def generate_hos_actual(data, config): # generate an additional data column for actual hospitalized # only do this when the mean of the actuals are zero delay_rec = get_mean(config['delayREC']) delay_hos = get_mean(config['delayHOS']) delay_hosrec = get_mean(config['delayHOSREC']) delay_hosd = get_mean(config['delayHOSD']) delay_icu = get_mean(config['delayICUCAND']) delay_icud = get_mean(config['delayICUD']) delay_icurec = get_mean(config['delayICUREC']) hosfrac = get_mean(config['hosfrac']) dfrac = get_mean(config['dfrac']) t_max = np.size(data[:, I_HOSCUM]) time = np.linspace(1, t_max, int(t_max)) icufrac = read_icufrac_data(config, time, 0) # icufrac =config['ICufrac'] icudfrac = get_mean(config['icudfrac']) hos = data[:, I_HOS] if np.sum(np.cumsum(hos)) > 0.1: return data # else include the hospitalised column hoscum = data[:, I_HOSCUM] fracs = [hosfrac, dfrac, icufrac, icudfrac] delays = [ delay_rec, delay_hos, delay_hosrec, delay_hosd, delay_icu, delay_icud, delay_icurec ] dataprocess = do_hospitalization_process(hoscum, delays, fracs) hos = dataprocess[:, OP_HOS] hos = hos[:, None] icucum = dataprocess[:, OP_ICUCUM] # print ('day icufrac icucum') # for i, ic in enumerate(icucum): # if (i<t_max): # print (time[i], icufrac[i], ic) datanew = np.concatenate((data[:, 0:6], hos), axis=-1) return datanew
def generate_zero_columns(data, config): # generate 3 additional data column (0 is first column index_ # 4 hospitalized cumulative, # 5 ICU # 6 days = data[:, I_TIME] tests = data[:, I_INF] dead = data[:, I_DEAD] #n = np.ndarray.size(days) delay_hos = get_mean(config['delayHOS']) delay_hos2 = delay_hos + 1 / get_mean(config['gamma']) delay_hosd = get_mean(config['delayHOSD']) icufrac = read_icufrac_data(config, days, 0) icudfrac = get_mean(config['icudfrac']) dfrac = get_mean(config['dfrac']) delay_icud = get_mean(config['delayICUD']) hoscum = days * 0.0 hoscumcreate = 'none' try: hoscumcreate = config['hoscumcreate'] except: pass if (hoscumcreate == 'dead'): hoscum1 = (1 - icufrac) * gauss_smooth_shift( dead, delay_hosd, 0, 1.0 / (dfrac - icufrac * icudfrac)) hoscum2 = (icufrac) * gauss_smooth_shift(dead, delay_icud, 0, 1.0 / (icudfrac)) hoscum = hoscum1 + hoscum2 elif (hoscumcreate == 'confirmed'): try: rate_hoscumfromconfirmed = config['rate_hoscumfromconfirmed'] except: pass hoscum = gauss_smooth_shift(tests, delay_hos2, 0, rate_hoscumfromconfirmed) icu = days * 0.0 hosact = days * 0.0 datanew = np.concatenate( (data[:, 0:4], hoscum[:, None], icu[:, None], hosact[:, None]), axis=-1) datanew = generate_hos_actual(datanew, config) return datanew
def save_and_plot_prior_and_posterior(results, fwd_args, config, base_filename, t_obs, data, calibration_mode, output_index, save_plots, save_files, plothammer=False): # Save plots, CSV's, and return the organized data # Initialize variables outpath = os.path.join( os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0], 'output', base_filename) calmodes = [S_HOS, S_ICU, S_HOSCUM, S_DEAD, S_INF, S_ALPHARUN] o_indices = [O_HOS, O_ICU, O_HOSCUM, O_DEAD, O_CUMINF, O_ALPHARUN] y_obs_s = [ data[:, I_HOS], data[:, I_ICU], data[:, I_HOSCUM], data[:, I_DEAD], data[:, I_INF], [] ] # useworldfile = config['worldfile'] # if (useworldfile): # calmodes = [ S_DEAD] # o_indices = [ O_DEAD] # else: # # check if I_HOS is present in the data, if not generate it # print('number of columns in data ', data.shape[1]) # print('number of rows in data ', data.shape[0]) # ncol = data.shape[1] # data = generate_hos_actual(data, config) prior = results['fw'][0] posterior = results['fw'][-1] date_1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(config['startdate'], "%m/%d/%y") time = fwd_args['time'] - fwd_args['time_delay'] times = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in time] p_values = config['p_values'] steps = np.arange(1, time.max() + 1) t_ind = [np.where(time == a)[0][0] for a in steps] h_pvalues = ['P' + str(int(100 * a)) for a in p_values] header = 'time,mean,' + ','.join(h_pvalues) + ',observed' # Initialize variables for the plots if save_plots: t_obs = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in t_obs] titles = [ 'Hospitalized', 'ICU', 'Hospitalized Cum.', 'Mortalities', 'Infected', '1-$\\alpha$' ] y_label = [ 'Number of cases', 'Number of cases', 'Number of cases', 'Number of cases', 'Number of cases', '1-$\\alpha$' ] symcolors = [['powderblue', 'steelblue'], ['peachpuff', 'sandybrown'], ['lightgreen', 'forestgreen'], ['silver', 'grey'], ['mistyrose', 'lightcoral'], ['violet', 'purple']] transparency = max(min(5.0 / len(prior), 1), 0.05) y_maxdef = config['YMAX'] y_maxhos = y_maxdef * get_mean(config['hosfrac']) y_maxicu = y_maxhos * get_mean(config['ICufrac']) y_maxdead = y_maxhos * get_mean(config['dfrac']) * 4 y_maxinf = y_maxdef * 10 y_max = [y_maxhos, y_maxicu, y_maxhos * 4, y_maxdead, y_maxinf, 1.0] casename = '' try: casename = config['plot']['casename'] except: print('No casename in plot parameters') pass posterior_prior_data = {} for i, calmode in enumerate(calmodes): output_index = o_indices[i] y_obs = y_obs_s[i] print(calmode, output_index) # Prepare prior data prior_curves = np.array([member[output_index, :] for member in prior]).T prior_mean = np.mean(prior_curves, axis=-1) # Prepare posterior data posterior_curves = np.array( [member[output_index, :] for member in posterior]).T post_mean = np.mean(posterior_curves, axis=-1) post_med = np.median(posterior_curves, axis=-1) if save_plots: title = titles[i] symcolor = symcolors[i] ymax = y_max[i] ylabel = y_label[i] # Save prior plot color = 'green' if np.size(y_obs) > 0: plt.scatter(t_obs, y_obs, marker='o', c='k', label='Data') plt.plot(times, prior_curves, alpha=transparency, c=color) plt.plot(times, prior_mean, lw=2, c=color, label='Mean of prior') plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval( (times[config['XMAX']] - date_1).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.xlim(date_1, times[config['XMAX']]) plt.ylim(0, ymax) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title(title + ' prior ensemble') plt.savefig('{}_prior_ensemble_{}.png'.format(outpath, calmode), dpi=300) plt.close() # Plot posterior isicu = (calmode == S_ICU) try: figure_size = config['plot']['figure_size'] assert len(figure_size) == 2 plt.figure(figsize=figure_size) except: pass if (isicu) and plothammer: try: # try to read hammer # consider to plot the analyse_hammer results path = '{}_hammer_diagnostics{}.csv'.format(outpath, '' '') data = np.genfromtxt(path, names=True, delimiter=',') th_trig = data['daymon'] h_icurate = data['icurate'] h_icu = data['icu'] th_max = data['daymax'] h_icupeak = data['icumax'] slope_max = config['hammer_slope'] th_plot = [ date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in th_trig ] plt.scatter(th_plot, h_icu, c=h_icurate, vmin=0, vmax=slope_max, marker='o', s=8) th_plot = [ date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in th_max ] plt.scatter(th_plot, h_icupeak, c=h_icurate, vmin=0, vmax=slope_max, marker='o', s=8) cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label("daily ICU", labelpad=+1) except: print('no hammer entries in ', path) pass # Save posterior plots color = 'blue' if np.size(y_obs) > 0: plt.scatter(t_obs, y_obs, marker='o', c='k', label='Data') plt.plot(times, posterior_curves, alpha=transparency, c=color) plt.plot(times, post_mean, lw=2, ls=':', c=color, label='Mean of posterior') plt.plot(times, post_med, lw=2, c=color, label='Median of posterior') plt.xlim(date_1, times[config['XMAX']]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval( (times[config['XMAX']] - date_1).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.ylim(0, ymax) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title(title + ' posterior ensemble') plt.savefig('{}_posterior_ensemble_{}.png'.format( outpath, calmode), dpi=300) plt.xlim(date_1, times[-1]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval((times[-1] - date_1).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.savefig('{}_posterior_ensemble_{}_longterm.png'.format( outpath, calmode), dpi=300) plt.ylim(0, posterior_curves.max()) plt.savefig('{}_posterior_ensemble_{}_longterm_alt.png'.format( outpath, calmode), dpi=300) plt.close() # Save results to CSV posterior_prior_data[calmode] = save_posterior_and_prior( posterior_curves, t_ind, p_values, y_obs, steps, post_mean, outpath, calmode, config, header, save_files) # Save alpha results to CSV posterior_prior_data['alpha'] = save_prior_and_posterior_alpha( results, config, steps, outpath, save_files) return posterior_prior_data
