def close_permanently_db(username, store_number): check_if_admin = "select username from [dbo].[user_rules] where state_id=2 and username='******'" try: check_if_admin = SQL.select_from_db(check_if_admin) except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about Admin") if len(check_if_admin) == 0: return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The username isn't an Admin so he cannot close the store permanently") delete_store = "delete from [dbo].[cond_discount] where exists (select catalog_number " \ "from [dbo].[products] as t where store_number =" + str(store_number) + " and t.catalog_number = " \ "catalog_number) " \ "delete from [dbo].[coupon_discount] where exists (select catalog_number " \ "from [dbo].[products] as t where store_number =" + str(store_number) + " and t.catalog_number = " \ "catalog_number) " \ "delete from [dbo].[products_key_words] where exists (select catalog_number " \ "from [dbo].[products] as t where store_number =" + str(store_number) + " and t.catalog_number = " \ "catalog_number) " \ "delete from [dbo].[reg_discount] where exists (select catalog_number " \ "from [dbo].[products] as t where store_number =" + str(store_number) + " and t.catalog_number = " \ "catalog_number) " \ "delete from [dbo].[shopping_carts] where exists (select catalog_number " \ "from [dbo].[products] as t where store_number =" + str(store_number) + " and t.catalog_number = " \ "catalog_number) " \ "delete from [dbo].[products] where store_number =" + str(store_number) + " "\ "delete from [dbo].[user_rules] where store_number =" + str(store_number) + " " \ "delete from [dbo].[stores] where store_number =" + str(store_number) try: SQL.update(delete_store) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The Store was Closed permanently") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot close this store permanently")
def show_store_db(store_number): get_store = 'select * from [dbo].[stores] where store_number=' + str(store_number) try: get_store = SQL.select_from_db(get_store) except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(None, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about this store") return MessageResponse(get_store, 1, "Successful retrieval of store")
def get_states(username): get = "select distinct state_id from [dbo].[user_rules] where username='******'" try: get = SQL.select_from_db(get) return MessageResponse(get, 1, "The states received successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(None, 0, "THe states cannot received")
def get_product(catalog_number): get_p = " select * from [dbo].[products] where catalog_number = " + str(catalog_number) try: get_p = SQL.select_from_db(get_p) return MessageResponse(get_p, 1, "Successful retrieval of product with this catalog number") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(None, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about product with this catalog number")
def drop_users(): delete_tables_query = "delete from [dbo].[products]; delete from [dbo].[stores]; delete from [dbo].users; " try: SQL.update(delete_tables_query) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "deleted user table") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot delete user table")
def remove_all_carts(username): delete_cart = "delete from [dbo].[shopping_carts] where username='******'" try: SQL.update(delete_cart) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "All carts of the user were removed") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot remove all carts")
def execute_transaction(self, username: str, shopping_cart, payment_method: str, payment_details, address: DeliveryAddress, account_number: int): if not self.check_availability_of_products(shopping_cart): return MessageResponse( False, 1, "Not all the products are available in this amount") TransactionManagement.transaction_counter += 1 transaction = Transaction(self.transaction_counter, shopping_cart['products'], username, payment_method, payment_details, address, account_number, shopping_cart['store_number']) cart = ShoppingCart(shopping_cart["store_number"], shopping_cart['products']) # until here yet transaction.total_price = cart.calculate_price() if self.payment_system.charge(username, payment_details[0], payment_details[1], payment_details[2], payment_details[3], payment_details[4]) == 'declined': return MessageResponse(False, 1, "payment problem") transaction.update_payment_status() if, address) == 'undelivered': return MessageResponse(False, 1, 'delivery problem, payment were cancelled') transaction.update_delivery_status() self.transactions.append(transaction) self.remove_products_from_store(shopping_cart) return MessageResponse( transaction, 1, 'succeed transaction' + str(transaction.transaction_id))
