def calculate(process_name, tasks, results): print('[%s] evaluation routine starts' % process_name) while True: new_value = tasks.get() if new_value == "None": print('[%s] evaluation routine quits' % process_name) # Indicate finished results.put(-1) break else: # Initialise icestupa object location = new_value icestupa = Icestupa(location) # Derive all the input parameters icestupa.derive_parameters() # icestupa.read_input() # Generate results icestupa.melt_freeze() # Summarise and save model results # Read Output # icestupa.read_output() # Create figures for web interface icestupa.summary_figures() # Compute result and mimic a long-running task compute = icestupa.df.iceV.max() # Output which process received the value print('[%s] received value: %s' % (process_name, new_value)) print('[%s] calculated max ice volume: %.1f' % (process_name, compute)) # Add result to the queue results.put(compute) return
# level=logging.WARNING, level=logging.INFO, logger=logger, ) answers = dict( # location="Schwarzsee 2019", location="Guttannen 2021", # location="Gangles 2021", run="yes", # run="no", ) # Initialise icestupa object # icestupa = Icestupa(answers["location"], params='best') icestupa = Icestupa(answers["location"]) if answers["run"] == "yes": # Derive all the input parameters icestupa.derive_parameters() # Generate results icestupa.melt_freeze(test=True) # icestupa.melt_freeze() # Summarise and save model results # Create figures for web interface icestupa.summary_figures() else:
CB91_Blue = "#2CBDFE" CB91_Green = "#47DBCD" CB91_Pink = "#F3A0F2" CB91_Purple = "#9D2EC5" CB91_Violet = "#661D98" CB91_Amber = "#F5B14C" # index = pd.date_range(start ='1-1-2022', # end ='1-1-2024', freq ='D', name= "When") # df_out = pd.DataFrame(columns=locations,index=index) fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(locations), 1, sharex='col') for i, location in enumerate(locations): SITE, FOLDER = config(location) icestupa = Icestupa(location) icestupa.read_output() icestupa.self_attributes() variance = [] mean = [] evaluations = [] data = un.Data() # filename1 = FOLDER['sim']+ "SE_full.h5" filename1 = FOLDER['sim'] + "full.h5" filename2 = FOLDER['sim'] + "fountain.h5" # filename1 = FOLDER['sim']+ "efficiency.h5" # print(data) if location == 'schwarzsee19':
sys.path.append( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))) from src.utils.settings import config from src.models.methods.metadata import get_parameter_metadata from src.models.icestupaClass import Icestupa if __name__ == "__main__": locations = ["gangles21", "guttannen21"] # locations = ['guttannen21', 'gangles21'] # locations = ['guttannen21'] for ctr, location in enumerate(locations): SITE, FOLDER = config(location) icestupa = Icestupa(location) icestupa.read_output() print(icestupa.df.loc[icestupa.df.Discharge > 0, 'Discharge'].count()) print(icestupa.df.loc[icestupa.df.fountain_froze >= SITE['D_F'] * 60, 'fountain_runoff'].count()) icestupa.df.loc[icestupa.df.Qfreeze == 0, 'Qfreeze'] = np.nan icestupa.df.loc[icestupa.df.Qmelt == 0, 'Qmelt'] = np.nan icestupa.df.loc[icestupa.df.Discharge == 0, 'fountain_froze'] = np.nan icestupa.df['melted'] /= 60 icestupa.df['fountain_froze'] /= 60 print(icestupa.df.fountain_froze.max()) icestupa.df = icestupa.df.rename( {
# params = ['IE', 'A_I', 'Z', 'SA_corr', 'DX'] # params = ['DX', 'SA_corr'] params = ['Z', 'SA_corr', 'DX'] kind = ['volume', 'area'] sns.set(style="darkgrid") fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(kind), ncols=len(params), sharey="row", figsize=(18, 8)) for obj in kind: # Creating an empty Dataframe with column names only dfx = pd.DataFrame(columns=params) for ctr, location in enumerate(locations): icestupa = Icestupa(location) SITE, FOLDER = config(location) icestupa.read_output() file_path = 'cv-' + obj + '-' file_path += '-'.join('{}'.format(key) for key in params) df = pd.read_csv(FOLDER['sim'] + file_path) df = df.set_index('rmse').sort_index().reset_index() df['params'] = df['params'].apply(literal_eval) num_selected = int(0.1 * df.shape[0]) num_total = df.shape[0] print() print("\tObjective %s Site %s" % (obj, location)) print("\tSelected %s out of %s" % (num_selected, num_total))
sys.path.append( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))) from src.utils.settings import config from src.models.methods.metadata import get_parameter_metadata from src.models.icestupaClass import Icestupa if __name__ == "__main__": # locations = ["gangles21", "guttannen21"] locations = ["gangles21"] fig, ax = plt.subplots() for ctr, location in enumerate(locations): SITE, FOLDER = config(location) icestupa = Icestupa(location) icestupa.read_output() icestupa.df = icestupa.df[:icestupa.last_hour] df = icestupa.df[[ "Qs", "Ql", "SW", "LW", "Qf", "Qg", "SA", "T_a", "v_a", "RH", "Discharge",