def plot_confidence(outpath, config, inputdata, firstdate): calmodes = [S_HOS, S_ICU, S_HOSCUM, S_DEAD, S_INF, S_ALPHARUN] o_indices = [O_HOS, O_ICU, O_HOSCUM, O_DEAD, O_CUMINF, O_ALPHARUN] titles = [ 'Hospitalized', 'ICU', 'Hospitalized Cum.', 'Mortalities', 'Infected', '1-$\\alpha$' ] y_label = [ 'Number of cases', 'Number of cases', 'Number of cases', 'Number of cases', 'Number of cases', '1-$\\alpha$' ] symcolors = [['powderblue', 'steelblue'], ['peachpuff', 'sandybrown'], ['lightgreen', 'forestgreen'], ['silver', 'grey'], ['mistyrose', 'lightcoral'], ['plum', 'mediumorchid']] y_obs_s = [ inputdata[:, I_HOS], inputdata[:, I_ICU], inputdata[:, I_HOSCUM], inputdata[:, I_DEAD], inputdata[:, I_INF], [] ] y_maxdef = config['YMAX'] y_maxhos = y_maxdef * get_mean(config['hosfrac']) y_maxicu = y_maxhos * get_mean(config['ICufrac']) y_maxdead = y_maxhos * get_mean(config['dfrac']) * 4 y_maxinf = y_maxdef * 5 y_max = [y_maxhos * 1.5, y_maxicu, y_maxhos * 4, y_maxdead, y_maxinf, 1] casename = '' try: casename = config['plot']['casename'] except: print('No casename in plot parameters') pass daily = False try: daily = config['plot']['daily'] except: print( 'No daily in plot parameters, assuming cumulative display of mortalities and hospitalized cum. Infected, ICU and hospitalized plotted as actual' ) pass nolegend = False try: nolegend = config['plot']['nolegend'] except: print( 'No daily in plot parameters, assuming cumulative display of mortalities and hospitalized cum. Infected, ICU and hospitalized plotted as actual' ) pass x_obs = inputdata[:, 0] xmax = config['XMAX'] time_delay = config['time_delay'] xmax = xmax + time_delay # make four output plots for hospitalized, cum hospitalized, dead, and hosm for i, calmode in enumerate(calmodes): output_index = o_indices[i] y_obs = None title = titles[i] symcolor = symcolors[i] y_obs = y_obs_s[i] ymax = y_max[i] ylabel = y_label[i] if (daily): if ((i == 2) or (i == 3) or (i == 4)): y_obs = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.diff(y_obs))) title = 'Daily ' + titles[i] ymax = ymax * 0.1 # read the modelpath = '{}_posterior_prob_{}_calibrated_on_{}.csv'.format( outpath, calmode, config['calibration_mode']) modeldata = np.genfromtxt(modelpath, names=True, delimiter=',') conf_level = [a for a in modeldata.dtype.names if 'P' in a] if (daily): if ((i == 2) or (i == 3) or (i == 4)): for ilevel, cl in enumerate(conf_level): modeldata[cl] = np.concatenate( (np.array([0]), np.diff(modeldata[cl]))) modeldata['mean'] = np.concatenate( (np.array([0]), np.diff(modeldata['mean']))) time = modeldata['time'] mean = modeldata['mean'] dolabel = True # fig, ax = plt.subplots() try: figure_size = config['plot']['figure_size'] assert len(figure_size) == 2 plt.figure(figsize=figure_size) except: plt.figure() date_1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(firstdate, "%m/%d/%y") t = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in time] plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval((t[xmax] - t[0]).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.plot(t, mean, label='Mean (Expectation value)', c='k', lw=0.5) symcolor = symcolors[i] ls = ['-', '--'] for ilevel, cl in enumerate(conf_level[2:-2]): plt.plot(t, modeldata[cl], label=cl, c='k', ls=ls[ilevel], lw=0.25) for iconf in range(0, 2): conf_range = float(conf_level[-1 - iconf].strip('P')) - float( conf_level[iconf].strip('P')) c = symcolor[iconf] plt.fill_between( t, modeldata[conf_level[iconf]], modeldata[conf_level[-1 - iconf]], label='{}% confidence interval'.format(conf_range), color=c) if np.size(y_obs) > 0: x_days = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in x_obs] plt.scatter(x_days, y_obs, c='k', label='data', marker='o', s=8) plot_hammer = False try: plot_hammer = config['plot']['hammer'] except: pass if (plot_hammer and (i == 1)): # consider to plot the analyse_hammer results path = '{}_hammer_diagnostics{}.csv'.format(outpath, '' '') data = np.genfromtxt(path, names=True, delimiter=',') th = data['daymon'] hicurate = data['icurate'] hicupeak = data['icumax'] slope_max = config['hammer_slope'] try: thplot = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in th] plt.scatter(thplot, hicupeak, c=hicurate, vmin=0, vmax=slope_max, marker='o', s=8) if (not nolegend): cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label("daily ICU", labelpad=+1) except: print('no hammer entries in ', path) pass plt.grid(True) legendloc = 'upper left' try: legendloc = config['plot']['legendloc'] except: print('No legendloc plot parameters, taking', legendloc) pass if (not nolegend): plt.legend(loc=legendloc) if (dolabel): plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=12) title = title + ' ' + casename if (not nolegend): plt.title(title) if (config['plot']['y_axis_log']): plt.yscale('log') if (ymax > 0): plt.ylim(1, ymax) else: plt.yscale('linear') plt.ylim(0, ymax) # plt.savefig('Hospital_cases_log.png', dpi=300) #plt.xlim([t[0], t[-1]]) plt.xlim([t[0], t[xmax]]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval((t[xmax] - t[0]).