def search_products_by_category_db(category): get_products = " select * from [dbo].[products] as p join [dbo].[stores] as s " \ "on p.store_number=s.store_number where p.category='" + category + "' and s.is_enable=1" try: get_products = SQL.select_from_db(get_products) return MessageResponse(get_products, 1, "Successful retrieval of products") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(None, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about products")
def change_details_of_product_db(catalog_number, attribute, value): update_product = "update [dbo].[products] set " + attribute + "=" + str(value) + "where catalog_number=" + \ str(catalog_number) try: SQL.update(update_product) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "Product's detail was changed successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot update the filed of product")
def change_details_of_store_db(store_number, attribute, value): update_store = "update [dbo].[stores] set " + attribute + "=" + str(value) + "where store_number=" + \ str(store_number) try: SQL.update(update_store) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "Store's detail was changed successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot update the filed of store")
def get_stores_of_user_manager_db(username): get_stores = "select store_number from [dbo].[user_rules] where username='******' and state_id=(select state_id from [dbo].[states] where state='STORE_MANAGER')" try: get_stores = SQL.select_from_db(get_stores) return MessageResponse(get_stores, 1, "Successful retrieval of stores") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(None, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about stores")
def create_new_user_db(user_name, password, age): op = "INSERT INTO dbo.users VALUES ('" + user_name + "',HASHBYTES('SHA2_512','" + str(password) + "')," + \ str(age) + ")" try: SQL.update(op) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "New user registered to the system") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "The username already exists in the system")
def create_new_admin_db(username, password, age): create_new_user_db(username, password, age) make_admin = "insert into [dbo].[user_rules] values('" + username + "', null, 2, '" + username + "')" try: SQL.update(make_admin) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "New admin was created") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot create new admin") return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot create new admin")
def search_products_by_name_db(name): get_products = " select p.catalog_number,, p.price, p.category, p.store_number, p.amount, " \ "p.minimum_products, p.maximum_products, p.minimum_age from [dbo].[products] as p join " \ "[dbo].[stores] as s on p.store_number=s.store_number where'" + name + "' and s.is_enable=1" try: get_products = SQL.select_from_db(get_products) return MessageResponse(get_products, 1, "Successful retrieval of products") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(None, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about products")
def search_products_by_key_word_db(key_word): get_products = " select * from [dbo].[products_key_words] as k join [dbo].[products] as p " \ "on k.catalog_number=p.catalog_number join [dbo].[stores] as s on p.store_number=s.store_number " \ "where key_word='" + key_word + "' and s.is_enable=1" try: get_products = SQL.select_from_db(get_products) return MessageResponse(get_products, 1, "Successful retrieval of products") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(None, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about products")
def dec_product_amount_db(catalog_number, amount): update_amount = "Update [dbo].[products] SET amount = (select amount from [dbo].[products]" \ "where catalog_number=" + str(catalog_number) + ") - " + str(amount) + "where catalog_number=" + \ str(catalog_number) try: SQL.update(update_amount) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The amount was decreased successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot decrease the amount")
def empty_tables(): delete_tables_query ="delete from [dbo].[cond_discount] ; delete from [dbo].[coupon_discount];" \ " delete from [dbo].[reg_discount] ; delete from [dbo].[products_key_words];" \ " delete from [dbo].[shopping_carts]; delete from [dbo].[user_rules];" \ " delete from [dbo].[products]; delete from [dbo].[stores]; delete from [dbo].[users];" try: SQL.update(delete_tables_query) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "deleted tables successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot delete tables")
def show_cart_db(username, store_number): get_products = "select sh.catalog_number, sh.amount, sh.price_per_product, " \ "from [dbo].[shopping_carts] as sh join [dbo].[products] as p " \ "on sh.catalog_number=p.catalog_number where username='******' and exists (select catalog_number from [dbo].[products] " \ "where catalog_number = sh.catalog_number and store_number=" + str(store_number) + ")" try: get_products = SQL.select_from_db(get_products) return MessageResponse(get_products, 1, "Successful retrieval of shopping cart") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(None, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about shopping cart")
