def test_lm_fit(self): my_lm = lm("y~.", data=df1) self.assertEqual(my_lm.intercept, 1.0) self.assertEqual(my_lm.coefs[1], 3.5) my_lm = lm("y~.-1", data=df2) self.assertEqual(my_lm.coefs[0], 1.5)
def test_lm_predict_c(self): """ This is further extension to the project, making sure the not implemented error is raised """ predict_df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [0, 1]}) my_lm = lm("y~.", data=df1) self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: my_lm.predict(predict_df, interval='c'))
def test_lm_summary(self): """ testing if the summary returned has the correct formula used for the model """ formula = "y~." my_lm = lm(formula, data=df1) summary = my_lm.summary(print_summary=False) lm_summary_formula = summary.splitlines()[2].split(',')[0].split( '=')[1].strip() self.assertEqual(formula, lm_summary_formula)
def test_lm_predict(self): """ Testing the predicted values for the linear model, to make sure the closed form solution works as expected """ predict_df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [0, 1]}) expected_y = [1, 4.5] my_lm = lm("y~.", data=df1) y_hat = my_lm.predict(predict_df, interval=None) self.assertListEqual(y_hat.tolist(), expected_y)
def test_lm_plot_all(self): my_lm = lm("y~.", data=df1) self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: my_lm.plot(which=None))
def test_lm_plot_3(self): """ Testing to see if the plot was created and no error happened while creating the plot""" my_lm = lm("y~.", data=df1) my_lm.plot(which=3)
import pandas as pd from src.utility.FormulaParser import FormulaParser from src.models.lm import lm from src.models.knnRegressor import knnRegressor from src.models.knnClassifier import knnClassifier from src.models.BaseModel import BaseModel if __name__ == "__main__": model_formula = FormulaParser('dist~speed', ["speed", "dist"]) df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [0, 0, 1, 1], "y": [0, 2, 4, 5]}) print('Data to fit the model: \n', df) my_lm = lm("y~.", data=df) my_lm.summary() # df1 = pd.DataFrame({"x": [0, 0, 1, 1], "y": [0, 2, 4, 5]}) predict_df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [0, 1]}) my_lm = lm("y~.", data=df1) my_lm.summary() y_hat = my_lm.predict(predict_df) print(y_hat) my_knn = knnRegressor("y~.", data=df1) print(my_knn.predict(df1)) df2 = pd.DataFrame({"x": [0, 1, 2, 3], "y": [0, 0, 1, 1]})