngredient(1, 'tomato', 'm', 20, 1) main.addIngredient(tomato, 5, None) assert main.ingredients[0][0] == tomato assert main.ingredients[0][1] == 5 assert main.price == 8 assert main.nBun == 0 assert main.nPatty == 0 assert main.type == 'burger'
def test_add_bun_to_burger_within_range(): main = Main('burger') bun = QuantityIngredient(1, 'bun', 'm', 10, 1.5) main.addIngredient(bun, 3, None) assert main.ingredients[0][0] == bun assert main.ingredients[0][1] == 3 assert main.price == 7.5 assert main.nBun == 3 assert main.nPatty == 0 assert main.type == 'burger'
def add_main(self, type): if type == 'burger': main = Main('burger') self._mains.append(main) return main elif type == 'wrap': main = Main('wrap') self._mains.append(main) return main else: raise DevError('type should be either "burger" or "wrap"')
class TestHTTPIErequest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.temp = Main() def test_received(self): with patch.object(requests, 'get') as get_mock: get_mock.return_value.status_code = 200 get_mock.return_value.text = "Allu" assert self.temp.Make_request() == "Allu" and type( self.temp.Make_request()) == str def test_not_received(self): with patch.object(requests, 'get') as get_mock: get_mock.return_value.status_code.return_value = 404 assert self.temp.Make_request() == "Goodbye"
def test_del_main_incorrect_input(): order = Order(1) order.add_main('burger') wrong_main = Main('wrap') with pytest.raises(DevError) as e: order.del_main(wrong_main) assert "main that you're trying to delete doesn't exist in this order" in str(e.value)
def test_cancel(os): # ===== CREATING 3 ORDERS ===== order1 = Order() m = Main("burger", b_ingres) order1.add_main(m) os.add_order(order1) order2 = Order() order2.add_main(m) os.add_order(order2) order3 = Order() order3.add_main(m) os.add_order(order3) # ==== CANCELLING 3 ORDERS ==== os.cancel_order(order1._order_id) assert len(os._orders) == 2 assert len(os._completed_orders) == 0 os.cancel_order(order3._order_id) assert len(os._orders) == 1 assert len(os._completed_orders) == 0 os.cancel_order(order2._order_id) assert len(os._orders) == 0 assert len(os._completed_orders) == 0
def test_completed(os): # ===== CREATING 3 ORDERS ===== order1 = Order() m = Main("burger", b_ingres) order1.add_main(m) os.add_order(order1) order2 = Order() order2.add_main(m) os.add_order(order2) order3 = Order() order3.add_main(m) os.add_order(order3) assert len(os._orders) == 3 # ===== COMPLETING ORDERS ===== os.complete_order(order1._order_id) assert len(os._orders) == 2 assert len(os._completed_orders) == 1 os.complete_order(order3._order_id) assert len(os._orders) == 1 assert len(os._completed_orders) == 2 os.complete_order(order2._order_id) assert len(os._orders) == 0 assert len(os._completed_orders) == 3
def test_order_status(os): # ===== CREATING 3 ORDERS ===== order1 = Order() m = Main("burger", b_ingres) order1.add_main(m) os.add_order(order1) order2 = Order() order2.add_main(m) os.add_order(order2) order3 = Order() order3.add_main(m) os.add_order(order3) # ===== COMPLETING ORDERS ===== assert order3._completed == False os.complete_order(order1._order_id) assert len(os._orders) == 2 assert len(os._completed_orders) == 1 assert order1._completed == True assert order3._completed == False os.complete_order(order3._order_id) assert len(os._orders) == 1 assert len(os._completed_orders) == 2 assert order3._completed == True assert order2._completed == False os.complete_order(order2._order_id) assert len(os._orders) == 0 assert len(os._completed_orders) == 3 assert order2._completed == True