def authentication_db(user_name, password): op = "SELECT * FROM dbo.users WHERE " \ "USERNAME = '******' and password=HASHBYTES('SHA2_512','" + password + "')" try: result = SQL.select_from_db(op) if len(result) == 1: return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The authentication is succeeded") else: return MessageResponse(False, 1, "The authentication is failed") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Some details are wrong")
def add_coupon_discount_db(catalog_number, discount_percentages, double_deals, start_time, end_time): delete_coupon_discount = "delete from [dbo].[coupon_discount] where catalog_number=" + str(catalog_number) insert_coupon_discount = "insert into [dbo].[coupon_discount] values(" + str(catalog_number) + ", " + \ str(discount_percentages) + "," + str(double_deals) + ", '" + \ start_time + "', '" + end_time + "')" try: SQL.update(delete_coupon_discount) SQL.update(insert_coupon_discount) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The coupon discount added successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot add this coupon discount")
def remove_product_from_store_db(catalog_number): delete_store = "delete from [dbo].[cond_discount] where catalog_number =" + str(catalog_number) + \ " delete from [dbo].[coupon_discount] where catalog_number =" + str(catalog_number) + \ " delete from [dbo].[products_key_words] where catalog_number =" + str(catalog_number) + \ " delete from [dbo].[reg_discount] where catalog_number =" + str(catalog_number) + \ " delete from [dbo].[shopping_carts] where catalog_number =" + str(catalog_number) + \ " delete from [dbo].[products] where catalog_number =" + str(catalog_number) try: SQL.update(delete_store) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The product was removed successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot remove this product")
def can_the_user_remove_him(username, store_number, appointed_username): appointed = appointed_username while 1: appoint_username = "******" + \ appointed + "' and store_number=" + str(store_number) try: appoint_username = SQL.select_from_db(appoint_username) except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, "Cannot retrieve data about the username") if appoint_username[0][0] == appointed: return MessageResponse(True, "The username cannot remove this owner") if appoint_username[0][0] == username: return True appointed = appoint_username[0][0]
def is_product_in_store_db(self, store_number, catalog_number): there_is_store = show_store_db(store_number) if there_is_store.val is None: return there_is_store if len(there_is_store.val) == 0: return MessageResponse(False, 1, "There is no such store in the system") there_is_product_in_store = 'select * from [dbo].[products] where store_number=' + str(store_number) + \ ' and catalog_number=' + str(catalog_number) try: there_is_product_in_store = SQL.select_from_db(there_is_product_in_store) except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot get this details about store_number and product") if len(there_is_product_in_store) == 0: return MessageResponse(False, 1, "There is no such product in the store") return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The product is exist in the store")
def add_owner_db(username_appoints, username_appointed, store_number): get_owner = "select * from dbo.user_rules where username='******' and store_number=" + \ str(store_number) insert_owner = "INSERT INTO dbo.user_rules VALUES ('" + username_appointed + "','" + str(store_number) + "','" + \ str(4) + "','" + username_appoints + "')" try: get_owner = SQL.select_from_db(get_owner) except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot find appoints username") if len(get_owner) == 1: try: SQL.update(insert_owner) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "New owner was added to the store") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot add this owner") return MessageResponse(False, 1, "Cannot add this username to the store's owners")
def remove_subscriber_db(username, user_to_remove): check_username_of_admin = "select username from [dbo].[user_rules] where username='******' and state_id=2" try: check_username_of_admin = SQL.select_from_db(check_username_of_admin) except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot get this username") if len(check_username_of_admin) == 0: return MessageResponse(True, 1, "This username is not an Admin") delete_user = "******" + user_to_remove + "' " + \ "delete from [dbo].[shopping_carts] where username='******' " + \ "delete [dbo].[users] where username='******' " try: SQL.update(delete_user) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The user removed successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot remove this user")