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() if (not dolabel): frame1 = plt.gca() for xlabel_i in frame1.axes.get_xticklabels(): xlabel_i.set_visible(False) xlabel_i.set_fontsize(0.0) outputpath = '{}_posterior_prob_{}_calibrated_on_{}.png'.format( outpath, calmode, config['calibration_mode']) plt.savefig(outputpath, dpi=300) if np.size(y_obs) > 0: # Have to make a new plot to change the size plt.figure(figsize=plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]) plt.plot(t, mean, label='Mean (Expectation value)', c='k', lw=0.5) for ilevel, cl in enumerate(conf_level[2:-2]): plt.plot(t, modeldata[cl], label=cl, c='k', ls=ls[ilevel], lw=0.25) for iconf in range(0, 2): conf_range = float(conf_level[-1 - iconf].strip('P')) - float( conf_level[iconf].strip('P')) c = symcolor[iconf] plt.fill_between( t, modeldata[conf_level[iconf]], modeldata[conf_level[-1 - iconf]], label='{}% confidence interval'.format(conf_range), color=c) if y_obs.any(): x_days = [ date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in x_obs ] plt.scatter(x_days, y_obs, c='k', label='data', marker='o', s=8) plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Number of cases') plt.title(title) plt.yscale('linear') legendloc = 'lower right' try: legendloc = config['plot']['legendloczoom'] except: print('No legendloczoom plot zoom parameters, taking', legendloc) pass plt.yscale('linear') plt.legend(loc=legendloc) inow = np.size(y_obs) i1 = inow - 15 i1 = max(0, i1) # ax.axvline(x=inow, color='silver') i2 = i1 + 25 plt.xlim([t[i1], t[i2]]) if (dolabel): plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter( mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval((t[i2] - t[i1]).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.ylim(np.min(modeldata[conf_level[0]][i1:i2]), np.max(modeldata[conf_level[-1]][i1:i2])) outputpath = '{}_posterior_prob_{}_calibrated_on_{}_zoom.png'.format( outpath, calmode, config['calibration_mode']) plt.savefig(outputpath, dpi=300) plt.close()
def plot_prior_and_posterior(results, fwd_args, config, configpath, t_obs, data, calibration_mode, output_index): # Plot prior base = (os.path.split(configpath)[-1]).split('.')[0] outpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0], 'output', base) date_1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(config['startdate'], "%m/%d/%y") t_obs = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in t_obs] calmodes = [S_HOS, S_ICU, S_HOSCUM, S_DEAD, S_INF] o_indices = [O_HOS, O_ICU, O_HOSCUM, O_DEAD, O_CUMINF] # useworldfile = config['worldfile'] # if (useworldfile): # calmodes = [ S_DEAD] # o_indices = [ O_DEAD] # else: # # check if I_HOS is present in the data, if not generate it # print('number of columns in data ', data.shape[1]) # print('number of rows in data ', data.shape[0]) # ncol = data.shape[1] # data = generate_hos_actual(data, config) titles = [ 'Hospitalized', 'ICU', 'Hospitalized cum', 'Mortalities', 'infected' ] # ['lightcoral', 'brown'] # ['mistyrose', 'lightcoral'], symcolors = [['powderblue', 'steelblue'], ['peachpuff', 'sandybrown'], ['lightgreen', 'forestgreen'], ['gainsboro', 'silver'], ['mistyrose', 'lightcoral']] y_obs_s = [ data[:, I_HOS], data[:, I_ICU], data[:, I_HOSCUM], data[:, I_DEAD], data[:, I_INF] ] y_maxdef = config['YMAX'] y_maxhos = y_maxdef * get_mean(config['hosfrac']) y_maxicu = y_maxhos * get_mean(config['ICufrac']) y_maxdead = y_maxhos * get_mean(config['dfrac']) * 4 y_maxinf = y_maxdef * 10 y_max = [y_maxhos, y_maxicu, y_maxhos * 4, y_maxdead, y_maxinf] casename = '' try: casename = config['plot']['casename'] except: print('No casename in plot parameters') pass for i, calmode in enumerate(calmodes): output_index = o_indices[i] title = titles[i] symcolor = symcolors[i] y_obs = y_obs_s[i] ymax = y_max[i] prior = results['fw'][0] transparancy = min(5.0 / len(prior), 1) print(calmode, output_index) prior_curves = np.array([member[output_index, :] for member in prior]).T time = fwd_args['time'] - fwd_args['time_delay'] times = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in time] prior_mean = np.mean(prior_curves, axis=-1) color = 'green' plt.scatter(t_obs, y_obs, marker='o', c='k', label='Data') plt.plot(times, prior_curves, alpha=transparancy, c=color) plt.plot(times, prior_mean, lw=2, c=color, label='Mean of prior') plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval( (times[config['XMAX']] - date_1).