def main(choice): try: assert LooseVersion(tf.__version__) in [LooseVersion('1.0.0'), LooseVersion( '1.0.1')], 'This project requires TensorFlow version 1.0 You are using {}' \ .format(tf.__version__) print('TensorFlow Version: {}'.format(tf.__version__)) print('*****Author: Satyaki Sanyal*****') print('***This project must only be used for educational purpose***') if choice == 1: if not tf.test.gpu_device_name(): print('*** ERROR: No GPU found. Please use a GPU to train your neural network. ***') else: print('Default GPU Device: {}'.format(tf.test.gpu_device_name())) Main().main() elif choice == 2: Translate().translate() elif choice == 3: Plot().plot() else: print('*** Error: Wrong choice ***') except Exception as exc: print('*** Error: ' + str(exc) + ' ***')
def test_invalid_order_main(os): # ===== ORDERS A BURGER WITH TOO MANY BUNS ===== b_ingres = [] x1 = Ingredient("sesame", "bun", "sesame bun", 1000, 1.5) x2 = Ingredient("lettuce", "vegetable", 2, 0.5) b_ingres.append(x1) b_ingres.append(x2) order1 = Order() bunQ = ing_quantity("sesame", "bun") m1 = Main("Burger", b_ingres) order1.add_main(m1) # ===== MAKES SURE THE ERROR IS CATCHED AND THE CORRECT MESSAGE IS DISPLAYED ===== try: os.add_order(order1) assert False except Exception as err: assert str(err) == "Not enough ingredients available." assert True # ===== MAKE SURE INVENTORY WASN'T UPDATED ===== assert ing_quantity("sesame", "bun") == bunQ # ASSERT NO ORDER LOGGED assert len(os._orders) == 0
class Test_LogIn(unittest.TestCase): logIn = LogIn() main = Main() Customers = Customers() fakeUsers = ['csmi', 'aarc'] def __init__(self, methodName: str = ...): __init__(methodName) self.ReadCSVFile = None def test_CustomerInfo(self): customerInfo = self.ReadCSVFile.getFileData("Customer/", "customer.csv") customerColumns = customerInfo[0] self.assertEqual(customerColumns, ["Customers", ]) def test_mockSingleResult(self): propertyData = [] propertyData.append("Customers") propertyData.append("csmi, aarc") = [] self.logIn.config.getConfig = MagicMock(return_value=propertyData) result = self.logIn.getCustomers() self.assertEqual(['Customers'], result) def test_mockEnterUserPassword(self): LogIn.getUserInfo = MagicMock(return_value='aarc') self.assertEqual('Enter password', self.logIn())
def main(): num_epochs = 70 batch_size = 128 rnn_size = 256 embed_dim = 256 seq_length = 15 learning_rate = 0.01 show_every_n_batches = 10 while True: try: ip = int( input( 'Enter 1. to train model, 2. to print scripts, 3. Exit \n>> ' )) if ip == 1 or ip == 2: Main().assert_v(num_epochs, batch_size, rnn_size, embed_dim, seq_length, learning_rate, show_every_n_batches, ip) if ip == 3: print('*** Thank you ***') break else: print('*** Input not recognized. Try Again! ***') except Exception as e: print('***** EXCEPTION FACED: ' + str(e) + ' *****')
def bootstrap_system(): system = OrderingSystem() order1 = Order() custom_ingredients = deepcopy(g_ingredients) custom_ingredients = [x for x in custom_ingredients if x.i_type != "wrap"] for i in custom_ingredients: i.amount = 1 main1 = Main("burger", custom_ingredients) order1.add_main(main1) nuggets1 = Nuggets(6) order1.add_side(nuggets1) fries1 = Fries("large") order1.add_side(fries1) drink1 = Drink("pepsi", "can", 2) order1.add_drink(drink1) system.add_order(order1) order2 = Order() order2.add_main(main1) order2.add_side(nuggets1) order2.add_side(fries1) order2.add_drink(drink1) system.add_order(order2) return system