from src.utils.settings import config if __name__ == "__main__": # Main logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) coloredlogs.install( fmt="%(funcName)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", level=logging.WARNING, # level=logging.INFO, logger=logger, ) location = 'schwarzsee19' # Initialise icestupa object icestupa = Icestupa(location) # Derive all the input parameters icestupa.derive_parameters() with cProfile.Profile() as pr: # Generate results icestupa.melt_freeze() # # Summarise and save model results # icestupa.summary() # # Create figures for web interface # icestupa.summary_figures() stats = pstats.Stats(pr) stats.sort_stats(pstats.SortKey.TIME) stats.print_stats("get_temp")
] zip_iterator = zip(names, names_label) param_dictionary = dict(zip_iterator) evaluations = [] percent_change = [] efficiency_change = [] site = [] param = [] result = [] freeze_rate = [] melt_rate = [] fig, ax = plt.subplots() for location in locations: SITE, FOLDER = config(location) icestupa = Icestupa(location) icestupa.read_output() icestupa.self_attributes() feature_name = "efficiency" = (icestupa.M_water + icestupa.M_ice) / icestupa.M_input * 100 for j in range(0, icestupa.df.shape[0]): if icestupa.df.loc[j, "fountain_froze"] != 0: freeze_rate.append([ get_parameter_metadata(location)["shortname"], j, icestupa.df.loc[j, "fountain_froze"] / 60, ]) if icestupa.df.loc[j, "melted"] != 0:
location = "built at", # ( "Guttannen 2021","Gangles 2021", "Diavolezza 2021","Guttannen 2020", "Schwarzsee 2019"), # ("Guttannen 2021", "Gangles 2021", "Guttannen 2020", "Schwarzsee 2019"), # ("Guttannen 2021", "Gangles 2021", "Guttannen 2020", "Schwarzsee 2019"), ("Gangles 2021", "Guttannen 2021", "Guttannen 2020"), # ("Guttannen 2021", "Guttannen 2020", "Schwarzsee 2019"), ) # location = "Gangles 2021" # trigger = "Manual" SITE, FOLDER = config(location) icestupa = Icestupa(location) icestupa.read_output() icestupa.self_attributes() df_in = icestupa.df ( input_cols, input_vars, output_cols, output_vars, derived_cols, derived_vars, ) = vars(df_in) # df_in = df_in[df_in.columns.drop(list(df_in.filter(regex="Unnamed")))] # df_in = df_in.set_index("When")
fmt="%(funcName)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", level=logging.ERROR, logger=logger, ) answers = dict( # location="Schwarzsee 2019", location="Guttannen 2021", # location="Gangles 2021", trigger="Manual", ) # Get settings for given location and trigger SITE, FOUNTAIN, FOLDER, *args = config(answers["location"]) # Initialise icestupa object icestupa = Icestupa(answers["location"]) cmap = # define the colormap norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-100, vmax=0) sm =, norm=norm) sm.set_array([]) filename = FOLDER["sim"] + "/DX_sim.csv" filename2 = FOLDER["sim"] + "/DX_sim.h5" figures = FOLDER["sim"] + "/DX_sim.pdf" filename = FOLDER["sim"] + "/Tune_sim.csv" figures = FOLDER["sim"] + "/Tune_sim.pdf" df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=",")
fmt="%(funcName)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", # level=logging.WARNING, level=logging.INFO, logger=logger, ) # locations = ['gangles21', 'guttannen21', 'guttannen20'] locations = ['gangles21', 'guttannen21'] fig, ax = plt.subplots() custom_colors = sns.color_palette("Set1", len(locations)) for i, location in enumerate(locations): SITE, FOLDER = config(location) icestupa = Icestupa(location) icestupa.self_attributes() icestupa.read_output() # icestupa.df = icestupa.df[1:-1] icestupa.df = icestupa.df[1:icestupa.last_hour - 1] df_c = pd.read_csv( FOLDER["raw"] + location + "_drone.csv", sep=",", header=0, parse_dates=["When"], ) # a_pred = [] # a_true = df_c.Area.values