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.xlim(date_1, times[config['XMAX']]) plt.ylim(0, ymax) plt.xlabel('Time [days]') plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.ylabel('Number of cases') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title(title + ' prior ensemble') plt.savefig('{}_prior_ensemble_{}.png'.format(outpath, calmode), dpi=300) plt.close() # Plot posterior posterior = results['fw'][-1] posterior_curves = np.array( [member[output_index, :] for member in posterior]).T post_mean = np.mean(posterior_curves, axis=-1) post_med = np.median(posterior_curves, axis=-1) color = 'blue' plt.scatter(t_obs, y_obs, marker='o', c='k', label='Data') plt.plot(times, posterior_curves, alpha=transparancy, c=color) plt.plot(times, post_mean, lw=2, ls=':', c=color, label='Mean of posterior') plt.plot(times, post_med, lw=2, c=color, label='Median of posterior') plt.xlim(date_1, times[config['XMAX']]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval( (times[config['XMAX']] - date_1).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.ylim(0, ymax) plt.xlabel('Time [days]') plt.ylabel('Number of cases') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title(title + ' posterior ensemble') plt.savefig('{}_posterior_ensemble_{}.png'.format(outpath, calmode), dpi=300) plt.xlim(date_1, times[-1]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval((times[-1] - date_1).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.savefig('{}_posterior_ensemble_{}_longterm.png'.format( outpath, calmode), dpi=300) plt.ylim(0, posterior_curves.max()) plt.savefig('{}_posterior_ensemble_{}_longterm_alt.png'.format( outpath, calmode), dpi=300) plt.close() p_values = config['p_values'] p_array = [] steps = np.arange(1, time.max() + 1) t_ind = [np.where(time == a)[0][0] for a in steps] posterior_length = posterior_curves.shape[1] for post_day in posterior_curves[t_ind, :]: array_sorted = np.sort(post_day) p_array.append( [array_sorted[int(posterior_length * p)] for p in p_values]) h_pvalues = ['P' + str(int(100 * a)) for a in p_values] header = 'time,mean,' + ','.join(h_pvalues) + ',observed' p_array = np.asarray(p_array) observed = np.pad(y_obs, (0, len(steps) - len(y_obs)), mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)[:, None] table = np.concatenate( (steps[:, None], post_mean[t_ind, None], p_array, observed), axis=1) np.savetxt('{}_posterior_prob_{}_calibrated_on_{}.csv'.format( outpath, calmode, config['calibration_mode']), table, header=header, delimiter=',', comments='', fmt='%.2f') # save calibrated alfa values over time mnames = results['mnames'] mvalues = results['mvalues'] dayalpha1 = config['dayalpha'] dayalpha = np.array(dayalpha1) # posterior alpha = np.zeros(np.size(dayalpha)) alpha_sd = np.zeros(np.size(dayalpha)) # priors alpha0 = np.zeros(np.size(dayalpha)) alpha0_sd = np.zeros(np.size(dayalpha)) icount = 0 for j, val in enumerate(mnames): if val == 'a': alpha0[icount] = mvalues[j][0] alpha0_sd[icount] = mvalues[j][1] alpha[icount] = mvalues[j][2] alpha_sd[icount] = mvalues[j][3] icount += 1 names = ['posterior', 'prior'] for j in range(0, 2): alpha_t = np.zeros_like(steps) alpha_sd_t = np.zeros_like(steps) for k, dayr in enumerate(dayalpha): if (j == 0): alpha_t[steps.tolist().index(dayr):] = alpha[k] alpha_sd_t[steps.tolist().index(dayr):] = alpha_sd[k] else: alpha_t[steps.tolist().index(dayr):] = alpha0[k] alpha_sd_t[steps.tolist().index(dayr):] = alpha0_sd[k] p_values = [0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95] h_pvalues = ['P' + str(int(100 * a)) for a in p_values] header = 'time,' + ','.join(h_pvalues) p_array = np.asarray(p_array) observed = np.pad(y_obs, (0, len(steps) - len(y_obs)), mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)[:, None] p5 = alpha_t + alpha_sd_t * 1.96 p95 = alpha_t - alpha_sd_t * 1.96 p25 = alpha_t + alpha_sd_t * 0.69 p75 = alpha_t - alpha_sd_t * 0.69 table = np.concatenate((steps[:, None], p5[:, None], p25[:, None], alpha_t[:, None], p75[:, None], p95[:, None]), axis=1) np.savetxt('{}_{}_prob_{}_calibrated_on_{}.csv'.format( outpath, names[j], 'alpha', config['calibration_mode']), table, header=header, delimiter=',', comments='', fmt='%.2f')
def plot_confidence(configpath, config, inputdata, firstdate): base = (os.path.split(configpath)[-1]).split('.')[0] outpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0], 'output', base) calmodes = [S_HOS, S_ICU, S_HOSCUM, S_DEAD, S_INF] o_indices = [O_HOS, O_ICU, O_HOSCUM, O_DEAD, O_CUMINF] titles = [ 'Hospitalized', 'ICU', 'Hospitalized Cum.', 'Mortalities', 'Infected' ] #['lightcoral', 'brown'] #['mistyrose', 'lightcoral'], symcolors = [['powderblue', 'steelblue'], ['peachpuff', 'sandybrown'], ['lightgreen', 'forestgreen'], ['silver', 'grey'], ['mistyrose', 'lightcoral']] y_obs_s = [ inputdata[:, I_HOS], inputdata[:, I_ICU], inputdata[:, I_HOSCUM], inputdata[:, I_DEAD], inputdata[:, I_INF] ] y_maxdef = config['YMAX'] y_maxhos = y_maxdef * get_mean(config['hosfrac']) y_maxicu = y_maxhos * get_mean(config['ICufrac']) y_maxdead = y_maxhos * get_mean(config['dfrac']) * 4 y_maxinf = y_maxdef * 5 y_max = [y_maxhos, y_maxicu, y_maxhos * 4, y_maxdead, y_maxinf] casename = '' try: casename = config['plot']['casename'] except: print('No casename in plot parameters') pass daily = False try: daily = config['plot']['daily'] except: print( 'No daily in plot parameters, assuming cumulative display of mortalities and hospitalized cum. Infected, ICU and hospitalized plotted as actual' ) pass x_obs = inputdata[:, 0] xmax = config['XMAX'] time_delay = config['time_delay'] xmax = xmax + time_delay # make four output plots for hospitalized, cum hospitalized, dead, and hosm for i, calmode in enumerate(calmodes): output_index = o_indices[i] y_obs = None title = titles[i] symcolor = symcolors[i] y_obs = y_obs_s[i] ymax = y_max[i] if (daily): if ((i == 2) or (i == 3) or (i == 4)): y_obs = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.diff(y_obs))) title = 'Daily ' + titles[i] ymax = ymax * 0.1 # read the modelpath = '{}_posterior_prob_{}_calibrated_on_{}.csv'.format( outpath, calmode, config['calibration_mode']) modeldata = np.genfromtxt(modelpath, names=True, delimiter=',') conf_level = [a for a in modeldata.dtype.names if 'P' in a] if (daily): if ((i == 2) or (i == 3) or (i == 4)): for ilevel, cl in enumerate(conf_level): modeldata[cl] = np.concatenate( (np.array([0]), np.diff(modeldata[cl]))) modeldata['mean'] = np.concatenate( (np.array([0]), np.diff(modeldata['mean']))) time = modeldata['time'] mean = modeldata['mean'] # fig, ax = plt.subplots() try: figure_size = config['plot']['figure_size'] assert len(figure_size) == 2 plt.figure(figsize=figure_size) except: pass # plt.figure() date_1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(firstdate, "%m/%d/%y") t = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in time] plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval((t[xmax] - t[0]).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.plot(t, mean, label='Mean (Expectation value)', c='k', lw=0.5) symcolor = symcolors[i] ls = ['-', '--'] for ilevel, cl in enumerate(conf_level[2:-2]): plt.plot(t, modeldata[cl], label=cl, c='k', ls=ls[ilevel], lw=0.25) for iconf in range(0, 2): conf_range = float(conf_level[-1 - iconf].strip('P')) - float( conf_level[iconf].strip('P')) c = symcolor[iconf] plt.fill_between( t, modeldata[conf_level[iconf]], modeldata[conf_level[-1 - iconf]], label='{}% confidence interval'.format(conf_range), color=c) if y_obs.any(): x_days = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in x_obs] plt.scatter(x_days, y_obs, c='k', label='data', marker='o', s=8) plt.grid(True) legendloc = 'upper left' try: legendloc = config['plot']['legendloc'] except: print('No legendloc plot parameters, taking', legendloc) pass plt.legend(loc=legendloc) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Number of cases') title = title + ' ' + casename plt.title(title) # plt.yscale('log') # plt.savefig('Hospital_cases_log.png', dpi=300) plt.yscale('linear') #plt.xlim([t[0], t[-1]]) plt.xlim([t[0], t[xmax]]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval((t[xmax] - t[0]).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.ylim(0, ymax) outputpath = '{}_posterior_prob_{}_calibrated_on_{}.png'.format( outpath, calmode, config['calibration_mode']) plt.savefig(outputpath, dpi=300) if y_obs.any(): # Have to make a new plot to change the size plt.figure(figsize=plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]) plt.plot(t, mean, label='Mean (Expectation value)', c='k', lw=0.5) for ilevel, cl in enumerate(conf_level[2:-2]): plt.plot(t, modeldata[cl], label=cl, c='k', ls=ls[ilevel], lw=0.25) for iconf in range(0, 2): conf_range = float(conf_level[-1 - iconf].strip('P')) - float( conf_level[iconf].strip('P')) c = symcolor[iconf] plt.fill_between( t, modeldata[conf_level[iconf]], modeldata[conf_level[-1 - iconf]], label='{}% confidence interval'.format(conf_range), color=c) if y_obs.any(): x_days = [ date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in x_obs ] plt.scatter(x_days, y_obs, c='k', label='data', marker='o', s=8) plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Number of cases') title = title + ' ' + casename plt.title(title) plt.yscale('linear') legendloc = 'lower right' try: legendloc = config['plot']['legendloczoom'] except: print('No legendloczoom plot zoom parameters, taking', legendloc) pass plt.legend(loc=legendloc) inow = np.size(y_obs) i1 = inow - 15 i1 = max(0, i1) # ax.axvline(x=inow, color='silver') i2 = i1 + 25 plt.xlim([t[i1], t[i2]]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval((t[i2] - t[i1]).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.ylim(np.min(modeldata[conf_level[0]][i1:i2]), np.max(modeldata[conf_level[-1]][i1:i2])) outputpath = '{}_posterior_prob_{}_calibrated_on_{}_zoom.png'.format( outpath, calmode, config['calibration_mode']) plt.savefig(outputpath, dpi=300) plt.close()
