Example #1
def create_pic(test_num, names, model_name):
    if not names[model_name]:
        name = '1'
        name = str(max(names[model_name]) + 1)

    folder_name = 'result_' + model_name[-1]
    if model_name[-1] == '1':
        score = model.predict(test_num, 1, folder_name, name)
    elif model_name[-1] == '2':
        score = model.predict(test_num, 2, folder_name, name)
    elif model_name[-1] == '3':
        score = model.predict(test_num, 3, folder_name, name)
    return name, score
async def create_prediction(filename: str = ""):
    Creates a new prediction using the model. This method must be called after the init() method has run
    at least once, otherwise this will fail with a HTTP Error. When given a filename, the server will create a
    file-like object of the image file and pass that to the predict() method.

    :param filename: Image file name for an image stored in shared Docker volume photoanalysisserver_images
    :return: JSON with field "result" containing the results of the model prediction.

    # Ensure model is ready to receive prediction requests
    if not model_settings.ready_to_predict:
        raise PredictionException()

    # Attempt to open image file
        image_file = open('src/images/' + filename, 'r')
    except IOError:
        logger.debug('Unable to open file: ' + filename)
        return JSONResponse(status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
                                "Invalid file name provided: [" + filename +
                                "]. Unable to find image on server."

    # Create prediction with model
    result = predict(image_file)

    return {'status': 'success', "result": result}
Example #3
def info():
    returns the text required from the subject and topic given.

    :return: the information required.
    # extracting information on the query
    user_email = request.args.get('email')
    topic = request.args.get('topic')
    subject = request.args.get('subject')

    print(f'email: {user_email}, topic: {topic}, subject: {subject}')

    # gathering information of the student from the database
    student_info = database.get_student_info(user_email)
    # print(f'student details: {student_info}')

    # predicting the marks of the student.
    marks = model.predict(student_info, subject)
    print(f'the marks of the student is: {marks}')

    # getting the information.
    info = database.get_info_file(subject, topic)

    # getting the text depending on the student marks.
    if marks < 20:
        info = info["Weak"]
    elif 20 <= marks <= 70:
        info = info["Average"]
        info = info["Intelligent"]

    return jsonify({'status': 200, 'info': info})
Example #4
def main(request):
    """Responds to any HTTP request.
        request (flask.Request): HTTP request object.
        The response text or any set of values that can be turned into a
        Response object using
        `make_response <http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/api/#flask.Flask.make_response>`.
    request_json = request.get_json()
    # @TODO add any request validations that you need
    result = predict(model=model, input=request_json)
    return jsonify(result)
Example #5
def predict_image(image_hash, image_file_name, server_port, model_name):

    result = predict(image_file_name)  # Create prediction on model

    try:  # Send prediction results back to server
        headers = {'api_key': API_KEY}
        r = requests.post('http://host.docker.internal:' + server_port +
                              'model_name': model_name,
                              'image_hash': image_hash,
                              'results': result
    except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout,
        print('Unable to send prediction results to server. Hash: "' +
              image_hash + '"')
Example #6
async def create_prediction(image_file: UploadFile = File(...)):
    Creates a new prediction using the model. This method must be called after the init() method has run
    at least once, otherwise this will fail with a HTTP Error. When given a filename, the server will create a
    file-like object of the image file and pass that to the predict() method.

    :param filename: Image file name for an image stored in shared Docker volume photoanalysisserver_images
    :return: JSON with field "result" containing the results of the model prediction.

    # Ensure model is ready to receive prediction requests
    if not model_settings.ready_to_predict:
        raise PredictionException()

    # Create prediction with model
    result = predict(image_file)

    return {
        'status': 'success',
        "result": result
Example #7
from src.model.model import predict, load_model

model = load_model()

def {{.FunctionName}}(event, context):
    """Responds to any HTTP request.
        event (usually a dict): An event is a JSON-formatted document that contains 
        data for a Lambda function to process.
        context: This object provides methods and properties that provide information 
        about the invocation, function, and runtime environment. 
        If the handler returns objects that can't be serialized by json.dumps, 
        the runtime returns an error. 
    # @TODO add any request validations that you need
    return predict(model=model, input=event)
Example #8
def main():
    request_json = request.get_json()
    # @TODO add any request validations that you need
    result = predict(model=model, input=request_json)
    return jsonify(result)
Example #9
from flask import jsonify

from src.model.model import predict, load_model

model = load_model()

def {{.FunctionName}}(request):
    """Responds to any HTTP request.
        request (flask.Request): HTTP request object.
        The response text or any set of values that can be turned into a
        Response object using
        `make_response <http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/api/#flask.Flask.make_response>`.
    request_json = request.get_json()
    # @TODO add any request validations that you need
    result = predict(model=model, input=request_json)
    return jsonify(result)
Example #10
def test_predict(input_dict, expected, test_model):
    result = model.predict(test_model, input_dict)
    assert result == expected