Example #1
def _get_mutual_inf_KNN(a):
    Gets mutual information using EQQ algorithm for given data.
    i, j, ph1, ph2 = a
    return i, j, MI.knn_mutual_information(ph1, ph2, k = 32, dualtree = True)
Example #2
    def _process_matrix(self, jobq, resq):
        while True:
            a = jobq.get() # get queued input

            if a is None: # if it is None, we are finished, put poison pill to resq
                break # break infinity cycle
                i, j, ph1, ph2, method = a # compute stuff
                if method == "MPC":
                    # get phase diff
                    diff = ph1 - ph2
                    # compute mean phase coherence
                    coh = np.power(np.mean(np.cos(diff)), 2) + np.power(np.mean(np.sin(diff)), 2)
                    resq.put((i, j, coh))

                elif method == "MIEQQ":
                    resq.put((i, j, MI.mutual_information(ph1, ph2, algorithm = 'EQQ2', bins = 4, log2 = False)))

                elif method == "MIKNN":
                    resq.put((i, j, MI.knn_mutual_information(ph1, ph2, k = 32, dualtree = True)))

                elif method == "MIGAU":
                    corr = np.corrcoef([ph1, ph2])[0, 1]                    
                    mi = -0.5 * np.log(1 - np.power(corr, 2)) if corr < 1. else 0
                    resq.put((i, j, mi)) 

                elif method == "COV":
                    resq.put((i, j, np.cov(ph1, ph2, ddof = 1)[0,1]))

                elif method == "CORR":
                    resq.put((i, j, st.pearsonr(ph1, ph2)[0]))

                elif method == "WCOH":
                    # input field must be wave from wavelet!!!!
                    w1 = np.complex(0, 0)
                    w2 = w1; w3 = w1
                    for t in range(0, self.time.shape[0]):
                        w1 += ph1[t] * np.conjugate(ph2[t])
                        w2 += ph1[t] * np.conjugate(ph1[t])
                        w3 += ph2[t] * np.conjugate(ph2[t])
                    w1 /= np.sqrt(np.abs(w2) * np.abs(w3))
                    resq.put((i, j, np.abs(w1)))

                elif method[0] == 'L':
                    p = int(method[1])
                    res = 0
                    for t in range(ph1.shape[0]):
                        res += np.power(np.abs(ph1[t] - ph2[t]), p)
                    resq.put((i, j, np.power(res, 1./p)))