class Main_ceasar_decoding_Matchers(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.temp = Main() def test_Ceasar_decoding_check_result_same_length__string__and__letters_same_case_but_with_space( self): argument = 'MMMii doah' assert_that( self.temp.Ceasar_coding(argument) ).check_result_same_length__string__and__letters_same_case(argument) def test_Ceasar_decoding_check_result_same_length__string__and__letters_same_case( self): argument = 'ConnORmCgregor' assert_that( self.temp.Ceasar_coding(argument) ).check_result_same_length__string__and__letters_same_case(argument)
class Main_ceasar_coding_Matchers(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.temp = Main() def test_Ceasar_coding_check_result_same_length__string__and__letters_same_case( self): argument = 'wiKtOOOr' assert_that( self.temp.Ceasar_coding(argument) ).check_result_same_length__string__and__letters_same_case(argument) def test_Ceasar_coding_check_result_same_length__string__and__letters_same_case_but_with_space( self): argument = 'wKK OKA' assert_that( self.temp.Ceasar_coding(argument) ).check_result_same_length__string__and__letters_same_case(argument)
class Main_morse_coding_Matchers(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.temp = Main() def test_Morse_coding_check_result_length_higher_and_string_and_contain_spaces( self): argument = 'wiktor 1' assert_that( self.temp.Morse_coding(argument) ).check_result_length_higher_and_string_and_contain_spaces(argument) def test_Morse_coding_check_result_contain_single_spaces_beetween_morse( self): argument = 'Testowanie' assert_that( self.temp.Morse_coding(argument) ).check_result_contain_single_spaces_beetween_morse(argument)
def main(argv): __keyword, __path = '', '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'a:p:', ['list']) except getopt.GetoptError: raise Exception('Something went wrong') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-a': __keyword = arg elif opt == '-p': __path = arg elif opt == '--list': Main.list() if '-a' in sys.argv[1:]: Main.add_shortcut(__keyword, __path) print('{0} is added with a pass {1}'.format(__keyword, __path))
def sample(): try:"sample route::enter") main_obj = Main() file_handle = open('sample.txt', encoding="utf8", mode="r") main_obj.file_contents = friend1 = Friend() friend2 = Friend() date_object = Dates() main_obj.prepare_stats(friend1, friend2, date_object)"sample route::exit") return render_template("stats.html", main_obj=main_obj, friend1=friend1, friend2=friend2, date_object=date_object) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Exception in stats route handler")
def cli(arg1, arg2): if len(arg2) > 1: keyword, path = arg2[0], arg2[1] else: keyword, path = arg2[0], '' if arg1 != '': keywordClass = Keyword(arg1) result = Main.execute(keywordClass, keyword, path) if result != True: sys.stdout.write(result)
def test_make_full_order(os): # ===== MAKE A LIST OF INGREDIENTS AND MAKE A MAIN ===== w_ingres = [] x1 = Ingredient("plain", "wrap", "plain wrap", 1, 2) x2 = Ingredient("lettuce", "vegetable", "lettuce", 2, 0.5) x3 = Ingredient("tomato", "vegetable", "tomato", 2, 1) x4 = Ingredient("cheddar", "cheese", "cheddar cheese", 4, 1) for x in [x1, x2, x3, x4]: w_ingres.append(x) m1 = Main("wrap", w_ingres) # ===== STORE INVENTORY LEVELS ===== wrapQ = ing_quantity("plain", "wrap") letQ = ing_quantity("lettuce", "vegetable") tomQ = ing_quantity("tomato", "vegetable") cheQ = ing_quantity("cheddar", "cheese") ojQ = drink_quantity("orange juice", "") pepsi_q = drink_quantity("pepsi", "can") nuggetQ = side_quantity(Nuggets(6)) friesQ = side_quantity(Fries("")) # ===== ADD MAIN, DRINK AND SIDES TO ORDER ===== order1 = Order() order1.add_main(m1) order1.add_drink(Drink("orange juice", "small", 250)) order1.add_drink(Drink("pepsi", "can", 