def save_and_plot_IC(config, output_base_filename, save_plots): outpath = os.path.join( os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0], 'output', output_base_filename) firstdate = config['startdate'] direc = '.' # read icufracs from a datafile, these are try: ic_data_file = config['icdatafile'] except KeyError: print("No icdatafile in config, using '../res/icdata_main.txt'.") ic_data_file = '../res/icdata_main.txt' data = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(direc, ic_data_file), names=True) # Check if database has RIVM hospitalized data. If NOT, then delete that row if data[-1][-1] == 0: data = data[:-1] t = data['day'] tmin = t[0] tmax = t[-1] icucum_obs = data['icucum'] icudead_obs = data['icudead'] icurec_obs = data['icurec'] icupres_obs = data['icupres'] hosprec_obs = data['hosprec'] hoscum_obs = data['hoscum'] delay_hosrec = 0 delay_rec = get_mean(config['delayREC']) delay_hos = get_mean(config['delayHOS']) #delay_hosrec = get_mean(config['delayHOSREC']) delay_hosd = get_mean(config['delayHOSD']) delay_icu = get_mean(config['delayICUCAND']) delay_icud = get_mean(config['delayICUD']) delay_icurec = get_mean(config['delayICUREC']) hosfrac = get_mean(config['hosfrac']) dfrac = get_mean(config['dfrac']) rec_sd = to_gauss_smooth_sd(config['delayREC']) hos_sd = to_gauss_smooth_sd(config['delayHOS']) hosrec_sd = to_gauss_smooth_sd(config['delayHOSREC']) hosd_sd = to_gauss_smooth_sd(config['delayHOSD']) icu_sd = to_gauss_smooth_sd(config['delayICUCAND']) icud_sd = to_gauss_smooth_sd(config['delayICUD']) icurec_sd = to_gauss_smooth_sd(config['delayICUREC']) icufrac = 0.35 # icufrac =config['ICufrac'] icudfrac = get_mean(config['icudfrac']) names = [S_ICUCUM, S_ICUDEAD, S_HOSPREC, S_ICUPRES, S_ICUREC, S_HOSCUM] #y_obs = [icucum_obs, icudead_obs, icurec_obs, icupres_obs, hosprec_obs] y_obs = [ icucum_obs, icudead_obs, hosprec_obs + icurec_obs, icupres_obs, icurec_obs, hoscum_obs ] colors = [ 'maroon', 'black', 'darkgreen', 'coral', 'mistyrose', 'lightgreen' ] colors = [ 'royalblue', 'black', 'darkgreen', 'sandybrown', 'mistyrose', 'coral' ] nstart = 10 tstart = np.arange(-10, 1, 1) other0 = np.zeros(len(tstart)) t = np.concatenate((tstart, t), axis=-1) for i, y in enumerate(y_obs): y_obs[i] = np.concatenate((other0, y), axis=-1) icurate = 15 # 15 hosrate = 80 nend = 20 tend = np.arange(tmax + 1, tmax + nend, 1) icugrowth = (tend - tend[0] + 1) * icurate hosgrowth = (tend - tend[0] + 1) * hosrate other0 = np.zeros(len(tend)) t = np.concatenate((t, tend), axis=-1) for i, y in enumerate(y_obs): other = other0 + y[-1] if (i == I_ICUCUM): other = other + icugrowth if (i == I_HOSCUM): other = other + hosgrowth y_obs[i] = np.concatenate((y, other), axis=-1) icucum_obs = y_obs[0] icudead_obs = y_obs[1] icurec_obs = y_obs[2] icupres_obs = y_obs[3] hosprec_obs = y_obs[4] hoscum_obs = y_obs[5] gausssmooth_hosp = 1.5 gausssmooth_icu = 1.5 germanmax = 0 hoscum_pred = hoscum_obs hoscum_pred = gauss_smooth_shift(hoscum_obs, 0, gausssmooth_hosp) # estimate icu frac icucum = icucum_obs * 1.0 icucorrectgerman = icucum * 0.0 germandaily = 8.0 indexscale = np.asarray(np.where(t > 30)[0]) for i, index in enumerate(indexscale): ioffset = indexscale[0] iact = index icucorrectgerman[iact] = min(germanmax, (iact - ioffset) * germandaily) icucum = icucum_obs - icucorrectgerman #hos = dataprocess[:, OP_HOS] date_1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(firstdate, "%m/%d/%y") tplot = [date_1 + datetime.timedelta(days=a - 1) for a in t] dodirect = False if (dodirect): totalremoved = hosprec_obs + icurec_obs + icudead_obs exp_pres = icucum_obs - totalremoved obs_pres = icupres_obs dif = exp_pres - obs_pres icucum = np.roll(icucum, int(delay_icu)) icucum[:int(delay_icu)] = 0 icu_rechos = gauss_smooth_shift(icucum, delay_icurec, icurec_sd, scale=(1 - icudfrac)) icu_recfull = gauss_smooth_shift(icu_rechos, delay_hosrec, 0) # dead from icu icu_dead = gauss_smooth_shift(icucum, delay_icud, icud_sd, scale=icudfrac) icu = icucum - icu_dead - icu_rechos else: OP_HOS = 0 OP_HOSCUM = 1 OP_ICU = 2 OP_ICUCUM = 3 OP_REC = 4 OP_DEAD = 5 OP_ICUREC = 6 OP_ICUDEAD = 7 hosday2 = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.diff(hoscum_pred))) hosday = hosday2 * 1.0 hosday = np.clip(hosday, 1, max(hosday)) icuday2 = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.diff(icucum))) icuday = icuday2 * 1.0 icuday = gauss_smooth_shift(icuday, 0, gausssmooth_icu) icufrac = icuday / hosday icufrac = np.clip(icufrac, 0, 1) # Check if the icufrac file is defined in config, otherwise use the output_base_filename try: if config['output_base_filename'] == 'netherlands_dashboard': try: icufrac_filename = config['icufracfile'] except KeyError: print( "No icufracfile in config, using base filename {}_icufrac.txt" .format(output_base_filename)) # filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0], 'bin', 'output', output_base_filename) filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bin', 'output', output_base_filename) icufrac_filename = '{}_icufrac.txt'.format(filename) from pathlib import Path Path(os.path.split(icufrac_filename)[0]).