Example #1
def test_increase_food(set_up_nest):
    position, color, size, health = set_up_nest
    food_amount = 3.5
    nest = Nest(position, color, size, health)
    amount_tested = nest.food
    assert food_amount == amount_tested
Example #2
def test_nest_creation(nest_creation_fixed):
    position, player, size, health = nest_creation_fixed
    nest = Nest(position, player, size, health)
    assert (nest.position == position).all()
    assert nest.owner == player
    assert nest.size == size
    assert nest.health == health
Example #3
def test_update(set_up_nest):
    health1 = 5
    health2 = -3
    position, color, size, health = set_up_nest
    nest1 = Nest(position, color, size, health1)
    new_position1 = nest1.update(health1)
    assert ((new_position1 == position).all())
    nest2 = Nest(position, color, size, health2)
    new_position2 = nest2.update(health2)
    assert new_position2 is None
Example #4
from src.model.ant import Ant
from src.model.nest import Nest
from src.utils import array
import numpy as np

nest = Nest(position=array([0, 0]), color='red', size=10, health=100)
ant = Ant(color='red', home_nest=nest)

def test_move_has_food():
    ant.has_food = True
    ant.position = array([10, 0])
    position = ant.move([])
    # asserting that y-move is towards the nest
    assert np.isclose(position, array([9,
                                       0])).all(), 'incorrect y-move direction'
    # asserting that the position is updated
    assert np.isclose(ant.position, position).all(), 'position not updated'
    ant.position = array([0, 10])
    position = ant.move([])
    # asserting that x-move is towards the nest
    assert np.isclose(position, array([0,
                                       9])).all(), 'incorrect x-move direction'

def test_move_randomly():
    ant.has_food = False
    ant.position = array([0, 0])
    ant.momentum = array([0, 0])
    previous_position = array(ant.position)
    position = ant.move([])
Example #5
def test_increase_food(increase_food_fixed):
    food_amount = increase_food_fixed
    position = array.array('f', [0.5, 0.5])
    nest = Nest(position, "red", 2, 1)
    amount_tested = nest.increase_food(0.5)
    assert food_amount == amount_tested
Example #6
def test_nest_creation(nest_creation_fixed):
    position, color, size, health = nest_creation_fixed
    nest = Nest(position, color, size, health)
    assert nest.position[:] == position[:] and nest.color == color and nest.size == size and nest.health == health
Example #7
def test_decrease_health(set_up_nest):
    position, color, size, health = set_up_nest
    damage = 5
    nest = Nest(position, color, size, health)
    assert nest.health == health - damage
Example #8
def set_up_environment():
    player = Player(name="Nobody", color=(178, 58, 238))
    nest = Nest(position=array([0., 0.]), player=player, size=10., health=100.)
    ant = Worker(player=player, home_nest=nest, speed=1)
    return player, nest, ant