2)) order1.add_side(Fries("large")) order1.add_side(Nuggets(6)) # ===== ADD ORDER TO ORDERING SYSTEM ===== assert os.add_order(order1) == True # ===== ASSERT ORDER WAS LOGGED ===== assert len(os._orders) == 1 # ===== CHECK PRICE ===== assert order1.calculate_price() == 21 # ===== MAKE SURE CORRECT NUMBER OF ITEMS HAVE BEEN PUT INTO THE ORDER ===== assert len(order1.mains) == 1 assert len(order1.sides) == 2 assert len(order1.drinks) == 2 assert len(order1.mains[0]._ingredients) == 4 # ===== MAKE SURE INVENTORY LEVELS WERE UPDATED CORRECTLY ===== assert ing_quantity("plain", "wrap") == wrapQ - 1 assert ing_quantity("lettuce", "vegetable") == letQ - 2 assert ing_quantity("tomato", "vegetable") == tomQ - 2 assert ing_quantity("cheddar", "cheese") == cheQ - 4 assert side_quantity(Nuggets(6)) == nuggetQ - 6 assert side_quantity(Fries("")) == friesQ - 640 assert drink_quantity("orange juice", "") == ojQ - 250 assert drink_quantity("pepsi", "can") == pepsi_q - 2
def test_check_burger_invalid(): main = Main('burger') bun = QuantityIngredient(1, 'bun','m', 10, 1.5) main.addIngredient(bun, 1, None) with pytest.raises(UserError) as err: main.checkBurger() assert "You must finish your burger before moving on. It needs at least 2 buns to be finished." in str(err.value)
class TestAffine(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.temp = Main() @parameterized.expand([('VENI', 3, 12, 'XYZK'), ('cAbM', 3, 12, 'sMpW'), ('iueghish', 7, 8, 'mskyfmef'), ('kolokwium', 19, 16, 'ywrwysmgk')]) def test_Affine_coding_equal_string(self, text, a, b, expected): self.assertEqual(self.temp.Affine_coding(text, a, b), expected) @parameterized.expand([('VENI VICI', 9, 123, 'ADGN ANLN'), ('Na Statek Kamraci', 15, 12, 'Zm Wlmlug Gmkhmqc'), ('DO wozu BRACIE', 15, 8, 'BK aktw XDIMYQ'), ('kolokwium jest za dwa dni', 21, 6, 'iodoiasky nmup lg rag rts')]) def test_Affine_coding_equal_string_with_space(self, text, a, b, expected): self.assertEqual(self.temp.Affine_coding(text, a, b), expected) @parameterized.expand([('dawdawdwadaw', 9, 123), ('NNNNa St KOMANDORE', 15, 12), ('AKODWANI', 15, 8), ('kol', 21, 6), (' ', 19, 16)]) def test_Affine_coding_equal_string_lengths(self, text, a, b): self.assertEqual(len(self.temp.Affine_coding(text, a, b)), len(text))
def test_remIngredient_correct_input(): sys = System() sys.addQuantityIngredient('beef patty', 'm', 50, 1.50) sys.addQuantityIngredient('cheese', 'm', 50, 1.00) sys.addQuantityIngredient('egg', 'm', 50, 1.50) ing1 = sys.ingredients[0] ing2 = sys.ingredients[1] ing3 = sys.ingredients[2] wrap = Main('wrap') wrap.addIngredient(ing1, 2, None) wrap.addIngredient(ing2, 2, None) wrap.addIngredient(ing3, 1, None) wrap.remIngredient(ing3, 1, None) assert len(wrap.ingredients) == 2 assert sys.ingredients[2].stock == 50
def test_cancel_main(os): # ===== MAKE LIST OF INGREDIENTS ===== b_ingres = [] x1 = Ingredient("sesame", "bun", "sesame bun", 3, 1.5) x2 = Ingredient("beef", "patty", "beef patty", 2, 3.0) x3 = Ingredient("tomato", "vegetable", "tomato", 2, 0.5) x4 = Ingredient("cheddar", "cheese", "cheddar cheese", 2, 1) x5 = Ingredient("tomato", "sauce", "tomato sauce", 2, 0.5) for x in [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]: b_ingres.append(x) # ===== STORE CURRENT INVENTORY LEVELS ===== bunQ = ing_quantity("sesame", "bun") pattyQ = ing_quantity("beef", "patty") vegQ = ing_quantity("tomato", "vegetable") cheQ = ing_quantity("cheddar", "cheese") sauQ = ing_quantity("tomato", "sauce") # ===== ORDER A MAIN ===== order1 = Order() m1 = Main("burger", b_ingres) order1.add_main(m1) os.add_order(order1) assert