def remove_store_manager_db(username, store_number, appointed_username): check_if_in_manager = is_in_rule_in_the_store_db(appointed_username, "STORE_MANAGER", store_number) if (check_if_in_manager is not True) and (check_if_in_manager is not False): return check_if_in_manager elif check_if_in_manager is False: return MessageResponse(False, 1, "The appointed username is'nt a manager of this store") can_the_user_remove_the_manager = can_the_user_remove_him(username, store_number, appointed_username) if can_the_user_remove_the_manager is not True: return can_the_user_remove_the_manager delete_appointed_username = "******" + appointed_username + \ "' and store_number=" + str(store_number) try: SQL.update(delete_appointed_username) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "This manager was removed successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "The deletion failed")
def open_new_store_db(name, supervisor_username, account_number, minimum_products, maximum_products, minimum_age): # need to check why you cannot open store, because of its name ? create_store = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[stores] ([name], [supervisor_username], [account_number], [minimum_products]" \ ", [maximum_products], [minimum_age]) VALUES ('" + name + "','" + supervisor_username + "'," + \ str(account_number) + "," + str(minimum_products) + "," + str(maximum_products) + "," \ + str(minimum_age) + ") " scope = "DECLARE @scope int SET @scope = CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int) " rules = " INSERT INTO [dbo].[user_rules] values ('" + supervisor_username + "',@scope," + str(4) + \ ",'" + supervisor_username + "')" final_insert = create_store + scope + rules try: SQL.update(final_insert) get = "select top(1) store_number from [dbo].[stores] order by store_number desc" get = SQL.select_from_db(get) return MessageResponse(get, 1, "New store: " + name + " was opened by the user: "******"cannot open this store")
def is_in_rule_in_the_store_db(username, rule, store_number): check_if_in_rule = "select username from [dbo].[user_rules] where username='******' and store_number=" + str(store_number) + "and state_id=" \ "(select state_id from [dbo].[states] where state='" + rule + "')" try: check_if_in_rule = SQL.select_from_db(check_if_in_rule) return len(check_if_in_rule) == 1 except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about the username")
def create_new_product_db(name, price, amount, category, store_number, key_words, minimum_products, maximum_products, minimum_age): create_product = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[products] ([name], [price], [category], [store_number], [amount] ," \ "[minimum_products], [maximum_products], [minimum_age]) VALUES ('" + name + "'," + str(price) + \ ",'" + category + "'," + str(store_number) + "," + str(amount) + "," + str(minimum_products) + \ "," + str(maximum_products) + "," + str(minimum_age) + ") " scope = "DECLARE @scope int SET @scope = CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int) " create_key_word = "" for key_word in key_words: create_key_word += "INSERT INTO [dbo].[products_key_words] values (@scope, '" + key_word + "' )" final_create_product_sql = create_product + scope + create_key_word try: SQL.update(final_create_product_sql) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The product added successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot add this new product to the system")
def close_store_db(username, store_number): check_if_user_with_rule = "select username from [dbo].[user_rules] where store_number=" + str(store_number) + \ " and username='******'" try: check_if_user_with_rule = SQL.select_from_db(check_if_user_with_rule) except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about the username") if len(check_if_user_with_rule) == 0: return MessageResponse(False, 1, "The user isn't an owner or manager of this store") check_if_close = "select is_enable from [dbo].[stores] where is_enable=0" try: check_if_close = SQL.select_from_db(check_if_close) except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Cannot retrieve data about the store") if len(check_if_close) != 0: return MessageResponse(False, 1, "The store is already close") update_store_state = "update [dbo].[stores] set is_enable=0 where store_number=" + str(store_number) delete_from_cart = "delete from [dbo].[shopping_carts] where exists " \ "(select catalog_number from [dbo].[products] as p where p.catalog_number=catalog_number " \ "and p.store_number=" + str(store_number) + ")" try: SQL.update(update_store_state) SQL.update(delete_from_cart) return MessageResponse(True, 1, "The store was closed successfully") except Exception as e: return MessageResponse(False, 0, "Problems with the close of the store")