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: raise KeyError except KeyError: try: filename = os.path.split(config['icufracfile'])[-1] # icufrac_filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0], 'output', filename) icufrac_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bin', 'output', output_base_filename) except KeyError: print( "No icufracfile in config, using base filename {}_icufrac.txt" .format(output_base_filename)) # filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0], 'output', output_base_filename) filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bin', 'output', output_base_filename) icufrac_filename = '{}_icufrac.txt'.format(filename) save_input_data(icufrac_filename, t, icufrac, tmin, tmax) if save_plots: fracs = [hosfrac, dfrac, icufrac, icudfrac] delays = [ delay_rec, delay_hos, delay_hosrec, delay_hosd, delay_icu, delay_icud, delay_icurec ] gauss_sd = [ rec_sd, hos_sd, hosrec_sd, hosd_sd, icu_sd, icud_sd, icurec_sd ] #gauss_sd = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, icud_sd, icurec_sd] r = gauss_smooth_shift(hoscum_pred, -delay_hos, hos_sd, scale=1.0 / hosfrac) dataprocess = do_hospitalization_process(hoscum_pred, delays, fracs, gauss_stddev=gauss_sd, removed=r) rec = dataprocess[:, OP_REC, None] hos = dataprocess[:, OP_HOS, None] icu = dataprocess[:, OP_ICU, None] icucum = dataprocess[:, OP_ICUCUM, None] icu_dead = dataprocess[:, OP_ICUDEAD, None] icu_recfull = dataprocess[:, OP_ICUREC, None] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.figure(figsize=(6.0, 6.0)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval( (tplot[nstart] - tplot[-nend]).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('number of cases', fontsize=12) width = 0.4 p1 =, icuday, width) p2 =, (hosday - icuday), width, bottom=icuday) outputpath = '{}_{}_{}.png'.format(outpath, 'ICanalysis', 'hosICU') #plt.title('daily hospitalization and ICU') plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0]), ('Daily ICU', 'Daily Hospitalized')) plt.xlim([date_1, tplot[-nend]]) # plt.xlim(tmin, tmax) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(outputpath, dpi=300) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval( (tplot[nstart] - tplot[-nend]).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.xlabel('Date') plt.title('daily intake ICU') plt.ylabel('fraction of daily hospitalization') width = 0.4 rel = np.clip(icuday / hosday, 0, 1) one = rel * 0.0 + 1.0 p1 =, rel, width) #p2 =, (one-rel), width, bottom=rel) outputpath = '{}_{}_{}.png'.format(outpath, 'ICanalysis', 'hosICU%') plt.xlim([date_1, tplot[-nend]]) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(outputpath, dpi=300) # if save_plots: y_pred = [icucum, icu_dead, icu_recfull, icu, icu_recfull, hoscum_pred] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.figure(figsize=(6.0, 6.0)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d %b')) day_interval = calc_axis_interval((tplot[nstart] - tplot[-nend]).days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.DayLocator(interval=day_interval)) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() for i, name in enumerate(names): name2 = name + ' - data' if (i != 4): #plt.scatter(tplot, y_obs[i], c=colors[i], label=name2, marker='o', s=8) plt.scatter(tplot, y_obs[i], c=colors[i], label=name, marker='o', s=8) name2 = name + ' - model' if (i != 4): #plt.plot(tplot, y_pred[i], c=colors[i], label=name2, lw=2) plt.plot(tplot, y_pred[i], c=colors[i], lw=2) #plt.scatter(t, exp_pres, c='b', label='icu pres (expected)', marker='o', s=8) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('number of cases', fontsize=12) title = 'ICU analysis' #plt.title(title) # plt.yscale('log') # plt.savefig('Hospital_cases_log.png', dpi=300) plt.yscale('linear') plt.xlim([date_1, tplot[-nend]]) plt.ylim(0, 3000) plt.grid(True) outputpath = '{}_{}_{}.png'.format(outpath, 'ICanalysis', 'data') plt.savefig(outputpath, dpi=300)