len(os._orders) == 1 assert order1.calculate_price() == 14.5 assert len(order1.mains) == 1 assert len(order1.mains[0]._ingredients) == 5 # ===== MAKE SURE INVENTORY UPDATED CORRECTLY ===== assert ing_quantity("sesame", "bun") == bunQ - 3 assert ing_quantity("beef", "patty") == pattyQ - 2 assert ing_quantity("tomato", "vegetable") == vegQ - 2 assert ing_quantity("cheddar", "cheese") == cheQ - 2 assert ing_quantity("tomato", "sauce") == sauQ - 2 os.cancel_order(order1._order_id) # ===== IF AN ORDER IS CANCELLED MAKE SURE THE INGREDIENTS ARE PUT BACK IN THE INVENTORY SYSTEM ===== assert ing_quantity("sesame", "bun") == bunQ assert ing_quantity("beef", "patty") == pattyQ assert ing_quantity("tomato", "vegetable") == vegQ assert ing_quantity("cheddar", "cheese") == cheQ assert ing_quantity("tomato", "sauce") == sauQ
class Test_LogIn(unittest.TestCase): logIn = LogIn() main = Main() customers = Customers() listOfFakeNumbers = ['07946450569', '07958963214'] def __init__(self, methodName: str = ...): super().__init__(methodName) self.readCSVFile = None def test_CustomerInfo(self): customerInfo = self.readCSVFile.getFileData("Customer/", "customer.csv") customerColumns = customerInfo[0] self.assertEqual(customerColumns, [ "Customers", ]) def test_mockSingleResult(self): propertyData = [] propertyData.append("Customers") propertyData.append("07946450569, 07958963214") = [] self.logIn.config.getConfig = MagicMock(return_value=propertyData) result = self.logIn.getCustomers() self.assertEqual(['Customers'], result) def test_mockEnterUserPassword(self): LogIn.getUserInfo = MagicMock(return_value='07946450569') self.assertEqual('Enter password', self.logIn.display()) def test_getCustomerDataFromStub(self): self.main.setConfig(CSVStub) customerData = customerColumns = customerData[0] self.assertEqual(customerColumns, "phoneNumber") def test_FakeList(self): displayFakeList = LogIn() fakeNumbers = Test_LogIn.listOfFakeNumbers displayFakeList.getCustomers = MagicMock( return_value=fakeNumbers.pop()) self.assertEqual('Enter password', displayFakeList.display())
def setUp(self): # setting directories program_dir = abspath(join(realpath(__file__), pardir, pardir)) home_dir = join(program_dir, "tests", "testdata") cache_dir = home_dir # creating the main instance = QApplication(sys.argv) self.main = Main(program_dir, home_dir) # cache directory self.main._CACHEDIR = cache_dir self.main._preferences["cacheDir"] = cache_dir self.main._mystorage._cache_dir = cache_dir self.hdir = home_dir self.pdir = program_dir # project file names self.pname = join(self.hdir, "swan.txt") self.vname = join(self.hdir, "swan_vum.vum") # avoids segmentation fault
def createMain(main_type): print("\nWhat would you like in your %s?\n" % main_type) custom_ingredients = deepcopy(g_ingredients) if (main_type == "burger"): custom_ingredients = [ x for x in custom_ingredients if x.i_type != "wrap" ] else: custom_ingredients = [ x for x in custom_ingredients if x.i_type != "bun" ] for x in custom_ingredients: x.amount = int(input("How many %s? " % x)) m = Main(main_type, custom_ingredients) return m
