def updateCGPAForAllStudents(): for student in cgpa = GPACalculator.calculateGpaForStudent(student) update_student = Student() update_student.roll = student.roll update_student.cgpa = cgpa studentDAO = StudentDAO() if (cgpa is not None): studentDAO.createOrUpdateModel(update_student)
def updateCGPAForAllStudents(): for student in cgpa = GPACalculator.calculateGpaForStudent(student) update_student = Student() update_student.roll = student.roll update_student.cgpa = cgpa studentDAO = StudentDAO() if(cgpa is not None): studentDAO.createOrUpdateModel(update_student)
def __init__(self): try: School.create_table() UserType.create_table() Application.create_table() Users.create_table() ApplicationPermission.create_table() Device.create_table() OSContainer.create_table() SessionInfo.create_table() Student.create_table() Teacher.create_table() except peewee.InternalError as e: print(str(e))
def __init__(self, controller): self.__controller = controller = Store() self.student = Student(model=self, controller=self.__controller) self.activity = Activity(controller=self.__controller,
def readEntry(self, roll): try: student = Student.get(Student.roll == roll) except Exception: print("Error: invalid roll number") return None return student
def getAllStudents(self): try: list_students = [student for student in] except Exception: print("Exception occurred.") traceback.print_exc() return None return list_students
def getStudentsByBatch(self, department, year_of_passing, course): try: list_students = [student for student in == department) & (Student.batch_passing_year == year_of_passing) & (Student.course == course))] except: print("Exception occurred") traceback.print_exc() return [] return list_students
def getStudentsByBatch(self, department, year_of_passing, course): try: list_students = [ student for student in (Student.department == department) & (Student.batch_passing_year == year_of_passing) & (Student.course == course)) ] except: print("Exception occurred") traceback.print_exc() return [] return list_students
def add_student(): # часть функционала обрабатывает GET, а часть POST запросы, сделаем условие form = StudentForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): name = email = phone = try: student = Student(name=name, email=email, phone=phone) db.session.add(student) db.session.commit() except: print('Что -то пошло не так') return redirect(url_for('students.index')) # возврат на пустую форму #form = StudentForm() # иначе вернем форму return render_template('student/add_student.html', form=form)
def create_new_user(self, username, password, query): try: new_user = Users() new_user.user_name = username new_user.hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()) new_user.school_id = query.school_id new_user.first_name = query.first_name new_user.last_name = query.last_name new_user.user_type = query.user_type = new_user.profession = query.profession if query.user_type.lower() == "teacher": new_teacher = Teacher() new_teacher.user_id = new_user.user_id new_teacher.has_system_access = True response.body = json.dumps({ 'success': 'Successfully created teacher ' + new_user.user_name + ' with id ' + str(new_user.user_id), 'id': new_user.user_id }) response.status = 200 elif query.user_type.lower() == "student": new_student = Student() new_student.user_id = new_user.user_id new_student.has_system_access = False response.body = json.dumps({ 'success': 'Successfully created student ' + new_user.user_name + ' with id ' + str(new_user.user_id), 'id': new_user.user_id }) response.status = 200 else: response.body = json.dumps({'error': 'Unknown user type'}) response.status = 500 except Exception as e: response.body = json.dumps({'error': str(e)}) response.status = 500 return response
x = elem.text.split(':') # print(x) if ('SGPA' in x[0]): # print('yes',x[1].strip()) try: gpa_value = float(x[1].strip()) except Exception: print("Exception occurred in extracting GPA") traceback.print_exc() else: gpa_flag = True if (gpa_flag): list_td = soup.find_all("td", attrs={ "align": "center", "class": "underlineresult" }) for elem in list_td: text = elem.text.strip() if ("^0012105010", text)): class_roll = text if (gpa_flag and class_roll): print(exam_roll, class_roll, gpa_value) student = Student() student.roll = class_roll student.gpa5 = gpa_value studentDAO = StudentDAO() studentDAO.createOrUpdateModel(student) except Exception: print("Exception occurred") traceback.print_exc()
studentDAO = StudentDAO() studentDAO.createOrUpdateModel(studentDAO.dictionaryToModel(dict)) # for student in # cgpa = GPACalculator.calculateGpaForStudent(student) #GPACalculator.updateCGPAForAllStudents() # studentDAO = StudentDAO() # list_students = studentDAO.getStudentsByBatch("CSE", "2016", "BE")#[student for student in] # list_students_2 = studentDAO.getStudentsByBatch("IT", "2016", "BE") # list_students = list_students + list_students_2 # for student in list_students: # print(, student.roll) if (write_flag): studentDAO = StudentDAO() list_students = [ student for student in Student.course, Student.department, Student.batch_passing_year, Student.roll) ] #print(list_students) csvDatabaseWriter = CsvDatabaseWriter(*fieldnames_write) print(fieldnames_write) list_students_dictionaries = [ student.__dict__.get('_data') for student in list_students ] #print(list_students_dictionaries) csvDatabaseWriter.dictionaryListToCsv(csv_write_filename, *list_students_dictionaries)
list_strong = soup.find_all("strong") for elem in list_strong: # print("item: ") # print(elem.text) x = elem.text.split(':') # print(x) if('SGPA' in x[0]): # print('yes',x[1].strip()) try: gpa_value = float(x[1].strip()) except Exception: print("Exception occurred in extracting GPA") traceback.print_exc() else: gpa_flag = True if(gpa_flag): list_td = soup.find_all("td", attrs={"align":"center", "class":"underlineresult"}) for elem in list_td: text = elem.text.strip() if("^0012105010", text)): class_roll = text if(gpa_flag and class_roll): print(exam_roll, class_roll, gpa_value) student = Student() student.roll = class_roll student.gpa5 = gpa_value studentDAO = StudentDAO() studentDAO.createOrUpdateModel(student) except Exception: print("Exception occurred") traceback.print_exc()
def createDictonary(self, student): try: Student.create(**student) except Exception: print("Error: unable to update database entry") traceback.print_exc()
dict_list = csv_reader.csvToDictionaryList(csv_read_filename) print(dict_list) for dict in dict_list: print(dict) studentDAO = StudentDAO() studentDAO.createOrUpdateModel(studentDAO.dictionaryToModel(dict)) # for student in # cgpa = GPACalculator.calculateGpaForStudent(student) #GPACalculator.updateCGPAForAllStudents() # studentDAO = StudentDAO() # list_students = studentDAO.getStudentsByBatch("CSE", "2016", "BE")#[student for student in] # list_students_2 = studentDAO.getStudentsByBatch("IT", "2016", "BE") # list_students = list_students + list_students_2 # for student in list_students: # print(, student.roll) if(write_flag): studentDAO = StudentDAO() list_students = [student for student in, Student.department, Student.batch_passing_year, Student.roll)] #print(list_students) csvDatabaseWriter = CsvDatabaseWriter(*fieldnames_write) print(fieldnames_write) list_students_dictionaries = [student.__dict__.get('_data') for student in list_students] #print(list_students_dictionaries) csvDatabaseWriter.dictionaryListToCsv(csv_write_filename, *list_students_dictionaries)
def dictionaryToModel(self, dictionary): student = Student() for key in dictionary: setattr(student, key, dictionary[key]) return student