class Test(unittest.TestCase): """ Test class for testing :class:`src.main.Main`. """ def setUp(self): # setting directories program_dir = abspath(join(realpath(__file__), pardir, pardir)) home_dir = join(program_dir, "tests", "testdata") cache_dir = home_dir # creating the main instance = QApplication(sys.argv) self.main = Main(program_dir, home_dir) # cache directory self.main._CACHEDIR = cache_dir self.main._preferences["cacheDir"] = cache_dir self.main._mystorage._cache_dir = cache_dir self.hdir = home_dir self.pdir = program_dir # project file names self.pname = join(self.hdir, "swan.txt") self.vname = join(self.hdir, "swan_vum.vum") # avoids segmentation fault def tearDown(self): # removing the created files if exists(self.pname): remove(self.pname) if exists(self.vname): remove(self.vname) def test01_NewProject_CreatingSuccess(self): # sessions to load files = [join(self.hdir, "l101015-001"), join(self.hdir, "l101015-002")] channel = self.main._mystorage.get_channel() proname = self.main._preferences["defaultProName"] # has to successfully create the project success = self.main._mystorage.load_project(self.hdir, proname, channel, files) self.assertTrue(success) def test02_NewProject_CreatingFail(self): # no sessions given files = [] channel = self.main._mystorage.get_channel() proname = self.main._preferences["defaultProName"] # has to fail creating the project success = self.main._mystorage.load_project(self.hdir, proname, channel, files) self.assertFalse(success) def test04_NewProject_SaveProject(self): # sessions to load files = [join(self.hdir, "l101015-001"), join(self.hdir, "l101015-002")] channel = self.main._mystorage.get_channel() proname = self.main._preferences["defaultProName"] # has to successfully create the project files self.main._mystorage.load_project(self.hdir, proname, channel, files) # setting up a virtual unit map vumap = VirtualUnitMap() vumap.set_initial_map([1, 1])"vum", vumap) # has to successfully create the project files self.main.save_project() self.assertTrue(exists(self.pname)) self.assertTrue(exists(self.vname)) def test20_LoadConnectorMapSuccess(self): filename = join(self.hdir, "test_cmap_success.csv") # reading the channel ids from the file with open(filename, "rb") as cfile: creader = csv.reader(cfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') channels = [row[1] for row in creader] # is not allowed to raise an error self.main.load_connector_map(filename) # getting the channel ids channels_new = [ for item in self.main.selector._items] i = 0 tmp = channels channels = [] for k in xrange(10): c = tmp[i:i+10] i += 10 for el in reversed(c): channels.insert(0, int(el)) # channels from program must be identical to the channel ids from the file self.assertListEqual(channels, channels_new) def test21_LoadConnectorMapFail(self): filename = join(self.hdir, "test_cmap_fail.csv") # getting the channel ids channels = [ for item in self.main.selector._items] # must raise an error because the file could not be read self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.main.load_connector_map, filename) # getting the channel ids again channels_new = [ for item in self.main.selector._items] # must be identical to the channel ids before calling the function self.assertListEqual(channels, channels_new) def test99_Quit(self): self.main.ui.action_Quit.trigger()
Can run the application just like :mod:`` but it doesn't do additions and checks for the *sys.path*. Don't use this to run the application. This is only used by *py2exe*. """ if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import os from os.path import curdir, split, abspath, expanduser, join, realpath, pardir, isfile if len(sys.argv) > 1: home = sys.argv[1] else: #should only work on windows and unix home = expanduser("~") # p = abspath(join(realpath(__file__), pardir, pardir)) p = sys.path[0] p = split(p)[0] if not p: p = curdir from src.main import Main from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) m = Main(abspath(p), home) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def execute(__keyword): Main.goto(__keyword)